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Happy Easter

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 228
Thread images: 151
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Happy Easter
lurkin for easter goodness
im trying not to be
i just need to find a bf to confirm things smh
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Would've been better if I wasn't last OP, so my descriptions of porn pics kept the thread bumped.
Sup, freklz?
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Do you have a pretty pastel dress for Easter?

Go to a gym locker room and stare at the willies, that will confirm some things.
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needs more lopunny
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suffering because i am still in texas and we are not leaving fast enough

shut up, snarf
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Why the hell are you in Texas in the first place?
some pls pay attention to me
I already stare at willies on the internet fam
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Its Easter, you need a pretty dress in pastel blues, yellows, and pinks.
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not for you i don't
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i should get one for next easter

Aren't vacations supposed to be, you know, those things where you go to a nice place for a change?
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But you can't get propositioned by the willies over the internets.
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erectus dominatus
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i dunno where the signals got crossed that we decided texas was the state to visit
gib horse donger
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When I was younger, we went on a "family vacation" to Atlantic City, New Jersey. I'm sure that texas is at least less of a complete shithole than that was.
Never said anything about for me. Sometimes you just dress nice for yourself.

With flowers.

And old men.
But not all old men are good.
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God, that drive into Atlantic City is so fucking depressing.
ha ha why even
the worst kind of vacation
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Me, Para and maybe one more homo are gonna do a CIV V match later today. Anyone with European timezone who wants an in?
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indeed and some matching panties
Yep, we had to go through the rest of new jersey, which was awful, and then the swamps full of wind turbines that surround atlantic city.

I still have no idea. My parents hated it too. Whole goddamn city is full of crackwhores
frosh my friend
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I'm a friend of all
You're not my friend
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My parents had a timeshare with one of the hotels down there, so we'd go down every once and a while when I was a kid, so they could gamble and we kids could use the pool at the hotel while they were gone. Its so terrible, just a few overly glamored monuments sticking out of the sea of low-income housing that makes up the rest of the "city".
Sup, dom?
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sorry for your loss

hi dom
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Happy assfucking!
It is no loss, you have yet to get off my trash list so really it's better this way for me
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i just woke up
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I got bored. I'm back
Hey dude.
Hi Dom

how was your sleep
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soooo nobody up for a CIV V match? brave new world and all come on
hello chickenman


restful, and soon i will play video games. what have YOU been up to
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eXistenZ is such a weird fucking movie.
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Too bad I can't find any content with crotch rockets. That douchebag bicycle guy rip off can go fuck himself.
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i got flu i think, but maybe it's just my allergy

other than that i just wanna play civ all night
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>tfw when you looked better in your ex's clothes than she did
Made a monster b-fast this morning, forgot to take a picture
Hey man, bicycles are the best
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dom I have a present for you
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she's not my ex she's my sister omg

and this was my dad until he disowned me for using word "autism" as offensive
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Happy Easter OP

hey the flu is a free ride to all night civ, i couldn't complain


gonna cry


BOOOM, death. aint never seen vin diesel look so gay-porn-actor
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Whoa there, anon. This is a purely homosexual thread.
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yes but tuesday i start my new job

starting it with calling in sick would make a bad first impression

brb coffee
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Well, the video is over 20 years old
Maybe he was secretly a gay porn actor to fund his Street Sharks hobby

i had to do that my first job. i went in for two days then started throwing up and shit and was out for a week.


now this is a headcanon i can get into
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Well, my sister was a fat fuck so nothing fit.
I have failed you
I love it
What's the job if I may be so bold?
frosh is this how u r irl too
well let's say i really cant afford that
i got fired from my last job for calling in sick too often

my sister is pre-surgery trans

administrative transport assistant
office job, i dont know much about my tasks yet

whta do you mean
smoking? kinda
i smoke once in few months or so
Too bad that ones not mine, this is though.
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Happy Easter. Just woke too. Out hunting/camping atm had an easter appropriate rabbit Curry for dins last night.
rabbit is delicious
smoking yea
also i like the handwraps of the character
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see >>676196067
i can't cuz phone so no sound
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let me know when you can sound
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probably not for a while
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Ami doin it rite?
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I used to do something like that. It wasn't bad work. I got to drive a forklift a lot. That part was the most fun.
I only have bicycles. Motorcycles are pretty sweet though too
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You don't get to see Vin Diesel talk enthusiastically about Street Sharks action figures then.

