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>feels thread tell me why you're down anon? maybe I'll

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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>feels thread

tell me why you're down anon? maybe I'll tell you why I'm down and we'll all feel down together.

>also comfy feels thread
i'm just so fucking bored all the time and nothing i do makes me feel anything, i've already tried generic shit like exercising and finding new hobbies and i got with a really nice girl kind of recently, i'm only slightly better because of it

join the club. Apathetic's unite. I haven't properly gotten out of bed since Monday because I haven't got the energy, motivation or incentive to do anything.

How old are you? Do you work? You in a relationship with this qt?
I had my 10 year old cat euthanised yesterday afternoon. She was perfectly healthy and happy until 2 days ago when she came back in to the house stumbling as though she was drunk. We took her to the vet and was told that she had ingested anti-freeze and her kidneys were failing and that she had about a day left. I brought her home because I couldn't shake the feeling that she'd somehow get better, but she didn't and now she's gone and my home is empty. Fucking cats.
Dear slim, I wrote to you but you still ain't callin.

really sorry to hear that anon. How did the vet conclude that she had swallowed anti freeze?

I know its no consolation, but if that happens to any of your pets in the future... give them a shit load of vodka. It's a good antidote.
Do you plan on a burial or anything like that?


17 in my last year of high school. i don't work, i was dealing acid for a while and that got me enough money for everything i needed, i've stopped though. i am in a relationship with her, have been for a month now, she's great but the only time she helps is if i'm actually with her, which doesn't happen much because we live so damn far away from each other. i get to see her about once a week outside of school.
nice that you've found someone anon. I'm happy for you.

I had a gf for a year that helped pull me out of a depression. but had to break off with her cause she was a bit controlling. Now im depressed again.

keep her dear anon. may bring the best out of you.
>i have schziophrenia
>i'm drunk
>i want to die
sorry to hear that. what medication are you on and do you take it as prescribed?

Blood tests showed that she had Ethylene Glycol in her system in too large a quantity to survive, which is the deadly part of anti-freeze. I don't have a garden, only a balcony that has a planter on it. So I'm having her cremated and put into the planter along with the flowers, I guess it's some effort to keep her close to home.
talked to a girl for months told her my feelings and then she laughed. she still texts me sometimes but its not the same, feels like the only chance i'll have at love.
you seem upset. do you want to talk about it?


damn that sucks. least your cat will be placed in a place where she spent much of her life.
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I was depressed and horribly off before the air force, now I have steady income and free healthcare. Not to mention the mgi bill I'll get after 6 years. If all else fails, join the air force.
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I'm painfully aware of how awkward and unintelligent I am.

At least other spergs seem blissfully ignorant about their social retardation; I know that I'm mentally underdeveloped for my age (22, but it feels like I have the brain of an autistic 15 year old) yet I'm unable to change it.

I have to go into every conversation and interaction knowing that I'm going to embarrass myself, which makes me want to retreat into my room and never come out.
thank you, i definitely will, no other person has had such a positive influence on me. i wish the best for you anon

no car, public transport does well enough for me
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>got kicked out of rigid christian college for having sex
>shit was cash btw 10/10
>been home a month now
>economy in DC is shit so finding a job is hard
>parents are constantly mad at me
>bro and sis ashamed of me
>all my friends at college and i dont have a car to go do shit
>literally just sit at home and browse /b/ and masturbate all day.

Its not so bad, but i lost the meaning to my life it feels like. also pic related,
Lonely as fuck. No booze.
unerage b&
Got fired for punching the electrical box at work and "frightening employees"
Sobriety is a bitch.
me too guys

i can kind of fake it during the day but nights are the worst>>675728022

>feels like the only chance I'll have at love

yup it may feel like that but it ain't true. Some tough love but you sound desperate there. Women (and men) can smell that a mile off and it is one of the most unattractive qualities. My humble advice is that you become happy being alone and by yourself. Find a hobby or interest or skill that is social and nature to build your self worth.

Once you become zen with yourself the rest will follow.

Ignore that girl you're texting. I'm sure you've probably been friendzoned at this point.

congrats anon. I'm very jealous because I'm not quite there myself yet. Although I start work in a couple of months and hope the regular routine, pay and constant socialisation will do me good.
>tfw I never got a single request answered on /r/ and have made a few threads now

Why is that board so fucking shit at doing what it is supposed to do? It's got to be one of the worst boards on here.
I just got out of a relationship.
I mean, it was toxic and I'm glad I don't have to deal with the faggots bullshit anymore, it my own fault for getting involved with him.
But I really cared about him. Fucking sucks
I don't know what's wrong with me but I've had this depression for about a year now, it all kinda started when I dumped this girl, that's definitely not the cause of it but then she started dating some fag I knew to make me jealous. Then when that didn't work she fuckin turned him against me. At least I still have my friends, those are pretty much the words I live by but, it's just, it's been such a ruff fucking year and I can't stand it and this depression I'm in isn't making anything better and I don't know what to do.
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ITT: Normalfags
nights are okay for me. I can literally zone out watching shit documentaries, browsing the internet and music and stuff. It's like I distract my brain from all the shit I should be doing.

Daytime is worse can then I realise that people outside of my little box are living their lives normally and I'm asleep or doing fuck all.

Depression doesn't necessarily have to have a reason or a singular even that triggered it.

Psychoanalytical therapy deals with that stuff but often cognitive behavioural methods on just dealing with the depression itself may be more beneficial.

Maybe just focus on the shit you're dealing with now rather than focusing on the cause?

you tried therapy?
I spent my entire day with my 10/10 gf. We fucked and shit was great. Yet I still feel empty on the inside. I feel like someone is holding down every one of my limbs and is torturing me by incepting depressing thoughts in to my head. I used to think if I improved my life that the voices would go away. There's no cure.
Being a newfag gets me down
Anon I feel you

Back in July we had to put down my 15 year old cat. She ended up tearing a ligament in her back leg and couldn't walk. She stopped eating and drinking. I still feel like I pressured my mother into putting her down. Just didn't want her suffer that's all.
Unfortunately yes
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Just got laid off today. Shitty job so i feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and actually have positive thoughts about life. Its crazy. Any other anons have some bad but turns out to be good feels?

was me a year ago too anon. Still like it now (but without the gf).

I'm trying to work out your description. It's just you mean something "incepting depressing thoughts in to your head". and that you wish "the voices would go away".

