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What would you tell your 10 year old self? >If you play with

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What would you tell your 10 year old self?
>If you play with your dick too much it will fall off.
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"Do not fuck or date Stacey, even though shes into you"
>dont start using a computer. Keep playing outside.
tell mom everything that is happening
Don't be curious about drugs. They aren't as cool as you think they are.
spend lunch shekels on bitcoin
don't join the navy
Its a bit long, but to sum it up

>date girl in sophomore year of high school
>date her for 3 years
>found out she was cheating on me since we started dating for all 3 years
>got fucked by her 40 year old boss when she was 15
>near the end, she started fucking guys every week while i was gone to school in another city
i probably would tell myself that exactly

jacking off causes testosterone levels to rise. i look like fucking neanderthal because of it
"Don't be a little shithead emo in middle school, you'll never know real depression till you're in your 20's. Oh and invest in facebook, myspace is shit."
Don't jerk off on your sleeping mother six years from now. It will not end well for you.
Easy. Take all bonds cash them in, take money in money market out, buy google stock, then buy houses after the market crash, sell them in 2013-2014
But I can't
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Save that Lego set with the black lando calrissain, that bobba feet with be worth thousands of dollars.

Also save your 1st edition Pokemon cards.
Don't be afraid to fail or take risks
>Don't be homeschooled
You are not the reason why you father gets upset a lot and then flips into glee acting like everything is funny. That job he has is a cover and most of his money is doing jobs for the Mob. While dad it not a made man, he is a supporter. This is why none of you are going to date local neighborhood boys and girls, dad does not want the risk of you ratting him out. Also, a lot of those kids he's tell you not to play with for no good reason, their fathers operates for rival syndicates. Never confront him, it will just get ugly. Take that college education he's paying for with mob money and get out of town before the ink is dry on the sheepskin.
Wasn't IPO until like 2 1/2 years ago though? So good luck with that
lol wat
No it don't? If anything they would be lower wouldn't they? If you're more knowledgable on the subject correct me
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A year from now our mom will have a brain aneurysm rupture and die from it. It will be the beginning of our downfall in life. Get her to a doctor and prevent it from happening.
Fuck if I know man, I'm shit at handling anything that has to do with money.
listen to advice from 4chan

and subscribe to Ben on Youtube

None of your dreams will come true unless you work hard at things you hate, like math. Some day you will realize you don't hate math, you just hate working hard. If you can tough it out for a few years then it will get easier. The road ahead is steep and rough, but the "easy" road just leads to a cliff.

Love will hurt, but you will find someone, you just gotta be brave. I know it is scary, but you can't be brave if you aren't afraid. You are strong, you just don't know it yet.

Stay strong, work hard, and write down your memories about Grams and Gramma.

Hopefully you will never know me.

P.S. Pin is a fucking asshole, don't trust him. Also the price of gold will break $1900/ozt in 2011. Tell Dad to buy lots of gold.
lol sup lil fag
Invest in bonzi buddy, there's cameras everywhere I watch you pee from the future, also you need to start smoking weed now before you go crazy.
Don't fuck your mom, your daughter is gona get a concussion.
That's really how it is though
Get mom off drugs before it is too late
I don't know. I remember hearing about the thing where like they used to urge football players to not have sex before games so they would have testosterone built up, but found out it was better to do the opposite since it raised testosterone levels.
Take a class it's all about keeping everything in front of you ( budgeting and financing )
you can spare yourself the pain
kill yourself now
you don't know this yet, but in roughly two years you'll have a golden opportunity to take your one way ticket to hell a little early
it doesn't make much sense now, but when the time comes you'll know
When you are in college there will be this chick, she has a rose tattoo on her shoulder and you'll think she looks like a younger Scarlett Johansson. If you don't fucking talk to her you'll be wondering "what if" for the rest of your goddamn life.
>That's really how it is though
When I saw the goodfellows praying at his coffin before I walked into the funeral parlor in the morning before the place opened up, everything made sense. Sucks to finally figure your father out after he is dead.
>brush your teeth
Maybe, I'm already going through college and in need some electives so that might just go on my list.
being emo and a brony isn't fucking cool
>What would you tell your 10 year old self?

