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Feels/baww thread I feel we could all use one right about now.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 151
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Feels/baww thread

I feel we could all use one right about now. get in here faggots.
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I miss my dog
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hey, do you use a bot to file dump or do you actually do it manually?
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manually, nigga
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I hear you man, dogs are the loyalest little shits out there, tears you up on this inside when their time finally comes after so many good times. What breed was your pupper?
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threads back

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its april fools day and everyone is tryin' to fool us by pretending they arent sad
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15yo poodle, had trouble walking/shitting/pissing had to take him down.
He was the best dog ever, he was always nice 100% of the time and has never bitten anyone in his entire life.
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I was far too drunk and feeling like shit to let it go that easily. These threads are one of the few places where I feel people can be honest and true about their emotions and we need places like that sometimes you know?
buy tai 67 steps if you're tired of being sad, learn buisiness and fuck off your 9-5
this makes me sad
i feel ya

Crippleanon from last thread
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how did you get crippled??? details pls
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The dog is feelin' it
Nice to hear from you again, I was super interested in your story and the thread 404ed right as I was typing up a reply. Ain't having none of that bullshit today, so here we are in a new thread. Was hoping you'd show back up.
Diving accident when I was 10. Just turned 18
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Hey, you're alright, bud.
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glad you made a new thread. what do you wanna know?
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Losing a parent is so fucking tragic. Lost my Dad when I was 15, feels like it was yesterday. I have dreams about him every couple of nights. Feels bad man
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Yeah, that's always the hardest part of it all really. All we can do is know that we did what we could to give them a good life, and that they did the same.

Funny how a dog really can make such an impact on a person's life when you really think about it. They're great friends for the time they're around.
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The cool thing is though you can get a new dog and go through the process of training / companionship all over again and again until it's your turn to die.
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I was curious about how much of your identity is caught up in this. Like you mentioned /tg/ hobbies and also were able to poke light fun at your condition in the last thread which I thought was pretty cool. So you clearly have interests and a pretty cool in my opinion personality.

I'm also someone with a medical condition that tend to hold them back sometimes, (again to a much less extent obviously) but I can't help but sometimes let that condition become too much of my identity, like let it define me and shit. Was just curious if you ever feel that way.
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Yeah, I thinks it's funny how it parallels human life trajectories in a way. We move from one thing to another, constantly having to let go and make new beginnings until the day we die.

Personally I enjoy the straightforwardness and loyalty of dogs. They're more or less just happy to share your company and be your pal as long as you take good care of them. That kind of unconditional love is hard to find elsewhere in such a pure form. You know?
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i'm with you, anon. I lost my mom when I was 15. 23 now. I rarely dream about her because I can never remember my dreams. So I rarely dream at all. I'm 23 now and it feels as if the life I had before she died was a completely different one.
Fuck, man. I honestly can't imagine. I'm sorry /b/rother.

Anything you need or want to say? Sometimes you just have to shout shit into the ether.

No doubt my identity changed. Was really energetic and loved the outdoors and being in the woods. Pretty extroverted. Now though, like i said last thread, all that's gone lol. Self-conscious etc etc etc. I've definitely become a better actor throughout all this though. Gotta act happy or no one will hang with you :P

I joke around about my situation constantly. Maybe someone else will get something good out of this, y'know? My buddy seems to like the jokes well enough.

What do you have goin' on? What's your condition?
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whatcha listening to tonight /b/ros?

this is my jam for this evening
Heard this today on the Warped '16 pandora channel and have it on loop
Sorry m9, but that's a shit song.
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I dream every single day, I've always remembered them to. Me and my Dad would always talk about our dreams at breakfast. He would always say shit like, "You know who else had a dream? Martin Luther King Jr. Look where thay got him". This became a daily routine. It makes me think that he can somehow communicate with me even though he's passed on. Sounds kinda of weird but it has helped me believe in an afterlife a bit more. It's the main reason I'm still slightly religious, I just want to see him again
oh c'mon, anon. its fine
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>Gotta act happy or no one will hang with you
Oh lordy how I know that feel.

Glad to hear you're still pretty realistic about things and have friends around. That's really the biggest help with something like that. Sometimes it's those bonds and ties that make things easier to cope with.

As for my condition I'm prosopagnostic, basically all that means is that I have a brain problem where I can't recognize people's faces. It's mostly pretty benign but it's hard sometimes knowing you'll never recognize the people you know or care about. Hell I can't even recognize myself in old pictures without context or being told who that ugly looking kid in the photo is.

Though I can really relate to the idea of using humour to cope with it, I tend to joke a lot about it with the few people who know about it. Though I'm really not sure it makes anything better, it makes things less awkward and strange I guess. Like I said it's really not super comprable to your condition in a lot of ways, but I can;t help but feel a bit of where you're coming from for whatever reason.
Yeah probably, this any better?
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Some sad songs fitting for this thread:
I had two golden retrievers, idk if you're still in the thread because i came late but whatever. One died June 11th, the other died the day after Christmas. The one that died in June couldn't get up anymore, his damn hips gave out. The other had tumors everywhere. Began seizing out. I vividly remember the day he first seized out. My mother was washing the dishes as my other dog whimpered around the corner (this was probably a couple weeks before June 11th) I never cried so hard in my life. One thing that brings me comfort is even though i didn't give them the attention they deserve, they did live a better life than some dogs who are strays or abused..
I'll just share one of my favorite memories with him, doing this on mobile so it may be fucky
>first snowday of the year
>I have two older brothers
>be me about 7
>I have the flu and can't enjoy any of it
>Mom won't let me go outside in the cold
>Dad goes out and scoops up a shut ton of snow and brings it inside
>we just play with it right there man
>I miss him so fucking much
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What is wrong with your ears?
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My grandmother is not long for this world
I'm still here, can't leave till the 404 a good captain always goes down with the ship you know? Couldn't leave if I wanted to.