Do you believe that something is incepting thoughts into your head? do you hear voices?

just clarifying :)
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Does this picture make anyone feel homy and comfy?
just comfy, that's fucking beautiful thanks anon
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Pic related.
had that happen once. I can relate. but then a week later that joy had gone and it was back to the routine grind of doing nothing with my life.

just make sure you keep productive, looking for jobs, exercising, regular routine etc otherwise you could end up in a bad place pretty fast.
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I'm not really sure why, my friends aren't actually friends to me
They sort of exclude me from things, and sometimes really give me the feeling that they just don't like to be around me, other times we have fun
I'm perfectly normal, maybe it's because I live further away from them?
Maybe I'm a bigger loser than I think, so it's just out of pity?
Or I don't actually have much to offer, there's more interesting people to hang out with?
Either way, it sometimes feels like it would be better to not have any friends at all

I also really want to get a girlfriend, but I'm really afraid of getting rejected, I've been turned down sometimes in the past so I really don't have much confidence left
It's one girl in particular I'd like to ask, but I see her almost everyday (and the hour I get to see her for is honestly all I really look forward to in my day) so it would be embarrassing for me to be around her if she says no
I guess I should try to begin to get her to know me, so first I should get her number or some shit
I've always heard voices. My dad has always heard his name being called and told me that it's healthy for you to hear your name being called even if no one is there. These voices are different for me. They help me think, they help me solve problems, they will remind me of things, and they will talk down to me like I'm trash and should just give them full control. For some reason I can't give them the last sliver of humanity I have
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I might have some more. Not sure what I have saved on this device.

This is a dam in my city (rockford, il) I used to come here stoned all the time sometimes with people sometimes without and spray paint. I was never any good, it was just fun.
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i wish the streets were narrower and cobblestone or something, otherwise yah it's comfy comfy
Thats what im scared of. Im the type of person that seems to always give up and never feel good enough for anything
Don't you even close her eyes? Well, just for, you know...
I just feel this giant hole in my soul where it just sucks out the joy in my life; I constantly ask myself whats the point. I am exercising which helps but it takes forever to the point where I wonder if I will ever feel content or happy.

sounds like you should talk to your doctor about that. I would say that it's not always healthy to hear voices and it sounds like this may be something that is affecting your mood and could be a sign of something worse going on.

I'm sorry Anon.
You made the right choice though, to push for her to be put to sleep. It would have been unkind to have kept her around to suffer any more. Knowing that there is no more pain is what is stopping me from sinking too low, I'm glad I was strong enough to make that decision and you shouldn't feel bad for making that same decision either.
That said, it does hurt and it does cause irrational thoughts. Ohhh, the feels.
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Girl is crazy about me, and I mean crazy. I moved away for college and now she is always fucking depressed and it's starting to bring me down.
>pic unrelated
i keep think im some weird person and people will judge me for some things i do, say, wear and look or think that they already do, when really im just some baked lonely arab
I had a shrink for a while, and I don't tell them that so I don't get put in to a mental asylum. I've been diagnosed with major depression, I have some kind of severe anxiety and I'm manic bipolar (all professionally diagnosed). I'm just being over dramatic today. They're always ups and downs. Just I hate the days that go well but my brain decides that it's a down kind of day. It scares me that I won't ever be able to control whether my day makes me feel good or not. I'm afraid il snap on a bad day, that I'm down and finally kill myself.
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boys never stopp hitting on me, like ever. it gets annoying but hey boys will be boys what can I do??
Everything was pretty good all in all today, actually this week was because my crush didn't come to my job to annoy me, but today just as i leave to catch the train she texts me and i dont notice..shes there and wanted to see me, mean while im on the fucking express train to bumble fuck no where away from the city. what the fuck.
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under rated post
>her name is Jacqueline
> :(
reminds me of my ex...
she french or some shit?
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Do I have hope? Is this saveable?

I love this girl to death, and I want to save the friendship, even if anything past that is gone
well that's a perfectly rational reaction to a common condolence
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>feels thread
what part of feelings are rational... ?
a dozen niggers itt having inappropriate emotions and you point out the one guy with a good reason for it,
That's a pretty common name in the US too

Oh boy. Was it you that wrote this or the girl?
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Just feels like nothing I do is right. I'm watching as everyone I went to high school with is moving on with their lives, getting careers, having relationships/marriages, having families, etc and I'm just here...still in college (age 27), trying to get my shit together. Couldn't go to college right out of high school like everyone else, because
>my grades were shit; parents didn't care about my academic well-being
>parents forced me to join the military instead, from which I washed out
Regardless of who 'wins' this election, I don't think I'll see the end of their term. My life is one bad day from completely FUBAR.
Her on the left, me on the right
I mean, could just be Asperger's. Not necessarily being unintelligent, but maybe a socially awkward way of communicating?
>Took a year off from university
>Had a bad time, no friends, no gf and was not doing so good in class
>Went back to school to finish degree and graduate
>Decided I was going to try my hardest and actually study
>Nearing the end of the semester
>Burnt out
>Procrastinated on a bunch of papers
>Haven't even started
>Scared I came back for nothing and will fail
>I promised myself I would do well
>I promised everyone at home I would do well
>Don't know if I will do well
basically sort of tired of all this "fake friend" thing. Like my interests are completely polar opposite of them and I only enjoy being around a few. Also, an other friend pushed me out when we were good friends for a year and a half, and is sort of dick towards single people, yet we share the same friend group (my original friend group, we meet up every couple months to hang)
Also, I'm like short for a guy and it basically causes anxiety when talking to girls, thinking "oh it's like super awkward that I'm shorter and not the normal" bullshit.
Life isn't the best right now, but it should be better.

