How autistic is /b/?
Done it
You missed a door you stupid fag
You try it fag
door between top left and middle is missing
There are three rooms with 5 doors. 5 is an odd number. That means the line cannot just go through these rooms. The line has to start or stop there.
But a line has only two ends, not three. So one room will feel forever alone :(
he shagged your logic there m8
Good job, you earned yourself a nice pic;)
He removed a door fucktard.
Nice job
Close enough
Nice job removing that one door
JK cheating cunt (but nice try)
One line
You cant go through the same door twice, but you can do it four times
There really is only one line through each door and it didn't say a solid line that passes through all doors so your logic is invalid, this it truly a win.
But there are no doors.
I win.
Not this.
He didn't remove the door, he just closed it. Stands to reason a line can't go through a door if it's closed.
fucking kek
It literally says one line through all of the doors
Fucking Cthulhu
First try
missed 1
missed one
I'm autistic and even I'm not that literal.
This must be a test for god-tier autistics.
>Draw a line through all of the doors.
Saying it's closed so it aint possible, just says he didn't do it
yeah this is mathematically impossible, i remember trying to do this with my friend for a whole god damn day before we found out lol
Maybe a test for assburgers, autistics are retarded.
other than that, nice quads
Missed one dumbass
Get memed on
>not possible
you just have to believe
You. Read this.
autist detected
All of you fucking disgusting retards, there are no doors here just holes you dumbfucks..
The real test is, not to solve the problem with the rooms.
The real test is, that "throgh" is two times written without "h". Autists ould see it.
>each door
all doors* idiot
cthulhu doesnt use blender to move through the 4th dimension retard
The word you're looking for is
YOU TWO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
a cool wallpaper.
Win or No?
No the real test is to realise that there are no doors. Just holes.
top pip
Ok sure gap whatever ..
I think this is a win?
we have a winner
Fuck off i win
You can see where multiple lines are crossing.
Where does it say you can't follow back along the SAME line?
le edgy newfag
Dude ur suppost to use 1 line. Smh
Didn't say you couldn't go through walls.
Missed one
Best answer
>go through walls
>still miss one
shit man i failed!
I did it first try but I can't upload the file!
w/e fuk u guys
missed one
This is now a get thread
No win, you went through middle bottom twice.
No, Fuck you
are there really this many autistic kids in here?
>trough holy fuck i never would of thought this many fucking ... omg
what do I win? I did not go through any of the doors twice or less. I figure 3 times is better than 1.
oops I forgot picture
I hope you like the pattern as much as I did
You did not spot the spelling mistake, D-
Well if you followed back you would go back through doors you already went through so it doesn't
So many retards.
I drew one line through every door.
did i do it?
??? nobody solved it fagget how is any of we be retarded??
The bottom one goes through the same door twice. It goes out then back in.
you never said I couldn't retrace my line
true winner here, satisfies the spirit and the rule.
Didnt say you couldnt go through the black lines
ACHXTUALLY these two did
winrar and checked
Retracing your line involves going through a door you already went through, the contingency is covered.
3 nodes of an odd degree
no solution is possible
Grats on reading the wikipedia link.
Psst. Bro read paragraph carefully.
>4th dimension
le nice 9gag/reddit maymay
does this count as going threw twice or did i win
You must be new here.
you went through 6 doors twice
Y'all faggots need Euler.
Reddit memes, and Facebook tier gifs.
i would argue otherwise. i was in the door but didnt go threw, and when i turned back around is when i went threw it. pretty genius, right?
By calling the openings "doors", people think of the lines as walls, and assume you can't go through them. The rules don't say you can't draw your line through the existing lines, so just do that.
Kobayashi Maru, bitches.
One line has gone through all of the doors
I love those people that cheat and still can't get it right
What difference does that make. It is still valid.
That's better,
who is the mayor of CWCville?
To pass though the door, you must get to the other side of it far enough that the door could closed even if you can't swing it closed ('cause you are in the way)
what's cwcville?
There is a bijection of this problem to the graph. Therefore, you can treat this problem as walking through the graph. More specifically, this is Eulerian Path problem ( ).
When you draw this graph(or just look at it), you'll see that more than two vertices are of odd degree(there are exactly 3 vertices of odd degrees). Therefore, the graph doesn't have eulerian path, meaning you can't draw the line.
never said I wasn't allowed to go ghost and phase through walls
forgot pic
Although that is a funny gif, you have just proved that you are in fact new here.
No-one said it had to be a continuous line
does it count?
Where do I get my meds ?
is that your attempt at fucking cursive??? lmao
.-. u missed a door u fucking retard
you would also need glasses because you missed one
In a desperate attempt to sound like I'm not a newfag, I was here for Puddi Puddi, and left immediately afterward because I couldn't get the CSS edit to shut that fucking thing off. I returned today for the dankest of memes and am about to return empty-handed because this is a loli and... whatever the autistic fuck "fwuffy" threads are.. infested hellhole. Still about the same amount of dick r8 thread. A surprising amount of WAH IM GONNA AN HERO PAY ATTENTION TO ME threads. So before I resort to googling, I implore your explanation kind sir. What the fuck have I missed out on? I will spare you my less than savage memes.
nowhere, they don't make meds for tards
Every day with the god damn graph theory /b/
a one line cursive, faggot
tbqh you missed out on quite a fucking lot, especially /b/ going to absolute shit, I thought you were a newfag based on the memes you posted and the fact that /b/ is overrun with them. Purple Republic.
>one line
Ok retard back to the hospital
a line is continue by definition
ITT: all the oldfags know this is impossible,but they don't know the mathematical demonstration.
A bunch of ageists claiming they are more educated simply because they have been here longer. They claim they have the "street smarts".
You removed a door nice try fag.
what exactly is supposed to be hard about this?
Cheated and still missed a door.
you're so silly with that logic lol
but he did what they asked
you are supposed to not assume any additional rules to this
One day I'm going to ask /b/ to solve an open problem in graph theory and see what happens.
does this count???
High functional autist detected
Did someone say high functioning autistic?
You can't go through a door four times without first going through it twice.
are all you guys autistic? those are holes in walls, not doors.