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What's the most fucked up thing you've done at a concert?

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What's the most fucked up thing you've done at a concert?
Going alone. Cringy as fuck, would not do it again.
Your mom
Hot milf pushed in front of me front row centre and refused to move so I kept putting my hand up her skirt trying to finger her. She eventually moved along.
Paid to see Lana Del Ray.
Personally besides taking shitloads of drugs I'm quite well behaved.
I guess one time when I went to the toilet to take some more MDMA (have to fiddle with the plastic bag and bite of part of the pill etc..) instead of swallowing it i put it in my ass.. It kinda burned but I was rolling pretty hard.
I've thought of going alone to a few shows. Is it that bad?
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went to work there as bartender hoping to catch some of the music. Never again, had no real breaks, customers were rude and the line was never ending and they were so loud and many I couldn't hear or see the bands. But the money was nice.
Wanna greentext? How did she act before, during, and after you finger fucked her?
Festival not a concert, but a bunch of us made Hitler wigs and little mustaches from some black electrical tape we found - proceeded to romp about on k and whisky demanding to see peoples papers. Scored some MDMA from an asian girl, and later got my dick sucked by her friend as my pals stood nearby shouting "white power!"
k, MDMA and whisky don't really mix.
It's not that bad if you are good at socializing and it's a 'drug party' where its very normal to hang with random people you never even met before. Just don't say 'I don't have friends so I go alone' just make up something like 'my friends cancelled on me last minute and I love the music so I thought fuck it i'm going anyway.'
Also don't try to obviously make friends and stick with people the whole night.
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One time I got in a mosh. That crap was crazy as heck.
I can't imagine functioning on K at a party.. I've only ever done it with friends or by myself in my room but I become totally inapt at doing pretty much anything.
Whilst on mdma I stole a cops hat
Personally, I only find it fun in large groups of people where you can compete on dose and be a real childish cunt - I get that it can be trippy and surreal if used another way, but for me it's all about the falling over, fisticuffs, shouting, drooling and anti-social side of things.
Clocked an older guy in the face for being a drunk asshole. He wouldn't stop accusing me and a friend of stealing his drinks, and kept shoving me. Made his knees buckle, and he fell over. I pretty much ran to the exit as soon as I connected, I thought I was gonna go to jail. Nothing happened though, nobody tried to stop me. Molly makes you really paranoid when you're not having fun.
> be in the crush near the pit
> some teen girl next to me
> she's drunk or high as fuck
> start grabbing her ass
> pull into me
> grope her tits
> she looks up at me kind of wtf
> stare her in they eyes and push my hand down her pants
> she stares back and I finger fuck her
> never break gaze
> grind my cock against her leg
> make her cum
> she smiles like a retarded
> bail out and go get a beer
> see her after the show walking out with her bf
> she sees me
> smell my fingers and smile
> watch her turn bright fucking red
> tell buddies and we all laugh
Punched a midget
Decide to check out fka twigs for 10 minutes at Coachella. Fucked up right
I'm >>677084855
See this >>677085236
He's pretty much right. I suck at socializing. It was a MUSE show btw.
y would anyone do that?
I went to a One Direction show by myself.

There were plenty of girls there with no bfs so I just ended up hanging out with some of them.
Kek, I can imagine, one time I got home from a party still pretty high, put off my watch in my room then went to the toilet and when I came back I realised my watch wasn't on my wrist anymore. I imagined all kind of scenarios how people stole it while I was at the venue and where it could have happened and how to get it back. 30 minutes later I saw it lying on my desk...

Enjoyed myself. It was a Limp Bizkit show. I still feel shame to this day.
>Dropped some acid
>Hour in and things are going great
>Remember my friends psychedelic rock band is playing at a concert hall
>Thought about cancelling
>But fuck it, life is about doing crazy things
>Got there and all these weird people are there
>I can't really describe it but I got some pretty nasty vibrations
>Some dude threatened me on the dancefloor
>Lost my mind and punched him in the face then cheesed it to the park and then got lost
>Spent the rest of my night in a forest and lit a joint
Meh it was ok
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That's fucked up.
The usual ass grope of slutty teenage concert whores. Also when said whore crowd surf, they are basically saying, "please grab my ass right now"