Enjoy every fucking second with your father.
Gonna have to look into I guess
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also chekt
Invest heavily in Enron
trips just confirms further
don't step foot in australia
You're not going to listen to anything I have to say so fuck you you little faggot
Be careful with your back. Exercise more.
Don't be duck, study hard and don't screw it up with Tameka
Lol why? Even the workers lost their pensions
You feelin' me on that feel nigga?
read as "would you sell your 10 year old self?" and yes
Yeah. I was a horny little fucker, overly fascinated with my mother's tits. Her and my dad left me with my aunt and bailed on me. My aunt frequently beat me and I think my mom is dead now. I mean my childhood before that was no fairy tale but it really cascaded into a gigantic clusterfuck of confusion and sadness thereafter
ask for 100 tarmogoyfs for Christmas, dont give a shit that they are a dollar and keep that shit mint. Sell in the summer of 2015 when they reach an all time high.
>don't do drugs aside from a little weed until you graduate high school.
>don't be a bitch and go snitching on that guy who threatens you. Just fight his ass. Suck it up.
>fuck josie, she's gonna move anyway
Convince dad to invest in Apple.

Don't talk to niggers.
Tell him not to get into that emo shit Jesus fuck
You were right, you aren't human.
its all down hill from here. try butt stuff
'Kill yourself now, before you care about anything meaningful'
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Continue to stay active and play hockey.
Don't be a smart ass and pay attention and go to school.
Don't even think about taking that bong rip.
LIE. Never stop lying. Lie about everything. To everyone. If you get caught, lie more. People love liars. They really do. If you lie good enough, they make you King. People are sheep and they LOVE to be fleeced. Lie, and never stop.
I had extreme childhood depression, when I remember that I remember that there wasn't a lot anyone could say to me to make my life better. What I really needed was support from the teachers and other authorities, who even joined in on the bullying.

When everyone treats you like shit you normalise it, people get vibes from you in interviews, people feel "creepy" around you (only women, whatever the fuck that means) and all this shit just becomes normal. You sometimes call it bad luck, but you know its more that.

And when you tell some cunts off? Oh I'm being a bitch and THIS is why you test me in the first place?

Yeah I was almost meant to be fucked.

And now you're completely shit at any job that involves computers, well done.
Trust me if you're bad with money do it
>What would you tell your 10 year old self?

1. Do not think with your dick
2. Do not think with your dick
3. Save every penny you get your claws on
4. Vagina is not worth the asking price
5. Save your money, asshole
6. Save every penny you get your claws on
7. Expect the best. Reject the rest.
8. Maybe one person in a hundred is genuinely interesting.
and I got dubz
Bukowski was such a piece of shit. Motherfucker looked like a chimp addicted to meth
Hug Mom more.
end your life now before you experience worse kiddo
are you a failed novelist or something?
Not to your level, but yeah. Mine is still alive and I am very close to him, but my family has a significant history of Alzheimer's and he's starting to get into risky ages. I can barely think about that for more than a couple minutes before I start to tear up.

I'm sorry for your loss anon.
How'd u know!?
I'm thinking joining the navy. What's wrong with it?
If you masturbate like your friends keep telling you it will start a downward spiral you will not be able to control
You're cuter and have a bigger dick than you realize. Your 15 year old neighbor and your babysitter want to fuck you. Go for it.

Also in 2 years your history teacher will fuck you if you ask her.
Computers ruined my social life.

No-one is obliged to like you, it's up to you to be likeable.

Stop worrying what people think of you, bar one or two you'll never meet them again and most of them fuck up much worse than you in the future.

Read everything. Watch everything. Learn everything. Fuck school though.
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How much time have i got?
Do not leave new tech. Go for amanda early and kick logans ass.
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If I could tell my 10 year old self one thing?

Keep the receipt for resident evil 2, because when I bought it both discs were broke when I opened it.

Yes, it was brand new, dual shock greatest hits edition from wal-mart in mobile alabama.

> pict related, it's the wal mart
Yeah I had teachers who didn't give a fuck when I got bullied for having thyroid eye bag disease, I should of just beat the fuck out of him and said " see? Look what you made me do" to the teacher. Same class we watched intervention and a guy was on drinking binge, woke up went to his Florida room and found weed then proceeded to thank " weed fairy"
I'm thinking of sucking cocks constantly. What's wrong with it?
Don't dry hump the mattress, pull the skin back and forth.
If you don't hold the fuck still ill cut off more than just your balls. This is for your own good.
well better kill yourself then.
"Ask your dad to go in for a cancer screening"
Don't be a fucking lazy piece of shit. Get out, play outside with the dogs. Don't spend your whole life online, make friends. Be nicer to your family.
What field are you in?
Are you me
you are the bat.
Fortune favors the brave!
not same anon but that's how things are becoming

