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Is it gay to finger your own ass hole?

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Is it gay to finger your own ass hole?
Yes, since you simulate penetration.
I mean it's just maturbation right? It's not like you are getting off because you are imagining a hard cock in your ass. You are getting off because the prostate is sensitive and it feels good.
It's stupid, but not gay. Gay a is mindset. Lust has nothing to do with sexuality, rather desire. Masterbation is such. Homosexuality means you crave the same sex, In a loving way, sex is just part of life, so they have sex. If sex was seen as more sacred, gays wouldn't sex, but they would be together. Thus, simply being together with the same sex makes you gay. Not sex, but love.
No. Not at all because this would not change whether you like guys or not. Being gay is an atraction to the other sex not penetration
Is it gay to fist your own asshole?

Exactly. So how is it gay to take another man's cock up your ass. A dick just stimulates my prostate better than a finger or toy ever could.
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It's not. I am a straight male. I have had many girlfriends. But sometimes I like feeling the sensation of a cock in my ass.
Who says it's Gay? And who's opinion really matters on the situation except your own? You know it's not gay, so why should it matter? It's just not natural. You'll ruin your rectum and get poop dick. Nothing was meant to go up your anus, your such a shitty person who only thinks about what feels good rather than what's healthy for you. And anal penetration is NOT healthy....but not gay.
no , asking for image of trap/ sissy / boybut is not gay too, keep straight like this
should we tell him?
i'll never understand this kind of insecurity. who the fuck cares whether it's "gay" or not? it's literally your body, you can do whatever you want with your butthole and you don't have to be ashamed because it's your butthole. your body
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>he is more worried about how gay this is than how good it would feel
Men plus buttholes always equals gay.

Even defecation is gay. Especially if you like it.

It's the law. There's nothing you can do about it.
is it gay to clone yourself and get jerked off by your clone ?
youre doing it yourself so its not gay
>I like feeling the sensation of a cock in my ass.

yeah that's not gay too.
No! God I wish I could clone myself. I would never need anyone ever. I know what feels good on my dick, and so would my clone. For me it would be gay. I love myself, I would love my clone. Love=gay. Not like I give a shit what anyone would think eaither
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>he isn't aware that not only would this feel amazing, but it'd be an amazing bonding experience among best bros
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Who cares, do what feels good. Who gives a shit what anybody thinks?
about as gay as touching and jacking your own dick off.
Jerking off is gay because you're giving a dude a handjob. Also sucking yourself is gay because you're giving a dude a blowjob. So yes, fingering yourself is gay, because you're putting a finger in a man's anus.

Grow the fuck up.
OP is now a fag without even finger himself
I've read and talked to enough people who've been penetrate to know that anal sex does not feel physically good. They say that knowing their partner is enjoying themselves is what feels good. Don't be a delusional fuck. The asshole wasn't meant to have anything go in it.
you are so insecure man
top kek

is it gay to have sexual fantasies where i'm raping myself at 10yo?

I would really love to rape a 10yo version of myself, and me at 10yo would really love to get raped.

I had raping fantasies since childhood. I know, it's funny.
is it gay to suck your own dick?
Then how is it gay if another man does it? It's just a cock in my ass. The cock provides a better sensation. It can hit deeper and harder. Just over all feels better
Idk who you have been talking to but that's not true. It feels fucking amazing. Expecially if you're a guy. The prostate was meant for this sort of thing otherwise it wouldn't feel so good. And this is coming from a straight male who has dated many many 10/10 females. I love women. But sometimes I love getting fucked in my ass I love the pleasure.
I doubt that very much. Were you ever molested or left alone for extended periods of time with access to tv/video games/internet?
Only if you're narcissistic

as far as I can remember, (sadly) i've never been molested :( I wish I was, I mean, REALLY.

I need to feel pleasure and dominance, I really mean it.

And yeah, tbh i've been watching porn for a good part of my life
Only if you get a boner.
it's kind of degenerative but not really gay.
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>hes never felt the full length of a cock pressing against his prostate

Seriously it's the best feeling ever and every guy should try it once
>the prostate was meant for this sort of thing otherwise it wouldn't feel so good.

This logic is flawed and fucked. Sweets taste good, but their not good for you. Crack feels good, not good for you. Cleaning your ears feels good, not good for you though. The feel Good generation needs to get fucked.
The prostate feels good for other reasons, your asshole was meant for shitting not being fucked in. Your ass is eaither loose or you forgot about your first time experimenting or being molested
Don't want Aids
My step father raped my asshole, it didn't feel good
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Sometimes I let my friend fuck my ass. Just him steady poking my prostate can literally make me cum right there. I don't tell my gf though because I don't think she would understand
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Masturbation isn't gay. If fist pumping some guy's cock doesn't count when it's you, then you don't have to count a little finger exploration. That's nothing.

why does it need any fucking logic? maybe we have an asshole to shit and shitting feels good for the prostate location in the rectum.

The thing is, if you can find another function (or you can exploit it), why would it be bad.