>smell my fingers and smile

You probably looked retarded as hell doing that. She turned red because she realized she got fingered by someone who is literally retarded
Did you have a good reason?
things that never happend for $1000, please
Yeah, I feel like raves would be the best place to go by yourself. Party vibe and atmosphere, not a bunch of hipsters trying to impress each other.
How do you even make a girl cum in the middle of a dancefloor.. It'd take atleast like a minute or two if you're doing it perfectly and then it would just be weird as fuck with all the people around you notice it sooner or later. If that story happened at all she probably just made some retarded face cause she was enjoying it.
just grabbed a few pairs of titties, nothing unusual.
Enjoyed the music
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gave a dude a blow job while getting fucked in the ass and jacking two guys off while my gf was in the bathroom
Sounds like fun!
>green text it
>more details faggot
That's not really fucked up that's pretty much the standard.
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>Be me
>Be at a carnival watching some reggae band
>Chinese girlfriend jerks me off surrounded by like 2000 people, don't think anyone noticed
Meh, i met my wife going solo to a show.
Had to pee during a Gwar concert and didn't want to miss anything, so I stealthily peed on the people in front of me.
moar pictars.
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>be me, 20 year old manlet
>18 year old gf and I are stoned and on drugs
>scummy drug guy approaches us at festival
>starts dancing on my gf
>asks her if she wants a bump of ketamine
>she says yes, allows him to keep dancing
>anger bubbles up inside me
>tfw i end up doing nothing and accept my place as manlet
Not really but it was funny we made up and he would punch random people in the balls and hide.
>rewind 2 days ago. Go to Guam to see family and attend concert.
>go to beach to smoke
>see guy cleaning beach
>asks me for a smoke and we talk
>concert day: see him wasted
>me looking at him from a distance and laughing cause he smoking a cigarette backwards
>gets a tap on the shoulder, I turn
>big ass Samoan dude, probably 6'5 220
>asks me "why the fuck you laughing at my uncle?"
>be me. 5'10 180lb kid
>about to punch me
>guy walks up to him
>"who fuck wanna fight with Saipan guys?"
>pulls out gun
>Samoan guy backs off
>me: wtfisgoingon.gif
>guy that saved me says he knows me from Saipan and calls me "the nursing dude."
I was at the front and didn't wanna give up my spot to go take a piss. So I whipped out my turbosnake, let him dangle and proceed to make a dirty yellow lake. Lots of people went down in it
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>Be me
>Be at a concert with my friends
>Death Metal \m/
>Start drinking
>After a couple of shots, a friend of mine asks if we want to fuck some virgin pussy
>of course.jpeg
>Starts yelling "Allahu akbar!!!"
>Starts shooting people

Best night ever.
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>go to one direction concert
>be pretending mg daughters gone of somewhere
>fap to the aroma of wild tweens
Kek good one.
At a shoreline concert a high as hippie fat girl rode my dick while her friend sat next to me. I still hook up with her every so often
I am so much edgy, nobody ever used drugs in a concert, me and my friends are edgy cool as shit
>get thrown out for smoking weed
>sneak back in
>get thrown out again for smoking weed
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fingered le gf at a Prodigy concert and wiped her pussy juice on her sisters mouth
Nope. I do it often but i can go to gigs 2/3 Times a week. I'm pretty addicted to concert

>high as hippie fat girl

You're obviously a Faggot.
Went to a show alone once,
left with only the money for the ticket and a beer.
I met so many people and ended up pissdrunk and even got called up in the stage.
You Sir have no Idea how to party
Retard read the replies.
-Broke a dude's leg in a mosh pit
-Cracked a friend's rib or two, also mosh pit
-Broke my nephew's collar bone, yup, mosh pit*
-Have on several occasions caught someone falling off the edge of the crowd while crowd surfing and run them straight across the mosh pit to throw them on top of a different section of crowd.

That's really about all I can think of right now.

*After this one I've stopped hitting friends/relatives in the pit.
Ate leftovers

was do these whores have to do when they wanna crowd surf?
Lol you sound like one of those metal fags that don't know how to chill.
The fuck.. what country are you from?
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waited 3 hours in the car park after a Wheatus concert like a cuck while my gf got called back stage and got filled by the band

so it was an average U2 concert
maybe could have done shit with a foreign gurl wich was older than me and probably drunk.
>be me
>be 14-15 years old
>sneak into festival area with friends (price for 3 days was like 400€ or some shit like that)
>chillin there for like an hour
>others want to go to a specific stage
>going there
>shitty music
>most of my friends dont like it too but want to stay for some reason (dont know why anymore)
>awkward standing there in the crowd, not liking this pop bullshit
>some irish people near me
>drunk irish guy tries to get nigger or sandnigger (not sure anymore) drunk and violent for fun
>(probably also drunk) irish female suddenly comes to me
>"nice beard" (had "first teenager beard" at this time)
>I wanted to go because of shit music and weird people
>"uhm, thanks"
>dont know how to act
>tell friends I am leaving
>leave area
will never go on pop festivals like this again.
Don't worry, since you're a normfag, you'll have a great long life with all the drugs you use ;)
Kill yourself already

how is that cringy in any way? are you so self-conscious that you think anyone noticed and/or gave a fuck?
>thinking Eagles of Death Metal play death metal
>being this new
You are fucking stupid. I like aggressive dancing too, but its about controlled aggressions and you slam them shoulder on shoulder. You are that kind of retard hurting all people and thinking he is hardcore.
Are you me?

>for me it's all about the falling over, fisticuffs, shouting, drooling and anti-social side of things

