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sup /b/ just found out i'm going to have to have a root

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sup /b/
just found out i'm going to have to have a root canal
any stories? what am i in for?
an expensive trip to the dentist
no worries i got that obamacare

This, had 4 done in my life so far. Super expensive, but not painful if done correctly. One I had was painful but it was because the area was so badly infected.... rare case.
I had one when I was maybe 11 or 12. It was nothing, you don't feel anything except the shots, they don't hurt too bad. The worst part is sitting there for a while as they work on your mouth. Good luck its nothing to be scared of.
I have also had 4 done! Not really painful once the drugs kick in. Maybe a sensation a few times, but otherwise just an hourish procedure.

Expensive, yes. Insurance only covered some of it. I had to cover $600ish per root canal ($200 for the procedure, $400 for crown).

Yeah I think most of mine were around 800 with insurance
2 hours of having shit rammed in your mouth,plus its boring as shit.
Is there a sharp horrible pain in your tooth? It will go away when the dentist sticks a needle into the nerve.
Had about as much as y'all if not more. It's a real painless procedure. Used to be painful apparently, but the instrumentation used has become pretty advanced.
Obamacare is only health care isn't it? dental isn't included.
Save yourself a shitload of time and pain. get it pulled and get an implant
Yea, if you get a root canal you're going to get stuck with a crown. Crown's sometimes get gaps and then you get some quack asking to redo the crown which is another grand. Depressing.

Not Op... but I remember my pain from before my root canals. I would not give a shit if it cost me 5k... that was horrible. I couldn't even sleep. Would still be worth it to me in the long run.
idk man i was just being a cheeky kunt. i have blue cross
do they give you any drugs to go home with?
i have the procedure scheduled for right before my day off so ayyyy

Once it is done you should have almost no pain at all. They are killing the nerve. It will have less sensation than a normal tooth.

You might be sore just from having your mouth open so long and the shots, but nothing compared to normal tooth pain.
depends on where you live. You get dental too on it in Oregon.
do some research OP, root canals invariably lead to bone cancer in the jaw. have the tooth out and get an implant instead.
One time I had one and I died
They gave me a prescription for some painkillers and antibiotics.
quit drinking coke
its not that bad
i have it and dental is covered
Well basically for me they just numb the part of the mouth with a needle that they're gonna root canal and they get this drill like thing and basically feels like a little drill drilling in your tooth and it pulls out this weird coiled up stuff out of your tooth and it kinda smells weird that's the jist of it
So your pulp is becoming fiction?
Had 2 root canals with just local pain killer shots. Was no big deal

lol. Nigger, everything is claimed to give you cancer now. We are all fucked based on "research" which flip flops every few years.
Sup OP im a dentist ask me anything
Same guy: The Hydrocodone I got to take home I cherished. If I ever had a bad day, pop one of those suckers in and let the good times flow.
It's not painful at all. Anybody got any good wisdom teeth stories?
mine were impacted, had to cut jaw bone to get them out
There was like no pain for me, just the biggest pain in the ass to sit there for what was 4 one hour sessions (for me at least)
This. All the horror stories your hear are BS. Novocaine, good to go. You'll have more pain paying the $1000 for the root canal
Why are they so expensive in the US, in the UK my private dentist charged me about £60 over two visits. Perfect job, no pain, just took longer than a filling, it wasn't pleasant with all the jabbing, but fine all the same.
Had this done a couple of months ago. They put a rubber mat type thing in your mouth, acts as a guard so the disinfectant doesn't get on your tongue cos it tastes like shit... Then they numb your face and literally cant feel shit, over in 10 minutes.
you think he might've already asked something in the original post? i'm not sure, but i'm no doctor... my whole education did not prepare me for something like this.
One root canal that failed three times, which was a great loss of time since the dentist only had one charge. He sent me to a specialist. That doc looked and the X-ray that and said immediately the tooth had to come out.

No real pain. Insurance took the sting out of the bill. I eventually found a better dentist.
Mine are impacted too.
How was the post surgery pain?

Because in America everything is about gouging the customer with the biggest bill possible. Even our education system is that way.
how do you even get to the point of needing a root canal?

I only brush my teeth once a day and floss every week. I also drink alcohol and eat sweets. How much of an irresponsible neckbeard do you have to be not to even brush your teeth?
Dentists are now admitting that root canals are fucking retarded. You don't want one. look this shit up.

I brush twice a day and floss once a day, mouthwash twice. I have had 12 fillings and 4 root canals.