you are experiencing a transition of lifestyle that won't be accepted by everyone at first

in 100 years everything will be VR and marriage will induce meeting IRL for the first time, and then agreeing we're both ugly af and go back to the VR world to fuck
It will also make you a unsocial faggot that is more in love with the idea of having a girlfriend than actually having one
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>end it now and save the time
>Brush your fucking teeth
>Go for a run three times a week
>Bush did 9/11
> New England Patriots win the 2015 Superbowl
I dont even fucking like football
>kick him straight in the fuckin nuts and dont get so attached to girls
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>don't try so hard in school
>your mom doesn't mean to be that angry with you
>don't listen to what other people say to you
>always hit first
>go outside more
>it gets better (hopefully)
All those assholes in your school you are trying so hard to impress won't even be in your life after graduation
It doesn't get better, you just get used to it. Tell your father you forgive him for being the bad guy & always tell him you love him. Beat the absolute shit out of marquis, it'll feel great & it'll be hilarious.
Speak for yourself nigger
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>your dick is big, just work out it'll pay off
>jacking off won't help you in bed later
>yes she wants it, they all want it
>niggers don't deserve your sympathy
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Do the things you want to do - large and small. Talk to that girl, be more open with your friends and family, keep at your original major at college; don't just quit because you think it's too hard. Take the chances and make the changes that you're nervous about, otherwise you'll regret not trying. And you're gonna get cancer when you're 24, but you'll kick its ass, don't worry.

Also, you know that company Apple? They make those computers with the floppy disks and Oregon Trail and all that shit. When you turn 18, buy as much stock in them as you can afford.

here we can see the difference between ten years of experience
My 10 year old self wouldn't listen to anyone, much less me from the future, so I'd pick up something heavy and bash his skull in.
Fuck credit, seriously
>Nikki will let you touch her tits, do it faggot
>Fuck Erin, you pussy
>Avoid Tifini at all costs
Different Navy anon here. I enjoy it. I'm in avionics. Aviation Electricians mate to be precise. Pick a rate that interest you, don't settle for what they try to sell you. And for the love of God, DO NOT GO UNDESIGNATED. Unless you enjoy chipping paint and getting fuck over with shitty jobs.
the lottery numbers
When you get your job at dominos buy every bit of stock you can afford. 4 years later it will multiply 10 fold.
Stay away from /b/ you dumb motherfucker
Don't have sex with Sheila. Pls don't.
>don't talk to people
No, really? You're wondering "what if?" for your whole life about someone, just based on their looks?

toppest of keks, friend
some golden advice right there
dont loose the key for your bitcoin wallet when you are 15.
Kek. I stay up late on /b/ for that one golden comment. You, sir, just delivered
>kek. Stay away from people, where do you come up with this shit?
Ever heard of 4chan
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wear sunscreen
Buy yourself a graphics card.
>Don't cut yourself short
>Take your SAT's
>Apply to a real college
>Don't up your medication
>Chris is going to die
End it now. It only gets worse.
>Its all downhill from here - just end it already.
Don't ride through poor neighborhoods on a motorcycle
you are delusional
* the difference between a faggot and a pussy
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Work sets you free
>stop making custom lego minifigures with sharpies it makes them less valuable and shite looking in the long run
you're a faggot, get used to it
your stupid right now, so, don't talk out of line and keep your head down.
i get this reference

Stop reading harry potter over and over again and go outside you fucking faggot.

There was a point in my life where a couple was porking on the first floor of an apartment building so my friends boosted each other up to sneak a peak through a window and I ran away.. fuck I hate myself.
That's also tru
why would you tell that to yourself at age 10? your 42 year old history teacher wants to sleep with a twelve year old? what is happening in your life at that age?
You're never going to amount to anything, so stop trying.
They're all going to leave you so either find a way to become a better person, or cut yourself off now so you never meet them.