you sound like a fucking cunt

Beem to hundreds of shows, it happens. First guy deserved it 1000% and the other two were complete accidents. It happens when you're approaching 300lbs and run into skinny dudes. I didn't even hit my nephew that hard, not even a ten foot start. It must have just been the magic angle. Now my friend, that was a sizeable festival pit, so there was some build up.
A friend of mine threw his new Samsung S7 away last sunday
Lol ... Wtf is wrong with you?
>Was at Sziget festival (huge festival in budapest)
>Prodigy is about to start
>Friends wanted to be pretty much near the front
>It's so fucking crowded you're literally squeezed between people with 0 space.
>People only start pushing harder cause I guess more people tried coming to the front from further behind
>We become a moving sea of people, can't really do anything just go with the crowd because the force of them pushing is way too strong.
>Guy with backpack is in front of me, saw he put his camera in earlier
>While we get pushed from left to right and can't move I sneakily open his backpack and grab around trying to find the camera.
>Can't find it, and decide fuck it I don't like being squashed anymore
>Pretty sure his friend who was a couple people further up noticed, but was unable to reach us or get his attention
Maralyn Manson sucked my dick
i didnt show up
and i was the star
it was their 15 year reunion tour
>Be me 20 years old
>Just get back from deployment so decide to go to a concert
>Drunk as fuck in the show, start dancing with qt3.14
>hands all over eachother, grinding and whatnot.
>she turns around and we makeout
>breath stank, but fuckit im drunk.
>be gropping all up on her, has nice b cups
>she asks how old I am; 20 I say.
>I ask her..
>I ask again
>say I gotta go take a piss
>she waits for me outside pisser and I avoid her as I leave.
>be at shitty synthpop concert cause mates talk me into it
>had to work from 4am so the idea of free drugs and alcohol sounded good
>friends too wasted on k and mdma and forget to come to festival
>get drunk/high with lots of randoms.
>meet this chill couple who hook me up with free weed
>bf goes off with friends and gf thinks is off cheating so drags me out the back for a quickie
>gf is 6/10 raven qt3.14 and dtf so im like w/e
>find boyfriend later and he couldnt find us so went and got us both drinks
>gf has meltdown at me so i leave with their friends
>get more high and end up banging gfs 7/10 blonde qt3.14 cousin
>next day phone is loaded with hateful and threatening texts about if they ever found me blah blah.
>never go to concerts alone anymore
If you go that often you are one of the regular crowd and even tho you go by yourself there will always be like 5-30 people you know depending on how big the parties are. So that's not really going by yourself then

confirmed for 14 year old who never was hugged
why up the ass, the effect takes on sooner? I might have to do this
Grabbed a girl's ass while I was holding my girlfriend's hand
Enjoyed seeing Nickelback live.
I mean, shit dude! They were actually right there in front of me. I couldn't believe it.
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these special needs champions 'filled you gf'?

has anyone ever look at you with an expression other than disgusted disappointment?

I always attempt eye contact before going at it specifically because I don't like blindsiding people. Causing injury is not my aim. It's just the physics of being a large dude. It's not like I don't come out unscathed either. A couple shows ago I wound up with an elbow injury that bugged me for most of a month because some assclown threw himself at me from behind at pretty decent speed. That sucked. Believe me, being the big guy in the pit paints a target on your back.
Who cares? Either you go with her backstage or she only visits 10min. Waiting 3 hours while ur GF gets gangbanged is cuck-o-mucho. I swear atleast she gave one of them a bj.
Went to an imagine dragons concert with my cousin and I took some pain killers and anxiety meds to get fucked up my cousin gets kicked out for smoking weed and leaves a bunch of shots and mixed drinks because he's getting kicked out I'm not giving them away because Honda center is expensive as fuck so I drank em. So the actual show starts and I'm belligerent from the mixture and snap chatting while singing along and you can hear me slurring and fucked up on the videos
>I was at a huge festival once
>some stupid girl asked me to lift her up cause she wanted to crowdsurf.
>It was pretty busy but we were not like all the way at the front
>so I told her she is gonna fall down cause there are too less people..
>She insisted anyway
>up she goes
>like 30 seconds and 15 metres further up she falls down face first because people didn't pay attention
>kek'd hard.
You really let those deaf kids down, Tay.
Your whore mom
New Chan Open...

you are a massive fat fuck beating up children, stop making excuses.
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One time a buddy and i got kicked out of a local band playing at a college hall. We we're fucking pissed about it so when we we're driving away we saw a bunch of geese or swans or something crossing the road between ponds. I hit the gas and plowed through about a dozen or so. It was like running over a bunch of watermelons. When we looked back many were dead and a ton were just flopping around and screaming out.

When i git home i had to scrub blood and feathers out of my car grill.
Why are chinese girls that date foreigners usually so slutty..
My gf is like the opposite.. Atleast she still was a virgin tho.
I mean we have sex regularly and sometimes we do sth a little kinky, but I'm wayyyyyy more perverted and can't show that to her or she would just be totally grossed out.
Underrated post
Took a solid punch to back of skull in mosh pit. Instinctively swung around 180 full force haymaker to the dudes face. Flattened his nose he falls back but managed to grab my other arm as he is falling back. Dude has death grip on my bicep. Starting to freak out a bit as I see how much blood is all over his face. Shake off his death grip and kick him solidly in the ribs (he's on the ground at this point). Get the fuck outta there!
Way too high to deal with security or worse the cops. Next day wake up and bicep is crazy purple and red where he locked on with his death grip. Whatever. Sure beats having a boken nose and bruised/broken ribs. Fuck that guy!
she said nothing happened. was just memoribila signing etc
How do they have fans? Teenage Dirtbag was their only hit.

went to a gig, cause warm up act was Reuben, i was enjoying myself hopping around and shit, little bitchin front of me wasnt a fan, she turned around and punched me, so i threw her on top of the crowd to crowd surf she got stuck in the mosh
How many handjobs did yyou get?
I shot dimebag
I don't understand you metal types. Don't get me wrong, I like my metal music, but smashing into a bunch of sweaty dudes doesn't sound like any fun.
ayy you are a lucky faggot Jimmie
She Musta been some sort of teenage dirtbag
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>I went to a One Direction show by myself
lol how old are you now ? If that's your worst I guess you're like 16 now
almost got in a fight with a guy because iw as wearing earplugs and he was looking to start a fight with anyone
> /pol
pls go
Are you a foreigner living in China? What's it like?