Look. it's clear you both like each other as more than friends because this is not how friends talk. It seems to me like your mutual disregard for wanting to be more than friends is causing a lot of trouble between the two of you, neither of you seem to really know where you stand. You both made pretty shit statements in this facebook chat, they're laughable. Neither of you seemed to be able to say exactly what it was that was affecting you, it just looks like a load of vaguely relevant bullshit.
Anon, stop using facebook for this kind of stuff, head over to her and tell her exactly what and how you feel, no bullshit, because if you're trying to be friends with someone you want as more than that then the relationship is already doomed.
>be me
>last year of high school
>inb4 underage b&, give me 2 months
>been slowly realizing over the last few years what I am to other people
>I used to think that I was just a bit awkward and a little weird, but funny and not too unlikable
>realizing that I'm not that at all
>I'm just an unintelligent, unfunny, ugly asshole with no friends and no life
>no one really likes me
>I'm the least common denominator of society
>can't blame them
>they just like making fun of me, because I'm the walking joke
>the worst part is is that I don't even realize when I'm being a prick, I just am apparently
>I hate who I am, I just wish I could be anyone else or just something different
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Try and do everything anon. Don't take a "no" for shit and take no fake ass apologizes, this is all its ever gonna be
i keep fucking my psycho ex in the back of my truck every other night while i have a 8/10 gf
>even my best friend who's helped me realize a lot of this doesn't like me very much
>had girlfriend for a while, she hates me now
>only reason we dated in the first place is because she is a grade below me and didn't already hate me like all of my class
>she sure does now though
>forward to a few months after that ends
>for no good reason I ask a girl to prom
>tall, blonde, softball and track chick so a bit thick but that's just fine
>says yes
>only because it's a joke to her, I'm sure of it
get a job faggot
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why am I even going on with this bullshit, I'm not special or interesting nor is my story particularly tragic or anything.
fucking shit I am a joke
>be 19
>never kissed a girl
>fucked 2, had flings with others that were only sexual
>never had a girlfriend
>be 5'10 Manlet 218.5 pounds 3 weeks ago, started dieting and exercising so now 207.5
>be making friends and hanging with them to try to meet girls
>no girls on tinder or Meetme have pulled through besides some titty pics
>have no way to meet girls since my community college is full of antisocial fucks and I only have one class in person
>former severe tbi
>former c2 fracture
>have arthritis in neck
>have muscular depression at right temple
>blame car accident for everything, but trying to get my life together and find happiness
im down because 4chan turned into a huge faggot fest
how have you fucked 2 girls and never kissed one? And good on you for losing weight. Are you in college?
Well, the thing is, she isn't ready for a relationship yet, she's told me this, she said that she's had a huge crush on me since the day she met me, and even when she was with her ex bf, the whole time she wanted me not him. The problem is twofold, you see, a few months back, she was raped, and it left her really messed up, and her boyfriend left her because of it. She also said, that she didn't want me to be a rebound, because they never work out, and she really wanted this to work.

I also feel like if I just showed up at her house that it would come off as creepy or stalkerish. I don't have any experience with girls, I'm 21 and she was my first kiss if that gives you any sort of Idea
>not samefagging
C'mon man, that would've been gr8
I just make it a point to tell them that it's not something I do, and it's worked with the 5 or 6 girls I've at least gotten to 2nd base with. I want to save it for a special girl I guess. And thanks man, I want to hit 190 and just start building muscle while losing fat. I am actually getting my prereqs for a registered nursing program also.

Hey I was a mustang. Medical discharge last year though. Good luck m8.
{Spoiler Alert}
I refused to listen when all of you said stay away from Asian/American girls. She had lesbian parents as well who hated me just for having a dick. Way too much drama with her, total bitch. She was all over me but as soon as I show feelings back she backed out. Says whatever she wanted but as soon as I do I got bitched at. Shoulda listened. She literally could get away with anything, if being an adopted asian didn't protect her ass her lesbian parents did. Fuck high school relationships though.
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This girl honeypotted me at an internship that just ended. She was so cool too but now she won't give me the time of day :/
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Holy shit you're dumb. See if she really wanted to be with you, she would. She wouldn't need sad excuses.

I postulate her "ex" left her after she cheated on him, probably while drunk. That's why there's no cops involved, but more excuses

But it's good you're there to deal with her emotional bullshit, even when admitting she going to fuck someone else

tl:dr Time to move on faggot, she's just not that into you
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Because I'm handsome, and funny, fit, and caring, and never have a hard time picking up women but I have a very small dick. And nothing destroys your sense of happiness more then having someone comment on or even laugh at your little dick. Every time I get a woman to the point of taking clothes off it immediately ruins everything and I from then on I'm treated differently, with a lot less respect. So I remove them from my life but it keeps happening. Literally no esteem
I am older and I have found some success in life. Despite that, my parents still do not validate my accomplishments and I can tell they still think I am a fuckup. I am married with a kid. I feel as though my 6 year old daughter is the only one who actualy listens to anything I have to say. There are no meaningfull conversations to be found at work or within my family. I own a business, have 2 degrees, house, pool, nice car, etc, etc. but all I never satisfied or "happy". I love my wife and daughter so I will live for them but I do wish sometimes that I was all alone in this world so I could take this whole bottle of vicodine without damaging someone close to me. What's it all about anons?
>trying to act more drunk & schizo than he is
I finally came out and told people that I'm depressed as all hell. I had a breakdown a few hours later and nobody even tried to check on me. When they thought I was fine they sometimes cared, but now that they know I'm not they're all cool with just letting me be alone.
I hate being alone, but them not checking up on me makes me feel like they don't want to be around me
MY girlfriend left for a few weeks.
Im a pussy
People at work are trying to sabotage me to get me fired
I work a shitty retail job that I heavenly rely on
Even my parents won't text me back
siblings planned a trip to BC without me
and now my neighbours are being loud cunts and I have to work early tomorrow.
I just went and gave the ponyo (the last movie we watched together) back to my ex. Except I couldn't bring myself to see here after all this time. So I duct taped 2 baguettes, a personal pizza and a chef boyaredee can to the DVD box and threw it in her lawn. She broke it off because of my anger issues and me no longer being a fun loving person.
I've always found serial killing helps
>Give it a try, you'll be confident in no time
How big is it?