For example, I like to smoke weed because food tastes like the fucking last supper. I'm using that shit to be happy, to enjoy and for pleasure, why there must be any fucking logic to that. If I can use it for something, I will.
>your prostate is supposed to feel good for other reasons

And what reasons is that??? Exactly. Pretty shitty comparison there. But to go along with it. Sweets are fine in moderation. Just like getting your ass plowed here and there is okay.

Without a glove... Yes.
With a glove... Yes.
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It's not gay as long as you little white boi cucks are offering that ass hole up to your black overlords
Yes, but only if your finger is another man's penis
I suppose if you're a degenerate loser with nothing to lose, no social standings and very little self esteem maybe your reasoning for things makes sense. Logic is applied because people care. You wat your asshole turned inside out? You want multiple problems in life dealing with your hurt asshole because you couldn't control your desire for a short amount of pleausre? I guesses your problem, I'm only trying to let you know, that what you're doing is simply unhealthy. Just becuase it feels good, doesn't mean it is good.
If anal penetration doesn't feel good then why is this guy's cock rock hard?
I can get hard from an idea even if there's little pain happening to me. It's simply just getting blood to your dick. He's probably so loose he's got little nerves.
>just a couple of alphas fucking each other
>somehow this is gay
yes put dick in your gay ass until you prolapse when you shit, and then strangle yourself with you hanging large intestine.. you know find another use for your large intestine. then fine a meat grinder so you can make mince meat out of your little faggot balls, fingers and any other appendage you can mince up. that way you can feed your gay lovers faggot burgers and well as homo-sexually pleasing them.
Yeah anything great is bad in excess. Hell working out for you, which is generally considered great for you, is bad for you if you do it too much. It's not like we are saying to go take a fat 12 incher every hour. But a nice hard cock here and there, maybe every other day isn't a bad thing either.
Go lick some shmeat

what an idiot if you don't exploit those perks in your own body, you lived on the boundaries some fucking loser (such as your father) imposed to you.

I pity you. I mean, REALLY

yeah sure nig, because i'm ass fucking like a pornstar...

I mean, are you really THAT stupid? kek
This anon is right. View it like a good workout. Just let some guy work your ass hole out with his fat cock. Nothing gay about it
My whole point was, there is no reason for it. The penis was meant to expel piss an seaman. Piss is waste, seamen is meant to create life, a vagina is needed for that. When you say that becuase the prostrate feels good that the dick is meant for it, well that's plain retarded. It's unhealthy, causes terrible illnesses. Do you know what's in poop? do ya, dumbass? Getting that in your dick, way fucking bad. Maybe I don't know why the prostate feels good, but that's also subjective. Some people enjoy the tips of their dicks getting licked, or even hand jobs. I don't enjoy eaither one of those. You're just so far into the gay lifestyle, you can't find any reason to go against it. I consider myself gay, but would never have anal sex. 2 reasons; love and lust are two different things, and anal sex is unhealthy. Get good, kid.
speaking of prostate does one do so with fingers? Masturbating has gotten really stale for me...
When the fuck did I say I was a faggot. I am not a fag. I just like to receive anal every once in awhile. Moving on from that clean your ass hole. No guy who ever fucked me in the ass ever had shit on their dick after. It just takes a little preperation.
You don't seem to very smart.
Your post has so many grammatical errors.

you gotta love "seaman", fucking repressed homo kek.

Your drunk dad must've raped you when you were like 4 kek.
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Wait, what?
anal makes your colon walls collapse. its not it size of anything you might put up that ungodly hole, but how often you do it.

go ask a doctor you half wit.
I'm only going to say this once.

Anything to do with your ass unless it is taking a shit or farting is gay.

God did not make your ass to fuck, he made it to shit.- John 5:25
Wow dumbass.

>And so he spoke unto him, "it is not a homosexual act to take ones member up the ass." Ezekiel 5:32

Read the fucking bible

Holy shit, I wanna think you didn't even get my point.

Go back and try to reason why did I write that.

You can't even read properly, fucking shit...
Auto correct yadada don't base intelligence off simple things like correct grammar. You look like a dumbass with very little knowledge of what intelligence is. >>675576264
You don't have to be gay to be a part of the gay lifestyle, jackass. Anal sex is the foundation of it. You're participating in it, thus you are a part of it. I've said my peice. If you guys want to continue living in filth and making unhealthy choices, well I guess that's your problem and you can't be helped >>675576431 oh and you forgot this
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Actual King James Version Ezekiel 5:32 -

"And I will lay thy flesh upon the mountains, and fill up the valleys with they height"
... Anon is right, sounds pretty gay
>There are people in this thread right now who let themselves be fucked in the ass and still think they are straight


Learn English, fucking sandnigger.
Is it gay to jerk off your twin brother?
Identical twins are essentially clones.
I literally couldn't finish reading your post because of how much of your stupidity is shown through your barely coherent words.
you think you are just finding another use for your ass. your ass shouldn't have things repetitively shoved up it, it will make you prolapse.
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Lived in Washington state my whole life. Born here too.
You're so insecure. This isn't gay. Im as straight as they come. I promise you'd enjoy a good dicking if you'd just try it. Would that make you gay?
Nice skin anon. Do you use mens cum to moisturize it?
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not if you've got a really bad itch
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nah OP I do it all the time
So are you saying that it's gay to fuck a woman in the ass?