But yeah I feel you on that I used to have a little beagle and they were the best damn little pupper. When she died I cried like a bitch for the first time in a long while, that shit really gets to me for whatever reason.

They're just so happy to be alive. In a way I guess maybe I'm a bit jealous. I hope to someday get another dog or two when I finish up uni and move out to my own place. Hoe about you? Do you have visions or plans of getting another dog anytime in the future? (or maybe you already have)
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I'm drunk everything sounds alright for the most part not really too discerning, what's your preferred genre? Now I'm determined to find at least on song you find acceptable.
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My boss is stealing from and 80,000 coworkers
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"That's not how the system works is the only thing he can say..."
Ah, I've heard of that. Were you born with it? Oh my god was it Maybelline?

You gotta stay realistic or you'll just end up in even deeper shit.

Still though, can't wait 'till im 21 and can [spoiler]legally[/spoiler] get shitfaced
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Who steals from 80,000 blue collar workers?
As of right now I still live with my parents, they got another set of golden retrievers a couple of months later. I've bonded extremely well with one even though I've tried to distance myself from them (due to the fact im 18 and will undobutably move out within 5 or so years). Regardless, when I'm done with college I will wait until I'm financially stable, and have enough time to give my dog or dogs the attention they deserve. So after I move out I probably won't get a dog until I'm about 30. My oldest brother constantly drops his dogs off at my parents house because he's too busy hanging out with friends and in general being a shitty owner, pisses me off to no end.
My cousins had beagles, very good breed. What year are you in uni? And will you continue getting Beagles? I for sure will be getting at least 1 Golden.
That's pretty heartwarming man.
Sometimes the best things in life are free.
Sorry to hear about your loss, but I'm sure his influence will lead you to live up to live a life that would have made him proud. I'm sure you'll be a great parent someday if that's the kind of thing you hope to do someday. Glad to hear that you had such a great experience with your father, that's a real treasure these days, always value it. (though I'm sure I don't have to tell you that)
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How mad is DADDY?
>head canon bullshit

lost my sister to brain cancer over christmas two years ago

she was 29 and pregnant.

baby is ok, but will never know his beautiful mom. and her daughter is back with the abusive dad. she's 6 now.

And she said "don't you wish you were dead like me?"
Thanks Anon. I love threads like this. Everyone just seems so human, sometimes you just have to get shit off of your chest
I like loads of genres, but my favourites are punk, indie, dub, ska, trap, glitch-hop, chiptune, klezmer and noise rock
i'll go grab a sad trap song real fast
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I'm almost done with uni, in my senior year doing a double major. Got a semester left after this one finishes up.

Honestly I considered getting a samoyed, and a corgi, because I'm a terrible fucking weeb and I'd want to name them after the cowboy bebop dog and that silly awoo~ 2hu. Plus I think dogs get along better if they have another dog friend to play with. I may have to consider another beagle someday I never really thought about it since it felt like the last loss was so hard, but I may be ready someday, they're a damn good breed.
Anyone going to Warped in Auburn this August?
My life story:
>be only child of polish familiy in germany
>go to local kindergarten cuz parents have to work and are building house
>get forbidden to speak polish there
>lern german but forget polish cuz of nazi kindergarten teacher and her penalties
>do not have any friends cuz foreigner
>go to elementary school
>get called polakke on first day (like nigger for blacks)
>main class teacher an old nazi, served in SS
>puts me on seperate table in middle of class room in the back
>makes fun of my name
>disgraces me and my family infront of everybody
>no friends
>other pupils get told by parents to stay away from me
>from the 3rd grade on they realize they could team up and try then to lynch me every break
>have to hide myself in bushes in breaks for years
>they even hired higher grade students to hurt me
>got to highschool (called gymnasium in germany, like a grammar school)
>some of my former elementary school class "mates" got into my class
>turned everyone against me
>be bullied heavily for years
>they threw trash at me
>they stole my stuff
>they accused me doing stuff to teachers I did not
>they threw knifes at me
>unfortunately I grew tall early and the teachers just assumed me I was thug
>had to change school
>this maddness continued for almost a decade

It's interesting isn't it? Life in general. The emotions we feel as human beings. The empathy we feel. How can I feel sad for something that has not happened to me? Something that cannot and will not affect me in any way?

In this site we laugh together, sometimes at each other, forgetting perhaps that on the other side of the screen in a real breathing human. Through this site we dehumanise the users as posters, no identifying info, no details. A blank face. We are anonymous and we remain anonymous. But we are humans. Capable of love, fear, joy, sadness. When we browse through /b/ finding some attention whore perhaps, oldfags will tell them to kill themselves while newfags will swarm to try to convince them otherwise, this is possible because we are anonymous. That's what I love about this community. The mesh of trolling, reality, feels and the lulz, with and directed at anonymous. When I see threads like this it reminds me that I am human, that I am capable of feeling. Not anonymous but a human being. So I thank you for that. Thank you /b/. This community in all of it's glory may be the most degenerate band of autistic faggots but you guys are my friends and my passion.


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Yeah I've had it for as long as I've known. I used to get lost in museums and shit a lot as a kid cuz I'd follow the wrong old person around instead of my parents and stuff It's kind of funny really.