Okay, that puts things into perspective, but also makes things much harder to judge properly. Don't worry about looking like a stalker, it's called making an effort. Just because this world is full of utterly dysfunctional people who think everything should be done over social media, it doesn't make it so. If what you really want is to save this relationship you have to put yourself out there and make it clear that's what you want, whether it be friendship or more is for you to decide and live with. I, however, feel as though she is using you as a comfort blanket. Yes, being raped and going through hell is not something to take lightly, but it shouldn't be used as an excuse to keep people at arms length and dismiss their feelings. Your emotions are just as real as hers and it's your emotions you have to listen to and live with, so act on your emotions and not hers. You don't know when she'll be ready to be in a relationship with you, it could be weeks, months or years. It might never even happen, she might just move past you on her road to recovery and you'll be left sat out in the rain asking why. Don't let things slip by friend, tell her the truth and be totally honest. If you don't this friendship will become so bitter by the time she has recovered that there will be no chance of a good relationship.
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Anon, nobody will love you until you love yourself. Have some pride in yourself and your accomplishments and you'll find that other peoples opinions will no longer be the goal you're striving for

Less than average and not thick at all. A true pencil dick.
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I've had a pretty shitty twenty years, but my sister let me move in with her and her husband and they're helping me get back on my feet and are very patient with all my mental issues. I used to never get along with her, but now we're really good friends despite my years of absence. We watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer together and she'll be having a baby this year so I'll be an aunt . We're getting a dog while her husband is deployed too. I'm job hunting. No pressure. This is literally the first time I've felt safe and shit.
Saved, thanks anon. Moar?
I'm sitting on somewhere between 4.9 and 5.5 inches. Everytime I measure it I get a different reading it seems. If you are bigger than that, you're fine.
Depression is a battle you take on yourself, why the fuck do you want to bring other people down with you. Just deal it with it and take on the shittiness of life for awhile on your own you little roody poo faggot.
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Thanks man, I'll see if I can nail down a time when I know she'll be somewhere and figure it out from there
I had a girl call my dick small and I am a full 6". She was a nigger lover though so....
Depressed because I'm not sure if I want to continue my long distance relationship. It's been going for 3 years, and I don't see the long distance part ending anytime soon. Not sure if it's worth continuing.

The part specifically that is making me depressed is that we are a great fit, but I just don't know how much longer I can wait. Granted, I don't like how much weight she's gained in the last 2 years, and that it is one of those mildly co-dependent relationships where she drops the whole "I'd probably kill myself without you".

And I know I'm way too fucking inept socially to get another girlfriend, and she is pretty cool. I'd have to date some dumb bitch that did that stupid ass french flag facebook profile photo shit. Or is "gluten intolerant".
im going to kill myself with a 38 special some time in april. cant wait :D
y u no get a job there?
i have no motivation for anything, lame ass 20 year-old fucker that lives off his parents' hard earned money. I keep myself occupied with the guitar (picked it up 2 weeks ago), but eventually it'll lose its charm and i'll be bored again
>making assumptions
People willing being around me makes me happy, which they know. If they showed up bringing them down is the op-osite of what I'd do
my grades in school are horrible i literally dont do anything and stay inside for days on end so pretty much a lowlife. and im always sad, its a horrible feeling, whenever i think about my life i get sad and it wont go away and the only escape i have from it is sleep. im a scrawny ugly loser, and the only thing i have going good is my girlfriend who is pretty great.
Not bigger than that. Seriously it's pretty small. I'll have a girl all ready to go then as soon as the pants come off it turns into a nightmare. Some laugh, some come up with excuses to leave. The kinder ones will at least try but it's usully a one time deal. God can be so cruel
find a 10 year old who's dad has left her
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I'm a failure in too many ways too count
If any of you want to get a temporary laugh. Visit the food chanel on TWITCH and just read the chat while watching. Shit is amazing.
Well, this is my problem, and it may be yours as well. I have a very chubby mons pubis, and my dick looks much smaller than it actually is. Id say check out yours and decide if you should lose a few % of body fat. Another option is to get serious with a girl, and eat her out really well before she ever sees your dick.
There's no shame in failing faggot. It's only shameful if you give up

Or just go MGTOW and get a whore now and again
It's the endless trying of being sucessfull in the end all the money in the world doesn't fix the void. Find real people real people that you can connect with go to the mountains leave society also The School Of Life teaches some shit about that.

Youve got to face the problem head on dont be a coward and not do anything do Everything to find some passion or happiness.
Can I talk to you until you do
I've fucked a nigger (light skinned) and she didn't flinch since I was dom'ing her. Can't act like a pussy or display any insecurity, you just have to fuck them like a whore and don't think about the size of your package.

Only mentioned fucking a nigger since you'd expect them to be the hardest to show a small/avg cock.
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That MGTOW shit is bullshit, man. I thought I could get into it, but the loneliness fucks with you hard. I've been single since 2005, and I just can't take it anymore.
I've always ruled out the military, because I don't care to be a part of the program when it comes to war, I can't fight for shit I don't believe in.

But lately I've reconsidered slightly because of all the benefits of getting me off my ass & steady work & staying fit & shit.. I'm just cautious because I don't want to become a mindwashed faggot, I'm already too different from who I was when I was worth being..
Thanks anon.
What about being alone is unbearable mang?
Why is your self esteem so closely tied to other people?
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i would hug you if i could, thank you very much for your words
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Robots are always right about nein aleben
Thank you for sharing. n remember go for that feeling it could be anything doesn't fucking matter go on vacation.
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the neon signs and clean, maintained density of japanese city streets (or european village streets in old city centers) are really comfy
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last one for now
it's another country. One of those deals. That's part of it too, I was much more of an introverted loser when we met. Which is partly why I'm conflicted, I feel like I'm changing as a person.

Also, another case for staying with her, I have a little dick and shes cool with it.
i've been drinking since 4 PM yesterday...
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I know all the tricks man. I'll eat her out like a pro, have her basically begging for it and then....nothing. it's just small. I'm already in shape, I have 4% body fat. I've even done the relationship thing. After a short time she became completely uninterested in sex, or any sort of intimacy. Then the eyes start wandering and it's all over but the break up. It's seriously ruined my life
Im almost 17 year old male and have no sex drive. No girls to talk to, probs why
No friends except for xbox fags
Few good family members
Cool cousin has type 1 and lost a shit ton of weight looks like a skeleton. Might die
Live in ghetto
Asshole neighbors
Asshole landlord
Might move to washington or some shit.
Dick isnt very big
Bad forhead acne. Big ass bumps
Even games are becoming boring. Bad fuckin BO.
People in general dont like me not sure why sometimes
No skill no job no opportunities
Another cousin pretened to be me on xbox live to other family members and made us my fam look like dicks.
No girl has shown any intrest in me in about three or four years.
>feels thread

underage b&

it accompanies the feels

but here is a feel for you

tfw you are completely mediocre in every single way, literally an NPC of life
>Im almost 17 year old
The only two parents that actually raised me are getting way too close to death, and I cant fucking accept it.
They used to be able to garden, and go to the library, and stuff, but now they just sit in their chairs, and such.
Hell, I'm over here almost all day when i have nothing else that conflicts to take care of them

