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Prove to me that you are white I clap when the plane lands

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread images: 35
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Prove to me that you are white

I clap when the plane lands
I have a small dick?
I hold the door open for other people.
I like movies where white people team up with slaves, it makes me feel less guilty
Also op is a faggot
That proves you're American and therefore the probabilities of you being white are just 2/3.
When I listen to music, I use headphones because not everyone has the same musical taste than I do and other people don't want to be disturbed.
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I can't
I know all the words to lose yourself by Eminem.
That's Americans idiot
I still dance like it's 1997
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All Lives Matter.
I get nervous when "blacks" walk by my car
do you lock the doors when you

check em?
Unless I want lipsmackers harming my precious white queen
I slightly smile and quietly say "hey" whenever I pass by someone during my daily walk
I actually enjoyed the full house reboot
I wave to other people on boats
I have a huge cock and am male.
I'm using a computer that I bought myself.
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Is this proof enough?
I like KFC and watermelons
I listen to Tyler, The Creator
I suffer from inferiority complex, and women makes me very uneasy.
The Eagles is a great band
I have a coexist sticker on my car
i dont have a criminal record
I chew copenhagen
When I pass by someone on the sidewalk I put my head down or make brief eye contact and then smile a little bit and look away.
I own a dank meme Instagram account.
I bump this
I have an IQ over 120
I take my family to Disneyland every year
People care when I die in mass numbers via terrorism
But I have locked my doors before around 'nogs. Felt really guilty after, but I damn sure didn't unlock them.
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Who else would dress like this?
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I'm voting for Trump and support his ideas.

Related to both, Heil Hitler
even though my gf cheated on me im willing to stay with her
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Never been arrested
Have a father
Can read and write
Was skipped a grade twice in school
Make more than 100k a year
Not a fan of fried chicken or watermelon
All of my guns are registered

Good enough?
I don't talk in movie theatres
I'm considering buying an electric car because global warming is a threat and by driving an electric car I'm helping in saving humanity.
I can moderately speak Spanish and am fluent in English. No nigger can speak more than one language, even in the slightest.
I have sex in the missionary position soley to procreate
I own a minivan
I will vote Hillary this year because we need a woman in office. Oh and Obama did nothing wrong and he is the best president ever.
I have long, non-curly blonde hair.
>No nigger can speak more than one language
>Implying that they can even manage that
I clap at everything
>>676435934 inb4 agruements about Africans
I don't go absolutely apeshit when I see a magic trick
Im not on welfare.
I confessed to a girl verbally and did not mouth rape her or stick my hand down her pants.
And I got rejected too.
Checks out
I can drink half a gallon of chocolate milk in an hour.
My sides
chocolate milk is shit
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I have a good credit score.

I can read a schematic

bonus: when I buy a new car its price range easily fits what I can afford
I can read cursive.
I know my father.
None of my close friends are dead or imprisoned.
I graduated high school.
I don't smell like shit.
The only way to know for certain whether someone is white on the internet is if they claim to be black
Im white and cant read cursive....
I can't jump.
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ancap frog.jpg
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I enjoy the fine sport of racquetball.
How does this prove anything? Black people can be gay too.
I am vury loud in public and enjoy fried chicken and fizsicaly and emotionally abuse my children in my public. My baby daddy in jail and live in section8 .
I'm an iranian. Even hitler knew we were aryan. Even the name of our land means "land of the aryans"
I don't hold guns sideways. I have an education.
I graduated high school.
I can anger people with my mere presence.
I can walk into a grocery store with a hoodie and not be followed.
Confirmed nigger or jew or asian maybe latina..
.youy friend are not white.
I think that water is too spicy
Anon that only proves that you are american
I listen to Queens of the Stone Age
I was a member of the KKK
I'm a fucking walking paradox
You are very confused my friend . Ever read the bible??
>im a faggot*
I just had diarhea because the creme egg i shoved up my ass melted
I work 40-50 hours a week
My eyes are blue, dirty blonde hair
Top kek
I enjoy My Chemical Romance.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I work 40+ hours a week.
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I dance by jerking my arms like my toe is jammed in a light socket.