ikr, but some cock in you ass every now and then won't make you prolapse, I mean, you're not fucking every fucking day, i'm not that coon Yusaf Mack >:(
Try it sometime. You will want it again. Jesus. Pathetic how closed minded you are
See. And you are straight right? Ever take a dick up there
I was hoping you guys would be smart enough to use good reasoning. What do you think of wen you think of gays? Effeminate dudes and anal sex. It's just a staple. And yes, because she ha a perfectly good vagina, but like I've said before. What you do with sex doesn't define your sexuality, just your kinks. What you love and who you want to be worn defines your sexuality.
Kek your cock looks small. Let me see it
>suddenly you are a little gay because you wanna try fucking your girl in the ass

K then fag boy
Sometimes I think /b/ is just a bot that regurgitates the same shit every 3 months with small variations.
why are you gay or something?

it is, you've exit the matrix!
The matrix would know how to English.
No i am not a fag. Thats gross. I am as straight as they come. I fuck a different girl every fucking day bro. 10/10s every day. I've lost count how many. I am just saying. Prove your dick isn't small bro
no. it's just another form of masturbation. there are plenty of straight guys that have done pegging with their girl friends just for the experience.
Oh my fucking god. This post has to be bait.
This is quite possibly the gayest post I have ever seen on this whole site....
If that logic was correct, everyone who masterbates is bisexual.

Okay so I know it's gay to take a dick in the ass. But is it gay to fuck a guys ass. I mean it's just a whole. Because if I'm gonna be honest this picture makes me hard. Look how it grips his dick
think about it.. having someone fuck your ass is like having 3 month's of shits in an hour. put some mileage on that backside until your backfiring like chittychittybangbang. like saying that if you inhale i little bit of water you wont drown... indeed you wont drown but you will get fucked up
So you define gay as anal penetration rather than a man being attracted to another man?
What If two men are in a relationship but don't engage in anal sex? Are they still gay?
Why are you worried about it? Who cares what people think.
I bet you are the kind of guy who thinks a girls pussy gets looser the more she has sex. It doesn't by the way. And your ass hole is very much the same.
Ummm. Are you kidding me? Homosexuality is a sin. I don't want to burn in hell. So that's why I would like to know.
Dumbasses everywhere. Anal sex IS A STAPLE. Like a stereotype. There's truth in there, but not all the time. If you've read and understood anything I said, you would know that i beilive what is gay is what you love not what you lust.
LITERALLY THIS. What is wrong with you people. Homosexuality is wrong. It literally says so in the bible. What do you degenerates not get? What don't you understand? Why can't you people just stick to women?
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How to have a prostate orgasm with fingers?
Because women are stupid
I have no idea what you "beilive"
Because that isn't an English word and I don't speak retardese
Sounds like a personal problem
How does it feel knowing you will burn in hell?
I want cock in my ass but I not gay I had a lot of GF
Religion only says te bad because it coincides with population growth. You cant have children with the same gender in a natural way. I bet gays were rampant back in the day. Religion was there to tell them to stop so that people will get back on track of having kids rather than letting our race go extinct. A
Sure. Keep up with the excuses faggot. You people should be stoned to death
Actually there still is an evolutionary point on this, if shitting was meant to feel good, so we do it, why don't women have similar sensory inputs, seeing as they lack a prostate.

There's plenty of fucking monkey species that have homo erotic encounters to enhance social bonding, and god do we know the ancient roman and greeks did similar things.
Way ahead of you, kid.
We shit because we have to. This is the only answer you need.
And you will take my cock up your ass because you have to
Jokes on you, I'm not afraid of death.
Not if you're actually gay. Only if you're straight.
dream on.. a pussy has evolved to take that sort of pounding. you need to look into what im telling you. or better still don't, then enjoy being 45 with your ass hanging out.

you wont believe me, but what you will believe is the fact when its too late and the damage is done.
Fine then we will flay you and keep you alive until you repent
>How does it feel knowing you will burn in hell?
It's only a sin to commit sodomy, if gay people get married and never had anal sex they actually would be cool in gods eyes.

also the first story of sodom and gomorrah was horribly translated wrong intentionally. Because they simply thought being gay was wrong.

The story also ends up with the main character committing incest with all his children, so i'm not really sure what moral high ground that fucking story is standing on. Raping your 16 year old daughter good. Threatening to rough up angels bad, and the words "let them come out to play" was twist to, "hey, bring them out so we can ghey sec dem angel boipucci."

What are you even talking about? Fag trying to justify it. The bible flat out says don't be gay
lol where exactly. does it "flat out say? "
this must be your brother
As long as you're thinking of a woman it is not gay to shove a digit into your own ass hole.
Easter egg Jesus was hung be for the cross immortal reckoning lives
yes because youre attracted to your fucking anus and you being male makes you gay
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