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YLYL thread - GO!

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 141
Thread images: 72
YLYL thread - GO!
go back to 9gag Faggot !
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Kill yourself
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Both of you are pathetic. You're both the same.
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not the same sorry
what is this supposed to prove? if you are op it will still show (OP)
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I opened the thread. Not the same.
You are a fucking worthless braindead scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the streets like the degenerate you are
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>>677864097(this guy is fake)

not the same sorry
Fuck you too
What the zoz did you just fucking say about me, you little zozzler? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy zozzels, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on zoz-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed zozzels. I am trained in zoz warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US zozzle forces. You are nothing to me but just another zoz. I will wipe you the zoz out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my zozzling words. You think you can get away with saying that zoz to me over the Internet? Think again, zozzler. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of zozzlers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the zoz, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your zozzle. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can zoz you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in zozzle combat, but I have access to the entire zozzle of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little zoz. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “zozzle” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the zozzle, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, zozzler.
File: funny-kids-staring-meme.jpg (105 KB, 600x917) Image search: [Google]
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What the banana peel did you just fucking say about bananas, you YLYL cancer? I'll have you
know I graduated top of my class in the potassium platoon, I've been involved in numerous raids
on hugboxes and I have over 300 confirmed derailed threads. I am trained in really, really, really
liking this picture and I'm the top worshipper of Lori in the entire board. You are nothing to me
but just another angry faggot. I will make you laugh out loud with bananas the likes of which
have never been seen before on this thread, mark my potassium filled words. You think saying
that shit to me over the internet will faze me? Think again try hard. As we speak I am contactingmy secret network of shitposters across 4Chan, and your threads are being derailed right now
so you better prepare for banana bombardment, newfag. The bombardment that derails the
pathetic little thing you call your thread. You're fucking done, son. I can be on any board, any
thread and I can shitpost bananas in over 700 ways, and that's just with my first folder. Not only
am I extensively experience in shitposting, but I have access to the entire archives of the 4Chan
shitposting directory and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your cancerous thread off of the
face of the board, you little shit.If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little
“clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking
keyboard. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now your thread is paying the price, you goddamn
butt hurt faggot. I will shitpost bananas all over you and you will drown in potassium and lulz.
Your thread is dead, kiddo.
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I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP, Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
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This was a cringe thread from the beginning you autistic shitfags
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LOST holy kek
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Op is a faggot
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would have been nice get
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How is that funny?
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I guess not everyone has the same taste
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newfag detected
You forgot argon you fucking fake ass scientist
This is 4chan /b/. "Cute" rehashing of memes is not considered "laughable" here. You lose.
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Havent laughed yet. Hopefully I can fix this gay ass thread
c'mon kid, go to 9gag, this isnt the place for you
that hamster read too much Nietzsche
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thanks man i can do it again
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>not knowing the most obvious pasta of all
gtfo newfag
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Wanna see something fun? ;)