Hopefully they'll be okay.
i shit so hard my ass bled
i'm actually exceptional depending on the context
Saw feels thread. Posted some of the feels. Dont feel bad at all
Fuck man, I'm sorry. Maybe a surgery could help.
I have epilepsy and a few other medical conditions that guarantee I'll never be in the armed forces, even if a draft is enforced.
>i don't feel like i should b& at all
ok kid sorry yeah my bad
It's probably a self fulfilling prophecy
You think you're keeping all this stress secret, but everyone picks up on it
Most people don't care if you're smart as long as you're nice and don't annoy them
When in doubt, just don't do or say anything

it literally fucking says feels or comfy in OP's post

you, sir, are the actual nigger this time
clean your face stop ignoring your problems and fucking fix them dont be nervous do not be dependant on xbox and stop eating shit.
i feel you anon. i didnt like the military, then thought of using it as a suicide reason. havent grown a pair and joined yet, but hopefully will.
this is terrifyingly exactly what i was doing when i was 17, no such thing as stopping, next time you need money youll be right back on it. Once everybody knows you can get good gear they wont quit pestering you. Next thing you know acid is coke and your poor and burnt out by 23.
Looked into it. There's no real surgery than can help. You can get implants and stuff but you run serious risk of impotence. I've chalked it up as a loss. Unless someone very soon discovers a way to alter existing dna, I'm basically just fucked...or not fucked.
nope.jpeg it does not say comfy thread
I'm stuck in college pursuing a degree I don't want to get a job I'll inevitably hate, surrounded by libtards with whom I don't fit in with. I just can't quit, because of how many people I'd let down. Fuck this place, dude
Because I am still alive.

Why can't I die.

Why do I live.
A bunch of crap, I started college last week, so I'm just confused and everything seems so hostile, also, 3 months ago my 10 year old dog died of cancer and I still wake up crying over some dream of him. Also, 2 weeks ago, my dad got a stroke or TIA or however you say that in english and now he's in something similar to a coma. And lastly, I'm really into some chick that's kinda like my best friend and I'm hers too, but she has a bf that's a pretty cool dude. (A beta but he's a nice guy) Also I feel like shit everyday, like there's anything to look up to or anything good that I can do (work-related, like there arent any good jobs or careers)
That's about it, I guess, I have those typical teen problems too, I don't feel like I belong anywhere and stuff like that.
You dont die because you fight to stay alive
You live to prove the world wrong.

Love, Bullets to Nuclear bombs, We're all fighting something
Find that something and give it your all.

You can do this
I thought I had a chance, but she is back to talking with her abusive, manipulative, ex and I doubt I can get her again :(
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>tfw body finds new things to go wrong every few years, starting with a boatload at birth
>tfw will probably get cancer or something and die before I'm 40, given my luck
I'm not sure if I even care anymore. I guess it's an alternative to suicide.
Also, I don't have anyone to rely on except for that chick, I would have killed myself if it wasn't for her, really, and I don't like that, to depend on someone, like, if she knew what I felt about her and something happened I would feel like shit and I don't want her to know that she's the only one I can depend on because I don't want to force her to do stuff.
what is your girth?
Gf just found out I'm an atheist after dating for quite awhile. We live together and I love her but now she feels differently about me. Obviously I didn't think it was going to be a big deal. I really haven't felt this depressed in months. I feel like I'm being punished for nothing. Suddenly I'm fucking garbage. Nothing has changed but now ever thing has to? What the fuck man?
Dont worry anon, its a tough hand to be dealt and im sorry about your last girlfriend but try not to let it get to you. I have a big fucking dick and im in decent shape but have had girls loose interest/avoid intimacy with me at times too. My point is dont loose confidence over this thing you cant change. The good news is women tend to develop intimacy through a partner with charisma and confidence, this shit can be learnt over time and will come as no problem with the right woman, power to you!
hookers weed and cupcakes then die.
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What do you think /b/, want some?
I don't really feel that desire. Like why bother with a "bucket list" if you're just going to die anyway?
When I can afford to do so, I'd like to buy some weed. I've heard it actually is good for people with epilepsy.

nah, not really.
That's a lie and you know it.

I don't want to live.
What should i do bro, seriously i want to BAD but im not sure how to go about it. Can you say in detail and realistically?
You would of killed yourself before if you didn't want to live deep deep down

You want to be saved from this shit, and you know it too.
Don't hero just yet.

I am experiencing what you have described, and it is strange and nice.
No hornyness, just comfyness.
makes me feel at home
old home
not this 'home'
this home hurts and makes me want to cry and want to go back in time to when shit wasn't fucked
I haven't killed myself because I don't have a way finish the job 100%
>get comfortable being single and not giving a shit just hanging out with friends
>friends wife is the awesome into all the exact same shit I am into, become good friends with her
>develop feelings for her but keeping it to myself cuz
>friends wife
>she talks to me about everything including her struggles with being married to my friend
>ie.small dick, how he doesnt care about her, how he treats her like shit, how they dont have sex anymore cuz he lasts a second
>she calls me out on having feelings for her
>I dont deny
>she admits to liking me too
>start flirting
>flirting progresses into us kissing, and her telling me shes gonna leave her deadbeat husband and she wants to be with me after
>I start to basically fall in love with this girl and for some reason I tend to put all my eggs into one basket
>she tells me when shes going to end things with her husband
>day passes she hasnt ended things yet,idc ill give her time
>she tells me a couple days later that she is basically emotionally unavailable for awhile I tell her thats fine and I expected it and ill wait
>she starts acting completely different twards me, doesnt talk to me as much, kind of shys away from me whenever im around

normally im a calm ass person but right now im pretty much breaking down and I dont know what to do....will time just pass and she will start to act normal again and start it back up with me or am I in love with someone who doesnt want anything to do with me anymore(she has only ever been with this one guy since highschool)
I imagine things are just awkward, considering she effectively left her husband for you. Especially since he's your friend, and she doesn't want shit to hit the fan. Just give it a little time.
He isn't your friend if you'd stab him in the back like that. You shouldn't have bad feels for being unsuccessful here, anon.
ehh he was kinda a forced friend I met them both at the same time and I havent known them for longer than a year
You have many ways.
Bleach, Noose, Ect..
But have you done it?
You can live
You can prove life wrong that you were better than it.
Why April?
She changed her profile picture to a French flag?
That makes more sense to. Made a more strong assumption, as if he was a true bud or something. Still though, you have to understand that he'll be really fucked up if you take his woman like that. My sister did something similar, and her ex is in a perpetual rut now.
Other than the acid i am in the same situation
None of those are guarantees.
If I had a permanent slepping pill, I'd take two.

