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Irish Catholic thread. I'm Irish-American, so plastic Paddys

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Irish Catholic thread. I'm Irish-American, so plastic Paddys are welcome. No unionists or English allowed. Boston, Chicago, St. Paul get in here. Bobby Sands was a hero.

Fuck off nigger. Be American or be Irish.
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Fuck off potato nigger

American. I can be proud of my heritage. US is a relatively new country.
Cleveland here. Let me know when the Irish crime film set in your city has actually fucken happened, right?
SPUD nigger

iggerant pleb
oi wuz about to respond to this thrrread but oi wuz t'inkin about beatin me woif

Right, Cleveland too. My bad

What fucking accent is that?
>irish-american that feeling when the British are more Irish then you, go back to telling your friends how Irish you are >.>
Just had corn beef and cabbage last week and all my siblings have a drinking problem. I'd say I'm a spud nigger if one has ever been.

Watch out, OP. This is mainly a Protestant board. They'll bring their Puritan, judgmental, holier-than-thou mentality. Like their shit doesn't stink. English are the worst hypocrites on the planet.

Let's give the Catholics shit housing and shit jobs in NornIrn. Omg, they're hitting back? Weird. No guilt on our side. Savages!
The only thing dumber than a Catholic is a Protestant.

>join club
>club sucks, quit
>start new club with more or less same rules

Amen. The English and their clean conscience.

Yep cuz bombing civvies is hitting back. You're no worse than ISIL. Scum

IRA warned civvies before they hit targets.

I'm American, so I'm not well versed but didn't they bomb a fucking funeral!?
>>675569092t Isis should hate America for how they discretely Imperialize their country and Americans sit by like "yay freedom for all". So yeah no difference besides the discrete part.
St pattys day best holiday

Thank you, I wanted to express this somehow... i feel like Protestants get off on shame punishment. The guilty party should take their punishment. The victim should feel justice not get their jollies off on parading the criminal around like a dog
>take yer fuckin punishment
>say four hunnert hail mairies den crawl into me part o' de booth and sook moi balls roight

See how much better we are than this dog? 5 licks for a dollar, before the stockades boys and girls.

Yep cause the English never have had a public figure molest kiddies. Cough Jimmy cough

On the other hand, Jimmy never told people he was the agent of an extradimensional being who could arrange for you to suffer forever

Protestants get off on shame punishment

>MFW the Catholic Church made it a sin to be born.
This thread is all Americans and maybe one Feinian.
Americans claiming Irish is so cringey

Until you need us, there is a SIZABLE population in New England that would like to see NornIrn go back to the Republic. Boston in particular.
My family, is a great example of American awesomeness, we came here from Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Wales, France, and Canada, we must have loved America.
People in NornIrn don't give a fuck about leaving the UK. American "Irish" people give so many more fucks about this shit than the people who actually live there.
Hey what about the other people are are Irish-American, that live in smaller cities or towns?

Probably because they won their independence.

Losing creates losers.
The Irish can fuck-off. Except your bitches. The bitches I'll fuck.

Shame in the sense that the punishER can feel better about himself
Scotland started out as an Irish kingdom, the scots liked the Irish more than the English.
Funny I'm an Irish American dating a girl who's mom is straight off the boat from Scotland. Red hair and green eyes. No combination quite as beautiful, aye?
Not once we got to America. We just had an equal dislike of English rule back home.
Is the girl from Scotland too?
And the pinkest of the pink....

Post Celtic hotties!
I think we can all agree, we'd slam the fuck outta some firecrotch
Look, I've got Scottish AND Irish blood so I naturally sympathize but, really though, The Scots exist because of a long gone Irish Empire. The Irish were conquerors too.
Where my Southie micks at?
But her dad is Hawaiian and Irish so you'd be wrong she tans pretty well ;)

No she's American born.
Hey guys did you know I'm Irish!
Just look at my last name and my reddish beard!

Oh yeah I also love alcohol and acting all hard like real Irishman do so much!

Don't forget that I hate British people!

>every wannabe Irish guy ever
Get 'em OP. Tell these proddy fucks to fuck off!! Up the RA! Shit, I'm on a list now...
So do you speak Gaelic?
Buy those damn ginger boys...
At least we Scots are more a brown hair, rather than orange.
Not legal quite yet. Hahah not risking that. I'm 18 she's not though. Sorry to disappoint /b/ro

ah, but I believe that poetry is magic and that I can talk to the spirits of places

remember, if you can't make yourself interesting, make up some interesting bullshit you supposedly believe

I have been living in Ireland for the past five years and when I ask Irish people what they think about ''Irish'' Americans they respond with Cunts.
pretty sure that was a lone loyalist
Micheal stone was his name and he was not well in the noggin
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Northern Irish claiming to be Irish while sucking the queen's dick are pretty cringey too.
Found a new cool photo of Provo honeys
Potato nigger

pIRA is not IRA.
Oh if you are Irish tell me what this means faggot.

Dia duit conas ata tu
Of course someone had to say it.
Fuck bitches, get money?