Some of it is genes. A lot of mine was from acidic foods. Stopped eating tremendous amounts of spicy foods and I instantly and drastically improved.
How come competition doesn't stop that, competition should drive prices down, I guess because everyone is insured and just accept it. You guys are nuts, what a waste of money.

Root canals are bad, instead pay for the procedure that is newer and costs 5x as much and is not covered by lots of insurance... yeah...
traumatic injury to tooth
tooth cracked and started resorbing
That's a retarded thing to say, when the nerve has become rotten, it needs neutralising otherwise it will continue to decay, cause pain, and infect other parts of the tooth further and then possibly the gum/bone. If you leave it, you will be in constant pain, what is your argument against one?
there is no real competition in healthcare. medicare sets the allowed amounts and private insurances follow suit. its the same price no matter which doctor you go to, individual practices don't set prices.
The most important thing about procedures like this is to remember that novocain is cheap as hell: ask the doc for some extra up front, and if something hurts or feels weird, ask for more. You might sound like mushmouth for a day, but if your dentist isn't a total shithead, you won't feel a thing.
I'd rather kill myself than go through that again
because even though there is a ban on monopolies. It is a collective monopoly that runs these things now. These companies are actually working together now to gain more money.
blue cross dental? because blue cross normally is just health
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I started fluoride therapy, 5000 ppm toothpaste (usually twice a day, sometimes once if I am drunk etc) and wash mouth out halfway through the day (if i remember) with 450ppm flouride mouthwash (the strongest available without prescription). Since doing this for just over a year, my teeth are so much better, certainly a lot of reminirilastion of the enamel. Trick is not to rinse for as long as you can manage after the fluoride for maximum effect.
had one on muh dick. the end
I recently went to the dentist and found out that my wisdom teeth are fucked. On the top right side I actually have two wisdom teeth and one of them is dangerously close to my sinus cavity. While on the bottom left the tooth is completely horizontal. Not excited for the surgeries or the bills... Fuck me...

There are not enough regulations so most larger corps greed sets in and they almost worth together to gouge us...

For instance, cable companies. Sure, there are multiple... but usually only 1 is available in your area. And they don't overlap on purpose because they know they can all get more if that do it that way.

Part of it too is that the consumers are greedy assholes too and sue over every fucking thing they can. My sister is a obgyn in Flordia and makes around 420k a year... but pays close to 300k a year in insurance because of that shit.

Insurance in America is also a scam...

Yes we are stupid... and yes it is nearly impossible to fix because too many of us are lazy and irresponsible.
Again, in the UK had a wisdom tooth extracted for £40 I think from a private dentist. It would almost be worth you guys taking a trip to Europe if it really is that much cheaper. Come and fuck our dirty girls whilst you're here, win-win!
dental procedures are much more common in the UK due to the poor quality of the nation's teeth

To give you an idea of how expensive shit is here. In college years ago my friend broke his leg. Without insurance it cost him almost 17k.

Fucking ridiculous.
That salary (and insurance) is insane. Doctors over here would get paid similarly. My aunt is a consultant radiologist and she would have been earning maybe £200k (no idea but that would seem about right given her lifestyle), I wouldn't have thought her insurance costs would be that significant in that field though. I guess it is because of the massive payouts, like if someone loses a finger, they would get millions, where an earth would a judge come up with that figure? It is completely immoral.
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Whilst the americans seem to love this stereotype, it simply isn't true. You should come up with something new as it isn't even that upsetting for us anyway.

While I am sure this is not only Americans. There are people here who look for dangerous things with no warnings so they can sue...

OMG water spill without a caution sign, better slip and hurt my neck.... cha'ching.
I had one yesterday. I hate the dentist, but they didn't hurt me. Took about an hour and a half, which is a long time to hold yourmouth open, but the relief was worth it. I was in a lot of pain before.
Expensive? How about completely free.
>tfw Canadian
>tfw even second rate companies have healthplans to cover what the govt doesn't
First they're gonna get a cast of your tooth to model your replacenebt,. Then zap your gums with needles, probably more than one, and leave you alone a few minutes you take your cell not to get bored. They'll try drilling, and you'll feel pressure, but if you feel the slightest bit of pain tell them to stick you again, its extremely worth it. Stare at the light and contemplate life while they try to make conversation while in your mouth. They grind your tooth down, kill the nerve, rip up the inside, but if you got the extra numbing you're good. Then they glue on the crappy temp replacement over the nub that's left, and it won't feel quite right. Maybe too big, maybe too long. Definitely don't poke it or floss or you'll pop it off. Believe me, your tooth will be very very sensitive to temperature, especially if you pop off the temp cap. a couple weeks later, they get you back in, pop your temp off, try fitting your new cap, and you better be comfortable because you're gonna be stuck with it. And voila! A few thousand dollars poorer but fuck, at least your smile is whole!
its funny how they thing "hur der bad teeth" is something we'd give a fuck about.
like i care? I'm not shallow like you guys are

