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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 334
Thread images: 97
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i want to die
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I'm into lolicon and molestation biographies and my boyfriend doesn't know
Why are you into them if you don't mind me asking?
Nudes of me have been posted on here, with a pic of my Facebook profile. Guys have written to me and somewhat tried to intimidate me, but I have always ended up talking so good for my case that they said they were sorry and then they left me alone. And I dont really freak out about it, the pics look great, so fuck it.

I want to have sex with a shemale that looks 100% like a woman, if you ignore the fact that he/she has a penis.
I've helped cover up a murder.
I am not really Shaquille O'Neal.
Ive helped my past 3 gfs to suck, fuck and get licked by a friends dog
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I guess it's mainly because they can be cute and sexual depending on what they want, plus their so small I could easy pick them up and cuddle them
I remember you from another secrets thread. Kinky little slut ;)
im probably a little bit gay
Once i injected pure alcohol to a dog, it dies
have you ever done it with a kid?

i draw loli, whats your email gooby?
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i dont hate niggers

Tend to be in every one if I come across them, a lot of the time I just get ignored though. Which thread were you talking about? Last few days, a week or so ago or... I think my first one was about a month ago something like that. I think I got drunk in that first one
Gay dude here. I'm totally into the ABDL thing. Every night I go to bed wearing a diaper, sucking on a pacifier and cuddling my teddy bear.

Not really a huge secret though - I have a lot of ABDL friends and we do horribly kinky shit with each other.
Good to see no one is posting.

The fist girl I kissed was a freak. Freckles, pale, fat, you name it.
Im 18 and i still wet the bed from time to time
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>done it with a kid

A fine choice of words there. And no I'd never touch a child


Nah, feel free to post some of your stuff and I'll let you know what I think of it
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I want to pick you up and cuddle you
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Last few days. I didn't participate I was just reading through.

I don't judge or kink shame in any way - hell I'm this guy >>678266543 lol
I just want someone to love ;-;

I don't hate blacks but I do hate niggers and coons.
Hot ;)
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I fucked my boss at work. I have a pregnant GF and she has no idea.
If you tell your secrets they stop being secrets.
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Oh you. I'm 5ft1 btw
not to everyone
I used to but then I stopped one day. Thank fucking god for that.
A co worker stole my first gay kiss. I am straight male. I never intended to kiss a guy. He just kissed me outta no where

Ah that would have been one of the ones in the morning, not my late drunken ones (which this one could very easily turn into) and don't worry I didn't think you were shaming me the smily face kinda said it all lol.

Jelly you've got mates that are into your stuff though, I'm too nervous to ever say I'm into lolicon, I know a chick or two that are into it but I'm not interested in them
I killed someone a while back.
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I'll lift and buy an exo skeleton, if there's a will there's a way
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Never really been a big fan of Spiderman, they should really make Star Trek the Animated series shitposting
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I am having an affair with a woman at work. It was only suppose to happen once but we've been fucking 3x a week for the past couple weeks.
I fucked her tonight.
Yeah, well, with my stuff you can act it out legally. I wouldn't suggest turning lolicon into the real thing, haha.

Have you ever considered age play? You could easily find someone to get into that with.
why haven't you told your bf?
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fuck spiderman raids they get a bit repetitive
Helped my friend work for some Mexican cartel shit because I really needed cash. Got to help execute this guy, it was pretty cool.
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I'd never harm a real child, there's no danger of that ever happening. Age play doesn't really do it for me, my boyfriend is taller than me so there's no chance of shota there (not that I'm into that) and though I'm short my tits are too big to pretend I'm a loli
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Ah, shame. Keep flicking your bean to pictures then, I guess. Best of luck to you sweetie ;)
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Because I know he won't be into it, whenever I've brought up anything sexual with someone underaged (cartoon, tv show etc) he essentially cringes, and he knows he can be honest with me. Hell he even freaked out when he saw some of my Star porn, managed to convince him it wasn't mine because I was in a rule 34 thread
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I am Half Mexican
I dont tell people because its not obvious unless you know my last name

They do, at least with STAS I'd giggle a bit. That being said from what I've seen they're in it for the porn and they do this to feel better
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I still have intense feelings for my Ex-girlfriend but I'm afraid acting on them and trying to date her will just get me hurt again
I messaged a girl on okcupid and asked "dtf?" and she's coming over. She's very vanilla, but tomorrow I'm going to show her a thing or two.

