every time I try to shave this happens. what do
stroke gently
or maybe use an alternative hair removal?
is that blood or just red splotches? what kind of razor/cream are you using?
Exfoliation and moisturizer prevents this and ingrown. Also not shit blades, do yourself a favor and get yourself a straight blad. Put a little more effort in your hygienic grooming you swine.
bruh shake my headdd
questions - what do you use for a blade? how many razors are on the blade? what shaving cream? any after balm/anti red mark? do you shave down the grain, or up the grain?
>after shave cream
Wtf, go to the doctor why are you asking us, the only thing we're good for is making others miserable.
what did you shave with?
A fuckin brick?
use electric
recommend braun
Make sure your razor isn't getting to old. The blade itself could be cutting you or not cutting properly.
this. seems like u maybe have sensitive skin?
Don't shave
>what do
Stop shaving
Use every product marketed to sensitive skin. DO NOT do the single razor bullshit. Its cost effective but could fuck you up if you've never done it before. Shaving gel. After shave. Quad blades. And wash before and after. Treat your face like you would treat a baby's ass. And exfoliation helps before bed.
Stop shaving with your feet retard
First, go at least a week without shaving. You're just going to re-cut every one of those nicks every time you shave from now on unless they're given adequate time to heal.
When you start shaving again, be sure that you're shaving with the grain. I used to shave my neck from top to bottom just because I had never paid close attention to the grain, but for most of my neck the grain goes from the middle outward. Next, make sure that you're using a good aftershave. Maybe something with aloe in it.
Try different creams, soaps, and blades to see which one works best, and buy a styptic pencil so that you can stop the bleeding when you do cut yourself.
OP here, thanks for advice all. I am using an old style safety razor and shave soap, I've actually found this works better for me than the modern stuff. If I let it grow a few weeks and shave I'm usually OK but if I have to shave every couple days it eventually becomes this.
I'm def going to look into some better aftershave. I really have no idea what the grain is like on my neck, kind of just grows all directions, but I'll try starting from the bottom next time, it couldn't be any worse
>wildly different hair textures
this is the kind of person who should shave
How about change your razor more often. Dollar shave club 6$ a month
The blades for those old-style razors vary a lot in their properties, and no blade is right for everybody. If you haven't done this already, you should buy a "trial pack" or whatever they're called on Amazon or a similar online store, that has packs of blades from lots of different brands, so you can try them all.
Use hot water. Use a sharp razor. Shave at least every two days. When I follow these guidelines, my face looks normal. When I don't, I look like op.
The funny thing is that I just changed the blade--it is the new sharp ones that really fuck me up. After a couple weeks they enter a sweet spot and then eventually get too dull to really cut anything.
A blade is a blade, is it not? how could the brands vary they are all just metal edges...
I had a similar prob but it changed after using a electric which can be cleaned and steriled afterwoods like Philips, braun etc...if not go to a doctor then its medical...
With typical growth, modern cartridge blades would only really work for very short hair anyway, ie. for daily use, otherwise they start pulling on the hair which usually leads to what you show in your photo.
Shave up instead of down.
Use more hot water and soap before shaving. Perhaps try to shave after taking a shower and see if that helps.
Start growing a beard. Bearding and trimming saved my face.
Go see a dermatologist shat the fuck do you think we can do for you?
Quit shaving with a weed whacker.
I don't have health insurance, I haven't even been to a doctor in like 5 years lol
So far people have given me some good ideas. a doctor isn't going to have a magic solution
>A blade is a blade, is it not? how could the brands vary they are all just metal edges...
lol nope. They all feel substantially different from one another. They are not all equally sharp, for one thing, they dull at different rates. I always cut myself when I switch away from my standard blade because I'm traveling or whatever. Obviously razors, too, all feel extremely different, and you need to get the combination right. Getting the right combination of razor and blade can make all of the difference.
>A blade is a blade, is it not? how could the brands vary they are all just metal edges...
They have differences in quality, differences in blade edge angle, differences in thickness, etc.
One of them will probably be right for your skin type. I find the higher quality stuff to be waay too easy to nick myself with, so I stick to Astra, a cheap shitty Turkish brand, as opposed to Feather or Merkur or any of the other fancy expensive brands. Shave probably isn't quite as close, but w/e
Let it heal completely before attempting to shave again. Like two weeks, dude. Shave it down with an electric razor or clippers first, wrap a hot towel around your face before shaving for a minute, buy good razors, the ads are dumb, but honestly Mach 3s are fucking awesome, use sensitive skin shaving cream like Aveeno, then rinse with cold water and splash aftershave
Fuck dude
>use shaving cream (specifically ones formulated for sensitive skin, like with aloe. Shit costs literally 2 dollars)
>replace your razors more often, or dry them after use so they don't dull as quickly
>shave more smoothly. Don't tug on that shit or whack at it super fast
Astras are nice. Aside from providing the best shave for my skin type, they also last the longest by far of all of the ones I've tried.
interesting.. I have the feather ones now, I'll give the Astras a try
buy a sample pack god dammit
They're not expensive.
get this shit you cuckfag
mid-tier aftershave
its cheap and it doesnt smell like a fagmotron
A couple things you could try: try using Aveeno or some other colloidal oatmeal-based lotion. Or, as it emergency effort, you could use a very conservative amount of hair conditioner...let the conditioner "soak in" for a minute before you start.
