And so it Begins,
is that natto?
i dont get it
it's mustarde, ancien recipe
i think its cool
try again later OP. There are faggots amoungst us.
Will post more later then
no one gets it. i think that's the point
you are gay
Heeey Spiidermaan, nice to fuckin see ya mate! Care to join in on the Party? :}
what does loli mean?
it means nothing
All these people posting other shit are keeping this loli bred alive. TY anons, I would have never seen the loli if you weren't posting itt.
what's with all the mustard?
You say that until image limit reached.
All you have to do is share your Dropbox folders and I bet they will be happy.. Maybe see less loli threads... Or go to you can type tags and stuff.. It has regular pics, GIF, and webms
all you have to do is kill yourself to make me happier
You say that until thread 2 pops up. Which inevitably reaches front and stays there from bumps from people too dense to see their supporting loli not destroying it.
i came here to jack off but not i want mustard
I noticed a few people stopped posting. Mustard gotten upset :^)
+1 for safe sex
you what? you mean you noticed this thread was never active to begin with
do you really have nothing better to do?
like im not a lolifag and I dont understand the attraction to drawn children, but these faggots do and I feel for them on some level because all they wanna do is fap in peace together and I really dont see a problem with that.
personally im an incestfag and I hate when you come and fuck the threads up. And look I know im not gonna be able to get you to stop posting but I would appreciate it if you stopped and thought about what you were doing.
Thanks for taking the time to read this (if you did)
>pic unrelated
You say that until the same faggots from thread one invade thread two and do it all over again.
I've seen this happen a lot with many different things. It will take a lot of effort on both ends. The best thing you can do is catch them off guard by waiting between threads.
https://daa li/93b
https://daa li/6cU
https://daa li/G7P
you mean chilli based condements
Wow. I'm slow. I need to Ketchup. :^(
It wasn't, but managed to stay on front page because of idiots.
Seed, idk about that. Either way, it's bean nice knowing you :^)
hot dawg
Goodsir, your humble, tender words have warmed my heart and made me realize the downset of my actions, Mister Mustard shall leave this thread in Peace. I thank you for beseeching your inner guidance upon me, May you All be Blessed by the Supreme Love, and Truth of the Cosmos.
If you really want to spam thread to oblivion, invest in like 3 4chan passes, then automate posting from 3 separate proxies. 3 posts every 10 seconds is insane. 150 images in less than a minute.
well hell, I wasn't expecting that Mr Mustard but thanks a lot from me and im sure all these other faggots are quietly thankful aswell.
Peace and love
>pic unrelated
this thread
Yummy yum yumyumyumyumyum!!
Honestly... Yes.
Wait.. This bread is not about mustard?