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Waifu claiming thread - Mugi is OP edition The rules are very

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread - Mugi is OP edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>only 1 claim/Anon
>keep RP at a absolute minimum. We are here to discuss and insult, not to do RP or ERP-
>insult other waifus
>most important: Have fun!
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fucking rivers...
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Yo mugi nice job
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holy shit i won
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4:30am sachi claim
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I watch for the plot.jpg
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good job

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Blind waifus are best waifus
Lilly Satou claimed
Megumin claimed.
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Erika claimed
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It is story time.
I doubt any of you will believe this but I promise it happened

>be me
>senior year
>in an aquatic science class
>teacher was a total neckbeard
>probably on this board right now
>I was doing pretty bad in that class
>we could do a paper on deep-sea life for extra credit
>procrastinate until night it's due
>he wanted us to email it to him
>finish after working on it all night
>I had been getting very little sleep
>typing email
>go to attach file
>was really into hentai
>used to opening my hentai folder late at night for obvious reasons
>attach hentai
>email to teacher
>realize what I've done
>send him another email
>tell him to ignore the last one and attach paper
>worry about it all weekend
>go to class monday
>expecting the worst
>he says nothing out of the ordinary
>doesn't mention it for the last 2 weeks of school
>school ends
>100% sure the bastard kept it
>if you're reading this, Mr. Jones, you're welcome
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Erica claimed

Hello there.
Heyo Shinoa, feeling pretty good right now.

Was this the "you know what"? If so nice job.

Yo, Milinda great decision. How far did you get?

Hello Galko, what's up?

>Best idol claimed
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I would laugh so hard if i was that professor

What you get on the paper?
Hi how are you
Sakura claim

I think I need more pictures though...
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God that's on par with those guys who keep porn and work stuff on the same flash drive so when they go up to give a presentation its just right there. My sides man.
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My waifu is best <3
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>He kept it
Was it just regular vanilla hentai, Galko?
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what type of hentai was it?
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MFW i added pornographic titles on purpose to fuck with people.
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I'm doing pretty alright
How about you mang
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How's things with nico?

Ayyyyyeeeeeeeee lmao

Many pics are on Internet. I'd recommend pinterest
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Milinda claim

Top fucking Kek

On episode 6. She is definitely my fav character from that show
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This is the superior Erika, though.
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Should've mentioned that
I think I got a 93 or something
>it saved my grade for sure

It wasn't anything really weird
I probably got it off of /h/ if that means anything
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I've just been using Google, maybe might see if there's any sakura-only tumblrs. Never thought of Pinterest, that's a good idea ^.^
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Yuuko just may be the worlds best prankster
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Collage 2016-04-05 00_05_48-1.jpg
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I just wanna get this going again.

Which of you niggas wanna get beef with me?
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Galko I think the worst thing I've ever done in school was call a kid a pussy in front of my whole 3rd grade class kek
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Anything for that sweet attention from other 16 year olds whom i'll never see again.

Which one of those niggas is Trayvon?
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Your not blond hair blue eyes and you don't have a real iron cross with oak leaves and swords.
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>100% sure the bastard kept it
Keksimus Maximus

Ha, well with the Final Love Live things have been pretty emotional, but it's all good now.

That's awesome to hear. Hope you'll enjoy the show to the end.
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Did you ever read my other stories?
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>it was all because the hentai
he "enjoyed" it kek
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I don't think so
I'm getting tired right now ;(
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umm...Love Nectar.png
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well I should probably go to sleep
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Told Shinoa Bro but you Zerochan nad pixiv are also really good.
Was it even good hentai?
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I bet I will. So far, loving it. Kinda reminds me of Yuru Yuri, just with more plot... lol
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Damn nigga he got you there.
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She has blue eyes, just not as blue. And silvery blonde hair> blone hair. Plus it's longer. Erica looks a bit like a boy at some times, no offense.
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Sweet dreams, anon.

