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New Loli Thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 212
Thread images: 148
New Loli Thread
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I miss you Sadako (61).jpg
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True Love!
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Reminder:If you can't stand loli porn then get the fuck off /b/ normalfags
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Anyone have the name of this doujin
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Thanks for letting me know that there's a new thread you dumb gross fuck. Sitting in your mom's house fapping to CP your so gross and such a loser
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>gf puss

I'm not into shota but I guess I like the idea of talking to a little boy
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lol welcome to /b/

You say that like it wasn't my intention to lure you here
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kinda being a tsundere there ya know.
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He's so adorable, were you in the last thread?
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This is my fetish!
Hey wierdo kid fucker s, remember what happened to the subway guy? Yeah, your next and the fucking footlong is gonna be in your ass soon and I bet your gonna love it you gross ass CP LOSERS
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True Love!
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Panties moved to the side?
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Subway guy?
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>mfw I love subway
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Don't know, but i'm sure i've seen it.

pic not related: doctor fish
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You're cute.
But it's not like they love each other, the loli is clearly kidnapped by the woman.
Yup. I'm all for the loli, idk why these newfags are getting their panties in a bunch. Especially over fucking drawings
where can i watch videos?

> came

Lure me here? I was already there... You must be the dumbest fuck ever, no wonder you get off on innocent kids you disgusting child molester
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Lolicon is legal where I am at so its all good.
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Fucking love subway
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You know it!
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I think it's just the average day newfag or someone that's gotten a little carried away with the fact they're turned on by lolis and wants to lash out.
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Ah no, give me a sec and Ill translate it all for you
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Hope they make it illegal!!1!

Don't ask, just do.
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>doesn't know how luring works

Oh my lord you read my fantasy like a book
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Yeah, Jared fogle the subway guy who lost a bunch of weight and the cops found CP on his computer and now he is in jail getting his ass railed and you creeps are next
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Okay, but just by the images, it's like it's just the woman who is having fun, the loli is crying.

Good choice, I don't have much of that specifically but I'll dump what I have with knickers
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Oh, I only really heard his name, havn't actually read the story.
yeah yeah we get it. Does the $5 foot long sandwich come with loli porn now? Cause I'm in for that. I can split it with you. The loli porn, not the sandwich.

I'd rather you not slap them but then again some people are into lolis in pain
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>get off /b/ normalfags

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Text on right, girls name is Hiro, her parents are dead, she's in the fourth grade

Text on left, She the older sister, a lolicon, a working adult, Hiro's foster parent, loves to rape Hiro

bubble on left is so cute

bubble on right, who is your owner
text on left, big sis

bubble is its not gonna fit over and over

bubble is she came
You don't belong here, just not cut out for it clearly
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>living in algeria
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I heard he revealed he's into high school girls, not even a real pedophile, just someone who likes em slightly younger
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sometimes you hurt the one you love most ya know. the older sister is just over enthusiastic.
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TY anon!

She's pretty cute
You should go back to tumblr
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She really is, isnt she?

No problem
>posts reddit and tumblr hate meme
I can be here as much as I want, autist.
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>all these normalfags
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how did you come to that conclusion?

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You can be here, sure, but you clearly don't fit in.
Is she from something in particular or just a random no name?

Let's face it, you come here for the lolicon
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Text chan did I catch you out that you get your jollies off and you're feeling guilty?
Oh shit I remember this one, that girl was waiting on the couch for her brother to come home.

