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My tips as a delivery driver... I'm a former server turned

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My tips as a delivery driver...
I'm a former server turned delivery driver for a very popular pizza place near my college.
Over the past year, I've noticed nignogs never tip, so I kept track this past month.

Over 513 deliveries in the last month
307 were white
114 were Black
59 were Asian
33 I could not tell

Revenue from whites = 1099.06
Revenue from blacks = 180.80

3.58 per white
1.59 per black

How can you not hate niggers?
They're not required to tip at all, faggot. Maybe getting the overpriced pizza from your restaurant was pushing their budget enough, and they tipped you what they could honestly afford. Those that have little, but still give are worth more than those who have plenty and only give to look good in front of others.
Life must be sucks if you delivering food for a living.
those stats are definetley legit
>They're not required to tip at all, faggot

This....and you want a tip? Get a new job, faugget
thats because niggers dont tip their own kind. Get a better job fucking nigger
Eurofag here.
OP, do you get any sort of salary besides the usual tips from customers?
Those totals come to less than 1300 a month, times 12 is 15,358.32 a year.
A pizza guy making 15k a year? Wow, that's extreme...
That's a pretty gud rate from nigs tbh. When I used to deliver, at least half the nigs would look pissed when their order was $19.65 and they gave me a $20 and were expecting 35ยข back.
Nice get. All my friends are servers. The most racist ones are black. They all bitch at the hostesses for putting niggers in their section.

This has been across the board for at least 10 years.
not OP but yeah, you get paid an hourly wage but it's usually not very much because you're expected to receive tips on top of your wage
>Maybe getting the overpriced pizza from your restaurant was pushing their budget enough
Then go to the store? It's insanely cheaper to buy a frozen one or buy a meal yourself.

>they tipped you what they could honestly afford
It's weird how you have the budget of everybody I deliver to....

>Those that have little, but still give are worth more than those who have plenty and only give to look good in front of others.
Yea, I should have thought about that, I'll ask my college if I can pay my tuition in good-heartfelt wishes.
that's just from tips
Maybe those that have little shouldn't be buying overpriced things in the first place.
Yes, minimum wage when I'm in the store, usually not, but 4$ when I'm delivering the pizza.
Yea, with taxed out the ass minimum wages make it 18k-ish.
So how are those stats not believable?
First post best post

Also OP, thanks for confirming that people who hate niggers are mostly unemployed/fastfood working trash
Calling a part-time job....."near MY college"
I'm not that guy but I don't think you understand his argument
What is his argument.
Seems pretty clear that he thinks I made those stats up on the spot....
Sounds about right OP. Never calculated it myself but I know almost all of my dindu customers don't tip at all. Worst ones are the young black girls. They also are the most likely to complain and ask for flats only when they order wings.
Thank you. Doesn't sound bad to me at all.

That sounds even better.

Hey, having 18k or not having 18k.. it's better than having no money at all.
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>Trying to save money because they are on a "budget"
>Ordering fast food.
Pick one.
>Those that have little, but still give are worth more than those who have plenty and only give to look good in front of others.
Maybe you should go give your mouth to those nigger dicks. Since you clearly feel that your dick sucking services should be tip what they can afford.
Not true at all about those who tip well. Blue collar dudes and younger hispanic dudes always tipped the best. Some white collar wealthy people tip well, sometimes only a couple bucks.
Don't hate on people and don't beg on them for tips LIKE A NIGGER. Do the job that you're fucking PAID to do and quit your bitching.
The $3 delivery fee doesn't help tips either
This is also true. I rarely order for delivery but I tip fat when I do. Otherwise I will get off my lazy ass and go pick it up myself or just make something at home.

Same thing with going to eat at restaurants. I'm not going to do it if I'm not in the position financially to leave them a decent tip. That's bullshit.
That doesn't include gas, which I use up about every 2 shifts, accidents, driving in snow, stress of butt-fucking retards who don't answer their phone 10 minutes after they order it, dogs attacking us, stepping in shit and delivering in the rain.

Pick it up yourself if you're that strapped for cash or go to the store for something significantly cheaper.
We don't have one.