From latin class in Catholic school, God has nothing to do with you? Am i close?
It means your a slack jawed crooked nosed irish waste of life.
>Europes version of a nigger
>Predating muslims

God is in contrast with you?
Perhaps but the Provos is synonymous with the Ira.
I know cause I actually have seen them in action (when I was a wee lad)
Yeah the truth hurts doesnt it
Jesus fucking christ no.
Dia duit is just a greeting but the end means like how are you or who are you I don't remember it's been a while since I went to Ireland.
>implying I am actually Irish
>Implying I wasn't forced to learn their horrible language.


What is it?
so what you're saying is, you moved there cause you're too much of a faggot to smoke
Check >>675575647
Not my problem faggot
617 area code here, Irish as well. Alcoholic go bruins
>so what you're saying is, you moved there cause you're too much of a faggot to smoke
Anon what the fuck does this have to do with anything?
Cant be irish and American faggot
Google lol
Jesus, Mary, and Joeseph, I hope you guys are going to Mass Easter Sunday.
Material, as an Irish guy with crippling insomnia, I hate to break it to you, but you're a yank. You were born in America, you're American, and you'll die an American. And for fucks sake, fuck off to another country when the mass immigration takes hold in your country. I've only ever heard wonderful things about Canada, try there.
he was forced to learn the language
if you deliberately move to ireland, it's because you don't mind not smoking
I love lucky charms. Guess I'm Irish too bros!
McKees Rocks near Pittsburgh!
Fuck all you Fenian scum. God save the Queen!
fucking faggots still believing in a sky man

accept the neverending void u cunts!!

OP here. You guys are miserable pricks. Fuck me for liking my heritage. Let's go USA, let them bald eagles FLY!!
Yeah fuck you
Q: What's an Irish Catholic's view of heaven?
A: A Knight's of Columbus chapter with an open bar.
Mate, as much as I would love a united Ireland, if only for the ol' man's sake, it's not all bad, we've got the NHS at least. Besides, if it was announced today that the north was being given back to the republic, Belfast would burn to the ground before you could blink. Cookstown too, but that would be an improvement.
With a faggot ass attitude like that no wonder the motherland is a floating rock of debt. You made the country shit, prick.

How would Derry fair?
>Maggie thatcher for life
Not too badly, so long as the prods only have themselves to rely on. If the army gets involved... Been there, done that, don't want to talk about it.
Aye, cause I'm in charge of the country's fuckin' bills, ya fucking twatwaffle.
Didn't the Vikings rape your ugly Celt women and pillage your shit-rock island? Why are you proud?
Because being retarded is tolerated in these current times
And now it's the sandniggers turn to rape and pillage. Oh how the wheels turn anon. Oh how those wheels turn.

Only reason i ask is because my father's family is from county longford (probably why they moved to US, that place is dreary as fuck), and my late mother is from Derry
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Oh fuck dude, been there, never again. I'd take Dublin first, and I fucking DISPISE Dublin.

My condolences on your ma, by the by.
i dont even know what that is, my continent isnt being overrun by sand niggers

Minnesota Irish here, I'll kick your fucking ass in hockey. Good teamwork on miracle on ice though.
we must be related
actually, i've met some of them. boston and the surrounding neighborhoods have interplay leagues and alot of the used to couch. my dad played with them in exhibition games all the time.
The reason why there are so many Irish in America is because ladies love us, and condoms are for faggots.
Irish and English people always be like "blah blah boston irish don't know what theyre talking about blah blah stop giving the provo terrorists money". when you raise a family or ten plus on a city bus driver's pay, you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself.
Anon... Fuck, man, I want to help you, but you need to start making some fucking sense before I can do that.
labhair gaeilge?
They already make enough money from the heroin. True facts. Don't believe me? Have a stroll through the shittier parts of Dublin, then get back to me. Providing you weren't shivved for your wallet of course.

This is a really good point. Not a samepost. I've heard people get pissed that boston funded IRA and this is a good sociological reason why
What, you couldn't have put the money into your own community? Help out a school? Or something? Jesus Herbert Christ
>I cant
>Im irish
i meant pre 1998-2001. not condoning the actions of the provos necessarily, but non provo contemporary IRA = pure evil. ironic, boston has the US's worst heroin epidemic.
thank you. just my thought from being around such people.

I bet more was put into the Church or Catholic charities, it was a bar thing. There was a saying... A dollar... something
both were a front for NORAID, at times.
Can someone post a fuckin black irish (dark hair, blue/green eyes) goddess in this thread? For Christ's sake

Too drunk to google, Paddy?
east fourth street bitch
Don't even fucking start me on the church, they've fucked us worse than the brits ever did, and they sold us as fucking slaves
I know a nigger creates a certain image in your head BUT in europe niggers are white
I bet this guy was all
on St. Paddys day

Don't be salty our ancestors made the smart move and jumped ship and yours didnt.

I use to seduce and friendzone a scott protestant girl in North St. Paul so fucking hard back in the day. They're really not that prudish. Definitely vocal about not liking Catholicism but they'll still take one for the church.

Fuck you mean?

This guy was on W 7th St on St Pats.
To name but one incident.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, you soup taking yank.
Haha W7th looks so fucking different now
All the bars people I knew worked at or were regulars are gone.