PMSL @ your debt
Modern root canals have come a long way. I wouldn't want one just knowing what it is, but if I had to have one I know it wouldn't be that bad
make sure the dentist is actually trustworthy. got a "root canal" at one, only to find out years later that it wasn't really a root canal, only a deep filling, and had to have it redone again.

also, if you can afford it, get the longer lasting fillings.

dammit, i need to get my wisdom teeth pulled. shitty thing is, i've gone from having the time but not the money, to having the money but not the time. I've got 3 wisdom teeth, 2 impacted iirc.
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I had a root canal when I was 14. The pain before the actual procedure was the worst in my life, I just wanted them to pull the tooth out. I had to keep drinking cool water to splash around my tooth and it would dull the tooth nerve for a good 30 seconds. The actual procedure wasn't terrible, but then again I was in so much pain they could've done anything and it wouldn't of compared to the pain I was going through before.
Fast forward 10 years, the tooth completely cracks and half of the tooth is gone. A couple years after that I finally have dental insurance for normal dentist checkups/cleanings. After some fillings they pulled out the remaining part of my tooth and then I received a bone graft. Now I can get an implant whenever I make an appointment with a specialist.
Good thing I finally have dental insurance.
Had two OP they aren't that bad. Only thing that happened was the dock didnt use enough Novocaine so i felt him drilling into the nerve but when i let him know he shot a shit ton right into it and didn't feel a thing you will be fine. The pain is the time commitment to get the caps fitted.
thanks obama

I had one. It's not so bad, as long as you get the laughing gas. Then you won't care about anything.
lol yeah those grapes were probably sour anyway
You'll want to get your root canal performed by an endodontist, not a general dentist. Endodontists are specialists and only perform root canals, they actually go to school several years longer than your general dentist and specialize in root canal procedures.
You'd think competition would work in a capitalist economy.
But the drug companies are influential in the government and essentially get away with price fixing.
"If no one lowers their prices we can all make a lot of money."
Didn't ask about your sex life anon.

Man, trust is such a hard thing to do, I know for a fact my childhood dentist drilled and billed all my molars and fucked my teeth for life, I'll require a life time of expensive treatments to fix that fucks work.
yea dude...i went in for sensitivity and the guy gives me a veneer. Let me tell you right now, I've had 5+ root canals and a myriad of other treatments, but shaving the tooth to put a veneer on an already sensitive and nerve wrecked tooth was the most painful shit of my life. Even just ambient air caused pain. If I see that son of a bitch I'm going to pistol whip him. I need to bite the bullet and get a 'healthy' tooth root canaled before the veneer fails or I'll be in severe pain when it does fail.
I love you
Of course competition works in a capitalist society, why do you think you can buy 2 litres of milk for less than £1?
I'm not saying it never works.
I'm talking specifically about the drug industry in the US, which is commonly known to be corrupt.
Go to a University Dental College
Get an appointment with one of the Professors,
and ask Pulp Capping is possible.
I had to get a root canal once. That shit is expensive as fuck w/o insurance. So that's why I flew down to Mexico with my dad to get it done and it wasn't even that bad. Hell, I even got to enjoy myself.
anything healthcare related in the states is so expensive...I'm sure I could have a whole set of new chompers from egypt, peru, or mexico for like $5k
Did they sedate you with tequila and give you peyote for post op meds?
Just get it pulled it causes joint and heart trouble look it up.
I've had 5 or 6. It's no big deal, just a longer visit.
It's a scam. Root canals are unnecessary and detrimental to your health over a long period of time.
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Probably the most motivating reason to learn a language.
Nope, though that sounds like wild ride.
but... but... my obamacare...
I have it as well and root canal is NOT covered but a lot of dental work is covered.
lol k what's the alternative
not gonna leave an infected tooth in there and die like some third world savage
"it appears that nonsurgical endodontic therapy has no effect on the cardiovascular system of patients with no known history of cardiovascular disease"
couldn't find anything on joint issues. source?
No matter how much I brush, I always still have little bits of decay in the valleys of my teeth. So my genius idea was to take an ordinary toothbrush, and cut the bristles down to half the size. That way, they are more rigid & stronger and are able to provide a better clean. Just don't brush over your gums with it.