I'm so glad I don't live in America.
And with the way you fags always bitch about not getting paid extra for barely-adequately performing an unskilled job, you probably don't deserve tips anyway.
Yuros adding useful content as usual

>>677532490 here
1. He never talks about "saving money". Just that if a guy making 40k a year tips you 5$ and a guy making 20k a year tips you 4$ then the 4$ guy is more generous. I'm sorry you didn't understand.
2. My main point had nothing to do with tips. It's that OP's "unemployed/fastfood working trash" and his opinion doesn't really count.
How am I bitching? I'm presenting facts that niggers don't tip well.
> "unemployed/fastfood working trash"
It's cute that you think that's a thing.
>can afford take out food
>can also afford to have it delivered to their doorstep instead of going out and picking it up
>cannot afford to tip more than $1.59
fucking poorfags get the fuck out of here. you're either a jew who can't spare an extra dollar and who doesn't understand he should have to pay more to have it brought to him than someone who picks it up, or you're financially retarded and shouldn't be spending money that you dont have eating out. pick one, they are equally as bad
I ain't from europe.
I'm from a country where people can't be tricked into working for less than minimum wage, and I can order pizza without having to pay extra because the kids that work such jobs are stupid enough to accept below minimum wage.
>works as a delivery driver
you are no better than the niggers you speak of. get a real job you retarded faggot.
>inb4 excuses trying to justify your shitty life decisions
not him, but
>How am I bitching?
>How can you not hate niggers?
top lel. I guess they're smart enough to realize the whole tipping system is for plebs like yourself
Shit. Wait.
You gotta pay that stuff by yourself?
I usually tip pizza guys a fiver or a gram of pot. 95 percent of the time they take it, had one guy take a bong rip during a party, hilarious night
>How am I bitching? I'm presenting facts that niggers don't tip well.

A tip is a voluntary gratuity, people can give as much, as little or none at all of you have no right of complaint.

ergo, you are bitching you whiny little waitron.
fast food worker detected. get a career, not a shitty job you unmotivated faggot
Thanks for making an assumption about me, faggot. I'm not a poorfag. Not rich, but not poor. I generally tip between 25% and 50%. I'm also not white. Hate all you want, but, if you do your job to the best of your ability at all times, the great tips will even out the bad ones. That simple. I lived off of tips for years from behind a bar, driving a limo, and, yes, delivering pizza. 300/wk in tips is a bad week, if you do your job right, and the place you're working isn't a complete shit hole.
>I can order pizza without having to pay extra because the kids that work such jobs are stupid enough to accept below minimum wage.
You do realize that if we come below the hourly combined amount we would make from standard minimum wage, the company has to make up the difference, right?
So, no matter what, I'm making minimum wage.
>15 year old atheist declares his opinion law before he knows the first thing about tipped employees hurrrr
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>fucking poorfags get the fuck out of here
>literally complains about a few cents
I think we all know who's the poorfag. Also you have comprehension problems. And again:
>My main point had nothing to do with tips. It's that OP's "unemployed/fastfood working trash" and his opinion doesn't really count.
Fuck. Edit that to "I'm also not black"... I am white.
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I agree.
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> I'm presenting facts that niggers don't tip well.
Facts can not be racist, sexist, -phobic or bitching. Facts are facts.
Try again.

>you have no right of complaint.
Our societal norm is set up to tip employees for duties outside the company's pay.
As soon as it's not this way, don't tip me and I'll find a job that isn't interacting with retards who don't pick up their own phone waiting for a delivery.
Who wants a free pizza? Dominos and pizza hut give out free pizzas and sides when you're broke. Just give the dominos guy like .76 cents and pizza hut nothing. They looked stumped. And don't order from them again. Ever.
But you have to say the crust was doughy and cheese was everywhere.
Retard. No one calculates a tip on what they earn. They calc on the % or nearest whole dollar.

Gee... I made 90k, I tip $14 in that example? Nope. I tip a portion of the services rendered. The difference being a buck, you think grants better person status is stupid.
I figured getting a part time job that paid 12-15 dollars an hour with no experience required with an internship in the summer while finishing my bachelors was a good idea............guess not.
>mfw honkeys are losing so bad they desperately post some random unrelated shit from their "people I hate because they cuck me"-folder
Idk I did it for a bit when I was in college and it was a decent gig. Hours work well with classes during the day. Made $4/hr cash plus tips. So I could work 5hrs on a week night and make $20 hourly and $40 in tips on the average shift. $10 spent in gass so still made $50 cash working 5hrs. Much better than a shitty retail job or working at a fast food place where 40hrs at minimum wage means just over $200 for the week.

And Saturdays were always the best. Come in at 11am and take out a few big lunch orders. Then work all day through the dinner rush until like 11pm. That's about $50 in hourly and another $100-$150 in tips. Pretty much an entire week's paycheck working as a stocker at the grocery store.

Plus you get to smoke weed all day.
>Our societal norm is set up to tip employees for duties outside the company's pay.

Your employer doesn't pay you enough and therefore you expect me to make up the difference.