Actually, this is for my ten-year-old self? Only mmessage that matters is "Kill yourself."
fuck you kid
Stay in school and graduate HS
Finish College
Learn how to be responsible
Appreciate your parents
Dont ever do drugs
Avoid relationships and focus on improving your life
Don't worry about what people think of you, it'll never matter anyways
>>Buy every domain name in 1990 that you can afford to buy.
Stop being a shithead, pussy, cuck. You're fucking me over now!
Yeah I tanned in high school, it got me layed I guess because I looked better but now I have little bit of cancer n I think it'll get worse
She wants to suck your dick, go over there and put it in her fuckin face
I greatly appreciate it, nigga. Best of luck with your dad, is he showing any signs of slipping? My pops pretty much raised me. My mother is fucking crazy (Literally, multiple disorders) so my father raised me basically from birth. He was a biker his whole life and had been in many crashes thanks to people not paying attention on the road and his spine was fucked and it finally got the best of him, but I watched that mother fucker go through every day for 16 years of my life with tears in his eyes from pain just to see me grow up some and help set me on the right path. No one will ever rank higher in my opinion.
when you get jennifers turd out of the toilet to rub on your balls while you whack it make sure you lock the door.
I lost it. I really did.
See that first lady Hillary Clinton.. she's going to become the president in 2017 and be an even larger cunt than she is now.
After Michelle cheats on you when you go to basic it sucks but stop fucking her. She got the herp with some bouncer or something........
Oh man you never lived that down did ya terd snatcher
There's literally no way you didn't know.
Please, Jeffrey.
Don't start drinking.
The outcome of your life may be different, but I assure you, it will be for the better. You will destroy everyone you love. You will destroy yourself. You will hate yourself. You'll look in the mirror without the faintest recollection of who you once were; when you smiled; when every cent didn't go towards alcohol. You have potential. You've heard it your entire life but you just brushed it off. You have an addictive personality, and you will inherent anxiety and become depressed. You'll drink with friends for a long time and everything will seem okay, until you start drinking by yourself because you enjoy the escape it lets you feel. Every single bit of it is a lie. It'll all be there when you wake up, feeling shitty. That's where it starts to go downhill. This will continue on for a while, and relationships will come and go, but you won't care. Nothing is more important. You'll make up excuses why tonight is okay to drink, but in the back of your head, you know you're making a mistake. Nothing a few drinks won't take care of, though. Things will begin to fall apart so noticeably that you just stop caring about anyone else except yourself and your drinks. You'll self-sabotage some of the best things which could have been, but never will now, all because you wanted to drink a little temporary escape. You're going to hit your mid-twenties and realize what a negative impact this has had on your body. You'll feel shitty when you don't drink, and you'll feel shitty when you do drink. How could you even consider that life? Eventually you'll get a good job, some how. Now you have some extra cash, time to start changing everything around. So you start to buy six tall cans every night and 24 for the weekend. Your health deteriorates until it's present day and you sit at your desk, afraid of what might happen because you keep experiences more and more frequent episodes of vert- oh comment too long. Smarten up, retard. Please.
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Take the land. Farm it. Stay away from girls until you're financially secure. Never look back, and never question whether or not you did the right thing.

Stay away from pot and alcohol. These things are your own worst enemy even though they'll help you get through some difficult periods.

Don't fuck Brooke or Kayla. Brooke is a good girl and you may have feelings for her but she's engaged to be wed to James. Kayla is just a nutcase with lots and lots of baggage and ultimately she'll fuck you up for the rest of your life.

Maintain a good relationship with your parents. They may piss you off now, but it's only because they've lived through all the shit you're about to and they have valuable insight and knowledge of life.

There is so much more. ....
>get rid of the fucking games
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Right in the fucking feels.

>You're going to lose your dad to a long, drawn-out, excruciatingly painful battle with cancer. Tell him you love him, spend time with him.

>2015 will be hard for you. I can't promise it gets better, but you'll have a few glimmering lights amidst the dark tunnel. Maybe you should keep running with them, things become okay eventually, right?
and by got the best of him I mean an hero
Japan beat the Springboks in the 2015 Rugby world cup bet everything you have on them on them odds are 400/1
Underrated post
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You sure that's not a pic of George Carlin?
you colossal pussies make me feel much better about myself.
Sounds like he fought hard though
Keep hanging out with those girls. They're gonna get really hot.
Kill all jews
Where's the pic from?
>Dont ever trust anyone. never put faith in anything to work right. Build your own fucking hill and be its king.

>Also, dont waste time, get a job, and buy Dark Souls when it comes out. It's the dankest shit.
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Whatever you do buddy, don't get mat herpes
>pic related
>my herps
Dank souls 3
Yea i can relate to that
Kill yourself right fucking now.
Pretty shit thing to say to your younger self.
If that's your advice, it's still something you can do in the present-tense.
Off you go.
Live stream it right now faggot you won't
When I trips you trips we trips
Fuck that slut in highschool because she's 16 and that's the best pussy you'll ever get
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I bought this album from that Walmart on the way back from Gulf Shores in 2001