It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's a good way to let out some energy and actually really good exercise.
Lol like she would tell you when she blow or got fucked from one of these guys. What do you think those guys are doing with groupies after show? Taking drugs and fucking young girls
I once threw my empty bottle on the floor instead of one of the trash bins provided at a Nickelback concert
Such a cool story, brah. Did your bros give you a high five after for being such a studd?
I did 400 dollas worth of blow for a weekend festival
I stood near the front of the line to a Lil Dicky concert and said everyone under 21 has to pay $5.
I made well over $300 that night.

You don't, because he didn't.
I don't know, the most paranoid I ever got was while on LSD and had totally warped perception of everything (like I couldn't tell who i was, where I was or what I was doing) and suddenly something happened and I felt like I got trapped in a parallel universe because I lost what the meaning of time was. I spend 2 hours looking through all my stuff trying to remember what time meant.
Threw a man over the rail off the lawn during Slayer at the 2012 mayhem festival in colorado.
He fell right into securities arms and was carried away.
Went to DJ Mustard concert since he tour to my city. Went up on stage and a fucking huge black guard tackled me off the stage and roughed me up. I got kicked out and my mouth was bleeding. When i arrived home i washed my mouth and looked at the mirror and i chipped my front tooth, but it's not that noticeable.
>Be me 24
>be in A club
>some chubby girl (a friend of a friend) ask for some molly
>give her some molly
>chill on a couch and make out
>she starts crying
>she says anon my water broke
>she was pregnant not chubby
>call ambulence
>the child arrive before the ambulance
> the story how I gave a pregnant woman some molly
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>9 months pregnant

ok anon
Enjoy Limp Bizkit
What person takes moy when pregnant Oo

One time at a Limp Biscuit concert I took a Mama to the garage and felt like a fried conchert. It only took 20 lives but I'm a help me help me please wake up Danny, please.
Just think...if you were English you could have slid up inside her for as long as you wanted...
You sound like one of those people that always wears metalshit, considers themselves total hardcore because they are big and think in a pit you're supposed actually beat/push/kick others as hard as you can while everyone else is just trying to have a good time.
You're the definition of a low intelligence autistic manchild.
Was at a punk show in Florida years ago and put 3 stab holes in the ribs of a skinhead who backhanded me across the face...never saw that pale face bastard again.
>concert is about 12 years ago
>wild milf appears "looking for missing disabled daughter"
>she pushes to front row centre right in front of me and starts acting like a total cunt
>milf ignores complaints. She is about 40yo, long black hair, pretty, black skirt, white t-shirt, also tall so blocking my view
>start casually touching her ass
>wild milf ignores this, could be mistaken for jostling as it's packed tight at the front
>warm up starts, wild milf is bouncing up and down
>push groin into her, she is rubbing my cock as she bounces.
>cock is now diamonds
>milf stops bouncing for quiet song. cock is disappointed
>start gently groping her ass, wild milf ignores
>I'm now angry and horny as fuck.
>fuck it. my hand is now up her skirt groping her ass. am aware I'm an asshole
>she half turns her head and says something. no idea what.
>move hand to inside her leg and start to move up
>definitely hear "fuck off", "you fuck off if you don't like it" I reply
>move hand higher up and can feel her panties, my dick could hit a home run at this point.
>wild milf squirming now but she can't get away unless she moves off to the side
>i rub her pussy very briefly through her panties and she clamps my hand between her thighs.
>more protests, I'm committed now so she moves or I finger bang her.
>i reposition my fingers for a more committed attempt to insert and now rub her pussy with my fingertips
>more protests but now she's edging sideways, she knows what's coming, as she moves her legs I rub her harder.
>wilf milf manages to turn and spits in my face, deserved to be fair, and eventually moves off to the side, pushing in about 5 bodies along.
>i automatically reposition myself into the barrier, front row centre.
>about 6 songs into the main act I am being crushed against the barrier so retire to the back with a pint. ironic.
>sees wild milf 20 mins later also enjoying a drink, she doesn't see me. i move back into the crowd for the rest of the show
I pissed on a buch of people without their knowledge at a weekend festival. I really dont know what I was thinking.
20 years kissing with a 16 yo at a concert isn't gonna get you in jail... what the fuck most people wouldn't even be able to tell the age of either of you.
Lol sucks to be you

>says she's 16
>age of consent 16
>your a pedo in your country
>im not in mine hahahahhH
>fuck that sweet teenage pussy with force of suns
He was one of those im white, bald, and buff so I'm gonna try to fight everybody in the pit kinda guy ...he was no match for me.
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I needed to go to the toilet so I took a piss on the girl in front of me. She had no idea. It smelt so fucking bad too lol
Remi Gaillard on /b confirmed!
I injected a marijuana once.
I fingered a girl I was dancing with at a concert at the House of Blues. No one around us seemed to notice/care. That's about it.
now you'll die.
Yeah when I am with friends at home I always take it by dissolving a pill in like 15-20cc of water in a syringe (without the needle obviously!) then squirting that up my ass. The effect hits you faster and the same dose will result in a higher blood level because you surpass the liver.
With some water it doesn't even cause a slight burn.