Fuck you. You're an idiot for believing that line of bullshit. If you don't like the rate of pay then get a better job elsewhere and stop being a fucking leach.
>they gave me a $20 and were expecting 35ยข back.
Haha, really?! If I delivered pizza to an area that had a lot of nigs, I'd switch restaurants. It would be better to drive across town than to deliver to fags who don't tip.
>No one calculates a tip on what they earn.
I didn't say that, you have reading difficulties.
Pretty much. Just work faster and more efficiently and the good tips will balance out the bad ones. I make enough to cover all my bills easily and have money left over for hobbies like vidya and my delivery machine.
>Your employer doesn't pay you enough and therefore you expect me to make up the difference.
You're too lazy to pick up your fast food, which is not healthy or cheap, so it's purely for convenience. So you have me do a job for you, which you expect me to do for free.

Let me guess......#FeelTheBern?
Luckily I worked at a mom and pop place in a nicer suburb so I didn't have to deal with a ton of nigs. There was one apartment complex on the edge of our delivery area that was lots of nigs so it always sucked going there. But nigs don't order $20 pizzas very often.

We delivered to lots of businessmen in hotels and that was decent sometimes because lots of them would pay with business cards and tip like $10 on a $15 order.
>The most racist ones are black. They all bitch at the hostesses for putting niggers in their section.
My dad used to be a contractor with offices all over the state. He had one in Oakland in the 70s-80s when it was all nigs. One black lady went ape shit when he sent a building team out that was all black.

She said, "Hell no! I want the GOOD workers like you send to the white houses. Don't think because I'm black you can rip me off!" He honestly had never thought about the color of the teams, but this black lady was not about to accept any "lower quality niggers" on her property. She wanted Mexicans or whites.

Now he's up in Seattle and has one white sales rep and one black. He can't send the black sales rep on leads to black people because they NEVER buy from his black rep. He either has to run the lead himself or send the shitty white sales guy.
None of this is a problem unless you're a pleb who doesn't qualify for a real job
Really good responses all around, Anon.
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>So you have me do a job for you, which you expect me to do for free.

I expect you to negotiate a rate of pay with your employer which doesn't require me to subsidize you. Where does the responsibility lie here?

Because it certainly ain't with me.

I've paid the cost of the pizza and something clearly labelled the delivery charge, so give me my fucking pizza you cunt.
Fuck you OP I hate pricks like you that think tipping is mandatory. You want more money go get a real fucking job
I'm curious on what the stats for Asian and Other are, do you have those on hand OP?
You're whats wrong. You fuck. Dont order food when you cant even tip, people live off of that, and its incredibly easy to do.
>which you expect me to do for free.
But you don't you retard. If you're this stupid I understand why you're stuck delivering pizzas to people.
>Maybe those that have little shouldn't be buying overpriced things in the first place.
Right? I'm white and technically have the money to buy delivery, but I don't because I'm SAVING and INVESTING that cash.

Can someone PLEASE send every nigger in the country a copy of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"? Oh shit... um... is there a picture book version?
>Also you have comprehension problems
did you even read what i wrote? i am NOT the guy who cares about a few cents, i am the guy who has a few dollars to spare if I'm ever lazy enough to need to have my food brought to my door by some poor delivery guy. i would only be complaining about a few cents if i was a pleb delivery faggot who depended on those few cents to get by. if you're going to make assumptions about me, at least try to be a little correct.

i was talking more about the retarded people who order delivery and expensive restaurant food when they should be spending their money more wisely.
White here! I always give 5 bucks to delivery fags
>Where does the responsibility lie here?
You, when you tell us to do an extra service.

>I've paid the cost of the pizza and something clearly labelled the delivery charge, so give me my fucking pizza you cunt
"We don't have one", referring to a delivery charge. We're the official pizza of my university, so we say we save students money by not charging fees, but it extending to all deliveries.

So, what now, you fat cunt.
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well done guess we found all the niggers in /b/.
Isn't the very reason of being employed not having to live of random people's charity? It sound like its your employer who's ripping you off, not the customers. When you buy a pizza, or eat at a restaurant, the establishment *always* factor in the price of workforce into their prices, always! If your employer is expecting you to earn tax-free money in the form of tip of off his customers that illegal, and since he's propably pocketing money that should cover what you're expecting in tip, that's also illegal
TL;DR: you're getting scamed good OP
>people live off of that
They chose to apply for that job. If they can't get a better job than a fucking delivery boy then it's just fucking hilarious how they think they're allowed to complain about niggers
>They also are the most likely to complain
When I managed a starbucks the black girls were most likely to be the mouthiest, and the black boys were the most likely to be little shits and make a mess in my store.

And they ALL liked to come in for free ice water. Once when I told them no and kicked them out of my store, this old Jew lady came up to the counter and bitched me out because all these poor young kids could get dehydrated.