Yeah never really liked that term, dunno why just seems gross, maybe that's because wanking and jerking off seem much more normal terms. Later sugar have a good day/night
I'm a virgin.

Is it Rodriquez-Vasquez?

I've had multiple threesomes with my wife and best friend he's also fucked her solo. AMA
That sucks
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Sounds like something that would hurt to me
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okay thread but loli is fucking degenerate so I agree with >>678267060
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Can I bang your wife?
Wow you had a threesome - amazing *yawn*
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>le 14 year old me
>gets sick really easy for first time in life
>miss almost 3 straight weeks of school
>first day I go back
>wake up and walk in bathroom
>pull down underwear
>shit myself so bad while sleeping
>start to get ready to throw up smell is that bad
>roll up underwear and throw it in the trash
>tfw you're so sick you physically shit yourself
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What would? Flicking the bean, jerking off or wanking?
My dear anons, i am morbidly depressed. Im really good at hiding it to my family and coworkers, but deep inside im actually fragmented and no longer able to find anything exciting/interesting/enjoyable anymore.

For once in my life, dont i deserve happiness? Dont i deserve some respite in my life?
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I was molested by my cousin and my moms friends son. Now I'm a compulsive lair and a porn/sex addict. I hate myself and I hate touching me. The only thing I want to touch is my gf and I want my body to die.

I want to die because my expiration date was up years ago.

Pft that's hardly anything, you'll be fine just wait until you might be ready always carry protection
me and some kid when we were 8 years old 69'd
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I pretend to be little girls to bait then catch pedos

You say that like we care?
How do you live with yourself?
I like to be the 3rd in a 3some where incest is involved. Really like fathers watching me do their daughters.
Did you make it to 70?
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I'm politically active for gun control because part of my income has to do with illegal gun sales.

You sought out help yet?
i've been catfishing someone for 11 years
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flicking the bean

More to this?
Thanks anon. Should I try and wait or find a fwb and get it over with?
If there was a catfishing award, that would be some kind of winner. Wow... 11 years.
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You say that like it's okay to be a pedophile
I've cheated on every girlfriend I've ever had. Have yet to cheat on my current gf. We're 4 months in but I've been pretty damn close and probably will end up still cheating
I hate being a compulsive lair.
Probably not if we're being realistic. >>678268432
It's post your secrets not tell an amazing story but thanks.
It's not hard.

No it doesn't hurt, it's not even 'flicking' really, I mean you can do it for some but just remember the clit is essentially the tip of the penis, it's very sensitive
nice try you faggot

witness me
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Yeah it is ok, as long as you look and don't touch
counting is hard
No but it does start with Ro-
When people start to question I tell then Im Italian (which we are far back enough)
No I haven't because i cant bring myself to do it. I know that sounds like a cop out but i cant let anyone know that i am.

The worlds moving on so fast im getting left behind
>5'1'' grill
>I'll lift and buy an exo skeleton
guy plz, unless your even shorter than her i'm sure even a tiny amount of lifting is plenty


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I'm addicted to fapping, longest I've gone without it in the last 6 years was like 36 days, and even then I edged like crazy.

I really, really want to quit it. I don't need anybody on here telling me its harmless, to me it is harmful. I do it when I'm nervous and it leads me to procrastinate on getting work done or going to class or work. I also fuck better when I'm not binge fapping. Recently I went 8 straight days without fapping, looking at porn or edging and when I fucked my girlfriend I had a nice, solid, rock hard erection and made her finish within minutes. normally I can only get her off if I go down on her or finger her, I've only ever made her finish with just my dick a handful of times in the 3 years we've dated.

I'm not trying to measure my self worth on sex but things like that really boost my confidence and helps me be constructive with other things I take on. I need that confidence. I'm more addicted to that confidence than fapping itself, only problem is that fapping is short term pleasure and the confidence is long term and takes longer to actually kick in.

It's up to you, virginity can mean a lot or a little to different people.
Many people feel this way now because of how very little control we seem to have over our lives. The corporate run planet makes it so that they limit your choices you can make in life. In all of human history a person could be happy doing just about anything they desired, but now we are punished and ostracized for doing so. The world teaches you to either follow its doctrine or suffer, and most people suffer anyways because they know nothing but the modern world today.