I don't tell my friends tho cause they would make fun of me lol. It would have similar effect as snorting it, but who the fuck snorts MDMA that will leave you with horrible smell and pain.
Show some fucking
kek newfag. you're meant to sniff it
what person goes to the club when 9 months pregnant

I hate one direction as much as anyone on /b/ but all those girls w/o bfs or a man nearby

Holy fucking shit /b/ that is fucking genius!
>be Ausfag
>be at AC/DC concert
>concert finished
>no money
>hail a cab anyway
>get him to drop me a few hundred meters from my street
>jump the cab because no money
>fuck that cunt
>outrun cabbie
>walking up my street
>need to shit
>very close to my house
>shit on neighbours lawn anyway
>thick sticky alcohol fueled shit
>do a terrible job wiping my arse with my neighbours junk mail in his letterbox
>lose my ring somehow in the process
>it may have ended up in my arsehole
>I will never know
Threw an opened bottle of water at a dude during DJ Starscream in 2012. He was holding up his big fancy phone that said "get off the fucking stage".
My bottle completely soaked his phone and pelted him in the face hahaha
you will struggle to find a girl over the age of 18 there you fucking paedophile
Nah I live in the Netherlands. My gf was here for 2 years to complete her study, now we are in a long distance relationship until I finish my study and get a job so we can move in together. But I've spend like 4-5 months in china and we've been together for like 4 years now so I'm pretty familiar with China and chinese culture.

I never wear metal shit. I have no interest in putting anyone's eyes out. Kicking is for bitches. And like I said earlier the only time I actually hit with force I make sure the other guy knows it's coming. If you're set up to get hit and are inviting it the injury is on you. Most of the dudes I connect with are somewhere around my size because I don't intend to break people.

Now the only exception I make for the above is when there's that one little bitch who only stands at the edge of the pit and shoves everyone who comes near him. I'll casually slip behind that peckerhead, wait till the pit is rocking and wait till he pushes someone then shove his ass in as hard as possible.I find it really funny to watch how quickly they retreat back to the edge. Every. Damned. Time.
well done. next time drink the water and fill the bottle with piss.
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I got kicked out of a concert for groping 15 year old crowdsurfers.

>I had a note from her mom tho
You fuck off if you don't like it
If you have any specific questions ask ahead. As a foreigner it depends which parts of china you visit how you are treated, some parts rarely see foreigners and act like you're a movie star. Other places like Beijing/Shanghai/Hongkong (technically not china ofc) you don't stand out at all.
I hung out with the opening band. Bass player asked me if I wanted to do some uppers
>no idea what they are
>get high as shit
>several hours are a blurr
>start coming down
>I'm a three hour drive from home
>my shoes are gone
>buddy let's me have his for my trip home
>they're too small but better than nothing

All I n all bretty good
It was a rhetorical question, but thanks for the support.
Most recent was fingerblasted a milf at a Megadeth concert last month totally cucked her bf and have finger blasted chicks at like 3 other concerts
She probably was already fat instead of chubby, then it could be harder to notice.

Prime greentext!
At the Summit music hall in Denver I would walk past the men's bathroom line and piss in the sink in front of everybody hahaha fuck the urnal lines when there's a sink.
You fat fuck.
>Stray Cats concert
>Find all access pass on floor
>Go backstage
>Had Shots with Brian Setzer. Cool guy.
>Band and such leave for after party
>HUGE bodyguard stops me
>After party nope for me
>Leave down some back hallway looking for exit
>Open door to random room
>Some guy in back getting BJ. Doesn't see me
>Money and drugs on table
>Sure, why not
>About 8K. Left drugs.
>Paranoid/10 until I get about a block away

Band rocked BTW. Great show.
> Showed up late to Tame Impala show
> Pre-gamed really hard
> Held my ticket up shouting VIP ticket!
> Free path to the moshpit at the front
What the fuck are people at the edge of the pit supposed to do you dimwit? If you stand there and don't pay attention to what's going on in the pit you can get hit in the back by people getting pushed continually. If you're in the pit push people in a way so they don't get launched into the crowds of unsuspecting people you retard.
clearly you 14 year old's don't know how to finger a girl
Ill take that into consideration.
Moshpit at a tame impala show?
If you're on the edge of the pit just expect to be bumped, it's not the end of the world
OP's mom
That's pretty ballsy
It was a 'Tame' mosh pit, GET IT GET IT?
It's almost as if they don't want to be in the pit.
bullshit those little fuckers dont die they'll fuck your car before you fuck them
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>be me
>go to Maroon 5 concert with gf
>try to impress her so join the mosh pit
>pick on the weakest cunt in the mosh pit
>BTFO some 14 year old kid end up breaking his tibia
>kid gets stretchered out
>I call him a faggot and laugh
>carry on with concert like nothing happened
Went to a concert with my brother, I was underaged, not allowed to drink yet, brother was 20 so he was allowed. We drank a couple shots and had a good time.