Funny... I didn't know I was running the "water for poor black kids" charity. And they all had plenty of money to go across the street to taco bell. They just liked the idea of getting nice shit for free... typical black mentality.
>But you don't you retard
I'll get 4$ an hour no matter how many pizzas I deliver.....
You have me do something......
Explain how that is not extra work for free?
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>You, when you tell us to do an extra service.

What "extra service" am I asking for that I've not already fucking PAID FOR.

1. I paid for the Pizza.
2. I paid the Delivery Charge.

Nothing else is being requested other than you do your fucking job and deliver the pizza that I've paid your employer for you cunt.
It's called a part time job in college.
What job do you think I can ever get?
I'm doing an internship in the summer while I finish my degree. I'm not "stuck" at this job.
The point of nigger culture is that they know they will never reach high social status, thus they never save up any money or think about the future. By buying nice things now they will fir in more socially and have more "cred".
>Some white collar wealthy people tip well, sometimes only a couple bucks.
I read a story many years back about a waittress who was SUPER pissed after she served Bill Gates and he only tipped her like 15%. She was expecting to get a $1000 tip or some shit.

Uh... rich white people become rich white people because they don't waste their money. And don't give me any of that "Bill Gates is greedy" shit, because he's given over half his fortune to charities in Africa.
Okay, clearly you can read more than one sentence, so I'll just respond to one point you're not getting.

Its the same as the people who hate Mexicans who took durr jerrbs. If your job was worth a shit or if you were any good at the job it wouldn't have been taken by someone who doesn't even speak english.
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>not getting paid extra for barely-adequately performing an unskilled job
You don't know the half of it. We're about to change the minimum wage here in California to $15. That means that some literally retarded nigger working in Taco Bell will make that kind of cash.

Some assholes just don't understand economics. Here comes inflation!
It's the other way around you entitled faggot. You should be happy that your boss still pays you even when you're not working.
Also: All jobs have highs and lows I sometimes spend 50% of my day watching youtube and other times I skip breaks. I work in an office for a fixed salary
If you have money to buy expensive food and you could just pick it up yourself, you have money to tip.
>It's the other way around you entitled faggot
No, no it's not.
You hire me to deliver your pizza, you should tip me.
If you can't tip, you shouldn't be eating food that costs 2-3 dollars to make.
>implying that I was talking about myself. Read down, faggot. I've already covered that in a later post.
These numbers are old. I just checked and the latest figures have something like 72% of black kids born out of wedlock. It's getting WORSE not better.

Also, is this thread about black people being shitty, or about tipping? Two totally different topics.
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So again. Why is this my fucking problem?

You don't have a delivery charge, ergo in your stupid waitron eyes I am getting something for free.

Lets return to reality shall we? Any contract that exists regarding the purchase and delivery of my pizza exists between myself and your employer.

He is flogging a Pizza for $19.99 all in an that is all I am contractually and legally obliged to pay for.

You are his employee, you have a contract of employement with your employer, you have no contract either explicit or implied with me.

ergo, you have no moral or legal justification to tap me for money because you don't feel your employer is adequately compensating you for.

ergo, don't be a fucking beggar and fucking give me my fucking pizza you cunt.
The firm you work for hires you to carry out its business.
Actually, what will happen is that decent workers in high stress jobs, that are already making $15/hr will simply move to McDonald's for the same money. The entitled faggots will still be on welfare, because decent people will take their jobs.
It's ice water asshole, give it out for free. It doesn't cost you a fucking dime.
I dunno. Mebe just be happy you are not kill. Be happy no ambush take money beat up and ejaculated.
>You hire me to deliver your pizza
No your boss hires you to deliver pizzas for 4$ an hour, and you're an entitled child who complains about having to actually do what they pay you for
>Why is this my fucking problem?
You paid for a pizza, not delivery.
That was your whole point.
You have nothing now, cunt.

So are you just abandoning that point?
I laugh at you cheap nigger Jews on your self righteous ego trip that you stiff people a tip. You have that card to play once, after that...

Well let's just bring to your attention that cameras aren't everywhere and using their own vehicle means no GPS. So if they decide to stop somewhere and dig their finger in their asshole before wiping it clean under your cheese and wiping ass crack sweat on the underside of your crust, you asked for that level of service according to your tip history.

This even applies in a restaurant where cooks and servers are friends.

Bon appetite you cheap nigger Jews, you get what you pay for and the servers ALWAYS get the last laugh.

>don't fuck with the people that make and serve your food you lazy faggots
Thier tip is not robing/RAPEING/ KILLING YOU
If working whites don't have a worthy opinion then nigger ones are worthless as well?
>Luckily I worked at a mom and pop place in a nicer suburb so I didn't have to deal with a ton of nigs
See! Now that's a smart Anon.