Fuckin soup?
Irish people deserve to hate Americans. Just a bunch of self righteous assholes who think they did nothing wrong by letting France Ireland and almost England fall to name a few in WW2 and even more recently use that to make them let us land planes there for our illegal oil war. At first I was upset the people I share blood with hate me for being American until I realized I'm not the type of American they hate Americans for.
what does that even mean you fag
Irish came to America. Built this shit on our backs (italians helped). Put most of our people in two World Wars. Still have love for the homeland. Disdain for the British twice over. You Irish fucks fucked over the homeland. Suck the queens cock. And you smirk at the Irish American s.
>letting France Ireland and almost England fall

you mean in a war that they started and we had nothing to do with
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Ah, right, back during the famine the soup houses(run by prods) would make soup with meat in it on fridays, but taigs couldn't eat it, cause eating meat on a friday is a sin (it's retarded, I know, just roll with it), so some converted to being prods, ever since then soup taker means a traitor. THE MORE YOU KNOOOOW!
Just because Hispanics are a thing, doesn't mean you Irish faggots are accepted anywhere.
>implying America and its companies didn't create nazi Germany

Ford motors, Remington, and so many other AMERICAN companies profited from both sides of the war and we made arms deals the whole time and cut off oil to Japan but cried like babies when Japan attacked us back. We held out until we could take the power for ourselves.
It means I fucked your mother. Repeatedly. Then wiped her shit off my knob with your pillow case.
We got an arm chair lawyer.
What's a legal war? What makes it illegal? Where is all the oil going, you see soldiers driving tankers around? In a world full of fucking cameras and video recorders you'd think you'd have some proof.
Fuck that shit I don't eat meat on lent, only time I done that is if I forgot what day it is and when I was in basic combat training maybe pretty sure I skipped meat on those Fridays wasn't about to get my shit in a knot over it there though since I was already giving up a lot of regular shit in the spirit of lent there anyway.
my dick bigger than yours
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Funny, she said the same thing. To be fair, she does have a massive cock on her.
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tbh Bostonites out, Newfoundland is most Irish place in North America

Look around, Google is your friend. I mean oil was based off of the American dollar initially. Do some research friend.
Does that justify literally funding the murders of innocent people? It's no better than a Saudi in the same position funding Jihadists. You want a united Ireland? You're not Irish, you're American. There's people in Northern Ireland (a lot actually) that are quite happy being part of the UK.

This is why we equate Irish with niggers. Have a planned pregnancy, otherwise use a profilactic. Fucking catholic
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Dude you don't even have an answer to why the war is illegal before you start saying it, you google after someone calls you on that shit.
Fuckin spouting off your oil shit too, you think maybe during those bradly manning leaks if that was happening they'd of been in that? Wasn't a fucking word about it in the news.

Quit being a shit head. I get it war is bad you don't like when people die.

Simple we went in unilaterally without UN permission. False pretenses, no WMDs. It was an oil run to support the military industrial complex.

Bobby Sands starved himself because he was a cuck. Shit all over himself too. Taig dog.
Man to be completely honest I type that shit daily and just didn't feel like it. Think what you want but I'm so tired of Americans believing we got to the top without stepping on other people.
Fucking /thread

And I'm American. You other Americans who want to claim potato nigger are retarded faggots.
Alright that's better, I nearly expected you to go off on a rant about how the Earth is flat since someone called you on your bullshit.
Still going on about the oil thing, so attacking the oil fields will some how magically manufacture, process, and transport all that oil? All at once? Fuck guns are amazing I didn't know they could do all that.
If we didn't have support from the UN why where UN forces there with US troops? At worse they pulled something similar to
There were no false pretenses they had intel and acted on it. What would you be complaining if we did find something like a WMD ready to go?
Every day? Fuck it must be nice getting a big fat welfare check to sit around and bitch about the country that's paying it out on the internet.
Hard at work to become a fireman right now actually. I'm 18 shadowing an emt and going to a jc. Thanks for the assumption of what I am though haha don't blame you. I do complain too much. I'll never change anything. People are set in their ways so I may as well live out the rest of my days happy and apathetic.

There was intel that they weren't taking yellow cake from north africa from that one dude, then cheney outed valerie plame. Something about tubes was fishy. They lied to us.
You can't be English and famous without being some form of sex offender/rapist/molester these days. It's part of the package.
We don't feed our cows corn, we feed them grass. You'd know if you lived here, there's a bull across the road from every fucking house.
There was still WMD related chemical weapon stuff. But yeah by all means if you guys wanna live around ISIS nobodies gonna stop you. These guys didn't just magically appear these people been around for years doing their bullshit long before the US ever showed up. I know, I know "It's all the US' fault" That's why they use Russian weapons.
Oh you're 18, that explains it you grew up with that silly liberal meme talk.

Yeah wtf, Jimmy is your example? Try House of Lords.
In California yes, so I'd agree with you but fiscally I'm conservative. Socially I believe in doing whatever you want to do as long as you're not hurting someone else in the process. I guess I just want change.
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