I enjoy a nice potato salad.

I consider moo goo gai pan an exotic ethnic food.

I drive any distance longer than my car.

I enjoy songs about pick-up trucks, hound dogs, and achy-breaky hearts.

I wear shoes without socks... unless they're sandals, in which case I always wear socks.
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>feeling guilty at all
I'm not white fucking rednecks. Suck my Indian cock.
Chocolate milk is the shit and I constantly say nigger, to white people
I smile a little bit when I see Hitler's face
In the glory days this statement only applied to blacks
I don't write with the whole pencil in my hand.
Faghot confused and confirmed. You a re huge fag. And probably are white. Fucking sissy ass brainwashed newage motherfuckers.
I have a job
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Oh how times have changed...
I play Smash Bros competitively.
Melee, P:M, and Brawl Minus for anyone wondering.
>I clap when the plane lands
The only times I've ever experienced this were upon landing in Costa Rica. And those Ticos weren't white.
*Starts rapping*
I'm a fuckin' walkin' paradox, no I'm not
Threesomes with a fuckin' triceratops, Reptar
Rappin' as I'm mockin' deaf rock stars
Wearin' synthetic wigs made of Anwar's dreadlocks
Bedrock, harder than a muthafuckin' Flintstone
Makin' crack rocks outta pissy nigga fishbones
This nigga Jasper tryna get grown
About 5'7" of his bitches in my bedroom
Swallow the cinnamon, I'mma scribble this sinnin' shit
While Syd is tellin' me that she's been gettin' intimate with men
(Syd, shut the fuck up) Here's the number to my therapist
(Shit) Tell him all your problems, he's fuckin' awesome with listenin'
Jesus called, he said he's sick of the disses
I told him to quit bitchin' and this isn't a fuckin' hotline
For a fuckin' shrink, sheesh I already got mine
And he's not fuckin' workin', I think I'm wastin' my damn time
I'm clockin' three past six and goin' postal
This the revenge of the dicks, that's nine cocks that cock nines
This ain't no V Tech shit or Columbine
But after bowlin', I went home to some damn Adventure Time
(What'd you do?) I slipped myself some pink Zannies
And danced around the house in all-over print panties
My mom's gone, that fuckin' broad will never understand me
I'm not gay, I just wanna boogie to some Marvin
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So which one are you, whiteboy?
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>make America dank again
Well shit I saw him live
I shower on a regular basis
I watch baseball
I listen to instructions and directions and am a old fag. Its an imageboard. Image share them. Borad we post. IE:OP. /original poster. Fucking moral fags
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Im an engineer
i have no criminal recored
That's a Serb thing, I thought
I have a dad and can talk to police officers without being shot
I like mayo
I can fit my lips comfortably in a bottle of Gatorade
Hi! My name is Penn Jillette!
somewhere in between the emo and chad.
I say lets take a silly picture
Hybrid 1/3 ftw

I'm not scared of cops.
I'm on /b/
I love pork and alcohol
doesn't mean anything, the people of Melanesia have curly blond hair and blue eyes
I shot and killed 69 kids on an island and blew up a federal building.
so you're younger than 25
and I can't dance
I pee on the side of the toilet to reduce the noise level and only poop when a hand dryer is on.
underrated post
I'm black and all these posts are garbage
U wot m8
>I hopped the fence to get to the US
aww shit
I'm not good at basketball I don't sling crack I don't talk while my mouth is full or use my phone at the dinner table is that enough?
>Prove to me that you are white
I can't. You'll just have to take my word for it.
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I used to think Obama was Muslim because his middle name is Hussein. I still have my doubts.
shut up nigger
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I cum fast then get embarrassed
>dont use phone at dinner table
>non white detected
He didn't say prove that you're retarded, anon.
white person confirmed
i dont steal stuff, im not yellow, i dont have sand in my shoes, i dont make tacos, I speak english
No commas or periods. Non white detected
Because I'm a cuck.
I can read
Im with u
I eat oatmeal for breakfast and pb&j for lunch pretty much every day
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I am not fucking kidding you.
I drink actual grape juice
i'm like a cross between the top two
When I was 21, I had a 401k and Roth IRA
I Have a semi racist dad
I deposit my tax returns
lasgna boi
At least we have 4 types, there's pretty much only one type of nigger
I believe in monogamous relationships
Top right
I have an SUV crossover and enjoy wilderness camping.
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Mom's spaghetti?

