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ask a woman who supports Trump anything

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ask a woman who supports Trump anything
I dont care about your political affiliation even a little bit, tits with timestamp please.
can u show tits for trump ?
Why aren't you posting tits? If you do not want to post tits when will you GTFO?
Do you support a nuclear devastation of the entire middle Easter continent?
Might I ask you for a timestamp?
because I seem hotter to men if I'm an anti-feminist and a conservative!
just show us the boobs and no one gets hurt.
Tits or GTFO.
you know the rules. timestamp bitch
>implying you are a grill
Do you prefer to be called retarded or racist?
Are you aware how fucking stupid you are, or are you too fucking stupid to realize how fucking stupid you are?
Where are you and wanna fuck?
I'm not retarded and you left-wingers need to piss off! Stop being so PC, if trump wants to keep the niggers out and stop the sandniggers coming in our country. He should be able to. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Pic and timestamp or GTFO
true, lets meet
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think for yourself you stupid cunt
>no dick
Sup girl u like boners?
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I'm worthless if I'm not attractive to the other gender. Men like women like me more, I'm more chillax and I'm openly racist. So, white guys don't have to pretend around me.
might you kill yourself?
tits or gtfo
Does nobody do an image search one these right away?

Are you all retarded?

Scooped from reddit and posted for triggering.

low quality bait.
I'm not even left-wing. Or a Democrat. That's what is utterly fucking mind blowing.
<3 them
Give me a good reason Trump shouldn't be president.
I think it's sad. It's really terrible, I mean, we have these girls, who are terrific by the way, that, and let me just say this, we're going to win. We never win at anything anymore. Absolutely orrible......

Nice quads
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You have 2 options:



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What are you stupid? How can you justify supporting Trump?
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You know what? Fair enough
Left wing and on /b/.......right
I'm pretty sure it's not common
Because you havent shown us tits.
Overlord Trump wpuld be ashamed of you.
Its funny because I would NEVER fuck a man who doesn't support Trump. Have fun being virgins forever fucking faggots.
I'm not ready for the four horseman quite yet. So much laundry to finish.
You have some strange preferences
Because you haven't posted a pic and timestamp.
Ok, so you're just a troll ok.
How does it feel to help make america great again?
Libtards piss me off. We should build a massive wall to keep beta cucks like you guys out.
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u should respect rules
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>responding seriously to a troll politician's troll supporter

shiggy diggy, /b/.
troll troll troll, you actually suck at this.
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Cunt please. You know how many college age bitches there are that want to suck someone's dick just because they support Bernie? No one's missing anything from you
It's ok I can get much smarter women than any trump supporter can ever offer so go suck some more rupublitard dick. It keeps your head busy so u don't shit post
OP here. No tits, guess I'll GTFO. Stop replying faggtos.
This isn't OP. I'm OP.

Wow, can't believe a woman wouldn't want your libtard cheese dick?
If you are who you say then timestamp please. I'm not even asking for tits.

OP here. This is the real OP. Roll trips for nudes.
God you even suck at trolling, it's the easiest thing there is.
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All female Bernie supporters are retarded feminists. Have fun sleeping with a feminist and wake up with a false rape accusation the next day.

If you're a liberal, YOU AREN'T SMART
No I'm OP. Roll dubs for Sharpie in pooper
Trips for Trump Frog get!!
Do you honestly think one person can affect three hundred and nineteen million?
cant even time stamp, where you save this pic from?
I dont give a single fuck who you want to be president, pull out the titties you dumb fucking cunt, I literally could give a fuck less about anything related to you other than seeing your tits. Be seen and not heard bitch.
And you aren't a women. Don't you have some trap threads to start?
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I would never fuck a worn-out cunt whose sexual history is "date raped by business major x 9,001". Have fun being a mindless attention whore that as much respect from the rich men she chases as a crusty cum sock.
OP here. Fuck this I'm done. Have fun being virgins. I'm never coming back to this site
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You guys are all fucking faggots. OP here and give a good reason why you aren't voting Trump
Tits bitch
Because people look out for their own, and Trump isnt one if us. I know you're trolling, but come on, man you cant be this dumb.
You would get at least half the posters in this thread to vote Trump if you'd only show your tits. Where's your political will?
What a faggot. Cracking a tantrum because no one agrees with you. Good riddance
I agree with her
Trump 2016
Marry me
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Trump is more of an ass man anyway :3
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OP here. Now can we discuss this?
I'm not attracted to flabby-assed dumpy bitches. Guess I'll stick with Sanders.
>give a good reason why you aren't voting Trump

Because he's a dick. Not the fun kind, either. I mean that both literally and figuratively.
lol at march alone
Fake and gay, fuck off fag
boobs or gtfo !!!1
â–² â–²



He's not an American?
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OP craves the micropenis
Ay' girl. Come to scandinavia, we got socialism and big cocks, and we'd love having a political incorrect nutbuster like you here. <3
yeah those tits look retarded. just like a trump supporter
I'm OP, I want someone to Trump my Rumo
good luck having anymore abortions you slut
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Proud Nazi Transvestite T Girl.jpg
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Do you even know how timestamps work, cunt?

>pic related, it's a Trump supporter that loves pretending to be a woman
From earlier today. Fuck yourself
This pic is like 3 months old.
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Trump can fuck shit up and deliver the most lulz. He deserves to lead us.
oh shit it's yuuuuuuge
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Why are you a faggot?
I for one do support nuclear devastation of middle easter [sic] continent
Are you high?
More like good luck getting prosecuted for abortions
He's a rich boy. He'll look out for other rich boys, and no matter how rich you think you are, you arent on his level.
dumb dumb whore......tits or gtfo
When did you first realise you wanted to give up control of your own body.
In 1919 it was blame the jews, in 2015 the muslim community is the new target.
>inb4 holocaust
Damn I caucused for Trump but after those I think I want Cruz.
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>Trump supporter with no dick


Goddess Kalindra HAS a dick and she's a Sanders supporter. Checkmate, Trumpfags.
>in 1919 it was blame the jews
m8 in 2016 its blame the jews, its always been blame the jews. mudslimes dont control shit they just allahu akbar shit, but the jews tell you they're a religion of peace and you're a bigot if you dont let them immigrate to the states.
Go away evil dogger
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Time stamped tits and face so we know ur the same person
You know what your right anon
>fuck yall isis niggas
How did you achieve enlightenment and rise above these Drumpf-squawking plebs?
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Don't be jealous, OP. Not everyone can have an ass this sexy. It just means that nobody's interested in your middling attractiveness or your lack of a feminine penis. But I'm sure you'll still get sex the next time you pass out at a fraternity party.
>in 2015 the muslim community is the new target.
your history is no so much good.
A. it has always been blame jews, since the days of Mohammed.
>a moslem commandment for jews to follow. and only jews.
5:32 On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.
>here the moslems are giving themselves carte blanch if someone makes mischief against the moslems.
5:33 The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.
B. Moslems deserve every fucking bullet and bomb someone has the simple decency to put in their ass.
>This thread paid for by the Donald Trump campaign
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