You are not alone.

Get help or get used to it.
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secretly talking and meeting up a female friend behind gf's back, we talk about dirty things and we can mess around if i didn't feel so guilty
i want my friend to fuck me raw in my gay ass
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I'm insecure about my penis size.

4.5" erect
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Still a mental condition. You might as well be a trans faggot.

Why bother being with someone you're just going to hurt? Why not just fly solo for a while and literally fuck around?
Finally going to a Psychiatrist after a few years of hating myself, i found the confidence to ask my parents to send me and get help.

They think its for anxiety, which it kinda is

I just dont know how ill explain to them the real probelm is waking up breathing everyday.
Thanks for the advice. Appreciate it.
Fuck you.
<3 Gun owners

>Meet on neopets
>Was 12
>Female irl, made an account and pretended to be a guy
>Found female that I really enjoyed talking to
>Never asked for photos for years
>When asked I used classmate's photos
>Grew up
>Friends and only friends the entire time
>Been through family deaths and crazy times
>Great person to talk to and it's hard to let go
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sucks to be you.
with your slightly below average dick

and? I can understand why, no one wants people touching kids, I don't want that
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oh really masturbation doesn't hurt? what I meant was "flicking" it sounds like it would hurt
True facts right here.
I was fucking a bitch and the whole time I was thinking about the specifications of building a rear bar for my car and what torque I need to do the wheel bearings. After awhile I think fucks loose the fun. Different faces same shit.
Im on my way to help anon, at least i hope. I feel the same as you, i still have a bit of joy though but its like watching something bleed out.

Get help while you can please. Its ok.
Get good at licking pussy (or sucking dick, or both...whatever you're into).

It will not be a problem if you give good head (and it's unlikely to be a problem even if you don't).

That's what I said, flicking the bean is a broad term for just clit stimulation so while it doesn't hurt, when someone does 'flick' it it probably would. Dunno why they even call it that
Our clients are gun owners too, they just own them illegally and not government tracked. The harder it is to get them legally, the easier it is for us to make money on their illegal sales.

No problem anon, good luck with whatever you choose

Damn girl you're in deep, and I think the only way to get out of this is completely erase the person you're pretending to be off the internet and disappear from her life. Does she have any idea?
Completly different anon here. Overpriced?
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Am I being trolled?
Post pics
This is actually the perfect parallel to why drug lords love the drug war and want it to continue.
lol y'all are still talking about my off-the-cuff term for female masturbation?

Fine, we'll call it "double clicking your mouse"

That's less painful sounding and still cheeky <3
I'm in love with my sister
That's not a secret
I knew I had the herp before I got together with my gf and I didn't tell her.

Weve been dating a few years now and when I had a flare up I told her I went to the doctor about it and got diagnosed. I never went.
It's not a secret but more of a question? Would a husband willing leave his wife who loves to get fisted, anal, get pissed on, opened to anything.. Plus coming home to a home cooked meal everyday, cleans? Because he doesn't trust her?
Sometimes, depending on the demand. The handguns are usually cheaper, just has the stigma of being illegal or possible bodies on it. Assault weapons are almost always overpriced. Sniper rifles, shotguns, semi-auto rifles are usually cheaper.
I wrote racist things In the toilets
Flush twice kiwis take everything
Coons are just the same as a bicycle they can't work without a chain.
Someone accused someone else and they had a fight I watched and enjoyed it. Put forward ideas to stop graffiti. Kept doing it later on. The whole feeling of knowing it was you that did it and no one knows is awesome.

I think we're agree but still argueing... good porn though, I like you anon


I don't know! I also really like that term, I wouldn't even mind if it was just 'clicking the button' though yours is cute too
Do you guys carry milsurp?
Phrase your question in a way that makes sense?

So essentially she's down for everything but he can't trust her? I mean trust is very important but.. clean house, good cook, open for anything sexual.
I purposely go into the bad side of town and wear slutty clothes, hoping that I'll get raped.
My fiance, who is sitting next to me, does NOT know that I saw him masturbating with cauliflower. Up his butt. Flower end first.
Sorry.. Would a man leave a perfect wife for some insecurity he's dealing with ?