When I was a barista I was posted to a store that had a ton of shitty Armenians. They were rude fuckers who never tipped. Rather than sitting around bitching, I started volunteering for shifts at other stores till I found the one that had lots of wealthy white people. Then I bugged the manager there and transferred. Longer drive, but WAY better tips.

Good for you, anon. I'm sure you guys rolled your guys and played some sort of game for whatever sucker had to take the pizza to Nigland.
it's because niggers spend all their money on shit like cars and xbox they can't tip you.
if it's pizza hut or dominoes or one of those shitty franchise pizza places you don't deserve a tip, their pizzas are over priced as fuck as it is
>makes $1000+ a month on top of monthly salary
>complains about some people not giving more free money for doing job i get paid to do then others
>how can you not hate niggers?

how can you not hate people who get paid to drive a few mins in a car, to carry cardboard boxes to a door, then expect more money from the people behind that door
because you did your job? because carrying pizzas from your car to a door is so labor intensive? because most pizza places include a fee in your final bill specifically for the delivery driver and is usually a tip included in the final price so in the end you wind up tipping twice..

>insert reservoirdogsopeningscene.webm
>You paid for a pizza, not delivery.
>That was your whole point.
>You have nothing now, cunt.

Alright matey, tell you what.

You stop delivering the pizza that I've paid for and see how long that lasts before your employer, not I, fires your ass.

The contract for a $19.99 includes delivery either explicitly or implicitly.

I don't order a pizza and then not have it delivered do I? or if I do I don't expect it to cost me $19.99.

Learn2Economics you retard.
>No your boss hires you to deliver pizzas for 4$ an hour
No, he doesn't.
*YOU* hire me to delivery your pizza, that's what the difference is between and insider and driver. I have added duties which are not supplemented by my employer unless I get virtually no tips the whole night.
The norm is to pay for the person you hire to deliver my pizza, dipshit.
>then nigger ones are worthless as well?
It goes for everyone who's "unemployed/fastfood working trash". Nigger or not doesn't really matter
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Shalom my friendly hebrews, L'chaim and good job saving a buck!
>It doesn't cost you a fucking dime.
The water itself is a negligible cost. The cups, straws, and lids probably come out to 5 cents per order.

What DID cost money was all the PAYING customers who had to wait while 20 of these little fuckers got their free ice water. There's a concept in queuing theory called "balking and reneging". Basically, people who get in line and then give up because the wait is too long, or people who drive up to the store, see it's full of kids, and never come in.

Trust me, during that half hour when school let out, my sales dropped noticeably. I could even compare it to weeks of the year when school was not in session and there was at least a 20 percent drop in comparable sales.

So yeah.... bitch about free water. You didn't have to clean up after the little fuckers who threw garbage everywhere, trashed the condiment bar, yelled and screamed, and generally drove my paying customers out.

Fuck off and vote for Bernie.
>The contract for a $19.99 includes delivery either explicitly or implicitly.
No, no it doesn't.
Prices did not go up after they eliminated the delivery charge, it's been 3 years, it's the same. Sales increased drastically once we announced we were the official sponsor of the college with no delivery fee.

TL:DR - we make less per pizza, but we sell more pizza.

Did you understand THAT economics lesson, dipshit?

Adding a picture doesn't make you any less autistic.
I challenge any SJW to come wait tables in the Southeast US in a heavily black area and not start shitting redpills within a month.
It's not an argument, you get to play the cheapskate card once and once only.

After that make no mistake a finger is swabbed around the inside of an asshole a few times before wiped clean under your cheese and all the sweat in an asscrack is wiped on the underside of your crust.

Cameras aren't everywhere. They are using their own vehicles so no GPS or anything.

Bon appetite you cheap Jew niggers

>don't fuck with the people who make or serve your food, lazy faggots
>No, he doesn't.
>*YOU* hire me to delivery your pizza, that's what the difference is between and insider and driver. I have added duties which are not supplemented by my employer unless I get virtually no tips the whole night.
>The norm is to pay for the person you hire to deliver my pizza, dipshit.

I'm sorry, but that's plain bullshit. You either work for the Pizza place or you work for me.

If you work for me where is your contract of employment?

Regardless of whether the contract of employment is written or verbal, expressed or implied, if I WAS your employer, just for the specific job of delivering the pizza then not paying you would be illegal.