Nothing extreme tho
Bumped is something different then getting launched into 3 more people standing beside you just trying to enjoy the music.Pits are for selfish assholes that have to prove how hardcore they are by acting like total retards. Pethatic
How do you know how long you spent looking through stuff?
damn Lionel
that's why I never go to concerts
Got thrown out of Ozzfest 2005 in west palm beach, Fl.
Got caught up in the riot that broke out on the lawn during Mudvayne. Was escorted out by two sherrifs and ended up looking at 6 taser guns pointed at me when I was mouthing off at them....BTW I was only 16 at the time.

I'm talking about that one asshole who is violently targeting everyone who even comes near him. Sure, if a guy hits you you shove him back in, but there's no need to target every damned person in a ten foot radius.
Afterwards by estimating from the moment I took the lsd, last moment I did remember how to read a clock and general time it takes for the effects to start wearing off for me. It's just an estimation not could be 1 or 3 hours as well.. but it's best I can do

Then why are they near it?
Don't be a bitch. I've gone to plenty of shows alone and its only as cringey as you want it to be.

You bastard! I once drove straight through a whole goddamned flock of turkeys and only managed to kill one of those fuckers. I don't know how the hell the other ten or so escaped. Did the birds you hit also make a very loud DONK noise?
No, dude I 'm generally chill as fuck, and so were the guys I was with - just, I dunno, one guy made a hitler tache out of tape, k was snorted, bright ideas were had. The asian blowing me though it was fucking hilarious, but she was high as fuck too though so...
my fucking sides. Thats the lowest of the low.
I've seen people like you in the pit and I usually sucker punch the ever loving shit out of them and no one rats me out because they despise you

No, these people are specifically there to shove people. There is literally no other reason to be completely ignoring the show on stage and focusing all of your attention on shoving people just trying to enjoy a mosh pit.

You go on with your bad self.
Yeah, I am when I do k - I haven't taken any for a looong time for that reason alone. Or drunk whisky for that matter. Vodka and weed makes me a happy camper, and for some reason doesn't stop me getting a boner so I just stick with those generally.
this post is gayer than trap threads.
you make me proud nigger
How did they catch you?
Dude, fellow chamorro here. I'd die to protect you too. Also from Saipan.
This isn't the most fucked up thing but it's funny and happened last night at a Napalm Death show. A cute girl wearing nothing but a big tshirt and panties kept crowd surfing and her shirt would lift all the way up. Fuck it, I'd grab her ass and keep her in the air every time. Even had her sitting on my shoulders while I ran through the crowd. My girlfriend helped grab her ass one of the times and said her finger slipped into cute mosh girl's butthole. I then sniffed my girlfriend's finger. My only regret is we didn't bring her with us for a threesome.
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The few times I've stood there is when part of my friend group wants to join the pic and the others, usually some girls as well are standing at the edge. Within a minute there is atleast one guy totally rammed into the girls by some jerk from the pit, that's when I stand between them and the pit cause I am much larger, focus on the show as much as possible but whenever another retard tries to use the crowd as some kind of air cushion to break his fall I will push him back. If the same guy does it again I will push him hard enough so that he doesn't try that shit again.It's not like I had fun standing there, it's really fucking annoying, but at a big concert with a group of friends its nice to be able to stick together.

You're clearly not the guy I'm talking about. It's always some lone little dude who fears the pit, so he lashes out at it instead of just walking away.
I know where you're coming from, speed and alcohol makes me a horrible person. Mostly I am fun, but if some people I don't know tries to start an annoying conversation, usually asking for cigarettes or drugs or generally being autistic. I will make fun of them until they btfo
Several times they almost wanted to start a fight but I'm pretty muscular compared to the usual twinks that attend raves so so far they've always either backed off or been pulled away by friends before anything even happened.
Was at a Marilyn Manson show in Detroit. This skinny, cracked out goth bitch brought a drink into the crowd just to spill it on people, so when they twitched aside, she could lever her way past them to move further towards the front.

I'm three rows back in the pit, dead center. I see her several rows back doing this, and see she's headed my way. A pasty shin shoots past my left side, I feel the liquid hit my left shoulder, I hear "oops." I put the hell of my combat boot on her shin and push down until she gets the hint. She tries the same with someone else off to my side.

When this crazy bitch gets to the second row, she starts choking the girl at the rail to try to get her spot. Her massive, gothed-out, cracked-out looking boyfriend is behind her, all like, "Baby, I don't want to go back to jail, cool it" while she throttles the bitch in front of her.

All of this is before the opening act even went on. Some repugnant shit.
ah man, lager and whizz always used to make me super-sociable but I had mates that would turn into giga-mega-cunts on it.
I think it explains why I have certain friends for certain drugs and just don't do certain drugs at all anymore. coming down in a cell is a wankers game.
some friends and i started a riot at a streetparty a couple of years ago. as a result there were riots for three weekends in a row
Lol, did u have any visual hallucinations?
Think you realized too late that at your size you need to regulate them from hurting each other, not going in all "HULK SMASH"
There's always that one at every show
>Implying you've made a girl cum while surrounded by 100's of people at bug ass party

Hey I do. At one show that was just plain too small to have a proper wall of people in front of the stage I set myself up as the guy who kept the few flying bodies out there from taking out the guys on the stage. I've also busted up enough fights at one local club that the bouncers are cool as hell with me. Making their job easier must be nice.
been there, done that. it's all about rubbing the gspot with your finger and her clit with your thumb. learn2frig
Yeah ofcourse, it's hard to describe, LSD is so much more than visual. It's a total mindfuck.
I've had several times when I was on it that I lost track of my own body: so I just saw the room and forgot the fact that I am a person. I would feel music, hear and feel it travel through the room like some kind of invisible flying stream of air. I would look at my room and get the idea I could feel from other parts of the room, like what would be my hand would be somewhere a few meters further or what should be my leg was in another corner of the room.

