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Waifu claiming thread - Chara is back to being Mizuki >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 196
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread - Chara is back to being Mizuki

>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pictures of your waifu
>Discuss stuff
>drink tea
>take meds
>don't do drugs
>Maybe hold back on becoming a hugbox
>or don't, I don't care
>Post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!

Mizuki claimed
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>inb4 deleted
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can we drink coffee?
>i don't like tea
>trips confirm

It's the same 2 guys that always do this.
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What is it, Chen anon?

>I like you as well, Mizuki!
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>Claiming already claimed shit waifu.
Real thread
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>2 threads again
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Sure, let's drink coffee instead
Ice Coffee?
>I love Ice Coffee, the one with vanilla ice in it
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How about some hot cocoa
This is all bait
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Homura claimed.
kagami claimed!
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Ayy snake girls are best girls
The duckroll isn't real.
Not even sure if this one is real.
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No bait here
best suit girl claimed
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aww, thank you~ and welcome back
welcome back everyone
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I see that now
Where's my welcome back
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Vigil - 127.jpg
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You missed
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Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell someone about it.

>sighs softly
I picked up a second job outside of my shrine, to get some extra money... a friend of mine got the job for me, but now I'm feeling overwhelmed by it. I'm also in pretty poor health right now, so it's like the worst time to be over-exerting myself, and that's exactly what I have to do to keep the job.

I want to just quit for my own well-being since I'm starting to lose sanity too, but letting people down gives me anxiety like you wouldn't believe...
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>>677466402 (You)
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sorry, I meant "hello"

see? you still don't welcome me back
you are hurting me.
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I'm back.
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01 - P4Y55Bx.jpg
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Claiming Elsa the Snow Queen.
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sounds nice ^.^
hot cocoa is also pretty good tbh
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Elsa the Lewd Queen.
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oh shit, you're right!
Welcome back!
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Tatsumaki (363).jpg
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I got the diamonds, scrapin, sidin, wastin my life in altered states dem.

Back it up, I got the Fever
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17 - TuFv5BF.jpg
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But I kinda have to post overly sexualized content
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hmmm, well y'know, you should never do anything for anyone but yourself, just do what you like, and the rest will follow, that's what i believe sorry for your situation though, sounds like a tough one
time for dinner

re-chan claimed
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OH, everyone's here, what is the hapenning my dudes ?
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hi! how are you doing?
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Hey Tats

Anon, that's lewd...

Not much. How are you?
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i actually agree

Serious business now, please all pay attention.
This OP, knowns as Chara or Mizuki is obviously lacking attention. He keeps doing thread when they 404, instead of letting us make them.
You are a fucking egomania, you're not original, you are getting angry and then you say you are a calm person.
You are a fraud, and that's why I will always hate you.
I hate phonies.
more more more delicious ships
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Because to be specific, I want to orally service futanari Elsa.
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We all know Shimakaze would sink you
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Need a hug, fuckface?
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Sitting 11.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
Ew, that's fucking disgusting.


Can I join...?
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behind you
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>best tights in sight
i try to get syndra but she just outright refuses me also playing some ffxiv and feeling down since 5pm and don't know why
do you have some salt for me?

claiming yume still want to make yumexsyndra happen
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Tenryuu 2.jpg
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Miss Pauling (54).png
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I think I upset Syndra.
I'd like to apologize, I didn't mean to offend or annoy you with my antics.
We're all friends here.
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Snow Queen.jpg
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To feel her throbbing member pulsate as she blew a load of ice cold jizz down my gullet would be a dream come true.
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Hello beautiful


Don't worry miss you're fine
You do know that while you call us autistic, we only post images to converse. Meanwhile you're posting so often you don't have time to do LITERALLY ANYTHING but click 'browse,' scroll through a list, find the image you're looking for, select, captcha, upload, repeat.

You are spending these moments of your life doing one of these most mundane and autistic activities imaginable.

You know if you wanted to you could get to know us and talk? But if you choose to live alone, avoid sensible contact with others and spam boards like this, you're most likely the most emotionally depraved, depressed human being on planet Earth.

Please consult a doctor, I'm being serious, get help.
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>He keeps doing thread when they 404, instead of letting us make them.

>You are a fucking egomania, you're not original, you are getting angry and then you say you are a calm person.
It probably got on his nerves, but he can fix that.

>You are a fraud, and that's why I will always hate you.

Would you not hate him as much if he didn't made any more threads and stopped replying in that manner?
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Syndra (83).jpg
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no, im just tired. This shit is getting confusing
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kill yourselves
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Saika Totsuka.jpg
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Hi Milkman.

I want it to happen

>gonna go back to lurking
hi mrs moo, how are you doing?
Heh... thank you, Kagami-sama. Umm.. well, in this situation I feel like I have to look out for myself because nobody else involved cares about my health or has to live with the consequences of it except me.