Virginfag detected
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good one
I think it's hilarious when people lock their doors when I walk near their car
I'm a Confederate Civil War reenactor.
I shot up my school once
I have a steady job, a long term relationship, a good homelife, I go to school, and I still find time to read. Here's the kicker-I enjoy it.
I love black dick
I have a good income, no criminal record, and slightly above average IQ.
Asian =/= white. Nice try faggot.
i live outside the jungle
My name is latysha
Well that's just common sense.
That implies black lives matter, and quite frankly that level of ignorance is offensive.
Checked. Seriously though, you are a good man. To many faggots today who can't be bothered with basic etiquette and politeness.
That just proves you are a faggot. Plenty of those of all races.
Kek. I mean they should but still, kek.
Fucking this.
Spotted the black feminist.
I have voluntarily sought psychiatric treatment
I have a decently sized penis

I have no criminal record

I am not afraid of the cops

I am voting for Bernie Sanders

I am not excessively compelled by greed
I play golf
I can aim a gun.
I have a well paying job.
I don't do drugs.
I don't have any felonies.
I have nice things and a good savings.
I know my parents.
I don't add spicy shit to every meal I eat.
I knew Darren Wilson was telling the truth the moment I heard about Ferguson.
How does it feel that your people squandered their time on this earth so badly that our invasion was more of a massacre than a war? Or the fact that you needed our technology just to hold out as long as you did?

Unless you mean actual indian. In so, how's the streets filled with shit and crippling nationwide poverty brought on by one of the largest pay gaps in the world?
Not ashamed to say bottom left. I embrace my faggotry.
Wait, I thought that was just something people said about Americans. I fly all the time in the US and elsewhere and have never heard anyone clap.
>Proof that I'm white
I'm smart enough to know the holocaust never happened
>Proof I'm American
I can legally say it never happened and not go to prison for it
Someone's never been to France.
I like that each of those types are better than almost any black person or latino person in the US.
I just got home from work.
My skin has significantly less melanin than that of my darker friends
Close enough.
Sup nigger.
If you deny it, you are inplying it was a bad thing that should be hidden. You can't tell me you don't have erect nipple wet dreams about the screams of the vermin as the zyklon pesticide floods the shower room.
I'm a rapper yo, I gots me a grill to
I like when Jamal fucks my girlfriend.
I'm voting for Trump
Nice try Jew. It was just a big lie to help justify the war against Germany, a war against whites. But yes I do wish it would have happened
stop being a jew, op.
That's olds not whites
How fucking stupid are you? The allies didn't even know about anything beyond treating the jews particularly like shit until after the war. The genocide was used as a convenient post-hoc excuse to call a justified war for humanity when it was just another 20th century idealogical power struggle.

Germany probably could have done better if they kept using them as slaves instead of liquidating them to hide the evidence when the slavshits started fucking up poland
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I dont know about him but I just came
>excuse to call a justified war
Because self defense isn't justified?
I'm married because of real love and because I can afford a divorce if things go wrong
My credit rating is over 800.
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>I own multiple types of salt.
>Table, corse, sea, kosher, smoked sea salt, pink Himalayan, fleur de sel
im white and scared of cops
Fighting it until they were back at the prewar borders would be self defense, allowing donitz's government to continue to govern after the war would be self defense, they destroyed the german state as it existed and imposed a new government system with extensively modified borders. That degree of disregard for sovereignty can only be attributed to a war of destruction between ideologies.
I have known my father my whole life.
I cheer when the monkeys get put down
I haven't committed a crime
I have a 401k
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Thread images: 35

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