Can anyone tell me a reason as the why this is a bad idea? Cause I'm going to continue doing it.
if the only thing i do is chew that gum with xylitol
and not brush or floss will i eventually have to get a root canal?
get it pulled dont get a canal 10 minutes and its over and if its a back tooth no one will ever see it unless you show them.
the only alternative is having the tooth pulled

2 hours? i had a root canal and crown done in less than 1 hour
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Pic related.

Is this a good idea?
will my teeth rot?
just buy a tooth brush with harder bristles... they come in soft medium and hard....
That honestly depends on your capacity for pain and how much you tend to panic. I didn't mind it, I actually found it quite interesting at first and kept looking up at what tools they were using on me, but it got pretty boring after a while. I think I was only uncomfortable enough to want it to end for a few minutes during the second procedure where they drilled the hole to put the base for my crown in.
RIP in piece, your tooth enamel
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Trips hath spoken
It feels like someone is sticking a thin metallic rod into a sensitive part of your body you never even knew existed.

Which is actually what it is. Gl its ubcomfortablr and if your dentist is a fuckwit it'll hurt too.
Second year dental student here, there are a lot of variables at play about whether or not you should get an implant. RCT with a crown can last you a very long time, and implants aren't a cure-all for everything. If you have poor oral hygiene or uncontrolled periodontal disease, then an implant would fail more quickly than a tooth, then you'd be stuck with either a removable or fixed prosthesis (probably a bridge or possibly a removable denture).

Also, root canals aren't anything to worry about, especially if the dentist uses marcaine. Just make sure to fill your prescription asap.
Well the pharmacy fucked my meds up when I had mine done, they gave me the equivalent of tylenol and amoxicilin, which I am allergic to.
After throwing up and barely being able to breathe I passed out from pain with my face in a toilet... good times, best of luck OP.
Root canals done before the 1970's were terrible, and the chronic inflammation that occurred as a result could lead to a slight increase in the chance of some cancers.

"invariably" = troll
Depends, do you currently have an infected pulp chamber?
If no, don't worry you wont feel a thing

If yes, tell that dentist to fuck right the fuck off and prescribe you antibiotics and wait 5 days until the infection dies off, THEN get the root canal, because anesthesia doesn't work when you have an infection.
Because everything for the dentists in the UK is subsidized, in the US the dentists have to purchase everything.

Also, dentists in the UK make about 1/3 of what American dentists pull in.
Shit's expensive, OP.

Had a root canal once and it was an expensive undertaking. Later, the dentist showed me the X-ray of the tooth and explained what he did. 15 years later. New dentist. New X-rays. Told him about my root canal. "What root canal?" These X-rays show you never had a root canal.

Yes, I got ripped off by an unethical dentist.
the novocaine will make the drilling pain non existent, but if you do feel anything, they'll WANT you to tell them so they can give you more novocaine and not have you knee jerking around while they're in there

the molds they take for the crown is like putting a whole can of playdoh in your mouth, but their's doesn't taste as good...

Literally, the hardest part is the cost-which my dentist, when I specifically asked about it, said that insurance wouldn't really help in root canal/crown costs...Also, btw if you fall in a particular financial bracket, you may can find a way to get a year to pay it off instead of all at once...

Don't worry though, the only actual soreness you MAY feel is holding your mouth open for so long, but if you are a 4chan newfag, you're probably already used to it from being at the truck stop bathrooms...
I needed a root canal to have a crown
It depends on the tooth, the system the dentist is using, and how experienced the dentist is. If it's a single-rooted tooth then a monkey could perform a root canal, especially if they're using a WaveOne.
I go to dental school in the Southwest, we get a lot of patients in who went to Mexico, only to come to us when they find out they have AIDS or some shit in their tooth.

No, you want soft bristles so you don't irritate your gums or abrade your enamel. Just floss or get a water pick.
It will be extremely painful
You'll eventually get dentures (by like 35-40).
Just hope none of your canals are calcified. Shit takes even longer to get through
you should factor in the costs of getting your teeth cleaned before you have the crown made...they will make the crown the color to match all the rest of your teeth and you don't want it to glow white when the rest are doo doo brown
They can't do number, it has to be percentage. Population can mess with the data.
and you'll want to go back and pay the hundred or so bucks to get them cleaned at least once a year after seeing how much it costs in neglecting them (for anyone needing a root canal due to neglect)
para tu
Got 4 so far and had never pain during the time I was there. And not that expensive here too. (Germany)
Op, if you're still here, just get an implant, it's cheaper and lasts a hell of a lot longer
Oh, rip. Well what's done is done. Here's hoping she didn't kill me.
Depends on which plan you signed up for.
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Have gotten 3 root canals, on 1 tooth.