I might lose this friend over it if it reflects poorly on him, but I guess that's just something I'll have to live with.
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NO! She's mine.

I hear she has a sister though...
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Vigil - 180.jpg
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I know next to nothing about Kancolle, but I'm pretty sure that this is Hajime as a Abyssal, or something...
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Tatsumaki (213).png
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I don’t give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I’ll put you in so much fucking pain that it’ll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don’t give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I’ll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I’ll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You’re going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you’ll have a fucking heart attack. You’ll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you’ll see when you’re being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You’ll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I’ll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I’d rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It’s too late to save yourself, but don’t bother committing suicide either… I’ll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot. Welcome to hell, population: you
why are you protecting him?
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Luna claimed.
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mandatory c2 claim

back from workout. i pushed myself too hard.
got first nose bleed in 13 years.

whats everyone up to?
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emperor claimed
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stale pasta.
that's right, i've have some really good friends throw me under the bus, you said it, only you will care about you,i wish everybody in the world was just a good person...
You got a sauce on that?

You think Anna would want to fuck my face...?
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>i consider suicide
Whatever kid. Oh I'm sorry did I fucking trigger you? Were you fucking triggered you little cry baby? Fuck off. Literally saying not a fucking word to you and you're gonna fucking mute me because you have a problem with me just fucking talking shit in all chat? Honestly go fuck yourself to the highest fucking caliber you fucking asshole. So sick of little fucking bitches like you who fucking have a fucking opinion like you're fucking sitting over there like, oh I'm some fucking problem to you because I'm not even fucking saying a fucking word to you. Fuck off. Call it what you fucking asshole? Hormonal? Kid you're a fucking bullshitter. You're a fucking bullshitter. Go fuck yourself. You ain't fucking nothing. You ain't fucking anyone. You ain't got a fucking clue in your fucking head who I am or what I'm fucking about. That I'm fucking calling these fucking kids tryhards, has your fucking panties in a bunch for what? For what? For fucking what kid? Honestly I'm fucking sick of kids like you. Literally go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself and everything that you fucking stand for because I'm gonna tell you right now, you don't stand for shit kid. You don't stand for fucking shit. Please. Yeah, talk in all chat. Yeah like anybody fucking cares kid go find a fucking friend to talk to, right? Because you can't fucking talk to me, you can't fucking treat me like a fucking person. You ain't fucking real kid. You ain't fucking real. You ain't got a fucking real fucking bone in your fucking body kid. So go fucking all chat, and make some fucking friends. Alright? You can make some fucking friends because "Oh, this guy's hormonal," pffft "Uh I'm gonna mute him," pffft fuck off. You're literally a fucking cancer on this fucking world kid. Never fucking forget it.
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Syndra (80).jpg
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TL:DR version of past few threads
Shitposting as always.
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>*Whispers in a hushed tone* he's sooo cool!
sounds pretty brutal, im good, did you do cardio?
was that long message towards me aswell, anon?
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hoh boy, I'm getting hit on! Yuuko, what should I do?!
have some nice body
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Hi there.
Hi milk drinker, I'm doing alright.
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get off my dick.

Uh sure I guess
I do enjoy your immense collection of song references and copy pasta.

Hello C2 whom i never talk to.
Hope you are well.

Hello to you as well.

Run. tsunderes are too much effort.
that's good to hear mrs. moo
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Tatsumaki (366).jpg
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No can do right now, bored.

I got more if you'd like.
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just circle jerks being circle jerks huh?

nah, just weight lifting, started laughing the moment it started, idk why
you are really cringe.
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I just had my daily glass of milk.
How's the drawing coming?
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oh boi, did u trell me, mista
Ahh but I enjoy your pasta
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Yeah, wouldn't that be nice...

>smiles softly
Well, I'll get through. Thank you for listening to me, Kagami!
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kek'd, nah, I'm getting hit on in private which is confusing me right now
I tried the whole time to get two guys together and after it didn't work out, this person hits on me
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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oh shit, we never talk. why is that?

