You are now aware that there's a scene of implied lesbian cunnilingus in an Emmy-award-winning episode of Buffy
That one of time, in band camp....
How did you think shows won emmys?
well, no. This was actually the first time any kind of same-sex relationship had been in any TV show, not thrown in as aplot point, Tara & Willow's relationship was regarded exactly the same as any other same-sex relationship in any TV series. To the point that in some episodes it wasn't referenced to at all.
This was WAAAATY before the LGBT SJW movement was the fastidious bastard it is now
I am now aware
Why do I care, again?
because Alyson hannigan is getting all fishy-face with Amber benson and it's hot
Fair enough. But it's only implied, so it does no good for me.
Carry on, Anon, Carry on
well, I say implied. But they're totally doing it. If you can hear what Amber's singing, you'd get it.
buffy eventually fucks a japanese chick in the comics
I keep meaning to get my hands on season 8
and implied in the sense of, "I can't see it"
"you make me CUM-plete..."
Any nudes of Alyson Hannigan?
She has never had nudes, or nipslips. I've checked. oh god, have I checked
But she does have pokies
I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's- There's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And Xander's crying and not talking, and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me WHY
is it 2000 again? i thought everyone who ever watched that episode has known for a decade and a half.
oh right thats anya; i thought it was xander for a moment
This is also the episode where Zandar kills loads of people by summoning a demon and no one cares.
>theyve got
>the mustard
>OOOUUUUUT (theyve got the mus-tard oooouuuuuut!)
Firstly, it's Xander, and secondly, it's Xander, so no-one cares. he didn't kill anyone, the demon did
this thread gives me a sad because everyone in Whedon's shit dies.
here's something not sad.
With all these remakes/revivals, I keep hoping for a live action Season 8. Especially since Sarah Michelle Gellar's career went no where, so there's a chance.
theyd need a new cast. they arent fuckable teens anymore.
Only Anya, Jenny Calendar and Spike, but Spike comes back.
She got millions from the Grudges and the Scoobies (irony? fate?), plus she married FPJr, she doesn;t need to work, but she still does
You seen Nicholas brendon lately?
I'd ALWAYS fuck willow. Always
and the mom
>I'd ALWAYS fuck willow. Always
shes not a redhead anymore, and she played that awful show about kids not knowing who their mother was or whatever. plus shes married to buffies last(?) watcher.
>Jenny Calendar
sexy gypsies can come back, sure.
why yes, i was aware, it happens to be one of my favourite TV shows
>Trips of always
Alexis Denisof. Lucky Fuck
However, if you watch the BTS vid from OMWF, you can see she was pretty close with the first watcher as well. It's always the quiet ones
>Until my fucking retinas detached
hold on. when you say first watcher, do you mean the one from the pilot movie, or do you mean stewart head got himself some hannigan?
Why so many Jews ffs?
Can someone xray this qt 3.14?
Now make a list of non-jews you racist fuck
>Now make a list of non-jews you racist fuck
>you racist fuck
No, not Donald Sutherland. I mean Tony Head.
Post more Alyson pls
who can blame hannigan. that episode where the adults revert to teens, giles acts like hes in the clash and looks the part too.
Google 'Alyson hannigan FHM'