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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 290
Thread images: 8
File: Ask_46cfb8_1898749.jpg (75 KB, 595x806) Image search: [Google]
75 KB, 595x806
Does she still love me?
Does she still love me?
will there be a second hitler?
Were those femanons mirin today
will i make it /fit/?
Will she change her mind?
Roll fag
How about now?
Come on tell me please don't fug with me now pls.
Do i like dick
Sweet. Will I be good at skateboarding?
should I talk to her?
Will I get a girl soon?
Am I a virgin
does she enjoy talking to me?
Should I just say fuck it and talk to the hot chick?
Really am i a virgin and it lands on without a doubt fuck my life >>675875969
What do you think, does she care about me?
will continuing this backfire?
Does she care about me?
Would I sell my anal virginity?
am i a pedophile
WTF, how about now?
After I turn myself in on Monday will i get out by Wednesday?
Good, but will she change her mind?
Chatting with 8/10 cutie on tinder
Has kid and baggage ex ect
Is it worth my time
will he leave his gf to be with me ?
Should I talk to her tomorrow?
is op a faggot?
Should I talk to her tomorrow?
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318 KB, 248x200
its important
Will we ever get together?
File: 1458861203879.gif (87 KB, 304x185) Image search: [Google]
87 KB, 304x185
should I ceep it ?
Will she come back?
Should I run for president when I get in my 40's?
Should I commit sudoku?
Did she ever really love me?
but you have to, I mean idk who ese I could ask
Does she love me still?
will i ever get a 7 for answer?
Should I dump her?
Pleas magical 8 ball tell me does she love me?
does she think about me?
will I die someday ?
Is there a chance with her?
is she still in love with me?
can I still be her boyfriend?
does she love me?
is she hot ?
Does she like me as much as before?
y tho?
Will i get a gf or get out of depression in the near future?
will things ever be the same between me and her
Am I 18?
will I take a massive shit later today?
Will i see him again after graduating?
Holy fucking shit it is wright
Will I get a replacement i5?
Is OP a fag?
Is Rachel honest ?
Is Rachel honest ?
Is my phone a sony xperia T ?
Will I ever get laid?
File: 1458705611417.jpg (23 KB, 356x256) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 356x256
Does he really want to an hero?
Does he like me?
Will I get dubs?
Will I get wasted on sunday night?
Should I kill myself?
Will I kill myself
I will be still vingin after 18?
Will Mikkel be my bf?
Am I a degenerate person?
Am I degenerate
Will I finish this bowl of peas anytime soon?
Will he text me later?
Does she love me?
Does she like me?
Will I ever get to a point that suicide is the only option to improve the situation?
will I ever fuck her?
will blacks ever become real boys?
Am I gonna fuck with her?
will i be able to organize a successful attack on reddit?
Will I lose my kissless virgin status this summer?
My first quads are seriously this? fuck.
Will I get a girlfriend within the next six months?
wil i get rid of the bodies and not get caught?
Rollimg 4 ball
will she text me?
Does she love me
tell me
Will I ever live happy in love with a future wife and kids?
>when you get trips and no one checks them :(
Will I join the military?
Does he eat ass
will I live the life I always wanted
Is he gay
Will I fuck her
Will they find me?
Am I the Antichrist?
Thanks a lot asshole.
Should I allahu akbar the white house?
Will he get a gf
Should OP leave 4chan for good?
Op is a fag?
will i have sex this year
Are you for real?
will i meet the girl
Will she move back anytime soon?
will i be poor forever?
Will she get over it and talk to me again?
Op is a trap?
will I fuck her in madrid ?
Is Jake pissed off like a big dog?
>> 675881394
fuck me...
will she date me?
will i be with her again?
Will Donald Trump win the general election?
will I ever meet her?
will i get laid tuesday?
will we get back together?
will she love me?
will we live together?
Will I get that fs job?
Will I ever do something truly horrific?
Will i work by the end of april?
will I get laid tomorrow?
Should I join the canadian armed forces
Does she think of me still
Should I study hard and go to medical school?
Will I ever see her again soon
Is she the one?
Am I depressed
Will I build the machine?
Am I?
am i getting laid soon?
Do I really seem like I'm depressed?
will i ever die?
am I difficult to talk to
am I autistic?
do I have autism?
will she do me a fetish
will i ever become a hot girl with good tits