also, yea im doing fine. you?
Ay... Real talk anon sounds like a pretty mature guy and just telling you someday you'll find a girl that thinks like you do. Which, no shit, you fucking idiot, of course some girls think it's gross too, you still in Highschool? Have you not dated at all and found out what girls like and what girls don't?
But not the point. I bet you don't run your mouth like that irl, cuz someone like me won't hesitate to give you a solid hook for talking the way you talking. If it's online, good job, you made yourself a cool guy online, have a fucking meme & an upvote. But talk your shit irl. I bet you don't.
I bet you stay at home all day and talk all your shit by clicking on your keyboard. I bet you shower once a week cuz your parents yell at you to shower. I bet you're a bitch irl so you HAVE to act like your cool online, cuz someone HAS to think you're cool somewhere.
But you sound like a dumbass. Thru and thru a straight fuckin dumbass.
Bet you've never ate bloody pussy. Bet you never even fucked a girl. Bet. I put that shit on anything. I fuckin bet your ass is still a virgin.
And I'd love for you to prove me wrong nigga. I'd fuckin pay for you to do that, watch you scramble for shit you can't prove.
Ya can't. You just fuckin can't can you.
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hmmm, hopefully it's nothing more than i nose bleed, sounds like fun time though!
it's no problem at all, i hope it all goes down alright
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Tatsumaki (364).jpg
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I'm an Alpha male /b/.
And girls want to fuck alpha males. Let it piss you off as much as you want, but you know it's completely true. That girl you like who is kinda cute in a weird way, but is totally sweet and you have the biggest crush on? The one who keeps going back to guys who treat her wrong for reasons you don't understand? The one who calls you up at 1 am to cry about how her boyfriend hasn't called her in 3 days, and no matter how long you listen to her, she'll never think of you as anything other than asexual? The one who will curl up next to you on the couch, hug you close, kiss you on the cheek, and never let you fucking touch her beyond that?
Yeah, I'm fucking her.
The hot girl who won't even look at you when you nod at them and smile? The one who laughs when you trip in the hallway and drop your stuff? The one who comes up and coyly asks for your help with her homework, and then pretends you don't exist once you finish?
Yeah, I'm fucking her too, even harder.
The geeky girl you think might be enough like you that you have a chance with her? She plays warcraft on your server, and watches anime, and reads comics? She's so incredible and you just love her so much but you still haven't worked up the courage to tell her how you feel about her?
Guess who just sucked me off and told me they'll always love me?

I try.
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Syndra (38).jpg
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But somehow managed to be more jerkish and confusing.
Nothing new is going on, finally got home and now im drinking tea as usual.
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Cocoa has become a rather sad but comforting drink for me.
No worries, not quite a regular yet to dictate a welcome
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Haven't gotten an update from the artist yet today.
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No idea, he said he liked me and I like him as well.
If you don't like him, then he's probably not going to ask you about it himself, so I might as well give it a try.
>Stop making the threads
>Don't get angry over idiotic stuff
Is that it?

I'm not asking you to join the circlejerk afterwards in case you don't want to, don't worry.
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Nah, I'll welcome everyone back
Sometimes I just happen to miss someone since I thought I already clicked on them.
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but I never called all of you autistic as a whole.
you are just a bully.
i'm getting cyber bullied.
You know who buillies? weak people.
you are weak.

>oh boi

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What server are you on?
I'm not going to be much help in this department.
If you like him i say go for it. Men like directness.
>not that i know what i'm talking about

Good, just shit posting as usual.
Probably because i'm boring. We'll talk when it's necessary.
Glad you're doing well though. Glad you're back.
Thanks m8

>stop ignoring me.
I'm actually in this circlejerk already, but I'm just being myself

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why sad?
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Ruriii, don't, you're feeding the troll.
>I-I love you Yuuko
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Well, from the looks of it she's been known to fuck a face every now and then. Can't hurt to ask.
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Bukashaki best wifeu.jpg
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>It's still amazing

Hi Ruri
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it was, roomate had no idea what to do. was fun watching him run around like a monkey.
gonna look up what might of caused it

eh, just wait till we get our own board
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ironic shitposting is just shitposting
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TatsumakI (278).jpg
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You just claimed a guy you faggot
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That's okay! I'm not upset!
Lost muh husbando last night, who enjoyed hot chocolate as a comfort drink. So I'm a sad panda today.
Well poop, I'm on Midgar...
Tell me something I don't know

OH NOO ONE OFF :(((((((

found the king of the faggots
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You're so brave and bold!
You tell him!

you know that one punch man has the worst community, and you are part of them.
From the looks of it, she gives good head too. B-But I wouldn't ask for any of that. Just feeling her balls empty against my chins and she cums down my throat would be more than enough.
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makes sense, glad to be back
anything new going on in your life?
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Tatsumaki (417).jpg
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People who say they hate something because of the community are idiots.
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Prove it by living life well.
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Something you don't know?

you are boring.

you won't even let me have friends? stop bullying me already
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lol, im like that at the gym too, so ill just do abs and run...i have noodle arms, so i never do weight lifting, i hope it's nothing serious
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I'm good, grinding osu!mania and ffxiv.
mhhh, those thighs..
>playing some ffxiv
What data center and server are you on ?
I could add you on steam and we could play some games, maybe cheer you up a little