The best part about it is being able to tell people apart from different sets of knowledge and be okay with it. I can tell a cup size apart from another like no one else, like half of the time I know someone is or isn't who I think they are by observing them titties. It's an okay life sometimes.

You seem like a very levelheaded and ligical kinda guy and I can appreciate that. You're honest about the situation your in and don't try to make excuses or victimize yourself unnecessarily I get the feeling you'll be alright.

Getting shitfaced isn't all it's cracked up to be though. (not that I can really say much about that being drunk myself right now) But there are better things in life than escapist drinking. I hope you get to drink for happy reasons someday in your life surrounded by friends and loved ones. A drink in the name of something is so much better than a drink in memory of someone.
I also think dogs are better off with one of their own kind. It doesn't isolate them as much. There's only so much a dog and human can do together you know? Probably the coolest thing about my past two dogs is how long they lived. They both lived to be 15, The one that died in June had Parvo as a puppy (1997 they year i was born) due to the year there wasn't a super great treatment out, regardless it was successful, and he went on to live 14 more years. The other I was lying in bed when I was about 6 or 7 and for whatever reason i lifted his mouth, flap, thing. and looked at his jaw to see a MASSIVE tumor. In the end we removed part of his jaw in hopes the cancer didn't spread. Well up until probably September of 2014 (assuming) or so those tumors didn't resurface. I fucking loved those little shits. Every now and again I lose my shit thinking about them. I thank christ the tumor-ridden one went last though. He probably had tumors in his brain and could hardly remember/comprehend that his counterpart had been gone for those months. He showed no signs of depression.
Personally, I believe if you find a good breed that suits you, stick to it. What are you double majoring in mate? Also do you take your dogs to dog parks? (well when you had em)
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yes continue plz
Hahaha your TittESP is badass man. You're a good dude and I hope the same for you.

What's got you down tonight specifically?

a bit mainsteam perhaps but how about this?
At least 90% of those bands/artist are absolute garbage.
Different anon; good song but I wouldn't put it under a sad/feel playlist.
I like the offspring, but that song isn't really sad or bawwww-like.
This is a more fitting Offspring song, although far from their best song:
So no then?
Big no. Really sad, Warped used to be pretty good.
Sucks that Sum 41 isnt playing in Auburn this year ;-;
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I died laughing anon. Thanks I needed that.

I'm in love with a girl that seems to be ambiguous in her feelings towards me.I can't tell if he reciprocates my feeling or not. I know it's the kind of "typical" problem you see in these kinds of threads.

Part of it too is that I can't recognize her, like the past few weeks I've been trying to memorize her face so hard, and make sure I know what she looks like, obviously to no avail, but love makes us do stupid things sometimes. Being prosopagnostic tend to make you pretty antisocial because you it becomes a chore to recognize people but for whatever reason she seems to have put up with my bullshit all of these years so I can't help but feel warmly towards her. Dunno what I really want to do is overcome my condition and find a type of happiness in the world, I'm sure you might feel the same way.

this is not an original and its fucking terrible
What about this?

same band But i feel it may be a bit more feelsy and overall relateable. I'm determined to get this right now
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one that dude didn't post.
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>got to new highschool at the end of 8th grade
>be traumatised
>have no self-esteem
>have no friends nor any experiences with people
>at least know how to play out your expectations on what everybody might know since you got through several interrogations by principles and teachers in old school
>set a number of goals:
>do not appear awkward to other students
>try not to get bullied again
>try to recover from the horror my life has been so far
>I held myself at distance to others
>but since I was good at most clases I helped others when they needed
>nobody bullied me
>even though I had still no friends it was happiest time in life since I got rest
>started to develope hobbies
>started to work out, got even in good shape
>grades were very good
>ohgodyes.jpg so that's what it means to feel alive
>still selfs-conscious though since no friends
>once I think a girl tried to approach me
>but still be kept afflicted with how to stay out of trouble from my previous life
>shoo her away since I did not want to get moked again
>did not get gf but also did not get bullied again
>feels okay
>but then an illness broke out at the end of my puberty
>walking became harder
>had constant pain in leg
>doctors did not know anything
>could not continue sport
>became fat again
>missed many classes
>especially right before my A-level (Abitur) exam
>had to re-schedule the date of my final examination cuz of hospital stay

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I miss you so fucking much :(
>12 years old
>Absolute nerd
>Everyone teases me for it
>Want to get back at main bully
>Print off pipe bomb recipe
>Make pipe bomb and set it up in boys toilet
>Put recipe in main bully's bag
>Bomb goes off and hurts teacher (not serious but he had to go to hospital)
>bully gets blamed and everyone turns on him
>police arrest him
>Fast foward 9 years
>Guy starts hitting on me in bar the other night tells me his name its him
>Evil thought passes through my mind
>Tell him my name and he freaks out (Like Visibly sweating and stressing out)
>Ask him if he liked my bomb prank
>He goes berserk and punches me in the face a couple of times
>Gets thrown out and police arrest him, so i pressed charges for assault

He learn't not to fuck with me, No one fucks with me.

Felt pretty good.
continue this anon is interested in your story
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I know all about that first part man. There's this girl I've known since kindergarten and we text pretty much every day. We're both huge into music, she's funny, cute, the whole deal right? She always talks about going to prom and shit and its always a dude friend, or her section from wind. We don't really flirt or anything, and I guess that's my fault for being a faggot but she just isn't in to me. My best friend keeps pressuring me to just ask her and usually i'd agree, but why would I ask someone out who I'm 99% sure doesn't feel the same?