I used to do that when I was younger
Eat small animals raw in my basement after having them living in my house for a week

Prove it
Don't have a regular connection for that. We are more fixxers than suppliers, we are hook-up guys (middle men, delivery boys). Millitary surplus is kind of like winning the lottery for us. When they do come in, and they do rarely, there are a bunch of them... more than we can move before other fixxers join the feeding frenzy.
o.o.... oh
I'm a girl and I licked my boyfriends ass. He loved it.
Not the OP but I think what anon meant was would a husband leave his wife who would take great care of him and do anything sexual for him because he didn't trust her?
As for my answer, yes, trust is everything, that's a deal breaker for me HOWEVER I wouldn't leave my wife for something that small, I'd try and work it out with her first, then would leave if she became a liar.
Did it ever work?
Were you successful
You dumb cunt I'm in the same thread as you!
I'm gonna say yes.

Why is he insecure?
Someone just got busted.
I did a poo at work and put it in the bosses roof. In the false ceiling.
I stole a tv from a hotel I worked in by building a book case with a false backing. I sold drugs to a chef which they sold to another chef I went over and got to have my own drugs for free and then we fucked.
I turned down a threesome with two chick chefs because they wanted a reduction in buying price I denied it and charged them full. Fucked one later on.
One sec
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Ayyy you're a faggot
Gentlemen, we have a keeper.

>sees this
>next day goes to store
>honey I'm home
>and I brought dinner
>what is it dear
>dumps bags of cauliflower
>nothing but cauliflower
>rip of jacket
>cauliflower ductaped over tits
>rip of skirt
>cauliflower sticking out of you
>looks him dead in the eye
>produce packet of cheese sauce from behind your back
>I know anon, I know
Wife would tell her husband everything.. But she did cheat and told him before they even became husband and wife. The wife thought he had forgiven her.

Nah, I guess I was just around nice men, shame since I was a walking talking loli but I thought it was wrong so I never actually tried to do anything
I am in love with a girl I can never have, and I can't ever tell her

I take shit breaks at work even though I don't have to do. I do it so my co workers can do work while I get away with being lazy. I just sit there and mess around on my phone for about 10 minutes.

My car's mom tried to finger me in the back of my friend
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hate to turn this into a loli thread but it is a god damn image board
^Hey anons! I hear a voice from someone's Friiend Zone.
your car!?
No, it was strange looking at him for a few days. He kept asking me what was wrong but I just told him I was having bad anxiety, which he believed. I thought he was being healthy when our produce was getting used so quickly. I felt really sick when I realized that it was cauliflower I'd bought when I took my grandma shopping. It was for a fucking stew.
loli?? And it never worked?
Brutally rape her
Eat her crushed bones
Become alpha demon
Great, now I have that cartoon image in my head... cartoon porn image of... now my brain hurts.

Yeah I assume it was just because they were worried they'd get in trouble which they honestly would have even if I enjoyed it.


Eh I've seen enough dick rate, fluffy abuse, traps, fur etc etc threads that I deserve to post some random loli when I'm talking about it
I posted in one of these threads before,
but I'll post again since I didn't get attention before.

When I was 13, my younger sister, who I think was 5, was sleeping with me one night, and I decided to hump her ass until I came, and I think she was awake for it.

Later, when I was 16, another night my sister slept with me, I told her if she could "help me", and I explained what she had to do, and basically instructed her to jack me off, all while she was resting her head on my leg, looking at my cock.
When I came, some of it got on her face, and she just wiped it off.
I told her thank you, and she just smiled at me, and we both went to sleep.
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I compartmentalize my life.

It isn't really what specific secret I'm keeping, more like hundreds of different secrets from everyone I know. I am a different person in each section of my life and the people involved can never EVER meet or else I will be found out that I'm lying to everyone.

For example. The people I work with know a very different me than my 'friends' who know a very different me than my classmates who know a very different me than my fucking fiancee. This may sound relatively normal but to put it in perspective I can never be in a situation with a 'friend' and a co-worker at the same time because there is no way I can be someone they both know because it is so different and I have so much riding on my respective personalities. I can't be in a situation with my fiance and my 'friends' because the very basis of each version of me would shatter all relationships instantly.
Astheroth, why are you trolling 4chan? You are on nightmare duty, part of your hell service sentence for letting a soul out of hell. Get back to work or I'm reporting you to Mammon.
How old are you now?
After i fuck bitches I like to steal things from them. Small noticeable valueless things and then place them in other houses when I fuck more bitches.

yeah, without a doubt. fuck buddies can be found and maids can be hired, but a wife you trust? that takes years to build and many more to find.
Yes me'lord
sure. Insecurities prey on you, and make you wonder what the real truth is.