Since it isn't, you're talking bullshit.
I delivered Pizza for 3.5 years in an Iowa City. Seemed to me that old people are the ones who don't tip.
Great, a non fgt OP
a lot of places dont hire just drivers, you are pulling someone out of the store to drive to your house because you dont want to get off the couch. unless of course you order from shitty pizza places like a pleb. only a fucking retard wouldn't understand that you should pay more for more service. you should have to pay more to have it brought to you than someone who picks it up. not really the most difficult thing in the world to grasp.
>No, he doesn't.
Then what is he paying you 4$ an hour to do you retarded faggot? Nothing?
>By buying nice things now they will fir in more socially and have more "cred"
You're right about that. We're talking about a culture where it's encouraged to go into debt just to put fucking jewelry on your goddamn teeth! I don't know if "grills" are still a think, but it was so fucking stupid when I saw it in L.A. And the whole time I'm thinking, "That shit must cut up the inside of their mouths like crazy. No wonder their lips are so huge!"
>he norm is to pay for the person you hire to deliver my pizza, dipshit.
>I'm sorry, but that's plain bullshit.
Okay, fgt
>you are pulling someone out of the store to drive to your house
And that person is paid to do that. It's part of their job
>It sound like its your employer who's ripping you off, not the customers.
This is the very heart of the tipping shit. The wait staff is getting pissed at the wrong person. It's the employer who is fucking you, not the customer.
>Prices did not go up after they eliminated the delivery charge, it's been 3 years, it's the same. Sales increased drastically once we announced we were the official sponsor of the college with no delivery fee.

Which is a decision made by your employer, the pizza business for financial reasons and has got the square root of fuck all to do with me.

Just because your employer tells you this bullshit doesn't make it so.
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That's why it's per person.
Store up-keep, taking orders, making pizzas.
Everything an insider does, but I have a fucking car.
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That's why he averaged the sum. Nigger.
>Which is a decision made by your employer, the pizza business for financial reasons and has got the square root of fuck all to do with me.
You're getting BTFO here, I hope you know this.
When you hire me to delivery your food, it does.
cups cost money cocksucker
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All of these posts saying they shouldn't tip are undoubtedly high school students who don't understand working. Entitled babies who don't realize how shitty the food industry is until they eventually work as servers, get shit tips, and then complain about the same thing they endorsed years earlier.

TL;DR when you faggots get shafted on your tips, remember how retarded you were
So if you're not hired to deliver, why the fuck are you doing it?
Liberal Arts colleges are the best. Lazy entitled students with grandpa's money that order everyday. Our town has 2!

Aside from one black chick, they all tipped sub $2. Asians were bad too, but not on nigger levels.
>Nothing else is being requested other than you do your fucking job and deliver the pizza that I've paid your employer for you cunt.
Even if there's not a delivery charge per se, if the business is a PIZZA DELIVERY PLACE, then that is part of the business. It's not like you called the restaurant around the corner and asked them to bring you food.

Most of the pizza places don't even have a dining room anymore. It is VERY clear that the whole point of their business is delivery.

As I said in one of these threads a couple weeks ago, if you want a tip when you're working for a DELIVERY BUSINESS, do something extra. Bring me some extra toppings. Or breadsticks. Do a song and dance. Offer to serve the first slice of pizza. Write a nice note on the box. Any FUCKING thing. Just figure out ONE little thing and you will make SO MUCH MONEY you'll own that franchise in a couple years.
right, payed by you and your tip.
>he doesn't understand the concept of tipping
give the poor driver a few bucks you fucking jew, if the world was filled with people like you, all places would have a fixed delivery rate and prices would go up. we wouldn't get to decide how much gratuity the delivery driver earns based on his service performance, and once tipping is gone, there is literally no reason for anybody (drivers as well as waiters) do work any harder than the bare minimum just to avoid getting fired. stop being so stingy over a few dollars and go pick up your food faggot
Store up-keep, taking orders, making pizzas.
Everything an insider does, but I have a fucking car.

Some ESL classes are in your area, fuckboi.
>fuck all to do with me

Retard, YOU ask for the delivery YOURSELF. You have two feet, fucking walk. When you demand delivery, you pay for it.

Let me ask you: if you own a store and you order a bulk amount of supplies, do you pay for the supplies only and not the delivery? Or do you pay for both?
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Maybe because black people have less money?
You're stats are flawed. I used to deliver and its not color, its what street they're on.
That's because you don't have nigs in Iowa and old people don't realize that a gallon of milk costs $4.
>tip beggar complaining that others are entitled
Truth of the matter is that the restaurant you or op works for makes a surpluss on deliverd pizza. That is your wage. That's what pays for your work. Now, to give you a better wage would force them to charge more for deliverd pizza, but that would meen less people would order from them. Therefor they exspect you to beg from door to door for that extra money. What difference does it make if you're asking for "tip" or "a dollar to feed a hungry collage student" from the people you meet? None! The only security you have, is your wage and if that's not enough, then its not the customers fault
>payed [can't even english] by you and your tip.
No, paid an hourly wage to do exactly that.
Papa John's, Dominos, and Little Caesar's have something in common, anon

Agreed! Which is why instead of ordering food I make dinner, then put the tip money I save into actual piggy banks, per Rich Dad Poor Dad.