Also, make sure you tap your razor out on the edge of the sink to unclog the hairs that get stuck between the blades & plastic after every few passes.
How the fuck does that even happen..just use sensitive razors or some shit
Fuck yeah changing a blade thing out can give me the worse fucking razor burn and cuts. I don't like a fresh razor with what I been using. But with my current razor. Gotta balance it between brand new and getting dull but the sweet, or at least acceptable spot. That spot outweights the get another fucking razor, get razorburn cut yourself the fuck up, and probably have to shave a second time after those two. It's a lot of time, money, and blood to find what works for you when it comes to a shave. Changing sucks habit is easy to get into with it.
No good aftershave is strongly scented, or has a scent that persists for more than a few minutes, and there is better stuff in that price range is you shop online. The Nivea stuff is admittedly often the best you can do in a store.
I've had a bottle of it for a couple years now, most people use way too much. Every few months target sells it for like $3 if you use Cartwheel
I shave with a disposable razor, no cream, just hot water. Let the blade cut, don't push it, and lotion afterwards. If you still have issues you might have sensitive skin.
Lol you probably eat like a potato too.
Guys, what's the point of shaving with shaving cream/soap? I just use warm water and that's it and my face is perfectly fine
have you tried shaving directly after a shower? the hot water and soap softens the hairs up for easy, clean removal.
i use shit tier disposable razors with no shaving cream, don't have this issue. as long as you replace the razor regularly.
Do you shave up or down?
Also, it's good to shave after a shower. The warm water helps.
Cut deeper faggot
LOL, im with this guy
Muslim chinballs/10
Holy shit you're sexy.
Go slowly, and with hair that thick, do it after a shower (and wash your face and neck in the shower), and just make a single pass with your (clean, fresh, sharp) razor, re lather, and make another pass.
Samefag lol.
if you use one of those horsecock gillette 8 blade monstrosities I would try using a simple safety razor and good creme. more blades does not mean a better shave.
try a different shave cream, it looks like an allergic reaction. btw roll for op kys
nivea has a fantastic after shave
look for aftershave that does not have any alcohol in it!!
also in your OP pic it looks like ingrown hairs for the most part
try shaving every few days but with the grain and just that
dont go against the grain, or it could be that you are using a dull razor and it is pulling the hairs out instead of slicing them
literally nobody could find that jihadi hipster attractive
use clippers / trimmers .. they get close enough and don't fuck up your skin like a razor. or stop being a faggot and be a man and grow a beard.
Its nothing to do with cream or razor. You are shaving the wrong direction. From the neck to the chin your hair changes direction. Find the grain line and go up the neck and down the chin.
Stop shaving for a few months until you don't have any pimples or ingrown hairs.
Buy a safety razor, a badger brush, good shaving soap and a good aftershave/witch hazel.
Start by shaving with a good lather, and only one pass with the grain(top to bottom). Any time you have a shaving injury or develop an ingrown hair, take time off until it heals and just use an electric shaver to keep your stubble under control.
After a few months of using a safety razor and proper aftershave you'll find that you don't have this problem anymore. You can step up to two passes then, with the grain and across the grain, or just stick with the single pass.
trim it to stubble and realize you have beta skin
Fucking this.
Sharp new blade.
And for fuck's sake, go with the grain.
Shave up at the bottom, and down from your lip and chin.
Are you keeping your razor clean OP?
Don't keep it in the bathroom - the humid environment encourages corrosion.
For the same reason, pat the blades dry with a tissue after shaving.
I wipe my razor down with disinfectant after shaving to kill off any bacteria on the blades.
Basically, if you're shaving with a corroded, dirty razor, you'll end up with skin like in your pic.
If you are using a safety razor it looks like you might be pushing too hard on your skin. You have to gently let the weight of the razor do the work. Go slow. I have sensitive skin like that but use a safety razor with feather blades. No issues unless the blade starts to get dull.
>fresh razor
>hot water
>use facial wash after shaving
>rinse well
>then use a spinning brush with just water to clear the skin
When shaving try to do only one pass shaves, don't go over one area more than once, just short swipes.
Hey man, exact same camp as you. Do as others have suggested and get a couple of different types of razors. I found many to be too sharp and it would take 3/4 shaves for them to be broken in to a point where I could use them.
Then I found gillete blues/sharks
Both are "duller" than normal straight away = no knicks no irritation
That's natures way of telling you to stop being a faggot. Be a man, grow a beard.