If the insecurity is about you it may come down to the fact that however perfect you think you are, you are less than perfect in his head.
I kick it with people in other dimensions sometimes
Does she remember any of this?
teach me your ways.
So you wanted it to happen but you'd tell on them if it did happen? Dafuq?
carry on anons. Not into loli myself but I'm into DD/lg, I appreciate the aesthetic
Thanks for showing me how to get to this dimension... nice to get out of that shithole.
i feel ya mah dude, 1st girl i kissed was 2 years ago she was cleft, flat nose, blech all over
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Im really insecure bout muh dick
Thanks for the words, i'll just sit out this Friday night alone, again.
I took a dump on somones driveway and watched them clean it the next day.
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He bought this toy, which being a good wife have been trying to accomplish his fetish and trying hard to make my asshole into a rose bud... I haven't had sex in 2 months , and toys are doing the deed anymore.
Sickens me to do with the El Salvador cartel. Just a bunch of rich people who are you doing ok? Listen I am not some God damn politic femanon. Fuck you batches.
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No as in no doubt they wanted to fuck me but I don't think they wanted to because they were worried they'd be arrested.
YOUR DICK IS... completely average.
Ive posted my wife here and one picture of her ass in a thong got reposted on Reddit and now has almost 30k views imgur. She doesn't know.
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I'll indulge you for the chance of making a brief connection with someone over something you can't talk to your friends about

Timestamp that shit
I'm sure she does, but I can't say.
Shut your goddamn dick off.
Bruh long as it fits in your hand and you get 3 mins of fun who cares you can't change it man live with it. Ps give it a scrub looks dirrrtay playah
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Well now I really believe that's your dick
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i have a third degree burn scar on my stomach that has ruined my confidence and pretty much guaranteed ill never have a gf, my family thinks im fine with it and likes to tease me about it all the time because all i did was drop a hot pan while cooking, in reality i'm ashamed and horrified at my own stupidity and will do anything to ensure no one sees or knows about it

pic related, trying to change the bandage after the burn tried to heal around it
Must make family dinners pretty awkward.

Are you in to kids? Or was it just curiosity?
Transcend Humanity and your belief of what is real

Proceed to be very strange for a long time

Wake up in different worlds

The shit to the best of my knowledge aint free

Walking on the other side has cost

Just remember nothing is Real

But everything is
Good rule of thumb is that reality no longer exist
Rules and concept of thought fade away

Gotta let go
That is average, your insecurity comes from people lying about their dick size.
where the fuck is her vagina hahahaha
More pics? Can't see shit in that one.
Cheating is an immediate deal breaker for me, sorry anon. I value monogamy more than anything. Maybe I'm just overly attached but I believe that when you settle and set a woman to be your wife, that's all you have eyes for. I'm aware everyone is different but that's me personally, I appreciate the honesty, I really do. But that in itself is something I wouldn't be able to live with.
Stop watching porn.
Never doubt what can Happen

I shit you not it may happen to you

Be warned traveler
Not really.
Tbh, it never came up again.
And it never really interfered with anything.
I'm just curious if she actually remembers, cause she's usually affectionate towards me even though I don't reciprocate.

And nah, it was just at that moment.
I was horny, and I asked for a handjob.
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Way too high up but hey, least we know the artist hasn't looked at too many little girls
my laziness holds me back in life and i've done nothing to improve
Yea, I made my mistake and I told him.. And after I promised myself to tell him everything, and be honest with everything.. Never talked to other men, or cheated after I confessed... It was more all in his head, he thinks I'm fucking other men right now, and the only thing I'm fucking is my toys, wishing I was still getting fucked by him
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You got any stories?

Are you into real life photos too, or just cartoons?
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I bought a butt plug recently. I'm not gay, just like a little bit of butt stuff. Sometimes, when I get really really horny, I wind up fantasizing about being gently pegged by someone I love. After I cum, I think that's ridiculous. I don't think I'd ever actually do it unless I fell in love with a really kinky girl who was really into the idea.

pic related. the plug.

