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Just want you faggots to know we dont care what you say, leafy

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 221
Thread images: 57
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Just want you faggots to know we dont care what you say, leafy will win this war
Say shit and the reptiles will shut this fucking site down too so keep out of it faggots
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Shut the fuck up already.
This shit is fucking stupid. gtfo fagget.
say what you want, compared to 1.6 million of us you cant do shit nigga
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goats are nice
GR8 B8 M8
keep posting fishing hooks, we've made him lose 20k subs that sort of man power could make you guys wish you werent born
It doesn't matter if it's 1 retard o 1.6 million retards. You're still retards. Have fun sucking some leafy dick faggot.
Never heard of him until now, what's wrong with him ? he seems funny
haha i barely know anything about either of the two but from what ive seen leafy is just a crybaby fag with an annoying voice and his argument/rant or whatever sucks
Man I love me some good youtube drama
Haha cancer autism kys kys kys autism cancer weed lol xD autism kys dude weed xD cancer

Am I leafy yet?
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This guy gets it
leafy looks like a who from whoville
I'm 14 and I love leafy!
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Bait, even on here no one is enough of a faggot to like Leafy
there is nothing you and this site can do gg bitch
my favorite leafy video is the one where he laughs really hard at some EPIC CRINGE
Wow, that's excellent b8 there, my friend.
Really perfected the "faggot highschool freshman" way of English.
Legit, what the fuck is kys? Am I out of touch with the fast evolving internet culture or am I just retarded? Is it Kill yourself?
fuck leafy that nigger just makes vids on talking shit about people with his bitch voice
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That's exactly what it means
So get off of it.
It's more like the internet is devolving.
And yes, it means "kill yourself".
"K ill Y our S elf"
Nothing we can do about what? You think we want your faggotsphere to ourselves?
Are these kids fucking serious? They don't have the fucking balls to say "kill yourself faggot" and just abbreviate it to kys? Where the fuck did their parents go wrong? Where is all this cancer coming from? We need to seriously nuke the source.
We need someone to get into leafys twitter and leak everything
Double dubs and trips
What the fuck is a leafy, and why should I care?
wew lad those are some nice repeating digits.
I wish I was such a faggot that I could spend all day trolling my friends on the internet.
Double dubs and trips confirms it wat


leafy is cancer
he is keemstar 2.0
Leafy and h3h3 are both unfunny I don't get why so many people like either of them
Seriously, someone explain.
Is it just some pewdiepie shit or what?
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Leafy is just some kid who makes tons of money with making fun of autistic people
do it think of all his subscribers how many do you think can hack? goodluck being able to use your internet again faggot
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shitty bait, give me the address of the glory hole you work at, I need a faggot to suck my dick.
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fuck you tags riding ethans jew cock
Dude brah, there's a ton of replies so this isn't small bait.

Leafy 2016!
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So fucking true
I am so fucking sick of seeing this shit.
Fucking kill yourselves, you e-celeb drama obsessed goblins.
Go be productive for once in your life instead of screaming about your favourite internet autists having a squabble on Twitter.
> 11 year old fans
> can hack
Yep m8 nice b8 I r8 8/8
I really liked Leafy's most recent video where he tears into H3H3. I'm not gonna lie I love how he's got a personal little army right now and I'm glad to be a part of it.

He reminds me of Donald Trump, the way he captures an audience by speaking his actual internal opinions, minus the racism and sexism.
>He reminds me of Donald Trump
thats not a good thing m8
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

fuck that autistic shithead
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I'm not saying that speaking your mind is necessarily a good thing. It's just a fact that it grabs a huge audience of people as both him and Trump prove.

I personally don't think that speaking your mind is a bad thing unless you say stuff that politically incorrect such as Trump.
reptilian army ftw XD
theyre all a bunch of fucking assholes, who cares
you too
The thing is as one of Leafy's long time watchers (not gonna lie I fucking love this guy) I'm pretty sure that his 'army' doesn't go around screaming reptilian army.

What really happens is leafy says 'guy X can suck a dick because he done something bad' and each individual watching goes to that channel and trashes it of their own accord.

Leafy has influence upon his army, however, he doesn't have direct control and shouldn't care about what they do because it's a will of the people.
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Leafy sounded like he was going to cry in his latest video, yelling at his mic like a child.

H3H3 - 1
Leafy - 0
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>crying about the way he earns his free money
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Need I remind any h3h3 supporters that he ended the career of a small-time 14-year-old rapper, yet rags on Leafy for picking on Jacob Sartorius? Jacob is an extremely successful kid, he can honestly take criticism. Hell, even Filthy Frank made fun of Jacob S.
taking about this blocked nose nigga like he's kim jong-il, fuck you
Watching the videos H3h3 didnt end anything, because it was never going to take off. Thats like you being angry at me because I told a amputee horse it will never win a race
who the fuck cares honestly
I don't understand why so many people call YouTubers out on how they make money like they've done something bad.