Basically, if its a 50/50 chance that the girl you're talking about likes you, take it. If she doesn't reciprocate, it'll hurt but you wont be anxious around her. You'll be happier that you tried. And if she feels the same then ayyyyy.

>677065824 anon

Doesn't get me still. I'm really into math rock, Indie, "Midwest" emo, type faggy music. It's really what I relate to.
that one is better yeah
Poor Illinois :/
congrats, you found a song I like!
Who are you thinking about, anon?
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Go on

like 5 years ago when i lived there maybe, i think these were all saved in 2011?
Damn that animal crossing post tho
Good enough for me. Hope whatever it is that brought you into a thread like this tonight resolves. It;s hard enough to live life feeling bad I sincereyl hope you all find your happiness someday.
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theres two more he didnt post but they are dumb as fuck, this one isn't same dude but funny/sad
Tranny thread is that way
>Always feel like I'll achieve anything.
>Family struggling, doing the best I can to help.
>No longer the best friend to my best friend.
>Falling for someone out of reach.
>Constant anxiety and depression

After picking up a bass for the first time, playing it, everything doesn't seem as bad. Music has always been my place of solace, so it feels nice being able to do something with it.
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just because you are a giant fag, I shall post the gayest faggiest sad ones in this folder.
be more insecure nigger.
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Yeah, that's the hardest part of it really. It's hard to imagine that she might feel the same way too, but you still want to hold on to that hope that somehow it may work out someday. Hope is weird yo,

I think it;'s funny how a woman can really hold so much authority and influence over someone who is interested in her. For me it;s mostly that she's the kind of girl you don't find often enough these days, Virgin and still fairly traditional about what she wants out of love, and still a really idealistic kind of gal. The kind that reads silly romance books and wants to be treated like a princess, to me it;s cute.. What is it about your qt that makes her so perfect if I may ask?
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the most awesomely gay one just for buttercup.
Again, tranny thread is that a way, faggot
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it seems odd you know exactly how to find these tranny threads. just a hobby of yours?
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im sorry for being angry
She's just a really chill, down to earth chick. Known her since Kindergarten and when I fucked my life over, she didn't treat me any different. She's a loyal friend and I appreciate that after losing so many around the time of the accident. We also just share a lot of interests and our personalities--I feel--compliment each other well.

And do it, man. Be her prince.

If she says no, well, it'll hurt 10x as much as it does now, but you'll have peace of mind and the pain will go away. You're just torturing yourself, brother.
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you good duder ain't no thang
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Poor Fella
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a little sick humor.
Bunch of fuckin homos !
I'm with bro. My mother died of cancer while holding my hand tightly. I can never forget that look in her eyes
>even though I had to re-schedule my final exam I made it
>got e shitty mark of 2.2 (1.0 is best, 4.0 is worst)
>nobody cared afterwards for me
>since re-sheduled exam I had few time to look for university
>with my leg problems I could not do physical work
>only thing I was good at was learning
>best subjects were history and biology
>I liked physics aswell but I was afraid of my medicore math skills
>after all this shitty nazi country has taken form me I wanted the free university
>chose biology since I got rejected from biochemistry
>got a rehab where I could lern to walk normally again and with less pain
>had to live with parents in shitty town cuz of costs and commuted to uni every day
>tried to make friends at uni
>made collegues in first semester for learning
>but they were quiete shitty and did not want to do anything with me outside of uni
>maybe I was not good enough
>what can I expect after 20 years of solitude being happy just to not get bullied?
>nobody must know that
>everyone I befrieded so far failed at least in the 3rd semester and bailed
>was alone again
>was not able to make friends again
>study got harder
>made my bachelor titel in biology
>know it is worth nothingunless I make my master
>got mark 1.7 (1.0 is best, 4.0 is worst)
>pretty good
>decided to change uni and field of study
>had worked part time and saved money so far

go on dude
Lifetime movie u fag fall back

some weird dudes coming in this baww thread slangin some hate.

wtf does fall back even mean in that context.

also out of random quote pictures.
Thanks for the inspiration and advice man. I hope you have the best of luck with your love life as well. Your gal sounds a lot like mine, and to me that's something special, you rarely find the kind of girl who's willing to treat you like a true friend. To me relationships are just an extension of friendship, in an ideal world perhaps we'd all just marry our best friends.

Best of luck to you as well and thanks for the inspiration, I really needed something like that at this moment,
Fall back means go away..u sensitive queen ...whaaaa u Shld all commit suicide
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should i post the anti-baww pictures found this folder?
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nah those aren't even edgy, like they try to be.. its just 14 year old humor
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underage slang? you sound like 16 yr old cousin with his fam and his suuhh dude fall back shit.

but anyway, you really aren't accomplishing much other than looking like downsie baby
Yeah man. The best couples are just best friends who want to fuck :P

You got a skype or somethin', brother?
Most of you probably don't care but here goes nothing I guess.

So i met this girl and we had a few dates, we started kissing, holding hands. She was perfect to me and I thought we really had a connection. And everything else fit just perfectly into my life, up until she told me that she wanted to slow down, take a step back. Get to know each other better and what not.

So now we're just "good acquaintences" that like each other a lot, with no expectations of this relationship whatsoever.

