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ITT: seriously overrated chicks.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 150
Thread images: 43
File: Cara-Delevingne.jpg (40 KB, 360x480) Image search: [Google]
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ITT: seriously overrated chicks.
look at her
Finally, someone with some sense on this board.
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> overrated
been saying it for years.

unless you like traps, shes fugly
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this ugly skank
Itt: Fat picky pricks that cry in bed alone saying Cara is overrated
I don't get it. So she took a bad photo. I'd like to see you take a GOOD photo. Probably not likely with your cheeto dusted neckbeard.
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this fucking cunt.jpg
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Fuckin' overrated
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she has a lot of bad photos of her you fucking autist. keep living in your fantasy world faggot. sad thing for you is you will never go near her and shes barely a 4/10. sucks to be you goober.
>ITP: Fat no standards low test prick cries in bed protecting Cara on the internet

I thought the OP was bad enough...
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25yo jeff goldblum.jpg
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betavirgin confirmed
Now who's projecting? And who the fuck says goober? Fucking melvin.

Dat filename
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>>betamax determined
saying this girl is hot is some kind of meme right? I mean, she is fucking ugly
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zero ass.jpg
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We, the management, would like to sincerely apologize for the extreme faggotry exhibited here in this post.
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its a dude.jpg
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She's like 11 you goober

She is like Mila Kunis, the first moment you see her you think she is super hot

but the longer you look the less hot she is.

Watch any movie with Kunis, you think she is hot but by the end of the movie you just thing she is plain
that ain't even a chick you moron
her as is so small it's almost like she has negative ass
cam someone photoshop a fist going into her face? it looks like shes being punched and her head is bending around a fist lol
I see no problem here
Kek no, Corbis is god
Lol I am everything but fat
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without makeup

>She's like 11 you goober

holy shit what have we come to
A slightly less cancerous leafy clone is god to you? Poor show mate.
There's a tumblr called Taylorsass. They legitimately think she has ass.
Kek hole in the back. Apparently she shook it off
Yes, it's a meme.
Quit acting like you didn't come here last month. Go to infinity chan if you want the real /b/ experience in 2016 idiot
>not wanting a deliciously flat 10yo boy ass

what are you, gay?
faggot detected
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Filename of win

What, you mean /hebe/? The true 2016 experience.
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highly overrated, but still not bad
i was ok with allowing the titjob

but she is getting way out of hand. she wants botox and shit done. its gonna get ugly real quick
she's still hawt
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You got a problem with this beautiful woman, bro?
she is fucking revolting
I'd break that girls pelvic bones if I fucked her.
this. nothing on lola.
dont mind the body, but she is a fucking bitch.
too old

She is foul, even in her good pics.
Who the fuck is thos disgusting beast that all the neckbeards defend?
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don't need ass when you've got those legs and that face
you mean the picture? Didn't want to waste my time to look for a new one.
I agree. I mean her look it's not even androgynous. She look like a fucking guy with long hair and that's all.

These are the kind of faggots who fap on her then go in trap threads making fun on other faggots. Nonetheless i've seen trap guys who look even more girly than this real chick, guys who can really trick a stright one. Cara just looks an above average trap but is claimed as goddess
im just posting this because goddamn science needs to figure out how to make lesbian love children already
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Shut up baby dick
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Y so mad, dude?
She hunches so much.

good one, pal
everyone here is pissed off
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Well calm down, it's just copypasta
She'd be fucking gorgeous if she gained some weight and quit with the raccoon eye bull
You'd be pissed off too if the closest you ever got to a pussy was sniffing your little sisters dirty panties.
Well she dates chads that are probably hotter and richer than you whiny little man bitch
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I mean, you saying you wouldn't is like saying it's not raining under a wet umbrella
its been done also tits or GtFO
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chlo and a half.jpg
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nigger are you fucking retarded i was talking about that picture
Get a picture of her at her current age and we can discuss about her being overrated
You are right everyone here is mad and angry
overrated for what? she's a fashion model not a porn star- she has to be tall, thin and interesting looking for modeling expensive clothing. anyone who thinks shes overrated should go back to listening to Taylor Swift and fapping to Kardashians because youre a pleb
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> touché
Virgins or really bad sexual life, I remember being like that, hating the world, society, girls, everyone
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So this...
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Is this one of the dudes from Hanson or just a random guy from the 90's doing the Cobain thing?
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Bailey Jay?

Good, I can't stand those giant nigger asses and fake implant asses.
>Get a picture of her at her current age and we can discuss about her being overrated

or getting blacked every night
She has a nice meaty pussy
Such bullshit that they made a dyke the main character. Also bullshit that she's undoubtedly gonna fuck that gorilla at some point. Suck a terrible movie. Stale plot and poor character development. Fuck JJ Abrams, he just loves to ruin franchises. What fucking cunt.
i always thought her ugliness was her best feature, till recently, she's starting to believe the hype
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Holy fuck. It is Evan Peters.
Daniel Radcliffe
Man, your existence must be utterly miserable. I pity you. I hope that someday you'll wake up from the coma of stupidity and ignorance you seem to be in.
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that guy ain't so bad looking, what's his name?
she's not all that
She's the queen of cucks, tho...
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so fucking true
>u mad
Why i'm not telling to anyone, i've only expressed my thought: you like blue, i like red,that'ok. I don't get/agree with "blue/red masterrace"

Not the guy you're responding to, i'm >>677070678 . But seriously? A 4th grade tier joke it's your answer... wew, ok. You know you have to be at least 18 to post here, do you?
>inb4 your mom XD lol
>inb4 i was only pretending

Now this deserve respect
she's not all anything tbh
>cheeto dusted neckbeard.

woah man your insults are top notch lol
-5/50, would rather kill self
She used to be hot but now shes old.
no1 has nudes of her?
who the fuk is that
her face is oddly shapen, still wuld bang
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that one's a slut
please elaborate, queen of cucks?
*why? I'm not yelling

Also checked
Good acting in that movie by her though.
Why should a female be the main character of a franchise when the main demographic and fanbase are male? Why should there be a new Ghostbusters movie with four painfully unfunny women? The answer? There shouldn't be, because that's just stupid.
I know you are expressing your thoughts but your vocabulary looks like someone angry
This woman makes me diamonds. And yes, Cara is overrated. She will never be as hot as Maisie or Amy Schumer.
Glad I'm not the only one.
it's a prostitute from it's always sunny
I like both Amy Schumer and Cara
No, saying she is ugly is the meme, moron. You all know she is gorgeous but you pretend you aren't attracted to her because you know she wouldn't give you the time of day, just like Amy Schumer
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she is literally princess material
Well sorry, english isn't my native language, furthermore i'm an illiterate faggot so i try to do the best with what i got
true that
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looks hot here though. unless this is a trap or something.
Aww come on anon, why you gotta be like that?
Oh I get it, it's april fools !! Hahaha good joke anon.
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Check em
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This cunt.
Is that a jew nose?
Dude she is fucking hot every model/actress out there have a few shitty pics.
i dunno how much of a fag u have to be to think cara is not attractive
she's hawt you faggot
Zac Efron is not over rated
not a fag just have 20 20 vision
she ruins every movie with that suspension of disbelief when everyone is pretending she is hot
what teh fuck happen lol
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Thread images: 43

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