There's no proving anything. I don't care. Nothing really matters to me anymore, there's nothing left for me.
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What do I do guys?
I didn't send the typed message, I just sent 'lol' in response...
me an her already agreed to not let him or anyone else know for awhile
I got me 5 & a half inches & no thickness.
I don't mind the length, I just wish it was fuller around than a half-dollar. Not like it matters since it doesn't really stay hard anymore even though I'm only 22.


>"nothing is wrong"
>expects her to read your fucking mind

People are like you are why the human race should be wiped out.
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She knows
The human race should be wipped out, but he's being reasonable :/
tinnitus yo
>all military does is war
Keep living the dream anon
Can I ask how old you are? Honestly though
You will save yourself SO much time and feels if you just cut her out of you
No FB, no snapchat, no conversation. You'll hurt and think it was a mistake, but you Will get over her
It was worth it, I approve
I'm 18, she's 17, we broke up 59 days ago after a 5 month long relationship, I truly loved her. But ig she didn't live me back

Lying when someone asks what's the matter and then getting mad because they didn't automatically know... you call that reasonable?
I can't stand my spelling mistake
Don't feel bad. Same thing happened with me, but then she found out he was cheating on her & she started texting me again out of nowhere.
Then after a few months she lost interest cause I was a faggot & she's with another guy now, but the point is, she doesn't have to stay with the abusive exhole. Just don't hold your breath. I didn't. And she came back. But she's gone now. But that's my situation, not yours.
I got dumped by someone I love. Now I'm all alone, cause she was the only person I had more than a superficial relationship with. I'm not even sure how to make new friends. Anyone else want someone to talk to?
i feel you anon, at the end of semester im going to text ex so i can see her once more at the park near our school
>Feeling like my life is becoming good again
>Go home for easter
>Long story short, playing while drunk with childhood bestfriend 3 days in a row
>My crush and my 2nd childhood friends comes over
>Hours pass, 2nd friend goes home
>Only us 3, left.
>My best friend in the whole world starts kissing her
>I'm broken and let down at this point.
>I also got drunk to the point where I told them too much about my personal life
>Might kill myself, deleted all my social media already and decided not to move home anymore.

>If a therapist cant help me, I'll just end it.
No point anymore, I'm a mess.
check my feels
something similar heppened to me anon:
>study administration first semester
>have a friend join me and make new ones
>do pretty good
>second semester
>my two closest friend leave and go study programing (our marketing subject was about introducing a new cartridge console in the market, a lot of fun)
>still have a couple of friends.
>i start feeling like shit and procastinating a lot
>eventually decide to leave
>after a year I returned to my original university but to study marketing.
>I'm in 3rd year now, but no friends and can't even speak with anyone because I'm too shy and it's depressing me.
I'm getting bored of everything in life I have no real reason to do anything. I have little to no friends now and when I do talk or hang out with them I don't enjoy myself. I have a grill friend and things haven't really been going well she has eating disorders and pushes everyone including me. I just don't know what to do anymore with my life
just to clarify, I still have my old friends but I feel we are growing more and more distant, still don't know if I'm just geting paranoid or if it's really happening.
Triple feels, congrats on getting to see your ex again.
I wish I could see mine again, she had beautiful blue eyes
Don't know, don't even wanna measure it. About as thick as an average finger

> had to put down my 12-YO golden retriever last Saturday, sweetest dog you will ever know
> work is a bitch
> did taxes and owe $2000 more than last year
> live in a backwards state that just passed a 1940s-era discrimination law
fuck you man lol
I haven't spoken to my best friend in 6 months and 7 days. The man who stopped me from suicide... Doesn't even want to speak to me. Why is it that I can't maintain a friendship? I am nice, I help people out... What is it? What do I do? Am I destined to be alone forever?
wrong post, sorry man..
I just want to feel alive, I want to feel like I've made a difference. I just feel like I am surviving... Not living. I have nobody. The closest friends I've had were all in vidya games. Please... What do I do? I just want to feel alive for a short time... Please...
>gf left me
>had to move
>made no friends
>tried to
>got assaulted with a beer bottle for defending a girl
>no money
>no job
Why is she texting you like this?
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And yet, your post is 100% correct in grammar and spelling unlike most doodlyheads on 4chan
I appreciate the kind words anon. But in all honesty I'm not looking for love. I want to feel desired, I want someone to crave me...carnally. maybe love one day, but for now I just want to feel someone resonate with my lust and me to theirs. I want to feel sexy, ya know?
just talk to her. Its not worth losing
man sounds rough. deleted social media? how are you gonna manage. 13 is a tough age for sure.

It does just because you are inside and dry
Shut the fuck up dumbass. You inferred a message that wasn't included in my post.

Agreed--it is NEVER wrong to put an animal, or a person, out of their pain.
Pets man. They'll rip your heart out. We had to put down my eldest kitty almost two years ago (she was 14 and terminal)

I still fucking miss her. =/

Got two sister kitties, (3y) now, tortoiseshell tabbys, one normal, one mentally retarded and it pains me knowing I'm going to outlive both.
I don't even know.
I try to talk to her but right after I bring anything up about us she changes the subject to something else so I never get a chance to talk about it.
I am sexually frustrated and surrounded by ducking hot girls who smoke weed and I know I could fuck them but I know if I do I will lose my job and lose myself in that wonderful chaos. The daily struggle frustrates the hell out of me and the fact that I work 7 days a week does not help with the stress.
No friends anymore, thats why I'm taking this though. My best friend knew I loved her, and he did it infront of me.