Luckily, it wasn't broken. :)
Fucking HYPE
These wounds won't fucking heil
>dont do drugs
>make better grades
>dont fuck that girl fuck this other one
>got to this school and not that one
i would literally fix all my bad descisions
Fuck off back to twitch chat.
If anyone else is having trouble with alcohol I would love an opinion on this if you had the time to read it.
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LISTEN YOU LITTLE SHIT! ANIME AND VIDEO GAMES ARE GREAT AND ALL, BUT YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO FOCUS ON LEARNING ABOUT COMPUTERS. Stop dicking around, MASTER that Math, study that science, get BACK ON that Honor Roll, and stop doing that thing with your penis. Seriously, it all sucks now, but you will be SO GLAD in the future when you're not in your late 20s, and spending every night in a college dorm wondering where your life went wrong.

Also, if your mom wants you to join the military, don't fight it. Just enlist. But, go either Navy or Air Force, and DO NOT FUCKING QUIT. You can go to college while you're in, get a degree, get some skills, and live comfortably. Just don't fucking quit, little-me. Also, stop worrying so much about girls. They grow up to be women, and women cannot be trusted, nor should they be taken seriously.

This describes my life perfectly. Holy shit.
Yes I think I do. Basically free case everyday my friend buys so I drink. At first people crack jokes about you being an alcoholic that's the first sign I think. I'm still in denial though
do drugs, but not every day
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tell mom and dad to invest in apple
Your not hype GTFO
Naah.. Too pussy for it. Besides, I used to have access to a gun. Not anymroe
Family will make the most pungent jokes btw
Unless you want twins I suggest that you wear a condom, My dear boy
Fucking hell anon
I wasn't serious, but I'm glad you wouldn't do that.

Honestly, how old are you?

Start looking from an outside perspective... Identify that shit quick because fuck man, it gets out of hand. There was a lot more shit to my story but I don't feel like going into all that and focused just on the drinking aspect, since that's what most of the problems have stemmed from.

ITT 10 y/o self, which was more than 10 years ago
pull the trigger. dont think, just act.

also, the nigger is fronting. step to and he will back down.
Play High School sports, and don't date anyone before the age of 21.
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It's 1992. You're ten years old.

Whatever you WANT to do with your life; turn around and do completely the opposite. Following the path that you want to follow is going to lead you nowhere.

Just struggle on, grin and bear it. Someday you'll finally be able to do those things which you wanted to. DO NOT GIVE UP AND DO NOT GIVE IN.
Id send him here
Yeah sounds like a looper or inception type movie plot
is this an american thing
14 for me
I still believe in you.
Poverty-stricken white trash America, yes.
yeah man
I'll keep that in mind, my mom has a big pain killer problem I'm a additive personality too but I only smoke weed and drink everyday
Fuck her hard, dont just cry about it happening so fast
don't get drunk on the streets the night before the 2002 world cup final
Youll meet a girl named Sam. Stay the fuck away.

No one on the fucking planet gives 2 shits about you except your family, do not be fooled otherwise.

Life is extremely hard, and it doesnt get better, so start fighting
don't forget to buy milk
keep the good grades until you're out of college or i'll kill you..... also fucking exercise and stop smoking.
sounds like a slut
Thanks /b/ro.
Stacey would have been a red flag name dude.
Don't forget to put a bag back into the milk container, if you're Canadian.

Don't let one woman ruin your perspective on people. It's fairly valid, but just be cautious or you'll push yourself away from everything. People care. Random people you've never met care enough to type what they feel to be true, in an attempt to hopefully at least just a little provide a relief.


A nurse I used to see as a casual thing had a mother who was really into abusing prescription medication. Destroyed them both. Addiction is a destructive force which doesn't discriminate its surroundings.. That's for sure.
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More info if you wouldn't mind.
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Running like sonic doesn't make you go faster.
Ooohhh yea, he went FAR beyond what was necessary just for me
Sounds like your ten year old self isn't getting much advice huh?
Dear self, Stop fantasizing so much and trying to catch her naked. Your sister isn't like that, and never will be. I'm sorry she wasn't, otherwise it would have been awesome.
Nah. I typed out that long drawn out garbage. I just didn't want the thread do die.
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Following up to >>676857862
I like these threads. I'm able to give advice which I'm unable to take myself, which is normally valid and truthful. So for a bit I don't feel so useless, until it dawns on me it's the exact same shit I should be doing myself.
Then I say to you. Good job
Start writing that story you came up with in class and work on it every now and then, also keep on drawing you shit
I am you from the future.
Everyone is not your friend, do not try to fit in, don't date Arazeli
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