Sucks to be you.
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thanks, i like them too
he's generally got one on his tail, too
(and there's a story to it as well)
No. go to >>676196271
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this is a hole in my life that may never be filled
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I'll fill your hole, freklz.
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Nya ha ha.png
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Well, it's one of them at least
That was beautiful.
Any fems here?
I'm all about that handwrap style
i mean my name is bandages
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Oh! Look at that! You have some art! I like it. Maybe someday I can get one done
Again with the cute...
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That's gay.
Don't suppose you have the Bowser rimming gif anon? I'd contriboot but I'm on my phone

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im not gonna forklift driving or anything in the warehouse itself
i just sit in the desk, answer calls, help clients, do computer stuffs

are you the same anon who put me on the trash list

i got plenty of arts
also commissioned some goat ones a while ago, but i learned my lesson that it's not appreciated here

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Homosexual even
I think the art is neat. Is it expensive? Working at the desk was the hardest part for me. I need to move around all the time.
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i hate everything


I'm in need of a cute little fem to play with
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Too bad.
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Demetric (2).png
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I've only done physical work so far, so this one will be a good change for me

The art is more expensive the better quality you expect

I spent approx. 1000$ on art in total (including gifts for friends), roughly calculated

well there is always... david
Nice dubs and why too bad?
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your daily portion of love.jpg
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No fems here.
Woah, is this Chloe Price furry cosplay?

I'm not complaining. I like cute. We all need more cute
Aren't we all?
I blow all of my cash on bikes and guitar stuff. I guess I'm not getting a portrait anytime soon then!
We're all gross hairy men
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that is correct
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Hello fellow dogfuckers, I'm feeling generous today.

First one to guess the word I'm thinking about gets a premium gaybeast account.

Hints will be in the pics I'll be posting.
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it's the truth
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Yeah, I was big fan of Chloe when I played the game

I felt so much compassion and empathy that I really wanted to get a commission like this

guitars and bikes are cool, too

I'm friends with three artists, one of them will draw you a reference sheet for 15$ for very average quality if you're ever interested
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nobody cares, leave
Awe even I ain't hairy but I can be gross in a good way
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Fine, you don't deserve it anyway.
I don't even know why aren't you shitposting on forums, where you can, you know, use avatars and names without using shitty extensions.
because they all suck ass
Maybe sometime I'll look into it. Thanks!
My butt still hurts
Holy fuck
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Stretch it more.
can you please put the word "fur" in your post when you make a new thread so my filter blocks it

no, because "fur" autosages threads
oh my god fuck this

captcha you are a fucking slut

im leaving
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God forbid you have to scroll a few more lines
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Have him spit on it next time
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Fucking Faggots
and good riddance
but i don't like that
great it even fucks up my ns
it's clearly a sign i should stop posting, ill be back later
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Then eat more fiber and don't push so hard. Get a squatty potty
Later Frosh!
this is not true

do not fucking ruin this for me, avery
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found avery.png
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but i don't like eating
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"Avery" autosages threads
i wish
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>I don't like anything
I like it in the butt
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tfw share a waifu with these people

see >>676203583
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Do you stretch your butt? Or are you the butt stretcher?
Well, that goes without saying...
Could we get some Irl sissy male pics?
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maybe you should choose a less shit waifu then
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avery will NEVER post pictures, UGH
also >>676196067
Or Webm's
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I'm stretching my butt, though lately, its been hard to get alone time.
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these wounds they will not heal
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no YOURE waifu a shit
Thank's man, any more?
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(pretend im not here)
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allo allo
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okay. Was that you?
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you're a joke
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fear is how I fall
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Enjoy your easter?
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It's good so far
I feel a little childish since I bring my easter basket out of my closet every year for my mother to fill with candy, but I like candy so I'm not exactly upset by it.
oh. my. god.
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yes, i am extremely funny, thank you
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Hang yourselves
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Funny looking!
tfw dont have that waist
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oh my god it's like a stocking for chocolate that's adorable.
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Though I'd rather not, I have to go see the fam for Easter. I may or may not be back. Bye
do the exercises!
This is what I need a cute bubble butt
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It's great. I've used that same basket since I was tiny. Later I'm going over to my other parent's house to learn to bake bread.
I'm not exactly in top-joke form today
i dont show pictures of me in this thread because snarf saves them

