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3D loli

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 207
Thread images: 87
3D loli
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Here we go again...
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yay another chance to create pedo butthurt
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Are you aware how pointless what you're doing is?

We're all just here scrolling for the loli.
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I'm not even looking at what I'm posting now.
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So is this stuff still being made, because most of these images are from artists I've fapped to like 6 years ago.
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I'm just here to collect pedo tears. Thank you for the donation.
bu..but its the bad boogy man the news told us about every day since we were kids...
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No this is a Spiderman thread. You got it backwards
how do i shot web?
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this boogeyman?
Oh yes. Reminds me of the photo shoot with Sara and her mom and one of Sara's friends in a BDSM suite.
I'm just genuinely impressed that that woman can walk in heels on such different terrain while probably doing more than just walking
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rub your pee pee long enough and web will shoot out of it
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daily reminder
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leave newfag and never come back
Requesting something more softcore, like pinups or cute porn.
This is truly the battle of the century. LOLI fag versus SJW fags. Please, eat eachother.
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Girl on far left.

3d, loli, amputee, pregnant, bdsm porn.
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Came here for spiderman, stayed for the lolis.
greentext stories anyone? plz?
sage, pedo, and never come back
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is there any stuff that isnt prepubescent

barely pubescent stuff is a nice change

plus yeah more the last of us stuff
Well that's just creepy
You don't belong here dude. Get the fuck out.
hey anon how does it feel to be wasting your life spamming a thread and failing
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>be me
>be pedo
>get ass raped by 340 lb blank man named Tyrone
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Pretty good when keep complaining about how butt hurt they are
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There are two more loli threads going. You've lost again loser. First in life now on /b/.
I'm a fan of how the spiderman spammer keeps the thread on the 1st page while loli posting bro waits for the post timer.

Keeps everything nice and accessible.
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Blank man, huh? You fucking retard.
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Wow dude that's some hardcore edge/misogyny.
What's the source though for when I masturbate later. Probably the first 3D pic I've ever liked.
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No just concerned for your safety.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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Mfw loli is more popular than spidermi
3D? I dunno. There's still plenty of 2D artists probably even more but because of less central locations autists spout that there's no more western loli.
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I'm perfectly safe. Its the pedos that wont be safe when they end up in jail
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Keep telling yourself that. Many people here can trace IP numbers and such. Js
that just CP fucking sick cunts
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ok come get me
I hope you're saging
I don't understand why people spam Spider-Man in perverted porn threads. All it does is keep the thread bumped for us because they're always, always newfags who can't into
It's because they secretly love scrolling down and seeing all of the loli thumbnails passing by.
They really came here for the perverted porn.
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welcome newfriend, we use sage so our posts don't bump the thread
Trips of truth.
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Yet you keep bumping with your posts.
Alright fine.
>Be me at 16 years old, my 8 year old sis and her friend are playing at my house
>Friend is this qt latina girl with perfect bronze skin.
>My parents and her parents spend the night having dinner together and leave me to watch over them.
>Sis's friend spends the day wearing these unbelievably short and tight jean shirts that make her ass look amazing.
>Immediately get hard and horny for her.
>I spend the day try to sneak gropes and feels of her ass in, usually through playing games like tag with them.
>Eventually after that day I just fantasize nonstop about her and her soft ass.
>My lust reached the point where whenever she wasn't over I'd fap tk her, and when she was over I'd straight up grab her ass, our pick her up and grind against her for a couple seconds.
>Reached the point where she got annoyed and told me to stop or she'd tell her parents.
>I obviously agree and stop the touching, but still fap to her
>She moved after about a year and haven't seen her since, but I loved her ass and she's probably what got me into loli.
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That story got me hard.
I came
You obviously didn't understand the entire second part of my post. Congrats onto advancing to the "I say newfriend instead of newfag because I think the big kids do that" stage though.
Sage hasn't worked for years you fucking idiot
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Yet it's on page 4. How can he be this new

It's tradition.
youre obviously to stupid to know what sage means. its ok, keep masturbating to pictures of children. you'll get what you deserve some day
>Tanned loli=God tier
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dang even at 8yo she was onto you....

Are you telling me I've been saging trap threads all this time to no avail
>Reached the point where she got annoyed and told me to stop or she'd tell her parents.
You are lucky she decided to do this instead of telling her parents. Probably should pray that she never tells a therapist even offhand or some shit though or they'll legally have to report you regardless. Or any chatty friends because rumor will spread.
LOL you're a pretentious windbag, get off your fucking soapbox you shit.
Nah, dude. I'm saying 90% of Spidey posters don't use sage. I don't understand how you just now got this unless you were trying to provoke anger. Maybe a few hours ago but I'm too tired and anxious now.
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Continue to sage that shit too
you don't believe this autist do you
How does a girl prove she was molested? Her word is good enough?
No or I wouldn't encourage it. Just RP if I had to phrase it. If I seriously believed him I would just ignore it.
cool story pedo
What is "sage"?
Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page. Contrary to popular belief, a sage is not a downvote, and should not be used as one. "sage-bombing" or announcing that you've saged a thread may result in a ban.
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You're powerless =D
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>when posts get bumped they go straight to page 4
Well I don't have much more when it comes to loli stories, other than the fact that I tried this stuff on most on my little cousins.