And I'm stuck with the feelings i developed for her, which I have to suppress now in order not to lose her.
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i think these are from before edgy was a thing just saying.

just to spite you more antibaww.
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there is nothing here today.gif
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my skype is "existentialrecognition" (leave it to use philosophy majors to be endgy and whatnot) I haven't used it much recently but I'll definitely use it if you add me. Might be nice to have a new friend and all that. my profile pic should be pic related
What kind of music do you play/listen to?
>so I applied to every uni in germany which had interesting master fields
>got accepted by almost everyone
>but I was exhausted
>last bachelor year was very hard
>during the whole bachelor I had not one free period
>shitty bachelor study has also lecutres in so called "lecture free time"
>there is no such thing as spring break
>also I worked part time
>therefore I thaught: take the one that seems similar to my studies but enables me to work in industry
>cuz i choose molecular life science: a mix of cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, etc
>got to new town
>got nice 1 room flat
>master studies start
>first semester is super hard
>bachelor has not prepared me for anything here
>I lose 15 kg (~33 lbs) due to right diet and the stress at uni
>still fat though (BMI 26 and abdominal circumference 103 cm, 40.5 inch)
>not able to make friends

>at this point I am a 24 years old man
>stressed out by my studies near burn out
>depressed cuz no social life
>never had been to a disco (in germany this is something you do in a peer group)
>never had friends
>never had girlfriend
>lost atlethic body composition
>screwed up 1st semester of my master studies
>out of 8 exams only participated in 6
>2 most important ones I could not do

>mfw I was probably made socially awkward by my country
>mfw I probably have autistic like behavior even though I am not autist
>mfw I hate myself and do not want to live anymore

that's a glimps of my "life"
I seem to be unable to become happy however hard I try
I guess I will stay alone forever... over 2 deaceds of solitude is a pretty solid trend statistically...

sorry for my bad story and the lack of an ending, guys
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Its ok op, im a physics student in UCM btw, molecular life science sounds pretty awesome.

in my school there was a guy just like you, in the begining i bullied him a little but ended being friends so far, he is now one of my best friends.

Dont worry OP, gf will come one way or other, one fay you will work somewhere, maybe there you ll meet a nice chick or new friends.
motherfucking shit
that is not how life works, at least how I have experienced it

life is hard for most people and usually caring for some stranger with problems is just too much

I have problems and am therefore not attractive to anyone...
Added you i think.

Anyway, hittin' the sack. Night /b/ros. You'll make it through all this.
lost my mother when i was 12
it's been so many years and I still hate myself for never saying goodbye to her.
take it easy yo, nice chatting with you. hope it all goes well for you goo luck /b/ro
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What are you thoughts on core thermodynamic geosciences?
Lost my dad a few years ago, my mom made me go with her to identify the body before cremation. He was an organ donor so he had no eyes. Doesn't matter that the eyes where closed, didn't help that there was some kind of liquid dripping from his"eyes". I can't think about him without that vision popping into my head...
i find it a little boring, im more into electromagnetism and optics science.
My favorite memory is when i meet gina (an old ex)

She made my see the good in the world
She helped open my eyes to its joy
Our first kiss is one thing i wish i could relive
Over and over again.
It started like any other day. We held hands and walked around after school. That day she had practice for track so i had to wait for her by the recycling room ( a club we were in, i only joined for her...)
Anyway after her practice she walked up to me and we started joking around
I made a joke about playing a game
If i won she kissed me
If she win i kissed her
The game was who could draw on each other more.
It was a tie so we kinda just laughed about it
Then she said it was hot so she was taking off her track sweater.
Just when the sweater was above her lips but not yet over her head i pushed her up against the wall
And we kissed.
Everything shut off..
The voices
The anger
The pain all left me when her and i kissed
And it was then that i knew i loved her..

Why did she leave me...
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hmm Optics are far more fascinating
I only I seek to understand the push pull harmonics of all celestial bodies even the star seed that is our core.
Dont much feel like green texting, but my mother was a druggie, homicidal, sadistic, and manipulative bitch who didnt let me see my father until she kicked me out when I was 12. She had told me my dad wasnt in my life because he didnt care, which I found out was a lie. She kept him from me to use me as leverage (Typical Detroit mother). My dad was the best and smartest person I ever met, but he was born with heart and kidney issues, and he died in my arms when I was 16. Ill never forget his eyes being wide open, and blood coming from his nose and mouth.
>Why did she leave me...

>She made my see the good in the world
>She helped open my eyes to its joy

Can you say you did the same to her?
I know we were happy in the beginning....
But one day i lost control of my anger and she saw.
I could see it in her eyes.
I could feel it when we hugged.
She was terrified of me
God it hurt seeing her feeling her push me out..
I was good i never hurt her
I loved her and now hahaha now im not even a memory to her
you have got your answer
oor at least one plausible

if we could only forget specific memories
is it really better to have loved and lost than to have never loved?
Is it mean to wish I had someone who loved me as much as that?

I just hate this whole thing
man just do a 5 or 6 semester master instead of rushing through in 4. Seriously it's not a big deal, especially not in science.

You can also look into your unis hochschulsport, they often offer a good way to stay in shape, meet new people and they are dirt cheap.