As for visual hallicinations I'll list the most impressive ones I can recall (this is from like 10 trips total):
>Seeing people move back and forth, like time was suddenly reversed for a few seconds then continues for a few seconds than reverses again.
>Seeing time slow down, and speed up (people walking suddenly walked slowmo, then like it's a movie on fast forward)
>seeing smoke on the floor and ceeling
>for a fraction of a second I once saw a black person from some african tribe stand in my room
>A strain of christmas lights would start moving around like a snake and reach for me
>total warp of perspective, like I was looking at my computer screen (obviously not able to read or comprehend what it was at that point anymore) and the colours it produced woul fly all around me like i'm totally surrounded by the colours on all sides, beside the actual screen being only 20 inch and 3 metres away from me
I'm sure there is plenty more but can't really remember right now.
I do feel like somehow I am really sensitive to LSD's effect. I've had effects at 150-200mg that other people report only at 400-500mg+ dosages.
My highest ever was 'only' 300mg but left me 'blind' and unable to speak or move for 3 hours: I could only see fractals and patterns, complete loss of anything relating to my actual vision. While my thoughts slowly already became more normal.
Honestly I am curious do you happen to be diagnosed with asperger or another form of the autism spectrum?
yeah, why do you ask?
Wow you mean when you finger a girl you're supposed to rub her clit and put your fingers in her pussy? Thanks guy! Could you also explain to me how sex works?
I imagine it would be something like inserting the penis into the vagina and make thrusting motions, but your experience and explicit detail would be much appreciated.
Just confirming my suspicions

I know who you are Anon...
Drop speed
>Could you also explain to me how sex works?

put your weiner in her hoohaa and pee. then she has a baby.
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Trips of truth
broke my nose
some drunk slut in frontve me was dancing crazy and fell backwards and fuck knows why but I tried to catch her and her head smacked into my face and broke my nose
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No, YOU go
Drunk girl touched my dick, befriended a group of mormons. One of them was a cute newlywed there with her husband. Concert starts and she pushes as back on me, so I grind her ass for the entire set with her husband right there.