And I actually DO tip the pizza guy on the rare times we are just too tired to cook because he IS doing me a favor. But the tip is in direct relation to speed of delivery, quality of pizza when I get it, delivery guy's attitude and appearance, etc.
Dubs answered with dubs. Impressive.
>critiques my english because he didn't read my question properly
No wonder you're stuck in fast food.
>why the fuck are you doing it?
>not what
>I dunno. Mebe just be happy you are not kill. Be happy no ambush take money beat up and ejaculated.
Haha, I was going to criticize this guy for his Engrish, but it's just too funny. Right on, Jumanji.
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>You're getting BTFO here, I hope you know this.

Don't blame me, I am only trying to point out that you are being conned by your employer and turning your anger against the customer.

You can try and convince us, your customers that the reality of the world is what you say it is, but it just plain isn't.

If you have a problem with this then bitching at me is not going to help, because I am only the customer. I am not your employer no matter how much you wish me to be and no court in the world would recognise such a relationship.

Just because your carefully constructed fantasy world is falling around your ears doesn't mean its time to double-down.
This is like the 'first world problems' of kneegrow h8. They paid for the shit and you got a fucking tip...yet you still complain? dafuques wrong with you, mane? Were you assaulted? No? Just a sub-par tip? oh lawd.
> I am only trying to point out that you are being conned by your employer and turning your anger against the customer. am I being "conned"

I'm a fagget
I'm making a 4chan post about my tips, not asking for political involvement or even a pussy petition.
You're acting like I'm calling for a 2nd holocaust or something, I don't know what is lower than spewing shit on 4chan....
I like cock
Store up-keep, taking orders, making pizzas.
Everything an insider does, but I have a fucking car.

Some ESL classes are in your area, dipshit, yet again.
I admire your hard work, OP. I really do. But other Anon is right. It's your employer who fucked you, not the customers.

The employer saw a way to increase sales, thus increase his profit. He did so at your expense. Not only does dropping the delivery fee screw you directly (as that fee should go straight to you for gas and expenses) but lowering the cost also encourages more CHEAP customers who will be less likely to tip.

So college kids get cheap pizza. Employer gets more business. YOU get fucked. Sorry dude.
The only reason you feel that you need tip or that the food industry is shit is just that: the food industry is shit! Not you, not the customers, but your employer!

Read this^
See >>677539111 for what your cheap ass is entitled too.
I accept that you're leaving walk over in this debate.
>in the Southeast US in a heavily black area
You don't have to say Southeast. We all know you mean The South. And we all know what that means! Lazy ass niggers.

There is a HUGE difference between black people and niggers. There are lots of niggers in California, but there are also some really nice, well dressed blacks who actually pull up their pants and speak English.

But the South? Fuck that!!! There's no way I'd go there. I'm a confirmed geobiggot.
>how am I being "conned"

Because you believe that somehow I, the customer have become responsible for paying your wages, or at least the part of your wage that relates to the delivery of pizza.

I did not tell you this fantasy and I'm guessing you didn't conjour this fantasy up on your own.

I'm guessing that this bullshit was told to you by either the manager or the owner of the Pizza business that you work for.

Therefore they are the ones that are conning you.
man you lost that one hard.
>The employer saw a way to increase sales, thus increase his profit. He did so at your expense
How is that my expense? We never got the delivery charge and we make more deliveries than ever....

> Not only does dropping the delivery fee screw you directly (as that fee should go straight to you for gas and expenses)
It doesn' goes straight to the store, faggot.

>but lowering the cost also encourages more CHEAP customers who will be less likely to tip.
No, it really doesn't. We display on our boxes that we have no delivery fee and the receipt print out hints it too, it literally points to the tip line to encourage more tips, because you're saving money and it has increased average tips.

>TL;DR you should shut your whore mouth if you don't know anything about the thing you're talking about.
Then you're paying duble up, honey. You're paying what the establishment has factored into the price of your pizza for transport, and what the delivering guy beggs for at your door
Yeah, other anon is right. No niggers there. You had it easy. I actually have always felt bad for old people.

#1 Those fuckers don't know what year it is. Often LITERALLY. As other anon said, they have no idea what prices are.