I remember this party where this really sweet cousin who really liked me was alone, so I walked to her, said hi, then picked her up and did my typical grinding technique where I hold her up with my hands on her ass while I grind my bulge against her.

I tried to make it look like I was playing around with her and she laughed and giggled, after like a minute some random guy in the party asked who I was, and I was tongue tied for like 5 seconds till I said I was her cousin, then he fucked off, but I decided to let her go.
When I talked about doing camshows for people at 11 until 13 he was legally required to report it to both my parents and some child service thing even though I was being abused at home by my parents even though I straight up told him it didn't negatively affect me and only boosted my self-esteem. Since it was online and so long ago the CPS or whoever didn't actually do shit or even try to find them though. If he was actually telling the truth they'd have his name. Whether or not he'll go to jail after he mentions them that's another matter but pretty sure pedos are almost always locked up.
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Posting spidey will lead to autistic meltdowns from pedos.
Literally since like 2012, none of the email field things have actually worked.
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your pedo
When it comes to wearing booty shorts, the tanned look way better.
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You do realize he's only b8'ing to anger someone in to posting actual CP. People have learned that if you rage about the loli, sometimes someone will post real CP.
And this leads to lulz

What is this all from? Is it a vid/game?
I hope if people actually did that then they realize clicking on those images so many times could still get them in trouble. Saying "OOPS I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS REAL AND REPORTED RIGHT AWAY" isn't going to work if you've done it a hundred times. You'd probably be safer just going to some actual CP site. Not that'd I encourage either.
It was a 3D artist named waldo. I haven't seen any new stuff from him in quite a while. You can find his stuff by searching for Waldo 3D
moar greentext ppl
So do you gotta be subtle in getting it without attacting attention?
It's unlikely anyone is getting in trouble for clicking on images. People posting that shit is another story.
Let's do a checklist here to see your qualifications.
>you are an actual pedo
>you don't have the ethical and/or empathy abilities to understand why not to look at CP
>you don't have enough self-control to not look at CP for selfish reasons i.e. jail and shunning by family/society
>you are either too stupid to use Tor or so stupid you're asking me for help when I'm firmly against it
If you are that combination of sad, go look for actual movies with children used for sex but it's supposed to be sad or start an obvious webm thread on /tv/.
Should've specified saving it which was the joke with the excuse of I REPORTED LIKE AN UPSTANDING PEDO but cut me a break it's past 5 o'clock. Still I'd be too paranoid to even click thumbnails if I wanted to do it in the first place. I don't really care what other people do I'd just rather not help them.
Yeah saving that shit will probably eventually get you busted. Hard to say though. I'm willing to bet there are a lot more pedos out there that society has no clue about. I'd go as far to guess about 20% of men.
>be me
>get in truck and drive to wendys
>back home
>20 minutes have passed
>open /b/
>IIT, butthurt pedos still taking b8
Well let's be honest, a 14 year old teenager that wears revealing clothing and is growing her tits is still likely to give the average man a boner.
It all really depends on what you define pedo or hebo.
Look up the arousal studies done on a random sample of people. It's probably even higher then that.
The one's I'm talking about were actually for the real definition of pedophile not some 15 year old jailbait with a croptop. Most people wouldn't even admit to being attracted to a developed 15 year old though.
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>Look up the arousal studies done on a random sample of people. It's probably even higher then that.

implying cold hard scientifict facts will persuade the average normie to re-think what they been tought since birth.

>ever wonder why we still have religion?
leave this here

what kind of poorfag eats that nasty wendy's shit?

>the average trump supportes does.
What? Wendy's is the most expensive of all the fast food joints.
That's why'd I never suggest them to a normie. After all, anyone defending non-predatory pedophiles or pointing out scientific facts means you are a child molester who needs to get their junk cut off.
There's now a proposed law for some hick state to literally chemically castrate sex offenders. Judging by our culture and politicians wanting to get reelected it will most likely pass.

kek. expensive.

yeah, dont forget to vote for trump poorfag.
in an out?

half of the people in the US still mentally live in the 1800's.

And yet, THEY take pride in the accomplishments on 21st century minds to proclaim america the greatest nation on earth and validate their antiquated beliefs.

its blows my fucking mind every time i think about it, and makes me wish for an asteroid wiping us out.
Chemical castration doesn't work. Best bet would be mandatory counseling. Fix the route of the problem.

This is the problem with the US, so hell bent on punishment that it never fixes the fucking problem. It's why it's got one of the highest recidivism rates in the world. It's filled with barbaric morons who're no better than a lot of the criminals they want punished. Countries where they've tried to help the criminals find out what the fuck is wrong with the way they think have a lot less recidivism. That's a lot less tax money and less crime... but in the US we focus on punishment instead, because it helps us get off.
Sorry about my overused joke. But really what's the source?
Don't forget that they bitch about how everyone is stupid or retarded while taking pride in their ignorace about subject considered taboo or innapropriate. Of course I'm circlejerking here but if I made any argument about pedophiles to a normie then I'd instantly be labeled one.
Notice where I said "of the fast food joints".