Can't remember the name though, sorry.
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>enough fucks to save images for the lolicause

Oh spiderfag, don't play hard to get
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>overwhelmingly pro-loli thread

LOLI Wins - Good luck next time spideyfags
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Okay guys,i have a Riddle for you.
Loli is allowed in my Country,but Shota isnt.
Whats my Country?
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I miss you Sadako (187).jpg
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Alright, you got me, there's a backstory, kinda important.
But maybe, the older sister is nuts and she likes to rape her little sister, although Hiro doesn't actually like it, because she's crying.
But yee, it's lovely.
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who is text chan?
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Guess they think little girls are game but mini faggots aren't? I just found out technically in my country, biographies featuring child molestation accounts are technically child porn
They are in my Country too,but Loli is considered a Grey Zone.
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Someone took the time to make that meme even though its entirely wrong unless you live in some shitty country. Free speech is a wonderful thing
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don't get me wrong, I "know" that stuff like this isn't real and what happened to me when i was younger wasn't really love, But what I "feel" just doesn't match up.
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Anyone got dark skin or tanline lolis?
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Apparently both are a not to sure category for mine lol. Either way I jerk off to the biographies too so kek
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I guess it doesnt matter anyway. What are they gonna do,arrest you for possessing a bunch of Lines?
Sorry bro, looks like loli is here to stay. It's 1 spidey vs 100 lolis
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Dunno, I mean currently we've got actual rape, car-jackings, robberies and no doubt CP buzzing around in my town that hopefully they'd work out fantasy is not worth their time.
is.. is it even possible to fit something that big into such a little girl?
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Hey /b/, there are two little girls outside my house, beyond my fenced yard, they are sitting on my brick wall and eating their damn chips, they look to be around 10, maybe less years of age, they are wearing pajamas, should i call the cops?
[Oosawa Ofuda] Kininaru Fukurami _ Uneasy Swelling (COMIC LO 2015-02) [English] {Mistvern}
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I am too late for the party!?
You could possibly force it, but it'd fuck her up and there's a chance she wouldn't survive. If she does, she's probably need genital and rectal reconstruction surgery and will never fully recover.
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Is that against the law where you are?
What the fuck kind of town is that?
I fear that mine will become the same with the recent influx of a special kind of People.
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No you're not and either way I've got more to dump, switched to tan/dark from panties and I don't want pantyanon to get left out
Holy shit thanks anon
no, but they are loitering around my property, damn hooligans, i don't know where their parents are, they are just sitting their, talking about something, eating their chips, cant tell what brand, looks like barbecue
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It's not that extreme and no doubt it goes on in yours too you just don't hear about it. That's the whole point though unless it's actual CP or you're hurting a real kid, the police really shouldn't care.
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I miss you Sadako (245).jpg
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Oh you're the one that doesn't like loli, but just when there's an older woman giving her pleasure (raping her).
Because you indentify yourself with the victim.
But, sharing these pics for people to fap at the loli being raped, doesn't make you feel worse?

That means, that, you didn't like it, but you did like it. Enough to keep remembering it with these pics.
Ohh I understand, you lived what you lived, and that left you a mark. And now the only thing that turns you on is what makes you feel like how it was before.
It's your fetish, for life.
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honestly in my town, they would be more likely to attack me over being gay then having loli on my pc.
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how do i go back to liking normal porn and getting over loli?

i feel as if i am no longer a good person
i need a better sauce than that m8

>beyond the fence

That's public property then, if they cause a hassle then you can call the police but it's really up to you
>No longer a good person
only good people fapp to loli faggot
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I miss you Sadako (45).png
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The party died, months ago,
When That Person stole our hearts, and abandonned us.
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it happened to me over a very long time, I did not want it to end when it did. I feel like i would have been more normal if it didn't stop.

People are odd anon, as long as you don't hurt anyone, you're in the clear
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its the OVA to R15 and its the only scene like that.
But it doesnt,Anon. My Town is practically Crime-Free,i maybe saw one or two Police Cars in my whole Life here. But yeah, i never heard of a Case in my Country where someone got arrested for possessing Loli/Shota. Its just something thats written in Law but never enforced.
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You probably won't go back. It's arousing to know what you find attractive is taboo. On top of that there's so much amazingly drawn porn that you always have new material to find.