Sorry for the late reply guys, had to do some things.
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I just triggered you
go back to lurking and collecting anime toys.
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Failing at finding summer jobs. Attempting to find a new car by the end of the month.
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Honk honk desu
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Chaos -> Phoenix
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>dat pic
Haha, ohgod, I'm dying reading that
>E-everything for my new future husbando
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Tatsumaki (281).jpg
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I collect Vinyls, but okay

>I just triggered you
Yep, you did.
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>he said he liked me and I like him as well.
your loneliness is sad
I can't believe you sweaty grease-bags inherently have freewill and spend all of your time doing whatever you chose. It's ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! So I took it upon myself, the true vigilante of /b/, to bring swift justice to all who oppose me! I speak with the elegance of a trailer-trash 4th grader, I type with the ferocity of a-thousand angry neck-beards and when I bring my hammer of justice down upon you you will burn on the internet for all of eternity.
>Spends literally all of his time spamming because he doesn't have the necessary communication skills to make friends

If you think so lowly of us, what does that make the /b/tard who spends all of his time opposing us for absolutely no intellectual, materialistic or moral gain.
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Ah, close, but not so close
>Chaos, Cerberus
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Fair enough, I'm glad you're willing to talk about that.

Uh, right.
You don't seem too enthusiastic about the idea, Mizuki.
Alright then, sorry about that.

Heyo Galko
Up to anything right now?

Maybe it is, you're right.
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emotionally awkward yotsuba here, with a mandatory claim

just feeling like shit after fucking up something again
No you

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
>responds to "faggot".
You're entertaining and in denial
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That is why Haurchefant is the best husbando for me. Because I'm just as nuts and squirrelbrained.
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ah sad
whats your main class?
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here is your reply

Of course, if you're friendly there's no reason for me to be offensive.
>Not knowing that pasta

One of the faggots here made it anyway
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Nothing much, I may go for a run soon.
>I have no idea what's happening in this thread
dick sucking
>More (You's)

Thanks m8
ok, so why are all circlejerk threads righteously sent to >>>/trash/ but those "waifu claiming" threads which are an obvious circlejerk "disguise" (i mean, uh, i feel wrong using this word here) are still here?
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Syndra (78).jpg
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I think a lot of us dont know whats going on.
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That guy is just here since yesterday, that's why I started ignoring him
what happened?
Oh my, haurchefant is awesome
>dat comic too
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Sup guys!
>hugs all around
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forgot pic
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just a bunch of shitposting and copypastas i think?
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Just postin' to make you jealous.
>not guaranteed to work on everybody
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dun goofed.png
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sounds about right
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Mods lurk the threads too

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thats great i main tank WAR will get the other to to 60 later on

you going SCH/WHM or AST?
Yes, yes he is, which makes the game suck even more.
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Hi Prinz
>tries to hug

It's hard to follow

Good to know I'm not alone.
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just went onto the nhs website and found that these could be the cause (they were happening)
"a blocked or stuffy nose often caused by an infection such as a cold or flu"
"a crooked nose that's either present from birth (congenital) or the result of an injury (a deviated septum)"
"dry air or an increase in temperature drying out the inside of your nose"

so its nothing serious

work ur arms man, it will help

same old life, on a break off work rn.
got a lot of customers, basic tats though.
been here all winter too, and I suggest you lurk moar
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>Mods lurk the threads too
ah. that'd explain a bit.

oh and dont get me wrong, i have nothing against those threads.

i'm one of those "if you don't like it, just ignore it" guys. i was just... surprised, and eventually - curious.
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11 - U4BzymD.jpg
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For me the idea of Elsa's magic making her fluids cold really does it for me. She'd make me kneel before her and lick her cock till her precum icicles melted before allowing me to take her member into my mouth. As she forced herself farther into my mouth her fluids wold continue to flow burning my throat with their coldness. After giving her a solid hour of oral stimulation she'd pull out most of the way before finally releasing her thick, frigid load into my mouth. My mouth and throat will have long since numbed, but this new rush would be so glacially cold as to renew the burning agony, but I would dutifully swallow it because that is what my Snow Queen wishes. Then when her load was all but spent she'd pull out and slap me in the face with her softening member, leaving a cold drop of cum on my cheek before turning her back on her personal cockwhore and walking away satisfied.
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usual shit, being a disgrace, sudden depression attack, some screaming at plants.
i scream at plants a lot for no reason.
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Vigil - 186.png
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>he doesn't know about jerkchan
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Im not a high level yet, only started really playing a week ago. Going WHM
you arent even interacting with the other avatartards. wtf are you doing

Ohh BTW, no sauce on that pic, but in looking for others I found a pretty cool site with some Frozen futa animations.
Because this isn't a circlejerk.
We talk with each other, see how the others are doing. We exchange music, movies, tv shows, comics, youtube videos. We discuss shit.
And most of all, this place is a motha-fuckin meme factory, not a waifu thread.
Thread replies: 196
Thread images: 151

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