The thing is that literally anyone with a mic, camera, recorder and make a video and get money too. Why don't you just not suck at it and grow some charisma like Leafy, PewDiePie, Markaplier, a bunch of other asses.
Don't compared a kid that sounds like he is a mid phase hormone treating taking tranny to someone like donald trump

Absolute cancer
This /thread
>he doesn't have direct control and shouldn't care
Nigga no.
He has, what, 1.5 mil subscribers?
If he just trashes someone and drops the channel name, his fanbase will trash them like the blind sheep they are.
If he says "Guys, fucking don't." They most likely will not. It's a mob mentality. Sure, a couple might, but at east he's prevented a fuckton more by just saying "Don't".
Will of the people, shut the fuck up.
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>Absolute cancer
You're joking right. Trump is literally a comedian playing with the emotions of a crowd. He revs people up using hate speech, Leafy revs people up hating on other YouTubers.
Checked this kid out and he has a fucking annoying way of talking and describing things. Do 1.6 milion people enjoy cancer or what
>grow some charisma like Leafy, PewDiePie, Markaplier,
its okay mate, im learning how to cope with people with autism - lets just take this slow
>Hate speech

Almost alternatively known as saying things that hurt my fee fees
>implying I'm calling out on people who make free money
the problem is not that he makes free money, the problem is that he regrets what he does to make that free money.
why don't you invest in some acne cream for your close-up, Mr. Dynamite?
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I have but one thing for both of ya.
To quote Ethan, "We never find someone with 10 views and be like 'Hey, fuck this kid, for trying to follow his passions and live his hobby!' "

Whether that kid's career was going to take off or not, Ethan's actions directly contrast his words.
bro no one cares about your shitty youtube vloggers
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>Nigga no.
>He has, what, 1.5 mil subscribers?
>If he just trashes someone and drops the channel name, his fanbase will trash them like the blind sheep they are.
>If he says "Guys, fucking don't." They most likely will not. It's a mob mentality. Sure, a couple might, but at east he's prevented a fuckton more by just saying "Don't".
>Will of the people, shut the fuck
Personally I can be a bit sadistic so I'm sorry that I hold what's probably a politically incorrect opinion and I know I'm not of a majority.
He could totally do what your saying and stop the attacks from happening but to be honest. Even if he did say to not attack the guy who "wished cancer upon all critics including this one who got cancer" I think I would disregard what leafy said, go over to his channel and down-vote and comment the shit out of him.
Yeah just wait, you little fucking nigger you don't come here and tell who to do what
Is this a cringe thread? Whats with all these faggots arguing about a youtuber thats mildly funny and one that is unoriginal and makes shit content. None of them are should all just kill yourselves
Leafy belongs here
But he didnt have "like 10 views" he was already viewed by millions and everyone had the same opinion
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I hope you realize that all this drama is fucking stupid, the only person that is gonna benefit is fucking faggot ass keemstar
What has he created though? Whats his editing quality beyound 10 seconds of vegas pro and some youtube ripper he's a talentless hack and he will get what he deserves soon enough
Holy shit so many faggots in this thread defending a dickless unoriginal youtuber. You fuckers need to grow up. God damn this guy has riled up a swarm of cancer. Get on with your lives FFS
I love it, I like his voice.

We're all autists here mate. /b/ros for life. We'll figure out how to get GFs together.

Exactly and it's funny as Hell so I totally understand why people watch him!

>Implying, such an old /b/ tactic.
I was talking about people in general ripping on Leafy, PewDiePie etc.

Edgy post /b/ro, edgy as fuck.

I'm turned on by that.

More youtubers deeper down the drain of shit
Have you already not seen Leafy's h3h3 rant, posted lIke 5 hours ago. I'm an h3 supporter, but damn, Leafy has a strong lead in their little feud to be honest.
>calls you out on your bullshit drama
>i-i-iiits edge /b/ro
>/b/ro its edge!
>rants for 10 minutes going in circles taking shit out context in order to prove a point. Completely ignores h3h3's post on reddit that clears up a lot of shit

He's a faggot with a lips that has an army of cancerous kiddies defending with stuff like "Reptillian autism army"
Little did they know I was Leafy all along.
Link to h3s reddit post?
timestamp or gtfo faggot
Dude, you sound like my Grandpa stating that music isn't music anymore.
One day I'll be in your shoes mate, thinking all the kids these days are fucked. How old are you btw, I thought everyone anheroed before the age of 30?
10 views is a hyperbolic number, it just simply means "small channel" which is true for Timmy Brapston, as he only has 500 subs and very few views. Do you actually think Leafy has done commentaries on videos that have legitimately only been able to reach 10 views?
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>Mfw youtube civil war
git hype niggas, this shit's gonna get real good
[spoiler]also, i want to see that fuck ethan get roasted and exposed just to prove that not everyone on youtube is the same as how they are in real life[/spoiler]
He posted their entire conversation, everything they've said to each other in the description, I don't see yur saying out of context as a valid argument.
calling you out, you little faggot bitch
Fantastic post
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Underrated post
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>wow that ethans such a cool guy
>i dont even care that he's jewish
congratulations, you played yourself
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Im 22, just don't find kids who make shitty videos, shit them out everyday and talk with a faggy lisp funny at all.