My back molars actually have 4 roots, 3 got infected on 1 tooth. They just load you up with novocaine and go to town. First they will create a hole in your tooth to open the root tops. From here they use a small needle like drill to scrape and clean out each root. Not bad. They really odd part is when they have to insert the toothpick like cables, which they have to twist and torque into the infected holes. After they are done with that, they seal up the hole.

Mine had only got a temp seal, which broke later, got infected, and they never told me till they had to re-clean the tooth. Fuckers will lie if you're on heavy medicare because they will always aim for more money. Ended up being too late for said tooth, and it was extracted.

That shit was even worse, after numbing, they literal have to "crack" the tooth in half to remove it. Imagine a dude putting all his arm force downwards on your jaw, while having your tooth snap in half.

Smell was pretty awful too. Imagine like rotting carcass, with the worst morning breath possible.
God damn anon, looks like you got oral aids. Stop sucking dick right away

> protip: I'm a doctor
dubs of truth, he must be a respected M.D.
you went to a shit tier dentist or you opted to be a cheap ass, molars are suppose to get a crown after a root canal is done
Had braces at the time. Why they were being faggots about capping it right after. This was out of HS back in 2009 roughly, so for years the temp stayed till they came off. Then they pulled the "oh we never saw that till now".

So yeah, they were insured dental through my dads side at the time.
just get a rotating toothbrush you idiot
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>demands we come up with something new
>cites 2006 statistics

The fuck, shitbag? Ten year old stats mean fuckall.
What the fuck is wrong with your mouth anon? Do you not brush your teeth twice a day?
Or you just didn't do what you were supposed to do, which is:
>go to an endodontist who actually specializes in that instead of your random dentist, who specializes in having people clean your teeth
>when the tooth is that bad there's a reason, stop being a fucking stupid goateed redneck opening bottles with your back molars faggot
Healthcare-for-profit is disgusting. I've been in the healthcare industry for decades.
>>677020188 i was deadly afraid of dentists until i got my root canal it was fast and painless because it was so pleasant i overcame my fear.

Anyone with THAT many root canals is more than likely dealing with something else.

like cracked teeth, or periodontal disease from chewing tobacco, or getting punched in the face repeatedly.

Or cavities because he's a fat fucking slob who doesn't do anything but eat sugar all day.
once it goes to abscess mode, youll be very willing to have. Its kind of a bridge you have to cross no matter what, just do it. Or you can not and die when an infection gets into your jaw/brain/blood/heart.

Worst part was only having enough for a crown and waitting a year to save up for the crown.
hey op. im going to be a dentist in 2 years. dont worry its very easy and even us students do it. what we do is we make a big and then we scrape the pulp out. it like trying to get the front things of a lobster claw. and then you fill it up. close it and put a crown on there. you wont feel any pain but pressure. you always feel pressure. cant needle that feeling away
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What the fuck is the point of root canals? Just have extractions, it's like 10 minute appointment for 1/10th the cost.
One of my teeth grew without enamel, so it kept getting infected. Fillings weren't doing the job, so I asked em to just root canal it. It was painless when the drugs kicked in. There was only a slight sting when they yanked the nerves out.
What the fuck is the point of root canals? Just have extractions, it's like 10 minute appointment for 1/10th the cost.

ahem because then you need an implant. cant just run around with a hole in there. your whole life your jaw changes a lot. so without the tooth the otherone will grow weird and then you look like a hobo.

dental conservation is what we are going for
America is just amazing. In Europe I had canal treatment for $200 l.
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Save yourself the pain and suffering and just get your tooth extracted. That's what I did. It's super fast and easier on the wallet.

Pay for the porcelain if it is a front tooth. Totally worth it. It is a little less tough but it looks natural and lasts the longest. Besides if it is far enough front you never actually eat with it anyways.
no thats fucking stupid and uneducated
use floss you mong. hard bristles fuck up your teeth.


you can literally have it done and go to work shortly after. Its not a big deal besides the price if you dont have dental insurance
The worst part is keeping your mouth open for long periods of time, it really starts to hurt your jaw.
Vicodin and Antibiotics.
if you're unlucky you'll get the shit ones that make you throw up every couple hours forget the name
>paying for the dentist
oh US of A

but to be fair, I pay more than 700€ for social security. but at least it covers pretty much everything except for psychotherapy
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>that feel when Air Force and don't pay for anything medical-related

>got dental work done
>getting PRK surgery this year
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