Don't worry anon, if they don't like you because you have a scar on your stomach they're not worth your time. I can somewhat understand a face wound but stomach meh. My boyfriend has massive burn scars on both of his hands, has since he was a little kid. It's one of the way we bonded when we were younger because I used to call him Froggy

Not into actual CP, that involves hurting a child

Whoops forgot a picture
My best friend and I have been regularly sucking each other's dicks since about age 5 while maintaining otherwise straight lifestyles.

We started off slow and wouldn't do it very often when we were still young. The more we did it, the more we liked it though so eventually we had a routine that we'd follow every time. We would go to the other persons house for a sleep over, and we'd always end up playing truth or dare before we fall asleep, and at some point we would always dare the other person to lick our penis or feel it until it gets hard. Then we take turns doing more and more until we were full on sucking each others dick for 5 minutes at a time.

Once we hit about 13 we would still play truth or dare but it wasn't as good because we were starting to cum when we'd orgasm. We also stopped playing truth or dare by now and instead we would 69 for 5 minutes or so until we were super horny, and then we'd take turns finishing each other individually.

We basically stopped doing it once I moved to the next town after finishing highschool, but we still see each other once or twice a year. If we end up being alone at some point then we'll usually get on that topic and do it, but it's not nearly as regular as it used to be.
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sorry, i only ever took a few pics while changing the bandage after it had healed a bit, it sucked too much earlier on, and i obviously dont have any of it fully healed, but ill dump what i have for you anon
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I fantasize about killing people, to the point that i see people in public and think about how i would kill random strangers
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None of what it looks like now?

Chicks generally dig scars so I'm curios to know what you're worried about.
833785235 is my hoem number. Call discuss and I'll shoot drugs up your ass hole with me ready pipe to shit discount on your end up with a few days ago. The first time in my opinion that you have exceeded my expectations and not some God is not lex I have.
dont we all?

Everyone does at some point
Same, I am writing lots of fiction to vent those thoughts... better to maybe become a writer than to give in to being a monster.
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last one. it covers most of the right corner of my stomach down to the beginning of my pubic hair so they're a little close in to avoid showing people/docs my junk.
It looks pretty cool, honestly.

Way preferable to loads of body hair.
I'm more racist than my entire family combined. Not blanket "all blacks are niggers", but more "I'm completely OK with carpet bombing the ghettos of Detroit. Can I drop the first bomb?"
Shit I really do feel bad for you anon. I know mistakes happen and I really want to tell you that it's all going to be OK but something like this is too big to just push aside, shit takes years of dedication and even then everything may still not be the same.

Do you need to talk about it a bit more? I'm up all night at this point, I'm open to listen on here or on kik or whatever
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I was thinking more of like those "model" pics or things like that

Sorry dude the well is running low
what sort of stories are you after anon? I've been a DD for a little while now, roleplayed ages 6 to 16 and everything from full time parenting to light and loving molestation to forceful rape with crying and begging.
thanks man, dont think ill ever grow hair there again lol

sorry, id take a pic just for you anon but my apartment has that shitty orange lighting at night so you'd just get a blurry dark picture of my junk

most of my insecurity comes from girls asking where it came from and having to admit i dropped a pan while frying eggs and being laughed at, its dumb but it just plays into an overall fear of rejection
Thanks .. 4084798001 text if you'll like
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I think the closest I go to 'the real thing' would be looking at actual girls and even then only snippets of sexual stuff that I know I'd never actually do
I'm not going to fuckers to get a little rest in a while to get the most important part time work with 99 9th 9th of 2nd floor of a cabinet and not some of my 9th 9th 9th 66 5 626ghskdhhebjdjejhe 99 7th 662hbsbdjsnnxb2ses
Fuck you. Seriously.
Is it time to learn to laugh at yourself? Humour is really good for getting over things.

Let me go pour myself another drink and I'll give you an example
Either I'm really high, but that didn't make any sense to me
my dick is 5.5 inches
I'm on PC right now away from my phone got anything else I can use to message you?
For relaxing times, make it Suntory time...
I'm an alcoholic in a relationshio since 4 years with a nice non-slutty girl and i have work experience for the goverbment even though i do nothing all day and drink and smoke pot im at a new low i dont know what to do and im afraid i will lose everyone i love, you?
I've got a nice scar on my thigh from when I was ironing without pants on once. I've got some impressive scars on my hand where I was cutting a bread roll and not paying attention. Got a weird patch of skin on my arm where I fell off my bicycle and grazed it so badly the layer of fat underneath came off.