I literally have nobody to trust anymore.
I'll just focus on my programming and live life how I want to live it. At least now I dont need to live by other people judging. I can give it all, because I have nothing to lose.
Because Ill never see her again. It just pushes me everyday, Ive had friend kill themselves and many people die. But ive never felt as sad as now. Um tired of drugs. Im tired of getting into fights. Im ready to die.
I don't know why I can't let my exes go. Even when I'm talking to other girls, I even plan on asking a girl out soon. I broke up with my last gf two months ago and miss her all the time even though she's moved on, and I miss my first gf that I broke up with a year ago from time to time.

Is this abnormal?
>rewind 12 years
>be me 14
>try to kms
>sent to hospital 3 moths (This is all over summer)
>od on sleeping pills
>have no reason 2 live
>go back to school
>1st day see amazing gil
>fall in love fist time i see her
>now have reason to live
>on meds
>smitten with this girl
>im socially awkward don't know how to talk to her
>having awful grades fail most classes
>decide i don't want to stay far away from her
>pass year almost didn't
>every one knows i love her at this point.
>dont care bc they don't know how much
>feel like no one know what kind of love i have for this girl
>finally get the guts to ask her out
>says no
>don't care still love her wayyyy too much
What color where their eyes?
She sounds immature, man. I don't know how the scenario goes though, but just from that,it sounds like she can't handle it like an adult.
i am kinda lonely but socializing is really exhausting for me. i don't know wether im just acoustic as fuck or if i'm anti social, but i don't really enjoy talking to people. i have literally no life and i have not had sex in 7 years.

i'll be rich soon but i don't know what to do from there.
Why even write Cont?


Trust /b/, we'll tell you to stop if your story super-faggy.
>has sex
>gets fired

Are you surrounded by your boss's daughters?
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I've been ignoring my schooling. To be a lazy fuck all day. Letting the time go by.
say you want to have a serious talk when she's free and in the mood
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They both had really nice blue eyes. My first gf wore a lot more makeup and it made her eyes obviously stand out. My recent ex didn't wear makeup, her eyes were much softer and caring. She wasn't as pretty as my first gf and we didn't have a long relationship, but she was much more caring
>reputation bad every one looking at me as i were looser bc getting rejected
>don't know how to talk to her
>time goes by im getting destroyed with this feeling
>she is shy has friends
>im shy have friends
>both groups friends
>i love this feeling of loving some one
>her name Gaby
>i cry all night and day i think off her every second of my life
>go to school one day
>Gaby not there
>Gaby not there for a week
>Gaby is kill by suicide
>Try to kill myself again
>didn't work
>put on hospital again
>cry every night and day
>fast forward 12 years
>never loved some one as much as her in my life
>Still remember her every day
>time doesn't heal everything
>present day
>still have her on my mind
>5 attempts on record.
>try to forget her
>don't want to but at the same time i do
>think of her every second of my life
Shes never been mature, but I used to find it adorable, now I just find it annoying and stupid.
Even if I do that she's somehow going to make it all about her, and pin it all on me and she's going to be pissed at her self because I'm hurt over her dumping me, I've tried it before to no avail.
I pity all of your sadness and pain.
But I pity more that it's the very thing keeping you in misery.
Be well.
so wait, did she already dump you or are you worried she will?
She did 60 days ago
>Freshman year getting strung along by a girl
>Finally done with all the bullshit
>Wait until after the school play is over so my absence wouldn't affect the show I was in
>OD on sleeping pills
>Don't die but permanent heart damage
>Wake up to the crying face of my family
>Still live with that guilt everyday
I've been 10x as sad as I was when I tried to OD. Couldn't do that to my fam again
I feel like I had so much potential. I've clawed my way to an ok place, but now everything I worked for is crumbling. It kills me knowing that of things were different when I was a kid I could've been stable and doing well.
Try having an extra electrically pathway on your heart.
Nothing too bad except extreme anxiety, shortness of breath all the time and a whole bunch of other shit
Forgot to add that I could die at any minute from sudden cardiac arrest
due to suicide attempt or..?
Try jumping out of a plane & while you're freefalling, decide whether or not to pull the cord.
You sound cringy.
i havent had romantic interest in a girl for years now, i just kinda stopped trying after being rejected a million times when i was still a teen.

i haven't had a '' crush '' on someone for years and it scares me a little bit, because i see all u fags so hung up over your exes.

even when women practically throw themselves at me through dialogue i still don't take initative, because i don't really care. maybe i'm just a faggot.
Anon, I know what you are going through. I have no more friends, I understand betrayel. Please don't take your life, you have so much to live for and experience. I would never want to see you die. Please do not kill yourself.
Water flowing under
Go into the military dude, fuck your family and shit. Just leave and don't tell them where you went.
Dash it all, sounds right appalling, good chap.
I really hate sleeping because it's an enormous waste of time but I am constantly tired and the little time I am not I want to spend it doing something fun rather than working hard so I barely ever get things done. Only time where I feel energized is when I am making music basically.
I know the feel. There's this girl who's practically throwing herself at me but I just can't be bothered.
Man, I feel you. Except I've clawed my way to nothing. I am 22 & have less than $10 total in my lamborghini account. I sleep on a mattress on the floor back at my parents' house. The only thing I don't fail every day is staying alive.
Nah man, everyone is a joke.
Man, I was exactly in your position
I'm only 21 now but when the same happened to me at 18 I thought the exact same stuff, thought I'd never get over it, took it hard
People I talked to about it said it wasn't as big a deal as I thought, I'd get over her and I was sure I wouldn't
But then, one day, I thought about her and it didn't hurt anymore. If I thought enough it'd start to come back, but mostly as nostalgia I guess and missing having someone that cared about me