Don't get too stressed out with your studies, I made the same mistake and it just set me back even more. The load of exams in many masters is stupidly high and you don't need to do it all right now.
nah I think deep down all of us kind of wish we has someone who we mean the world to, it;s just human nature man. We all strive to be loved in some way or another
If she never loved me I'd still be my angry bitter self. Which seems better but in the long run i probably would of snapped.
Sad thing is im not hurt over the fact that she left.
I came to terms with that long ago
What hurts is why?
I never knew why and i probably will never know
Can we chat about something?
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Cancer thread
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May The Tentacles Find The Desu
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Sure what's on your mind yo?
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Just finished half a bottle of Jack. Just wanting a distraction from life in general
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kill yourself
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>unis hochschulsport
it seems to be always booked out more than one semester ahead...
also I can barely fit my schedule into the week

>Don't get too stressed out with your studies
I am trying but this hit me really hard...
the thing is that you have to do 2 internships and to be allowed to do this you need to have passed 3 specific exams
I only could do 1 so far and this is bothering me very hard...
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there is nothing desu about me sadly
I feel you. just finished a good portion of rum myself. So i"m a bit out of it as well. What brings you to a thread like this?
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Holy fuck, this. I don't have it as bad as you do; I can recognize myself, but it's limited from there on out. It's really showed in my social life. I do have one, and honestly I'm fairly happy as friendships go, but the patterns are curious. I only become friends with people who are extremely visually distinct, presumably because I never recognize anyone else. My best friend is inhumanly tall; recently I realized that was probably why we were friends to begin with. He stood out enough that I knew him from day-to-day.

Shit's frustrating though. Moved away for college, and starting from scratch has been slow. The worst part is hitting it off with females from class and not recognizing them the next day. It's happened a few times now. One of them I asked to wave to me or something the next day for this exact purpose and explained the problem to her, but she didn't. I know I go to class with her every other day, and I've no idea who she is. She may even be my female lab partner.
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Just wanting to feel something other than numbness and disappointment.

How about you?
Stop bringing eachother down faggots
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I feel my girlfriend is no longer attracted to me. She is not cheating on me but I can't sleep anymore because we haven't had sex when I didn't initiate it in a year and she hasn't been the one to kiss me first in 10 months. The feels are real, /b/ and liquor seems to be the only way to sleep anymore
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everybody in this thread should just kill themselves tbh
I just ate breakfast
had two tomatoes sliced ant heated in pan with a little goat milk and worscester sauce
added sunflowerbread to it and a pice of cheece from the harz

it was medicorely at best but the tomatoes were almost rotting and the bread was over a week old so I had to at least cook then before risking food poisionng...

i do not geves me nothing
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have you asked he directly?
maybe she feels insecure about herself?
just tell her that you want the truth vuz the uncertainity hurts you
tell her you could accept if this was the case but you want to be honest with her...
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Me too man, me too
I feel ya brah. I ended up being kinda sneaky about it and buying a good friend of mine I wanted to recognize a cute little necklace so that I'd know who she was when she decided to wear it.

It's silly to think that the kind of things most people take fro granted are inaccessible, I've never met another prosopagnostic person before so it's super cool for me to be able to talk with someone about it. How is it that you manage to cope from day to day with it? I tend to try and memorize people's clothing and hairstyle type stuff from a day to day basis. I also remember peeps by their hair colour and general body type,
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>also I can barely fit my schedule into the week
So drop a course
Running yourself into the ground is no way to go through live. They might've told you that you should finish your masters in 4 semesters and their plan may be set up for this but I know of only one person that actually finished their masters in 4 semesters. You're allowed to take up to 8, more if you complain, there is no need to rush. You're just 24, that's not that old. There are people starting university older than you.

>it seems to be always booked out more than one semester ahead...
that surprises me, the only courses that are always booked here are Zumba and shit like that. Maybe my uni is just full of lazy bums.
feels for antz
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I haven't said anything directly. We fight over other shit all the time, finances are tight as fuck, she has anxiety issues, I am a stupid person sometimes (I have 2 arrest warrants for unpaid tickets that we can't afford at the moment and I keep driving like an idiot) and the times we don't fight are important to me. I've started trying to work out twice as much in hopes it could fix the problem though
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Oh man...
If you were 26 when your Dad had died, do you think it would still affect you so badly?
fuck this layout, fuck it
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more or less the same. In love with a girl and not really sure how to proceed. It would be easy if she made it clear she wasn;t interested. instead I;m stuck in a kind of limbo where she both hints she might think highly of me, but also may not be interested at all. Truly an abstract kind of hell.

That sounds like a fairly classy and pretty nice breakfast. The decision not to drink is probably a good one, really at it's best it's merely escapism, not like it really solves anything anyway.
>So drop a course
I already have and thaught to elongate my studies to 5 semesters
but the two aditional courses I did not take could ruin everything...
I do not even know yet if I have passed 5 exams and I got another one next week...
(so basically I have only participated in 5 out of 8 and the 6th will come next wendsday)
My girlfriend recently left me in a breakup that I didn't agree to, we were together for 2 years. I know that it might not seem like much but I asked her to marry me and she turned me down. I gave her all my time money and affection and I really feel like ending it all.
Are you in NZ? I have a friend basically going through an abscract thing, if it is who I think it is.
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This post reminds me of one from my thread. A thread a made a few months ago when my dog was put down.
I want to post a screenshot of it. I saved the whole thread, with all the pictures I could (thread 404'd by the time I got home). The saved content is on my other computer. That computer has died on me and it's sitting on the floor with its guts open.

I get teared up from your post, friend. Over and over again.
Something something about this mutilated kid being in the age of bliss before realizing his future as an outcast.
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>nah from murrica, though I imagine it's not too uncommon a problem. Girls are weird with admitting if they love/like someone or not. That tsundere trope in anime wasn't entirely based in fiction if you ask me. Best of luck to your friend though.
I think your body composition is not that big of a problem to her

why don't you just go all out and ask her to talk to her safely
tell her that you are sorry that things are not running smoothly and you keep trying
tell her that you love every moment with her and that you shut in recently just to enjoy every fight free moment with her since you love her
tell her that you love her and that you mean it

that usually changes a lot especially if you show her that you care or at least try to care

I know this sounds all cheesy and is very embarresing but maybe that is the point of it...
to show her your vulnerability and that you trust her

i hope i give here good advice... maybe she just is into mucho men? I don#t know her

But if you decide to tell her adn overcome your "pride" or however I should call this reluctant feeling one has to open up
and she decides to blame you on your problems like driving and finances etc

tell her that you are frustraed and this bothers you even more and stresses you out and then depresses you about how stupid that action is...

maybe ask her for morale support to stand this through?
this guy has more ballz than I do
Yeah I basically said the same to him.