They're all embarrassing but you just have to own your mistakes, it's a great story even if you didn't rescue orphans from a burning building.

Oh, and any scars that involve taking your shirt off are great for picking up girls.
good for you
I forced a 9 yo girl to lick my pussy and made her my bitch. jk
Veteran Secret keeper here.

Use to watch friends sister in the shower.

Got a blowjob from best friends mother.

Use to sniff my friends sister panties and masturbate with them.
Alright dude I understand how hard this is, we all have our things that we're self conscious about, but all you gotta do is own that shit and it ceases to be a problem. You imagine things like people making fun of you because of it, but the reason they can make fun of you is not because of your scar, it's because you allow them to. If someone pointed at you and said "haha look at this retard tying his shoes one at at time", that would mean nothing to you. The only reason the scar is a thing for you is that your mind has made itself believe that it's a figurative sore spot, a chink in your armor.
do you think it is big? All of my friends have bigger than 6 inches dicks
Not really. but thNks for being a troop and taking one for the team ha
Anything really, I think I'm into ddlg but I've never played it out
>Have major panty fetish
>To scared to ever steal or ask
>One day find panties hanging in tree at Uni
>Realize women THROW AWAY panties just because of tiny holes, stains, fading etc.
>Start my career as a dumpster diver
>Spend first two months with little to no results
>Create map of all dumpsters in 10km radius
>Get good at dumpster diving
>Panty collection now over 350 pairs, as well as numerous sex toys, bras, other lingirie, porn dvds, camera sd cards, electronics, computers, books, movies, games, etc.
>I am in heaven
just a few minutes ago I took a shower with my 7 & 10yo nieces. didnt do anything with them but still not something i would openly tell their godfag parents
hold on lemme try and find something I can use for this
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i film girls i know while they're changing
fucking kids these days running around measuring each others dongs
the only way to find out is to try, either in reality or just working through some scenarios in your head.

Are you possibly into it as a DD or a lg?
My younger cousin when she would play would at times sit on my face (clothed) and would grab one of my fingers and proceed to rub her vlips

Well I just came off work and I'm done for the week so I just want to kinda feel fluzzy for a while.

So an example would be this morning, as I'm walking near the shops I see a bunch of teenaged boys looking in my direction and I think it's at me then I noticed whom I was about to walk right past, she's max 12 years old, wearing the smallest little pants and a white singlet, no bra because she's got barely any boob.

That's as close as I'll ever get to a real image of a child (if that makes sense).

Also fuck you, I gave it some real thought and all I could think of was pushing her up against the wall and biting her gently on the top of her ear. Damn you alcohol.
I'm a pedo. there's a bit of relief from being able to say it
Also been secretly recording my two female room mates in the bathroom as well as their female guests. I have recorded three girls who I know from high school stripping and have seen their tits.
i just don't wanna disgrace when a girl will see my dick
Funnt thing , I really don't just randomly give my number ha.
greentext fictional experiences
sending a message rn
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Join the club
Damn alcohol these days, confusing our thoughts with our emotions! Thanks for the sum up.
Domt worry about it unless your dick is 4 inches long girls dont care much and having sex will set you in the right path

I mean overall, I'll never hurt someone over a sex thought, I have too much empathy for that (which sucks kinda but it's for the best)
I have 3 scars on my abdomen because of surgeries, get ripped anon, it will do wonders for your selfsteem
well, okay. Thanks.
You interested in chatting to people on Skype or anything or sticking with being anon?
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I'm a dude so dd
Cants decide if I want to vote for Bernie to help US progress or Trump to have a violent civil war happen and get over with
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No sorry I prefer to be anon, I might in the future but honestly not right now plus there'll be the white knights that think I'm a danger and will try and hurt me

Hnnnng thank you for this picture I've only had pic related
I've been cross dressing in my younger sister's clothes all day, now I'm just wearing her bra and panties.
Understandable, if you want to do that best is to make a throw away email etc and Skype account. And never share personal details.

