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Thoughts on dating a single mom?

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Thoughts on dating a single mom?
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You know pulling out is not required
You'd better have money. You'll be supporting her children.
Thats like 75% of women on PlentyOfFish. I pass.
Cool. You get access to their kids.
depends on your area. ive used pof in rhode island/mass and a very small percentage were single moms. in eastern north carolina... yeah its about 75%
this is why white is the way to go
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date the mom
fuck the daughter
I told y'all yesterday.
Dating, I am cool with... buying diapers for someone's bastard children, not so much..
At least you know she fucks
Not when the kid is a half breed hybrid nigglet. I only stick to human chicks,no niggs no damn coal burners.
Bang her a few times and never call back. There. If you dont make enough to support 2 then why commit?
not as fun as dating like 5 moms at a time.
It's ok till her kid hits 14, and wears daisy dukes and you start thinking shit that ends with you in jail.
I would have an opinion if any of them were actually attracted to me...
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the father is not in the picture, because...niggers.
As long as you're a mature adult and not a total fucking dickhead then go for it. If you don't think you can be a good father (not that she'll ask you right away to be a father to her child) then don't. You get both her and her daughter, not just her.

If you can't handle it, then fuck off and find an attractive single adult who will take care of you. Oh. There aren't any? Well shit.
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If she's dumb enough to get pregnant by a nigger, she isn't worth my time.
How did the kid end up with a smaller nose than the mom?
because she's smaller than the mom you fucking knob. give her 14 years to catch up lol
>your time
ayy lmao'd
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Would I date her? Yes, I would. Just like any other bitch and once I bang her im out. Will not become a kuck and raise another mans child specially a fucking nigger spawn though.
As an interracial child she'll have a very diverse immune system, meaning she'll likely be much healthier and sick less often than children in her class with just white or black (or whatever) parents. There are benefits you racist homosexual.
Only woman I've ever been in love with was a single mom.
So yes.
It depends on what do you want from women. I do not like women with that lindo of compromise
not verified in experience at all
You are forgetting that there's a chance the kid will regress to the mean and end up with an 88 IQ like the dad.
do it. single mothers can't get stuffed with cockmeat as much as they'd like so when they get some they're totally wild for it. plus you already know she's a whore.
Tell her you're a pedophile
That's the only thing we really have, anon.
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Dont sacrifice urself for commitment
Do it. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. Shit gets complicated far in and single moms know that. If you don't like what's going on, then leave.
Freud was a dumb faggot who wanted to fuck his mom. Fuck off with that shit.
I've been dealing with this same question lately... I'm 42 but look at least 10-15 years or more younger than I am. All the women that are my age and not a mom are generally pretty weird. All the women that are young and single that would date an older fuck like me are also weird... so yeah... no solution... I'm just around a bunch of weird bitches and I hate this shit. It's why I'm thinking of traveling to Australia for a few months then Japan... I've heard my Amerifag accent and whiteness will work their way past any other obvious inadequacies I have... physical or mental. #richfagproblems
Not true, and Nigger genes are inferior. Niggers have lower iqs, behave awful, have shitty hair, and are just complete monkeys
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Mom on left
>/threading your own post

Fuck off
well, self control should come into play way before that... you would have plenty of time to see kids in many a compromising situations before it would reach that point... just sayin'
Those tits tho....
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