#2 a lot of those poor fuckers are on fixed income social security. Now, that also means they shouldn't be ordering pizza, but hell, it may be the only interaction they get all week, and you might remind them of their grandkids.

Can't really complain about old people. I used to watch these poor bitches pull out pocket change to buy a cup of coffee at my store. I always comp'd it to them.
>Because you believe that somehow I, the customer have become responsible for paying your wages, or at least the part of your wage that relates to the delivery of pizza.

>Pay me to do a job
>Not expected to be paid

I get paid minimum wage if I don't get tips exceeding that amount, so I get at the very least minimum wage.

Explain how I'm being conned again.
Cause I factually can not lose money taking this job than a minimum wage job.
The 'driving' is part of their job. It was in their job description when they got hired.

Here in Cali at least, if you just "pulled someone out of a store" to deliver you can get in deep shit. Starbucks got sued to hell for that and had to pay a fuckton to Baristas because managers were asking Baristas to drive to other stores to pick up supplies. Now they have to pay mileage and if a barista picks stuff up on the way in, the 'clock' starts as soon as they hit the other store, not when they get to their own store.

So yeah, if you're a delivery driver that's part of the job. If it isn't... go to the state labor board. Or live in a less shitty state.
ditto -- I delivered pizza for ~6yrs in the 90s - The street *seemed* to have more to do with tip amount than race. I didn't have bone to pick with any races/sub-cultures/whatever, so I simply did my job with a smile and got muh tips.
I bet you've consumed a lot of spit, cum, and other bodily fluids from you choice of eating establishments, because you are a colossal douchebag. Kek
Jesus Christ. This nigger obviously doesn't understand Statistics. OP did a very clear job of AVERAGING it, you all caps using fucktard.
>Explain how I'm being conned again.

Because you seem to believe that somehow the payment of your wages in relation to the delivery of Pizza is now my responsibility as the customer since your boss, the Pizza owner dropped delivery charges 3-years ago.

You are being conned by whoever told you this was the case, because it simply isn't. I work with legal contracts everyday and that's just bullshit.
they probably dont hav>>677530799
as much money
Are you the only one who doesn't realize he took an average per person you goddamned fucking faggot
Welp thats BS. If the server expects a tip the onus is on them to have the balls to tell the customer upfront themselves.

The customer came to you, now you have to prove you deserve the tip and how much of one.
If you don't like that well you should ask your boss to pay you properly or get a job where you don't expect to be tipped just for doing what your job description is.
>do you pay for the supplies only and not the delivery? Or do you pay for both?
Depends on the supplier. Often they will throw in "free delivery". Now, you and I both know the delivery isn't really free. Amazon or whoever has to pay FedEx. They just swallow the cost themselves because they want me to order more. If I get something that has "free delivery" I don't offer to pay the FedEx or UPS guy when he shows up.
I know you had a point, but I got distracted by perky nips and pussy bulge.
>Because you seem to believe that somehow the payment of your wages in relation to the delivery of Pizza is now my responsibility as the customer since your boss, the Pizza owner dropped delivery charges 3-years ago.
No, *YOU* however hinting that you paid for, and I quote:
"I've paid the cost of the pizza and something clearly labelled the delivery charge, so give me my fucking pizza you cunt, before I fuck my ass with this black dildo"
So, what was the point of mentioning the delivery charge, YOU THOUGHT, if not to rid you of any need to tip me for delivery your pizza?
>I bet you've consumed a lot of spit, cum, and other bodily fluids from you choice of eating establishments, because you are a colossal douchebag. Kek

Funnily enough I never order take away food preferring to cook bought food at home (fresher, better, healthier, cheaper) or go to the restaurant if I want to spend time with friends or whatnot.

I cannot ever remember ordering a pizza, but that is beside the point.
check out some Krafft-Ebing b4 ya get back up on yur high horse, mang.
You're a fucking retard. Do you need a picture book to read OPs post? He clearly states that he is currently in college and that his job is paying for tuition. Think before you speak nigger.
I'll give you points for being creative. You're honestly arguing that those places aren't in the business of pizza delivery?

I don't work in that industry but maybe the pizza fags can answer: What percentage of your business comes from walk-ins vs. delivery?

My guess would be, generously, 20/80. They are in the delivery business. They advertise under "pizza delivery". They have delivery fees. They have little fucking signs to put on your car.

Yes, I'm sure that 50 or 60 years ago they were "pizza parlors" and some of them HAPPENED to feature a side service that would bring food to you. I don't know if those exist anymore. All the ones that were in business when I was a kid are gone along with video arcades.

Now can we please get back to how cheap niggers are?
Get a real job, hate yourself for not having it.
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