Are you sure you're not going to be voting for Trump, because you don't seem to know how to read, and that seems like a Trump quality to me.
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this is gonna sound silly but here's something that would help too:

stop letting your daughters and teens dress like porn sluts. men are visual animals, and will act accordingly.

>or we could just suppress manhood and cut everyone's balls.
Roughly the same, although In and Out might be slightly more expensive. Bigger burgers there though.
all this shit is uncanny
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i dont eat fast food nigger. i wouldnt fucking know.

>enjoy your diabeetoos.
Enjoy the early heart attack you're likely to have with all the anger you have boiled up inside.
Going to bed it's late. Hope I'll meet you guys again in jail/prison/hell/whatever.
No but really if you even suggest that pedos who can't keep their urges in line would be better off with some counseling and not some being of pure evil they'll disregard you. We won't even actually give unbiased and unshameful treatment to these people BEFORE they commit a crime. They're not actually protecting their kids, they just want to feel better than "scum" and punish people to get their rocks off but to them that's a-ok because they call it justice.
Don't think that would actually help much if not combined with actual counseling. The people who actually rape would still go after some random if they couldn't find a slut assuming they're not already going after someone "innocent" or just someone with their favorite hair color or what the fuck ever. And the CP owners would still have their photos. Might help individual teens possibly but I'm just armchairing obviously.
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haha. you actually made me lol with that line.

tell you what, no hard feelings. enjoy your shit diet. hopefully it wont kill you.

>have some datass for your troubles.
I don't have a shit diet. I only treat myself to fast food once in a blue moon.

Most of the times is plain chicken breasts and pasta or the odd steak.
Having a burger and soda every other week or so isn't gonna kill you dude. Most healthy people I know drink and eat that shit every other day they just don't sit on their computers all day and people who go to the gym are either toned, muscely, or a lardass who's gonna give up within two weeks.
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>this thread
ffs I came here for lolis, not your fucking moral concerns
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Well i ran out of greentext stories, most of this 3d loli is 7 years old, and even spiderman is bored of this thread.

I wish i could go to sleep but the food I ate is taking forever to digest and i feel bloated when i lay down.
Well, 3AM on a weekday is probably not the best time to find any loli, tbh.
new thread lolis
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>be me.
>9 years old.
>cuddling with father on couch.
>have blanket on top.
>he used to rub my stomach.
>one day we're watching tv.
>moves his hand up and starts rubbing my chest.
>don't think much of it cause duh its father.
>"hey, you're getting boobies".
>kind of embarrassed.
>tells me "they're gonna keep growing."
>somehow it makes feel better/good.
>let him keep doing it.
>keeps rubbing with his coarse fingers.
>brother walks into house and he pulls his hand out.
>cant remember what they talked about but i remember his hand moving away.
>this happened again another day.
>except mother walked in and he moved his hand again.
>knew not to tell.
so are you going to post your tits?


i already have. just not in this thread. weeks ago.
Was the green text story weeks ago as well?

yes. i have posted it before with pics.
Friends... I’m still stuck in >>676891683 (the last thread)...
I can’t get out of there.

OP, why didn’t you link back to the last thread?

I don't know how many times I've brought that up. Not much of an audience for that discussion.

Protip: the goal of law is not justice. It's order.
confirmed 9 years old

thats silly.

i meant pictures of my feet and breasts. some people asked for them. then they regretted it. because my feet were dirty.
just post them already

cant right now. im in the middle of something. got people here. but i monitor this thread in between.
The problem is they think they cure cancer with cancer.
plz give source of hardcore 3d art itt
I really fail to see why there's Spidy all over loli threads while sh0ta threads are completely ignored.
Interesting observation.
Could gays really be this devious?
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What in the name of fuck is going on here?
Close encounters of the third kind.
>normalfags getting triggered by 3D CGI loli shit

They aren’t normalfags... they are murder-obsessed prison criminals.

>InB4 implying normalfags aren’t murderous.
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So child pornography?
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degenerate as fuck
mr. Spiderman tear down this thread
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This is really far away from sanity
Welcome, newfriend.

>tfw they finally learn what sage meana
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Am I also allowed to make an underage thread on /s/ or is it only on /b/?

Want to share my legal collection, but also like it to be available for longer than 1h.

Only contains clothed, faces, and 3d loli
OP from other 2D bread bumping to keep it alive desu
You guys never seen Waldo before?
/b/ only desu
bumpu also plz bump
I know I'm on a watchlist now but I had to click on that. Jesus do you people actually jerk off to this shit?
i like toddlercon better desu
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every lolli thread.webm
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So you didn’t fuck before 18?
>>676885387 >>676885608
>>676886158 >>676886198
>>676886275 >>676886383
It’s funny how you suddenly support Islam.

Do you know that the guy on your photo is a great great grandson of Prophet Muhammad and loli Aisha?
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>this webm is reposted so much
>still no drawfag has drawn an image of DK's massive dong penetrating Daisy's butthole
Thread replies: 207
Thread images: 87

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