Prove it!
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I slept with two brothers at the same time (Homo here) Shit was awesome.
like what? sure i saw some stuff that i shouldn't, and can't avoid give a quick look to a girl sometimes, but that's all.
will i have a soda and a complementary 12yo?
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particularly obsessed with this one
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Hm I guess I could give that a go but that'll be for another day, so far /b/ has only seen my face once, hands once and feet once.
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Well I'm nursing a JD and coke so sure why not? So what's your poison anon? Real girls? When did it start?
I assume I missed that, and just because you chat and I am meaning typing more than mic/cam you don't have to share pictures lol. You have a bf not looking to pick you up :p
You're better off getting an escort. Very few transsexuals want casual sex, especially where they penetrate the guy.
Do you like the idea of a girl dressed up cute, say in a nightie and panties, smiling at you and sitting in your lap and calling you daddy?

Do you like the thought of bathing somebody as if they were a kid, and dressing them for bed afterwards, and then having them on their knees in front of you slowly sucking your cock while you stroke their hair and tell them what a good girl they are?

There's a huge variety of DD/lg relationships, the main common factors are usually:
-you like them acting like a little girl
-you enjoy caring for them
-occasional spankings when they need it.

Other than that it could be roleplay, it could be just acting like a girl sometimes, it could be molestation or caring or the girl acting slutty and instigating it. They might like to keep it to the bedroom, they might like to have you take them to the zoo holding hands and explaining all the animals to them.
I was 19 at a church noticing a little asian girl about 11-12. In a beanie and had eyeliner, in tiny shorts since it was so hot where we were at. White tanktop the goods. Noticing her staring at me over and over, so i nod to her slightly to follow me
i try to stick to loli. I'm not sure, i guess the attraction just stayed as i grew up
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haha my pleasure, I am running out of loli now though
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Oh no don't worry I get what you meant it's just you know if I put it up here everyone has the ability to get to it so essentially /b/ will have access to me and that's just unsettling. Ugh I can't wait to get into my new biography
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I pretend to be mentally ill to get female carers/ support staff/ attention an flirt with them ..I ownz that oscar no bear rapez
Nah, it's just a fantasy. I know most of the only want to fuck men.
do you hide them? or you make up a reason to read them?
You would have to get people to email you a screen shot of the messages on here so you could see who was someone you actually replied to and only add them on Skype or whatever. Though I guess it still puts you at some risk.
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Any specific incident? You should stick to loli, look don't ever touch
She starts heading to the back (theres hundreds of people around its a huge building) i make sure to go out one of the other doors. Look at her across the lobby and give a little nod again and i head up to thr upstairs bathroom. ( which nobody ever used ot was 1 of 3. Upstairs wasnt used during this time) i wait up top and she quickly followed. I grab her hand and lead her to the girls bathroom
yeah, that's the fear. I've had fun tracking people down after they let slip too much info on /b/ before.

Something like a fresh anonymous skype account or kik or even email is pretty secure. Fake info, don't let slip obvious things like your name or city, and make sure there's no overlap between your new account and anyone else you know.

I've had actual nightmares about being doxxed on 4chan but even I have a few anonymous accounts to chat outside the boards. If you're careful you're pretty safe.

I keep them out of sight because he doesn't like them. The one time he came across "Afraid" he asked why I was into it and when I shrugged he left it alone and then told me he assumed it was because I was into crime (which is true). "Naked" was hidden under our bed but he did know I have it which got the usual cringe when he saw it. He hasn't seen my new one though...
I just fap to rape and abuse articles in the newspaper. much less detailed but still fun

Gives me something to do at the office
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Yeah... I dunno maybe one day I'm not sure honestly. Fingers crossed for something eventually working out you know?
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I think I would just really enjoy taking care of someone and making them feel loved, to the point where it feels retarded. It might just be my biological clock telling me it's time to get some offspring.
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Shit never been in a thread this long, someone want to make a new one and I'll move onto there? I'll reply to any of the ones I can in this thread and worse case put it in the next thread but link to the question in this one
maybe, but that sounds like being a proper DD to me. I'm the same, I need to look after girls and protect them from being hurt. DD/lg is kind of just matching up a guy who needs to be protective and supportive with a girl who likes to be vulnerable but protected.
lol me 2 only not really
>grade 5-9
>girl pretending to be teenager boy
>go on boards
>rp sex scenes on boards
>cyber with girls in pms
>get girls to go offsite on emails and cyber
finally found real porn after finding porn stars myspaces

how'd you get the bj?

tell us more. i like
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