which ones? I have a list of shit that I think will help. Want me to tell you them all?
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i forgive you

you are still wonderful
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If you want to. I was gonna go but I just do not want to be there.
confusing what is real
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i am going to bed
work was brutal
very tired

nite all

fresh baked bread is amazing
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i do share some of them on kik though
not lewd ones but gives you the idea
bye nef

because you must suffer
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>nef leaving
welp now that the best part of the thread is gone I may as well go too

exactly the reason why i didnt become the best student of my highschool
>I was gonna go but I just do not want to be there.
glute bridges
hip thrusts
plie squats
wall sit
jumping jacks
leg lifts
kick backs
single leg pushup
heel raises
jump squats
single leg bridges
bicycle kicks
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I shouldn't have to suffer, I'm a starshine
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1 MB, 1050x1019
Utah sucks.
Crawling in my skin
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Save your lewds for the bf
I never understood group projects. I hate them with a passion
I meant I don't want to see my family right now.
That'll do it for legs and butt for sure. Pick like, 4 to do every other day. 4-5 sets of 8-12 reps. It takes time but keep at it
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have fun
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my bf already has all of my lewds in case he wants to ever blackmail me
i will have the best butt
where do i find people that i can lock up in my basement?

the street
the screaming calms me at night
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Well, he loves you so I don't think that should be anything to worry about
I'm sure you will. Just keep at it!
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Oh, and stomach vacuums for toning waist. Anything you know for toning down arms/shoulders/torso? I realized today how broad my shoulders are.
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yeah, I love him too
just gotta be realistic man
or cynical

kek samefag
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So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but
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Ditch the pushups and don't work arms and back too much. There's really no "toning" per se, you only get slimmer by eating less. Build your muscles up to where you like the size and then start counting calories. /fit/'s sticky is pretty good for diet and exercise info
Haha! Hivemind
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Ok, I have to go for real now.
Bye everyone!
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How's Para?
Happy Some Brown Man Zombie Day.
He's alright.
I taught him to play Uno during his stay at my place, now he's playing it with his niece.
I think my leg muscles are to the size I like. I was able to squat 500 pounds once.

me irl
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I haven't played Uno in years.

Post your butt already.
Maybe, but with clothes on. I don't know how to take a good pic.
you drag your pants down and spread your ass while smoking irl

good to know.

I've hit the age where card and tabletop games become more appealing again.
I'm not going to smoke in my house and I'm not going to pull my pants down outside.
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I've always been into tabletop games. I just play few party games like Uno.

Point camera at butt and click.
you said "me irl"
that's what i figured

My all-time favorite is Magic the Gathering. I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon as a kid, so it figures. I also like chess and I want to try Risk someday.
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life is weird huh
The way I was introduced to you let me believe that you're a repulsive little shit. Please prove this wrong if you are able to
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53 KB, 315x400
Risk generally consists of 10 minutes of enjoyable group play followed by preferential treatment alliances and boredom after one person gets knocked out. Don't bother unless you're courting a deaf chick and her fat lesbian friend.
More or less
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2 MB, 2800x4392
I don't even know why you're responding to my posts and what reason do I have to prove you wrong?

Also, mind if I ask you if you're british by a chance?
butt pics acquired
the question is should I post one and which one
File: Watashi (28).jpg (70 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Watashi (28).jpg
70 KB, 1280x720
hey I also have a Watashi folder lol
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I heard it's fun from my friend who's a complete tabletop games nerd. He hosts those... Warhammer roleplays at his home, with a whole bunch of figurines and all. Never attended, too nerdy for me.

Well, Monopoly's always fun, but I want to try something that requires both strategical thinking and luck.

remember that if they are good they will be forever saved and shared everywhere
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