Main point, you really Really will get over her, and the soon you start making an effort to the sooner you'll feel better about yourself.
I'm coming to the realization that maybe my dad really did love me. I've always thought of him as a cold, abusive dick who nearly killed my mom and fucked my brothers up for life. From what they say, though, he treated me well and actually cared about me, which feels really weird
I'm about your age too and spend all my money as it comes in. I feel as if I'm stagnating and just getting by everyday. I guess only the hope that I can change keeps me afloat.
A jacked coder who has no friends.
Who would of thought? I probably am, no worries.
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Feels good thanks
I get it. I've avoided girls a lot. Used to be religious when younger, then it was just thinking I'd find the one if I waited, then it was being fine with hooking up, but not finding anyone that held a real interest, then it was getting too depressed to go anywhere even if I tried, then it was meeting the only person that's felt worth everything, with the most intense chemistry & feelings I've ever had for anyone, then it was watching that go away, & now it's disinterest again. There were so few before her that stood a chance & then she came & blew them all out of the water. Nobody can come close to that, so they bore the fuck out of me. And my dick don't stand up no more, so no real use anyway. :)
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>want to ask girl out
>not sure how, never really asked a girl out before despite previous relationships
>scared of fucking things up
>probably just overthinking
I wanted to earlier tonight, but theres hope out there somewhere. Dont know when or where I'll find happiness. I will someday, man. I know.
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just feeling like my self worth is deteriorating cause of lame shit that happened to me and where i am now in life
how do i never ever have a bad thought about myself?
Just do it faggot, that's the pussiest problem I've heard all day
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I tried to explain it
Can't get over one girl I have liked for almost 2 years now, we mess around here and there but she isn't quite ready for another relationship after she left her ex boyfriend who cheated on her twice and controlled her. Yet she says that she isn't sure what she wants and that she may want to get back with him and it irritates me.. I just want to know what is going on but it has gone on for almost 6 months now and she still "isn't sure" yet I have not been able to find myself attracted enough to any other people. Is she even worth it at this point?
Jesus christ. Just fucking go up to her. My gf is dead and im grateful for the time. You need to talk to her.
I'm feeling really fucked up. Everybody I love hates me in return, and if they don't, they eventually do. The only social interaction I get is through 4chan and an app called pictophile. I have no friends and stay in my room playing vidya browsing picto/4chan all day. The closest living thing to me is my cat and she can't even talk. I guess that's why. I'm someone most people would class as "weeb" or "white knight", even though I'm neither. I do avidly watch anime, but I don't obsess over it. When I eventually do go out for food when the internet is down so I can't order it, everyone stares at my pale skin. I may not be your typical 4chan veteran, or even user, but these are my feels. This is what makes me depressed. This is me, /b/ros. Think what you want.
As long as I can make others happy, I'm happy. I care for others more than I do myself. I do not care if I live or die, but I will fight for others until I drop dead.
I had to put down one of my two cats a month ago from kidney failure.
Found the other one today on my bed. She wasn't moving or breathing. She probably passed about an hour before I found her.
That is a horrible suggestion.
>my gf is dead
How's the sex?
why don't you go through with it? i don't because; i really don't like to socialize/do shit, i am pretty boring, and because i find it hard to stay consistently interesting around women, it's just so much effort.

and last but not least, i am a little bit scared that they won't like me anymore after they find out i'm a loser. haven't had sex in years now, i don't even talk to any women other than my mother and sister lol.

sorry for the rant friend, just feels nice to get this off my chest.
Sounds rough anon. My dad left when I was 13 by moving abroad, it's complicated but I do think he cared about me in the end. Wish he cared enough to stay though.
The thread is about to 404 someone make a new one
"isn't ready for a relationship" only means she isn't ready for a relationship with you.

sorry anon, but that's the truth.
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My best friend is always angry and upset at night and he sometimes takes it out on me and as I right this I know it sounds like I'm in an abusive relationship but he's already got a girlfriend, and isn't abusive at all to her and I do enjoy being around him when he's not a total dick. He's never hit me but he has threatened to, which makes me slightly scared when he's in this state of mind.
But like I love him so much and he's been my best friend for a long time and stopped me from killing myself a few times. He's very important to me but he is very aggressive but I don't want to lose him.
A majority of my friends have told me to leave him or block him but I look past all the anger cause honestly he's one of the sweetest people I've ever met. He'll destroy himself for someone he loves, which is unhealthy as fuck, but at least it ain't selfish. I just want to be happy with him and not have to confront his anger and the people around me pressuring me into leaving him
Yeah, I wish I could ask him, but he killed himself just after I finished elementary school. I'm sorry to hear about your situation, too. You still talk with your dad at all?
>being 16
>had a social life pretty good
>fit as fuck
>was seeing a qt, never kissed her
>broke my leg whilst playing football
>okay i'll do better
>she got a boyfriend 10 days later i fucked up my leg
>same name and last name that me
>okay I guess
>summer vacations
>depressed as fuck as I wouldnt be able to play again
>so depressed I dropped out of school
>still got few friends
>2 months passed, I was able to walk again
>mfw i realize i've got no friends now
>but.but.but y'all cared when i fucked up my leg

2 years later
>fat as fuck
>studying again but only have 2 friends, they left me out of their things most of the time
>I like one girl, don't even know how to talk to one right now
>I'm here, alone in my place thinking about that fucking day.
>I fucked up, I gave up and now I can't play again and won't be able to recover 2 years of my life that I've lost.
>haven't talked to someone on social media since january 2015
I know its a lot, sorry for crappy typo and I hope y'all do well.
haven't felt a girl want me in two years. That kinda gets me down.

But mostly I'm just feeling down about writing my undergrad thesis. I've already fallen behind and wrting shit about complicated things i dont care about is a big challenge for me. I've got major senioritis and i just cant seem to force myself to work like i once could. I sat in the library for 10 hours today and only managed one page. i just want to give up
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this, sadly
Probably not worth it anon, I've got a similar friend
>qt I've liked since high school
>figured she's had a bf for a while
>ask her about it a few months ago because I never hear about him until then
>she says they're taking a break because they fought all the time
>this break started last July
>still lives with him
>still refers to him as her boyfriend
>claims they're not actually together
>shes about to move twelve hours away because he's moving for work reasons
I want to talk her out of, but I'm doubtful it'll work
I dont know guys. Ive been sad for a long time. The things that happened in my past are haunting me (drugs fights) just thinking about the people Ive harmed along the way. A few years ago my gf was murdered, and i cant help but think it was my fault. Not being there. Every noght i just sit out side and think about my life. Ive fucked plenty of girls but ive never loved them like her. Lots of my friends have killed themselves. And I thought about it. She was part of the reason I didnt. Now all I do is do drink and joke around with my friends. And browse this dite from time to time. One day im just going to start walking and never look back.
femanon here to say that someone will be happy to feel like they're taking care of you, especially if you open up a little and go out on a limb by asking them out. Don't be worried or nervous- you'll do great!
Similar reasons, I find it really taxing to have to put up a facade so I can fuck her. With other girls I'm just too insecure to go for it. I also tend to fall hard and deep, but am 90% of the time too paralyzed by fear and self loathing to actually do something about it.
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