You could also easily filter the NSFW content on Danbooru, at least that's what I did.

>You could still get one or two lewds from idiots who can't use tags
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emperor claimed.
>can't sleep
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satanic trips
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Lewd but good night

Hell yeah he did

Middle nigga with the bongo drums nostril

I thought I would never cry to that

Is gelbooru good?

Caffeine in ya?
Nice dubs, yourself.
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Hail the dark lord
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I don't have them but basically I made 2 niggers get suspended and got 20$ from it and another kid broke his foot trying to deadlift more than me.

>I am too
Probably not.

never thought about that.
>you're probably right

Hi emperor
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Nah, just can't sleep.

Hey Galko.
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> silvery blonde
That's not a thing.

Also so sexy they made 2.
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Y-yes it is, my trips confirmed it.
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I am enjoying this debate... kek
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Ok yeah I'm definitely going to bed now
I can't hold my eyes open
Goodnight everyone!!
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Have a nice night.

Ayy Yuru Yuri was great too. I can kinda see the comparison though.

Yeah, it hit me hard when I heard about it.
>tfw you get into Love Live! towards it's conclusion

But hey we have Aqours to look forward to.
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Goodnight my man
Get some good rest.
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Goodnight beautiful
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Can you do that for gelbooru? For some reason I just prefer that site

Hey Galko, should I give her anime another chance? I watched 3 or so and couldn't stand it but she looks kind of cute in your pictures...
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Hey there cutie.
Goodnight Mugi.

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Syndra (92).jpg
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Night! Sleep well

Hoping for a season 4... Eventually... lol
Im gonna watch another episode now probably.

Why hello there :)
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If you like that kind of stuff. There's pretty much no story at all and it's mainly just based on character interaction. I enjoyed it but it isn't for everyone.
>she's a major qt though
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Damn that sucks what's the time over there?

Night mugi!

Im still new to the Aquors. Have any song by them came out? Are they good?

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what is everyone up to? its 5 am and im bored
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What you doing right now?
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Yay, happy birthday to me.
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12:10 A.M.
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Hello syndra
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Happy birthday!
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Yuno happy birthday! Guy let's party!

Did you do anything that caused fatigue during the day?
Tired of lurking.

It's been almost 2 weeks, every day I've checked these threads since I saw syndra.

Sometimes it was the first post after the op. Sometimes syndra was the op. Now I just scroll to find it. It's always there.

I remember DEUS VOLT anon, the one who asked what was wrong.

Thanks for making me feel like I have some friends to look forward to seeing.
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A beautiful man.jpg
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Bout to lay down, watch some tv. You?

Happy Birthday!
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Hey man got a waifu? It's great to see someone new and welcome!
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Fun. Just kind of lurking.
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Vigil - 20.png
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Hey, hey!
Happy Birthday!
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cant dodge the raj.jpg
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claimed bby
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I really don't like the search engine, might as well just use Google Images

You're looking for pictures as well?
How many do you already have, anon?

Night Mugi, thanks for the thread.

Most likely.
Into your Blacklist, in options:
>Add "rating:e"
>Add "rating:q"

And check "Safe-Only Listing"
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Nah man. I just can't sleep for some reason, but from past experiences I will probably still fall asleep, just at a later time like two or three.. It's happened before.

Happy birthday!
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No problem man
>I think crusader anon is Kagami now
>but I'm probably remembering it wrong

You should join in.
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I usually love SoL stuff, like Yuru Yuri and Kinmoza but I think sometHing about the characters or their conversation bothered me :L maybe it was those boobs

Happy birthday! Have a mediocre fanart I found of Google in 2 seconds
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happy birthday

I lurked for a month before posting
See you soon.
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Nice. I tend to do that a lot too...
Go for it man. Concerning season 4, I think there needs to be more source materiel before it can be adapted again.

This is the only one I've heard so far and I'm enjoying it. There's probably more floating around.