please yes i will commit suicide if i don't
Is she going to talk to me (again) ?
please fortune ball
Do I smoke?
will i die from an overdose on heroin?
Is OP a fag?
Can me and my ex have sex?
Does she love me back?
will I get back together with Victoria?
will i get a girl tomorrow night?
Do I grab some McDs?
will i die from an overdose on heroin? , , ,
Oh shit
Does she think about me as much as I think about her?
Does my ex want to have sex as well?
Should I get some kind of takeout?
does she still have feelings for her ex?
will i get laid next month?
will my first weed plant grow into a healthy plant that will produce good weed?
will my gf and i ever have sex?
Yes or No? Yes or No?
Will I be happy with her like they are?
will i get caught smoking weed by the cops if i smoke outside the pig headquarters?
Does Kendra love me?
B or J
Will the girl I have sex with be happy with my size?
will i die before i turn 40?
Is Karim gonna go pro
will take that as a yes.
Will my team win the championship this year?
If I choose her, will my kids be stupid because she is 1/3rd black?
It's Max going pro
will i get laid within 30 days?
Does she like me?
Will Travis make it to Vic tomorrow
Will I an hero this year?
Should i text her?
Should I leave her?
Alright then.
Is OP a nigger?
Is suicide an option?
Does she love/like me?
Am I a faggot?
So, there will be no bloodshed, then?
Am I a fagot?
Does she?
Am I sissy faggot for life??????
Does she like me?
Am I a cock sucking fagot?
Does Sag hate him?
Will Andrew F treg
Will Andrew do Camel?
am i going to get in trouble for taking too many sick days
Does Giuliano get Big Treg?
Does Giuliano get Big Tregg?
Does Giuliano get Big Treggg?
Does Julia still like sebs?
Will i lose it before this year ends?
Will my life one day have meaning?
Does she like me?
Does Sag secretly love sebs but cant because of Julia?
Should cameron buy me Shellshock Live?
Do I even stand a chance?
Does Michael secretly love sebs?
Will OP die today?
Should Cameron buy me Shellshock Live right now?
Am i a total fucking loser?
Does Sebs love Seech?
Should I do it then?
Does Sebs love Seeech?
Does Seech love Sebs?
Will I get a girlfriend this year?
Does Michael like Erika Bernardi?
is she happy
should I stay out of her life?
can you kill yourself?
will it happen this week?
Will i become a succesful youtuber?
Am I gunna be L337 haxxor
File: download.jpg (5 KB, 168x168) Image search: [Google]
5 KB, 168x168
Can newfags even triforce?
did Bush do 9/11?
Will I ever get laid?
File: 1457722062019.jpg (8 KB, 250x215) Image search: [Google]
8 KB, 250x215
I knew it!
Is Nick getting his karmic reward in the near future?
Will he be a problem for me?

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File: 1458821060883.jpg (41 KB, 737x737) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 737x737
I'm total oldafags

▲ ▲
So, what you're telling me is it's a good thing I haven't killed myself then?
is everything going to work out for me in the next 24 hours
will she eventually say yes?

▲ ▲
will i be wealthy
File: check' em1.jpg (2 KB, 125x125) Image search: [Google]
check' em1.jpg
2 KB, 125x125
lol rawl
does she like me?
[alt-255] [alt-255] [alt-30] [enter] [alt 30] [alt 255] [alt 30]
should i end my life
well fuck you too
Will I succeed?
_ ▲
▲ ▲
Should I try and talk to Jade?.
Should I kill myself?
Should I be an hero?
Does she like me?
Should I rape an underage demigod?

Does she like meee??
Will she come back?
Are you magic?
are they going to fire me?
Will I get sick?
Will i get a gf soon?
Does she love me?
Will my mommy ever love me?
Any Chance on 8
Should I reopen a social media account?
Do I love her?
Will I get shitfaced tonight?
Will technology ever allow me to live to the heat death of the universe?
Am I going to kill myself tonight?
Thank you ball, reroll to see if I deserve a chance to live
Does she have a boyfriend?
So, I actually have to kill myself?
Could I ever win her heart?
will dt be the next presy
Thread replies: 290
Thread images: 8

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