You're still a good person, you just find drawn children attractive.
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nah, i live in the midwest, gaybashings still happen here.
well they are gone now, good riddance, but i think they may be with the new neighbors that have moved into the house next to me, so i may have thing to worry about in the future, i also have an orange tree in my front yard, should i be worried they could get stolen
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Shinobu Oshino (10).jpg
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So i guess still nothing heard of Sadako? :(
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Well I'm glad to hear you town is doing so well in that regard, mine isn't so bad it's just yeah in the past few weeks that kinda stuff has happened here.

I think the reason we don't hear about stuff like that is because the cops go in, check their comp, see no actual CP and then realize it's not worth their time.
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Maybe put up a sign saying 'guard dog' and hope that keeps them out?
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That's just silly
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Yeah,thats most likely how it goes.
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Or I guess at worst they get put on the registry as being a risk but I don't think they can do that without actual real stuff.
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well i do have a dog too, but she is a mix between a Yorkie and a Shih Tzu so, i don't think it will fend em off
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â–² â–²
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is that a quarter for size? I want that chocolate.
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ill just keep an eye out for now, i live in an old neighborhood, and all this young people coming here, it just gets me on edge sometimes
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Doesn't actually need to fend them off, just a hopefully deterrent
I want that inflatable lime slice.
Imagine their faces while browsing all the Porn Folders
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Yea, I understand that.
So you think that maybe, when there's a child being abused, but not in a bad way, just like an act of "love" in the family, that act, should be extended as much as it's possible. Until the child becomes an adult at least.

But then, I think that that child, who grows up and becomes an adult, will feel forced to repeat the same action with his children.
It's like a pedophilia cycle repeat.

Do you think, you'll have to do that, if you grow up a family?
I'm not FBI, just a curious person, don't worry.
more this
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well she can bark, loud and a lot, and usually at strangers too, so i guess ill just settle with her as defense for now
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I know right?


They'd love it.
about 90% of this thread wants to see the real shit but no one has the balls to drop it. only beating around the bush with loli, that shit only goes so far fags.
Youre not fooling anyone,Officer.
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thanks /b/, I think i can feel a little safer with your advice now, just needed to post for comfort
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If you want to see real shit you could always try and summon baby bondage anon. I mean image limit is nearly hit so it wouldn't matter if the thread got pruned.
Do you think some Guys go to the FBI just for the chance to see real CP? Do they have to make a "Pedo Test" before that? Im really wondering
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no probs m9, hope you can keep em pesky little fucks out, gg
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Thanks, was hoping someone would post one in between.
No, I don't really think that should be the norm. I just think I would have turned out better myself. I can't even get along with other girls my own age that well let along younger ones. I had the opportunity to be with a younger girl once but wasn't interested. I was meeting with a woman I met online back when I was 15 and when she came to pick me up at the shopping center she had her daughter in the car with her. I always had a no surprises rule when doing that so I bailed. I don't wanna have kids either.
>dem floors

I had faith for today.
I really thought today was the day, He was coming back...........
He didn't.

I'm desperate, and heavily depressed.
I can't accept it, I can't, I just can't.
I can't accept that he's gone forever.... without even saying goodbye.......
My life has lost all the sense it had before.
Now I don't know what to do, how to move forward, how to start from zero.......
I'm dead.
That's all.
New threads up

It doesn't matter how long you have to wait you will get an anwser and don't forget I'm here for you aswell. :) Just keep your hopes up.
Wow, man, you're really interesting, I wanna see you more around here, if you can.

Personally if you think that you are that fucked in the head, and that you won't be able to grow up a family or not even have a life partner, you could try consulting a therapist.

Although it can be a little bit risky, depending on where you live.
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Thank you very much Sheeb.
I fear more that anything that I won't get that answer I need. Maybe he's gone forever.

I know some things, that could justify him not coming today... I could tell you if you want, but not here because it's more personal to him.
Sure you know we can always talk on the lounge. :)
Let's go to the lounge
Thread replies: 212
Thread images: 148

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