bit DOT ly SLASH 1SOgdTO
Shouldn't this be an Arby's ad...?
Deal with it faggot

inb4 b8

What the heck did you just flipping say about me, you big meanie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tiny Tots Program, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the girl's bathroom, and I have over 300 confirmed noogies. I am trained in Nerf warfare and I have the most gold stars in the entire kindergarten class. You are nothing to me but just another butthead. I will beat you the heck up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my dang words. You think you can get away with saying that baloney to me on the glowy type-box? Think again, doodiehead. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of teachers across the USA and your parents are being called to pick you up right now so you better prepare for the spanking, junior. The spanking that wipes out the dumb little thing you call your playtime. You're in big darn trouble, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can wedgie you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed fartfights, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States PTA and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your dorky bottom off the face of the playground, you little poopypants. If only you could have known what serious punishments your little "smartypants" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your goshdarned tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you silly doofus. I will spray boogers all over you and you will cry about it. You're frickin grounded, buttmunch.
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This is terrible bait dude.
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Fuck off dunk
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That's not funny....
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death of 4chan.jpg
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>>677868558 (OP)#
The name’s Fox. Fox McCloud. I’m the leader of Star Fox, an elite fighter squad established by ex-Cornerian flying ace James McCloud, my father. Five years ago, my father was hired by General Pepper of the Cornerian army to investigate strange activities on planet Venom. He never returned. Despite being a backwater little rock in space, Venom had become the base of operations for Andross, a crazed and banished scientist. Three pilots flew out on that mission. My father, James, his best friend and wingman Peppy Hare, and Pigma Dengar, an honorless slime ball who volunteered for the assignment. Turns out Pigma was working for Andross the whole time! No one saw it coming. Pigma betrayed Peppy and my father, and led them straight into a trap. In the chaos that followed, my father sacrificed himself to create a diversion so Peppy could escape. Barely making it home with his life, Peppy knew it fell upon him to report the couragous last moments of James McCloud. At the same time, he delivered the news that Andross had amassed a terrifyingly huge army, and intended to conquer the entire Lylat system. And so began the Lylat wars. Five years have passed; the battle between the Cornerian army and Andross’s forces is spreading to every planet in the Lylat system. To carry on my father’s legacy, I brought Star Fox out of retirement. I've got the latest technology, and I’m filling the team with pilots I know I can trust. Slippy Toad, a close friend and a gifted mechanic. Falco Lombardi, a hotshot fly boy who’s got your back when the going gets tough. Peppy Hare, my father’s old wingman, a seasoned pro, and the glue that holds the team together. That brings us to today. While en route to planet Corneria, we received an urgent message from General Pepper.
File: FaceThatIsFunnierThanBanana.jpg (29 KB, 484x767) Image search: [Google]
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Wow, you have me in shambles right now.
Fuck you that's art
Man what shit 9gag memes
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Okay I'm done guys I don't fucking wanna do this anymore. Sick of all you retards and your awful asinine comments. Stock of these stupid fucking "memes" that are literally the tier zero of humor and just consist of repeating the same shit over and over again like a fucking baby. Stick of all you dumb fucks sending me shit messages trying to be funny. I did my time. I quit. Scheduling this page for deletion. Bye assholes. You fuckers won't be missed.
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violet cowardice goes to hell.png
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I fucking hate bananas
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I dropped the original kek/kekkles version of this a while back
Shut the fuck up faggot
Gonna make a new cringe thread starting with this whole thread
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nice trips
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chicekn parmigiana.jpg
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Too potassium
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love you son.gif
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that's so stupid i almost lost
These are all shit memes.
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would definitely bang and suck milk out of filled up tits/10
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy ass-fucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an image board to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You're all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP, Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those Cheetos that you stain on your shirts every day.**
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It's pasta, you niggers
i cri
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Read you ignorant fuck anon states you are bother the same. As in two individuals are both the same Gtfo newfag
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Not literally the same, you're both cancer.
babies arent funny
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haha thats a good image. Who do you think would win? My bet is on capcom because they have megamen
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Not even a good one, just seems like a bad YLYL thread
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Maybe you can have your chance.. But I am guessing it will only be on the NX
kek it got paralyzed
This should be a meme
Make all the weebos sperg out
Well don't stop what you have started
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>Posting shit like that

Back to 9gag faggot
ayy lmao?
You motherfuckers, you all just say "lost" to your own stupid pics.
I've posted tons and not once got a "lost" - Not even a kek, or lel
You're all just liking your own shit like a bunch of Pokemon card collecting betafags.
I post genuinely funny shit, and you all ignore it just so you can pretend somebody liked your unfunny shit.
Well fuck you assholes. Keep jerking yourself off in your mom's basement, you'll never achieve anything in life.
I bet you're all bronies.
What a dog can't walk into a restaurant just because he's black fuck you you racist piece of crap
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A Muslim, a paedophile and a rapist walk into a bar.

He orders a drink.
Haven't seen this before, but for some reason every post longer than two lines seems like pasta to me
Hello new friend... I can confirm it's old pasta
nice 760 pics faggot
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u right now.jpg
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maybe you're not funny and actually you're a huuuge fag
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fucking lost
OC here,
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Someone please cauterize this cunt's vagina with a red-hot curling iron.
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Ironically, less than 100 years ago this was the common method to get rid of unwanted litters of dogs and cats. It's strange how something can shift from a completely acceptable method to "let's stab her in the face with a soldering iron!!!" In less than a century.
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you fucking faggot
Very true, although I said cunt and not face. To your point, however, we have far better methods of neutering and spaying now than were available 100 years ago.
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Thread replies: 141
Thread images: 72

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