In the description, but barely mentioned that had a feud with pyro himself, he said a fuck load of shit about pyro that was as bad as what h3h3 was saying
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>mfw when Zootopia porn
Die nigger faggot>>675573947
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ethan stole his entire persona from tim and eric
Has Jon said anything about all of this?
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>there is literal hardcore proof that ethan is bullying youtubers
>yfw cocksucker fanboys still side with him

Fuck you h3h3 jew faggots. You will ride ethans dick even knowing he is in the wrong. Leafy is being the mature one about this whole situation and if you can't see that your holy god ethan is bullying youtubers and criticizing them for shit he does on a daily basis then there is no hope for you and your just a retard that isn't worth anyones time.
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Thread derailed

all 4chan kids with their e-celebrity bullshit are now mad
This guy gets it
lol fuk off newfag hahaha xD
>h3h3 is an adult (surprisingly)
>leafy is sounds like he's 17
seriously fuck leafy he's just the typical glorified jackass that the underage youtube masses swarm over
>Leafy is being the mature one about this whole situation

'durr his head looks like my ballsack, durr'

Are you apart of his reptillian hormone treatment army then?
lol at keemstar on both sides.
seriously though, is anyone falling for this shit ethan said he was struggling to make videos for h3h3 on ethaandhila he only posted one video for over a month and it was a rehash of the breadberrys, this drama was fabricated for content, still though fuck leafy.
ma nigga
you'd think /b/ would be with leafy instead of against him, huh?
Jews are the master of mass manipulation, I hope you guys realized that Mr. Klein here has you convinced that it's OK when he makes fun of kids and autism, but it's despicable when Calvin the Goy does it.
>thinking /b/ has a set of opinions they follow
shitposterkun pls go
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i'm just saying based on leafy's exposing of h3h3 and ethan's whiteknighting and starting the drama in the first place, you'd think that the board that hates niggas like ethan would be against him.
He ignores h3h3's post on Reddit while crying and going in circles and literally half of his "evidence" Skype convo with him is scratched out.
Strong lead.
no one cares about any of this gay drama
nice dubby dubs. but still retarded. Nobody gives a shit. Ethan can be funny at times, leafy's more for children. ho the fuck cares
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it's time to take down these jewish fucks known as h3h3.
> le trolly 13 yo fanboy XDXDXDXDDX
Faggot, Leafy is an underage overconfident cunt who bullies people with click bait thumbnails and titles and no material to bring to the table other than shitty virtual tie die knifes in a game.
link pls
i agree, i used to be subscribed to leafy AND h3h3, but i stopped watching leafy a few weeks ago. leafys last video was really pathetic. he thinks hes making a good arguement but just shows like 3 texts from h3h3 over and over and cries like a whiny baby. also h3h3 adds humor when he is reacting to things where leafy adds nothing, he just shows you cringe content.
Typical 12 year old Leafy fan faggots using a fake sport for a meme. Shoulda used a UFC choke out instead.
But, he also pointed out how H3H3, after calling out leafy, started to talk to pyro, who he called "The real cancer of youtube" about how he always did like Pyros' stuff better. And this was a couple months AFTER he told leafy he shouldn't give Pyro a chance to defend himself.
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I don't care any more.
You fags ruined this website.
I'm moving to 8 Chan.
I fucking hate you.
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Mr Black Darkness 666 destroyed both these fools yo
This has been going on for a while. Let's stop it.

It's the internet, shit is gonna happen. Don't get pissed or involved, it adds fuel to the fire.