Happy Birthday.
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Same. Lurking can also be fun.
>maybe it was those boobs
Tits are love, tits are life.
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I barely watch anime at all so I don't know much about it honestly.

I'm with him.
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1% or 2% but skim milk would be better.
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As I said before, pinterest

Let's hope that's the case

And nonon is kurumi

Ooohhhhh gotta check it out later before I head to bed. Too occupied with young justice and the thread. Whats your fav song by the muse? Can't get enough of Koi no button
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Im out everyone. Be back in a few hours.

Will do. Be back later tonight. and yeahhhh probably

At times, yes. Its nice to get noticed and chat though too.
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So I was right?

Bye man.
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Fresh milk is the best milk.
It went a long way having a complete stranger ask me that. Those were dark times. Thanks, if you're reading this.

I don't have a waifu, know where I can acquire one?

ya cheeky bastid ya finally got me to post. How many syndras do you have? You never post the same twice, you always reply to posts the same. It's you. It's almost strange you can recognize people from mere text after awhile.
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Tenryuu 8.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

Nothing is more satisfying to see recruits fucking up
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Doesn't anyone notice you?

It is yummy right off the tap.
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Late Holo Claim!
How's everyone doing?
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Boobs are great, when small-medium size. There are only rate moments when I find big to be good.
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We should ask!

Oooohhhh what branch?

Great you?
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Couldn't get any sleep.
It's currently 5:30am...
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I'm sure it was quite entertaining, have you found any weebs in the bunch yet?
Hello wolfu, I'm alright how about you?
All boobs are wonderful.
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Watch an anime (you don't even have to go that far) and find a female character you like. Tat's pretty much it.
>also don't steal anyone's
>that should be obvious
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>playing ranked in league
>losing hard so super salty ahhhh
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Sometimes, When it does happen its usually Shinoa or Miho... lol
Any recommendations?
Only watched fate illya prisma. Liked it.
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lurk /a/?

Hello sunshine
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It's between Snow Halation or Yuujou no Change. Those two always get my heart moving.

See ya later Milinda.

Hey Doc

Pretty good, how are you?
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Vigil - 140.jpg
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It's good to see you back.
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You're probably coming to the wrong person.
Only 2 shows I've recently watched are K-On! and Oshiete! Galko-chan.
>plenty of waifu material in both of those though
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Tenryuu Loli.jpg
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>have you found any weebs in the bunch yet?
>implying i'd talk with them
This is not how it works

Hey Nurse
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Can't get any sleep...
I'm currently going about 30-35 hours without sleep
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I never get tired of that edit oh my god
How are you?

Hey famalam
Whats been going on?
>That pic tho

Aw, thanks dude, it's good to see you too bro.
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You're god damn right I notice ya buddy.
I lurked /a/ for awhile. Stopped because I didn't know anything I was looking at.
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What do you like? If you like the Mahou Shoujo in illya then you can try like, sailor moon or madoka. For Lesbos stuff maybe Yuri Kuma or Yuru Yuri. There's also fate/stay which had mostly the same characters but different.

Otherwise, there's some good waifus in idol or harem shows if those fit your style more

Bit there's a limit of "oh, that's too big", especially if it doesn't match her body type.
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That's nice to have someone to talk to at least.
Im going to head out for a while i'll bbl. Hope you don't get lonely <3
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Can't recommend without knowing what genres your interested in. Otherwise I go out and say watch Jojo's bizarre adventure or Fate series.
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I'm alright. Getting really tired though.

I noticed you...

Just realized I misspelled "That's" pretty bad there
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hmmm so you're turning to anime as a result of being socially deficient.
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Not hard homie. What the animes you've seen? Any chicks you really really like? Boom there you go

Fucking hell.

Latest I've been up was 4

>gets heart moving
fuyu ga kureta yokan. My god that song is so beautiful.

I can't find the very first season of the fates series

You called?
Sure I'll watch. I lied, too; I saw the ---'no cavalry' I don't remember the rest of the name. Was about swords and magic in an arena.