Although, last drunk session I admitted I liked/like someone who is currently preggers.

I really regret mentioning it since we're going to hang out tomorrow and its going to be awkward for me knowing what I blurted out to her. Man I wish I could turn back time on stuff like this.

But can we talk about anything that isn't feel based so we have a distraction albeit temporary.
Same boat here. Hang in there
Sorry for your loss. losing a good friend like that is always hard. though I'm glad that the memory lives on.

Dogs are sweet little things and they are perhaps one of the the miracles of this universe.

I absolutely love your pic there btw gave me quite the feel, keep doing what it is you;re doing anon and best of luck to you.
>That sounds like a fairly classy and pretty nice breakfast.
it was medicore but at least not fatty I guess, the cheese has less than 1% fat

> The decision not to drink is probably a good one
belive me, I tried and it did not work for me
shitty polish liver genes...
drank a bottle of vodka and did not get drunk... just a little tipsy
it is not worth the effort and I did not even like it

if it would have worked I would have drunken myself to death already...
dogs are such great beings man. they always are happy to see you. they get mad and huffy and sometimes dont even wanna look at you. but when you come home there they are, waiting eagerly to say "Haiiii" with that big dumb look on their face.
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I have a feels story I never told to anyone
>be me
>exchange student in Asia for three years
>alcohol and weed are very cheap so drunk and high every day
>some day I wake up as I got a Facebook message
>"hey Anon, it's Vince, just to tell you that ... is deceased"
>my first ex is dead
>even though we didn't meet in 5 years, I stare with shock at the screen
>"seen" tick is still there
>going out at 5pm and started drinking
>mfw I never answered
>mfw I never gave my condolences at the family
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>Man I wish I could turn back time on stuff like this.
I hear you on this point, though sometimes making a "mistake" and having a type of knowledge about things is better than never knowing. Dunno, it's an odd two way street most of the time, we rarely know what it is that the woman of our affections feels, and sometimes we can;t even explain why it is we fell for a particular girl in the first place either. emotion and feelings can be strange and mysterious at times. Glad to hear you have a friend you can confide in though, that kind of thing is really invaluable.

>if it would have worked I would have drunken myself to death already.
Honestly with the way I drink I;m surprised I haven;t done that already. Alcohol is really an escape. you're better off without it. What is it that bring you to a thread like this? what is it that's got you down lately?
I probably should do just that. Thanks anon
>what is it that's got you down lately?
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^this, so much this.
I wonder if people can ever really strive to be the same way with the people they care for, to have a type of unconditional love and affection for those most important to them. I feel in an abstract way we as humans may actually have a lot to learn from the way dogs behave.
I love you too

No, they confide in me.
I just wish I was dead. I want to do it. But I haven't got any lquid courage left to do it yet. Hopefully some day I will kill myself.. someday..
Different anon here also. I have had a Maltese since I was in 2nd grade, now 10 years later I'm only really to starting to pay attention to. You opened my eyes. Today will be a dog day.
Hey man, physics are merely a big deal in serious relationships.
Anxiety totally kills sex drive for most women and on top of that you have other problems.
She probably wants someone to support her, to listen to her sadness and problems. Attraction comes first from the mind and second from the body. Are you here for her? Are you talking about stuff other than problems. Are you taking her out of your daily problems? (Nothing fancy, just lay down in the grass and talk about something else)
If you're still the first person she turns to when she has something important happening, then she definitely loves you. Take her stress out and you'll get her sex drive back. Maybe offer her a massage or cook dinner when she doesn't expect it or simply have something completely different from what you're used to.
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Yeah I feel you man, figuring out a life trajectory is always difficult, though you at least seem to know what it is that you;re interested in in terms of subject of study. Tht is a particularly hard life and upbringing to take part in though so I do have a lot of empathy for you there. I wish I had some kind of advice that would help to make thing a bit better, or offer some type of clarity, but I feel I'm in a similar place to you so I can totally relate. I typically like to imagine that despite what I think there is still plenty of time to figure out all that other stuff, we're still fairly young and who knows what possibilities are out there? I can't say I'm 100% hopeful or even optimistic, but sometime you gotta deceive yourself into hoping for the best to keep yourself going you know?

What is it that makes you wish you were dead? I feel similarly in the sense that I'm always the go to guy for other people to vent to, but never really have anyone else to turn to when I have problems of my own. Was just curious if you were in a similar situation.
Maybe eternal loneliness.
Maybe my life.
Maybe I fit into every stereo-typical neck-beard cliches.
Maybe I was and still am a Beta for most of / all of my life.
Maybe I just wish I could will myself to a painless death.
Maybe I wish I could just fucking kill myself some nights without having the burden of what I am doing resting on my shoulders.
Maybe I wonder why family weighs me down so much when I know that it won't bother me if I just do it

Why do I even bother ranting when all I do is ruin nights and give the really dicks of the internet a chance to have a go at me.