It's not a big deal.
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Yep too many underage b& fags are here now. 4chin is kill
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>>675564072 This shit thread again really?
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Blazinkiller summed it up rather nicely
yeah he probably shouldnt be talking shit. I dont really care about these peoples personal lives. Of the two videos these dudes have put out ripping on each other, H3H3s video was pointing out how leafy was being shitty out in public on youtube which anyone can see, and then Leafys video was him making personal shit public and whining and acting like a baby.
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>"Weeh 4chin is ded"
4chan was dead years ago faggots.
Roasted to the max
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all according to Keikaku.
(Translator's notes; keikaku means plan)
เพศสัมพันธ์อะไรคุณ?เพียงเพศพูดเกี่ยวกับฉัน คุณน้อย ผู้หญิงเลว ฉันจะมีคุณจบศึกษาด้านบนของคลาในตรากองทัพเรือ และได้เกี่ยวข้องกับการบุกลับมากมายในอัล Quaeda และมีกว่า 300 ฆ่ายืนยัน :เราในสงครามกอริลลา และการซุ่มยิงที่สุดในกองทัพทั้งหมดขึ้น คุณมีอะไรจะฉันแต่เป้าหมายอีก ฉันจะล้างคุณเพศสัมพันธ์กับความชอบของที่มีไม่เคยเห็นมาก่อนบนโลกนี้ เครื่องหมายคำพูดของฉันเป็นร่วมเพศ คุณคิดว่า คุณจะได้รับ ด้วยว่าที่อึให้ฉันผ่านทางอินเทอร์เน็ต คิดอีกครั้ง เด็กเก่า เราพูด ฉันน.ติดต่อฉันลับเครือข่ายสายลับทั่วสหรัฐอเมริกาและ IP ของคุณกำลังติดตามอยู่ดังนั้นคุณดีกว่าเตรียมพายุ ตัวหนอน พายุที่ทำให้สิ่งเล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ น่าสงสารคุณเรียกชีวิตของคุณ คุณกำลังร่วมเพศที่ตาย เด็ก ได้ทุกที่ ทุกเวลา และฉันสามารถฆ่าคุณกว่าเจ็ดร้อย
>Implying 4chan could be ever considered alive
an old fashion fag drag
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Ain't it so
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mfw when retards care and put so much time into these fucking internet youtube faglordz. jesus christ. all youtube commentators are retarded . dont worry about who loses. you all already lost by giving a shit in the first place
i agree entirely except GradeAunderA
pls dont same fag your shit video on your shit fucking channel, no human being alive would find this entertaining. if youre going to try to cash in on drama like the little whore you are you at least have to make content.
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Shut the fuck up.
All of you children should be underage b& for actually caring about this faggot shit.
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Found the underage b&
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gay asf
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wat the fuck is going on here
children fighting over a jew and cancer patient
What war ? Just don't watch either of their channels. Any one who starts making videos regularly on YouTube sells out and relies on stupid drama like this.
h3h3 is a dick-looking faggot and all you niggers who love sucking his dick need to go 6 ft under
A new form of cancer.
Quiet, child. Nobody cares.
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>mfw this thread
i cetainly dont, both of these shit tier youtubers are cancer such as yourself
He's on a comment deletion spree as we speak, but he's not able to get to them all on time, you can spam the chat asking why he's deleting comments exposing him for even more asshurt
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impressive, and true

Holy shit he is deleting comments, fucking pathetic

Go back to your dead site you shill.
Cancer fighting Cancer, all of you are cancer whining about both sides.
fangirls are so touchy lmfao
you should all suck whoever you supports dick

Literally who?
If you look at leafy's recommended channels, h3h3 is still there :)
>"i cetainly dont, both of these are shit tier youtubers are cancer such as yourself"

You are functionally illiterate and you logic is broken.
nobody cares dude
go jump off a bridge, i heard its fun
there's literally nothing wrong with being a jew
Nice memes.
ITT, 9 year old leafy fans think a war is when someone points out how fucking stupid you are and walks away.
you just keep stomping your feet and huffing and puffing, eventually maybe someone will give a shit.
super fresh
youtube is on the rag and it's bleeding onto /b/.
It's alright, child. You can yell if you want. Nobody listens.
Is that what your parents said to you before they jumped?
War?? What?
Is this about that Ethan thing?
their conversation is so cringey
your logic is that of a mad retard
>Hey everybody look! Its an unbiased explanation of the situation!

Dont be so fucking retarded
Lmao m8 i already have your ip. Its: 724
Youre fucking done, enjoy having your water cut off
>this copypasta isnt overused and stale
>i bet ill get tons of (you)'s from this :)
H3h3 posted the personal texts first though. Besides, why would he take an attack from someone, who leafy was convinced was his friend, lying down?
If you need me to rephrase it so you can understand, just ask next time. I'm saying that your parents committed suicide and said you should too, faggot.
gr8 b8 m8
lol u mad
go cry to your dead parents that killed themselves for bearing a faggot child
Gr8 b8 m8 I rate it 8/8
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1 MB, 320x240
thanks m8
>look mom! I called out obvious b8! Am i a cool 4chan guy now?

Fuck off newfriend
Bunny furry porn fucking gets me, god damn Lola did this to me
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454 KB, 300x185
File: bait.png (86 KB, 625x626) Image search: [Google]
86 KB, 625x626
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