You're doing it wrong, newjack
Donny Bonny

You're human trash.
At a concert a couple weeks ago, some guy was dacing around a girl(I thought they knew eachother).
He was trying to make up with her but she clearly didnt like him so I looked at her, aproached her and grabbed her arm and she told me "please take me somewhere else so we can be away from this guy"..
We went meters away and started dancing, grinding etc till we were ready to go away to have some real fun, so she went to tell her friends that she would be missing for a while.
While I was waiting for her the guy aproached me and asked me to please dont make up with her, that he had been in love with her for years, that he knew she didnt like him but he still had hope...
So I decided to move away and not be a dick.
Did I fuck up?she was at least 8.5/10 and a free fuck but I felt so sad for that guy...and the joy in his face when I told him I was stepping away was priceless
This. Probably not that frequent tho.
5 years ago, definitely alone at shows, talked to people in line.
Today, always find someone i know in the crowd. Also made friends at the local producer, havent paid a ticket in more than a year..
I pushed a little emo kid into this brutal circle pit at a lamb of god show. Didn't see him again the rest of the night
Didn't sign an autograph for Matthew.
>18 years old
>drunk to much coffee over day
>drunk alot of beer
>got in mosh
>kickd up some faggots
>everyone suddently satys away from me
>go back to the bar to order some drink
>grabd my packpocket
>noone respected me i just shit myself in de middle of a moshpit , worst day of my life aswell
this little fucker. well played
At a Charlie Daniels gig in 1986 I sat with a 15 year old girl who was high as fuck and basically groped the shit out of her. After the show we found a cheap hotel room and I used her like a sex doll while she was passed out. When she woke up the next morning she was like " They usually don't stay the whole night" . I cleaned her up, which was fun because she liked being molested, and bought her breakfast, which shocked her. She just wandered off after that.
I had like 3 years of going atleast twice a month (don't live in that big of a city so that's all there is) to local dubstep/hardstyle parties. Always the same kinda crowd there. Then I started dealing MDMA for about a year and pretty much everyone knew me. Even tho I only sold to like 20-30 diff customers they all bought for their friends too, they were locals and most of them also from the same party scene. So I'd walk inside head over to where my friends were and already get greeted by so many people that I didn't even care to remember... fun times. Stopped dealing (usually outside clubs but sometimes inside) cause I only did it because it was fun to do and I started getting so many people texting me that I didn't even know even tho I told everyone not to share my number I decided it was time to quit before I'd get in trouble. Made like 1 or 2k from doing it even with my small profit margin.
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>British band
>Over the age of 18
Hahaha nobody respects you for getting in a moshpit anyway.. but honestly how can you not notice shitting yourself? Did you fart which turned out to be liquid shit or did you genuinely lose control of your sphincter?
*dubstep/drum and bass.. not hardstyle wtf
>go to local venue because tickets were dirt cheap about 2007
>some generic punk band I can't even be arsed to remember
>surprisingly large crowd
>pregamed way too hard so smashed before walking into the gate
>decide not to take the molly I bought
>give it to some skinny underage guy for lulz
>obviously has never taken molly before or is a lightweight because he was completely out of it almost immediately
>did a retarded jerk hop dance and just smiled like a retard when people laughed at him
>holy shit this is the perfect lolcow
>kept trying to hit on girls and failing miserably
>tried to mosh but fell down but was taken out becasue people didn't want to hurt him
>music sucks but seeing him sperg his way through the crowd is hilarious
>concert ends and he's stumbling around
>eventually just drops on a patch of grass on on a hill by the parking lot
>jerk it in the portapotty into a water bottle
>he's still on the ground
>offer him the water
>dumbass chugs it and thanks me before passing out
>poke him to see if he's out
>look around
>drag him over the hill and strip him
>look through his wallet
>worst fake ID I've seen this side of Superbad
>like 20 bucks don't even bother
>get stupid idea
>whip dick out and put it in his mouth and take a pic with his phone
>this is kind of hot
>prop his head up with his clothes and take vid of me mouthfucking him
>cum on his face
>still horny
>take condom from his wallet and slip it on
>tight but manage to get head inside him
>snap more pics
>think about just stopping there
>realize I've gone way too far to stop
>start fucking him proper
>completely limp and pretty light so I just throw him around
>actually feels great
>take pics on his phone the entire time
>wonder if I can even cum with how tight he is
>bust biggest load into condom a couple minutes later even though I just came two times earlier
>empty condom onto his stomach and shoe it into his mouth
>leave him like that
>wake up the next day feeling terrible about it
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I pissed in a bottle of beer and then it was passed around in the crowd. Saw atleast 2 people throw up and spit it out
Mosh Pit boys need to admit they're angry & gay, and just want to grope other boys and hurt them, just like Uncle did to them.
My gf was so fucked up and drunk that she passed so when it was time to leave I couldn't get her to move so I went to lift her from under her armpits and I noticed her tube top sliding down at first I stopped but then I thought about it and decided fuck her she's a drunk asshole so I picked her up and let it slide under her boob's so then I acted super drunk like I didn't realize lol so all theses people were looking and after like a minute of her tits out some random chick ran up and pulled her top up I was like OMG I didn't even notice!!! Lol
Concert? Did it last 4 minutes and did they just do teenage dirtbag? Because they've not done anything else with their lives for 15 years other than that song
Fapped to a girl in front of me during a show. She didnt noticed anything. I was rubbing my dick on his ass till I cum
>a girl
>on his ass
hahaha what the fuck poor guy that's fucking fantastic tho
I want to be your friend
>Was a faggot
Pissed on some hippy chick's leg because I didn't want to walk to the toilet...she was cool with it
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either you made this up, which is gay, or if this is true you're the biggest autistic faggot on earth for the finger smelling thing
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started chanting "ONE MORE SONG!" after two songs were played
bros before hoes
got dik out

Got a handjob from a goth chick at a Marylin Manson concert while her boyfriend stood behind her like OPs pic
You should have just told him that he needs to get the fuck over her. You didn't need to fuck her but I guarantee you that multiple people have before and multiple people after you would.

The guy isn't even a cuck, he's lower than that.
I used to be the drummer of a pretty big band. I've seen it all, done it all and then some. Ask me anything and I'll answer nothing.
Except your values are wrong
You mean ug or microgram 1000 in 1mg

Or your dose are out by a factor of 1000 mate
Lsd is active at 25ug,

200ug is complete ego death life changing levels

Your values are incorrect and your friends are talking shit
Yeah my bad, I'm a little drunk, obviously I meant mcg. With 'other people' I am referring to reports I read on bluelight and erowid. My friends don't take anything above 100mcg.
At what concert do they throw you out for smoking weed? A Wiggles concert?
Not a concert but a nightclub

>Be me walking to the bar
>Girl on the dance floor gropes my dick as I walk
>Notice she is a 5/10 chubby chick accompanied by hot friends
>Alright face I guess
>She is wearing a fedora in doors
>Dodge her
>She follows me to the bar and moves closer to me
>Discretely grinding her ass on my leg
>I ignore it
>Whispers something in my ear
>Drunk af can't make it out
>Something about eating ass
>Kinda freaked out at this point
>Put drink down to table of friends
>Go to the toilet
>Unzip my pants
>Let out the longest piss ever
>Hear the cubical door open
>Turn around forgetting I have my donger out
>Piss all over her knees
>She stands there drenched in piss
>Tries to hug me while smelling like bear grylls
>360 dodge her and she slips in my piss
>Ran out with donger half hanging out
>Get my friends and we go to dance floor
>Get a friend request on FB and its her

Didn't accept it, don't know how she found me and never saw her for the rest of that night.
Fuck you hippie
what the fuck I bet she's a /b/tard
Good lsd wont kill you regardless of amount. Look it up asshole. A cop raided a lsd lab in Cali after just shaving and took something like 10000 hits to the face. No death just fucked up real good like.
>raid a lab
>slowly come to the realization that it's haunted and the wizard has cursed you and your entire family and this is really hell and you have been in hell since forever
Holy shit
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mfw not knowing what's ego death
Kek your a pog
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