So have at it internet dicks. Just rip into me. Tell me how useless I am. Throw everything you have at me. Since obviously I deserve it.
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Find amazing girl
Best friend for two years
We help each other through relationship issues
Help her when she gets dumped
Keeps me from committing suicide.
Eventually she says she loves me, I tell her back
We can't date yet. Other things holding us away
Finally start dating
Best point in my life
Keeps me happy
Though I start to become scared
Remember shitty relations where I'm dumped over stupid shit
Remember pain and try to work through it all
We tell all to each other, even the lies we used to impress each other
Lose virginities to each other
Dream girl
She stops trying to see me
Stops wanting to talk to me
Says we need break
We go on final date. Went all out (50's diner, movie, sex, make her midnight dinner)
Next day dumps me for best friend
Best friend who is hitting on my other ex
Mfw I want to kill myself
Even though it's 3 years ago, it still affects everything I do. So much is missed here I can't even begin to explain everything, her family was my family, they loved me and I loved them as my own family cast me out like a piece of shit.
Too drunk and tired to make greentext
I understand your sorrow

the only thing I have to cheer me up is free internet porn...
sadly I am into furry porn pics...

would you like me to post my favourite one in order to try to cheer you up?
Neck beards may be weird but they always find the girl. Don't worry
I feel like it's going to be that bunny form zoo-topia.

If the picture will somehow cause an allergic reaction and kill me. Feel free.

Somehow doubt that for me. The closest I've got to admitting I like someone is while drunk. The others I liked it never went anywhere and I threw hose friendships away before it could even start now we don't ever talk. I am just afraid I'll do the same to the remaining grill I know. Then I know no grills... Just kill me know I have so many regrets I wish I could just rewind to being care free and thinking "Maybe someday I'll meet someone who likes me" instead of now "See, you're finished school, you're not popular so no one will ever like you. You have no connections so goodluck finding anyone"
Hit way too close yo home man.

Don't think so lowly of yourself, lots of people are in a similar situation, or at least I know I sure as hell am. The unfortunate part in this is that there really isn;t an answer. There's no real way to suddenly gain meaning or purpose in one's life in any conscious sense. It's not something that can be forced it just seems to sort of happen.

Part of it too is that you gotta believe in yourself, if you don;t nobody else will. Sometimes you gotta be both your own best friend and your worst enemy, you have to tell youself that no matter how bad it may be that some sort of hope apparently exists. It's hard to find sometimes but I'd argue it's what keeps us alive, it's easy enough to kill youself, but somehow the thought always seems to cross your mind that maybe it'll get better or that the problems will resolve. To me that's hope. it may not sound like traditional hope but if it's all you;ve got you may as well cling to it and try for something better. It's a rough ride, and I don;t know for sure if it ever gets better, but I do know thta from one anonymous stanger to another I wish you the best m80.
>hoping for the best
hope is the first step on the road to disappointment

a quote that has proven too many times to be true
no, it is not the bunny...
but I like some of the new porn comics with her and the fox though...
they show how a happy relationship could form...and how a physical relationship with open conversations could be...

I will not post it since it will not kill you
it would be a skunk squirting cum out of her ass and then drinking it... pretty kinky but yet arounsing
If it's hope 5 or even 10 years down the track, is that still hope or a piss shot at an impossible dream?

I know I would still be considered young by most standards but by everyone elses standards I know they're way ahead of me in a lot of fields.

I have a full-time job, an education. But I still live at home, no license, no person to confide into, to see when I'm free, no one to spend time with.

When alone I truly feel it. Alone.
It's horrible browsing the internet seeing images of people happy or still images of a caption saying "I love you" and knowing no-one will ever say that to me. It tears me up. Why would anyone be happy to see someone who is self-destructive.

Thinking of it. This is why I'd like someone who thinks like that. Who thinks "Why would someone love me" so I could show them that someone does. Someone who is co-dependent on me the same as for like me to them.

I really feel like I could rant on right now, but it is basically 1AM here and I need to get up tomorrow, so I'd rather now, but I feel like I'd hit the char limit.

That sounds worse than the chink girl eating shit out of the dogs ass. So no thanks
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that's sadly pretty true, Though I often ask is it better to be hopeful and dissapointed than already ready for dissapointment and getting exactly what you expected?

Part of me knows that things probably won;t work out, but maybe it's just easier to deceive myself and suggest that it'll all work out. Perhaps it's escapism really, like having a dream about a good life, it's not real but psychologically it serves to make you feel a bit better for a temporary moment of time.

You ever read Albert Camus's "The myth of Sisyphus"? because to me I feel it makes a very relevant analogy to life and the way in which we tend to live it.
Cool man
> ready for dissapointment and getting exactly what you expected

that is more or less my approach
because if you st your standard low and it does not reach it you can say...just as expected, nothing specially bad

but when by some mirracle it gets over your standard, than you could be happy maybe

>I have not read Albert Camus's "The myth of Sisyphus"
but I am familiar with the old greek myth about sissyphus...
Dunno I ask myself a similar question a lot really. I'm about 5 or so years into pursuing a "hope" that I'm not entirely sure is possible, but for whatever absurd reason I keep trying for it. Haven't killed myself yet even though the though crosses my mind frequently enough. You and I aren;t really so different, I feel a lot of relateability in the circumstance you describe.

Hey if you feel like ranting go ahead I'm all ears, it's almost 6 am where i'm at so I got nothing but free time alcohol and insomnia powering me at the moment.
>That sounds worse than the chink girl eating shit out of the dogs ass. So no thanks

it is actually pretty hot cuz she has a clean anus...
the point is it is a horny girl, willing to do kinky stuff and trustingg her partner

but i will not posst it since you do not wish for it
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