Don't have genre because I've only watched the one. Just give me names and I'll watch them all in my spare time, whatever's good.

Added to the list of watching. I liked it because it was cute, and didn't seem all that far off from the classic cartoon network shows I grew up with. Code Lyoko, Edd Ed N Eddy, kids next door. Was a good starter to see the differences in artstyle and story. I don't really know enough to say what I don't and do like - just that it worked while still keeping me interested.
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images (49).jpg
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Bit late. Busy day trialing new work.

Rory claimed.
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I can't remember why we thought it was a good idea but me and a few friends were awake for 3 days without sleep...

Reading back on what I just wrote...
Why did I do that...
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Comedy gold Galko, fucking comedy gold.
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>Getting really tired
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How did that go?
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I wish I knew what you meant but those are the only anime I've watched since I was 11.


You fuckin know it
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Chronologically Fate/zero is the first but release it's fate/stay night. UBW is an alternate route to stay night. Also stay night is bad but you should still watch it.

playing league so late replies and shit
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So maybe more Slice of Life stuff? I'm a sucker for that genre myself, and some of my favorite are Nichijou, Yuru Yuri, Kinmoza, and Working!!.

However, there's some gold stuff that isn't SoL that I love like Jojos Bizarre Adventure and anything made by studio Trigger (Kill la Kill, Gurren Laggann, Luluco).

I spend too much time with 2D huh q.q
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That story you posted earlier, just woke up and saw it.
Yeah. That's one way to put it. Isn't that why we're all here though? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't actually talk to anyone here - shit, I don't talk to anyone already. Gets lonely. Bam, waifu claim thread.
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I've seen
Owari no serpaph, Fairy tail, highschool dxd, erased, ika musume, monster mesume, shinomental, shiki, assassination classroom, one punch man, noragami, K, overlord, chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai, K-on, love live, actually I am, food wars, date a live, toyko ghouls, tokyo ravens, another, and other that I've never few that I never completed watching
>30-35 hours
Wew man that's brutal.

Ayy if you had asked me my favorite BiBi song I would of said that. It really is amazing.
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Still going. On break now, seems like a better place. Know the main cook, theres only a small front crew and kitchen is pretty chill. Got far busier thank intended today. All in all a far better place to work. Guaranteed 500 AUD a week.
Madoka, School-Live, Konosuba, GATE, Aldnoah ZERO. Theres a few that I think are good.
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Oh yeah
I did a bunch of dumb shit in high school.
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Just trying to mentally prove a point that it's not the other way around.

Feel free to talk here. What's you're story? Since you've lurked for a while how much do you know of other anons?
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Thanks guys! Hopefully I get my birthday wish today.
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I sent a batch file to a teacher that deletes all word documents

Lets just say I was close to getting expelled
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I just recently got here and didn't notice your earlier post.
Happy birthday
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Bet that must have been embarrassing as hell.
Have some Zdzisław Beksiński.
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That sounds pretty great.
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Happy Birthday. Sorry, dont have time to read the whole thread.
Normally I'd say thank you, but seeing as rules strictly forbid furries I'm not sure how things are going to go down...
I get scared of staying up late because I don't want to fuck up my circadian cycle

Nah it's fine, after thread, I'm heading to bed

Oh yeah and rokka no yuusha. Love that show. >anime batman

We could get along quite fine


>shinoa bro
I suggested Smash Mouth's "All Star" for the prom song
>it didn't make the cut

I was really just worried about passing at that point.
And I turned in a drawing of a dick in Art class

It's cool, I don't really care about my birthday anymore. It was more of a sarcastic comment that people took as literal.
500 is larger than a tenuous 300, right? :p
Holo isn't a furry though.

I fucked that post up pretty bad
>the art class dick thing was supposed to be for Kirino

Did you draw it for the class?

I don't know, those ears are pretty furry and non-detachable...
BBB? (Best Buy Breasts?)
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