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name a better game than this pro tip: you can't

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 297
Thread images: 111
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name a better game than this
pro tip: you can't
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you just gonna stand there like a lemon?
Hitman blood money
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gril playing fable is live now
edgy af
Witcher 3, fuck you
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
someone round here's gunna get a punch sandwich. And I'm not hungry.
Good game, the best? Nah
entire jak and daxter series
Greatest of all time confirmed
bumping for this
All I want is fable 4, and now it looks like lio head studies is done...
Black and White
once i played *******
nothing can beat this
Mass Effect
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2
Demon Souls
And Dark Souls 3 in the close future.
Also Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen is pretty good..
fable is better than dark souls 2
Would it be cheating if I said Half-Life/Half-life 2?
all of these games suck ass
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Fallout 4 and any COD:MW3
Dark Souls 2 doesn't have the best map and enemy design, but the Lore and Gameplay are fucking GOAT tier.
Anyone who doesn't see this is either stupid or is blinded by their huge hard on for Miyazaki.
Bad Rats
Give me one fucking good reason why you fucking faggot.
they all have the letter "D" in them, which is what you appear to like
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I bump dis
>The first thing you think about is dick.
Your mind works in weird ways /b/ro...
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jesus the only good games in this thread are hitman, paper mario, and the half lifes
or they like video games that aren't shit
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Can't we just turn this into the superior game thread?
I can't. This game has so much replay value for its age.
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real best game here
>only good games
>doesnt mention this
i'll fight you nigger
Then say why Dark Souls 3 is shit faggot.
Anything but what i said about the design.
Go on.
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No one says TF2
The world's greatest war themed hat simulator
TF2 is shit tho.
Dark Souls is better.
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Thinking 3 was good
>you need help
i will fight you nigger
>TF2 is shit though
Nigga you just don't have any unusuals. Poor bastard prolly has pyrovision/gibus combo
Fallout New Vegas nigger
Too casual

Pretends to be a hardcore rpg series by making the plot obscure and the mechanics dreadful. Is actually just as casual as Fable.
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I want to make love to this game
3's the best one tho
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You played 3 right? Cause the first was phenomenal, the second was still good. But nigger that third one was just no. The ending was worse than ME3
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Im not the only one?
dark souls master race
>... any cod:mw3

Fuck you and die faggot!
Fable 2?
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The Dawn of War series
The elders scroll: skyrim
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The only one better imo
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Pro tip: Yes I can.
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Final fantasy 6, paper Mario thousand year door, Luigi's mansion, fallout 2, resident evil 4.
Fable 2
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Red Rover
Bought it and haven't played yet is it good?
Shit compared to 1
are you confusing jak 3 with ratchet 3? cuz jak 3 is the shit ever
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dark souls 2 was awesome.
not as good as the first but still a great game
Beg to differ, Fable2 was funny and good.
No I wasn't a ratchet and clank kinda guy. I still got jak 3 if you don't believe me
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>The mechanics dreadful
Until that point i respected your opinion, but that's just straight up casul talk.
And i just can't stand casul talk...


C A N ' T



the best shit ever. i fucked up
>dark souls series

fucking wrong. 90% of the "lore" is just headcanon and fanon. thats not game lore.
Hell yes, RE4
The first two Fallouts. Can't really think of other games I can say I like definitively, I sort of stop being able to enjoy most things since a few years back, it's kinda like that episode of South Park if anyone knows which one I'm talking about.
Git gud m8
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>Admitting you like any fallout after 2 on 4chan

This hands down
This one deserved trips
absolutely amazing, its honestly one of the best games I've played so far. the secondary content is actually worth finding (some of the chat logs actually made me mindfucked so hard I'm still somewhat shaken) and the ending is incredible. I can't really say more than that because then the nature of the game would be spoiled, just trust me
Literally any game is better than that garbage; what're you like 12?
Yet Miyazaki confirms theories, so yeah it is lore faggot.
>Implying that the lore being interpretative is bad or that it means that the game has no lore.
You're the most autistic person i ever saw in this board.
i dont know how you can like 1/2 but not 3 unless your just talking about story because the gameplay is like 1 and 2 combined
I will make the best game ever. Fuck you faggots, Boku No Pico: The Game will be the best game of all time. OF ALL TIME. Complete with the ice cream scene and the ice cube. Dog toy DLC confirmed. Incoming Tokyo Tower assfuck-assfuck DLC.
lots of games are.
but Fable 1 is still fucking awesome
Beat that shit like 30 times. No regrets still fun as fuck
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2 gud 1 bad
Red faction was the shit
Making the player character controls RE1 tier while giving enemies free 3D movement isn't hardcore. It's just stupid. If you're not a mage, it's just an endless parade of dying to memorize enemy attack patterns, and rolling to stab them in the ass. No real strategy. Like an NES game with enhanced graphics. If that isn't casual, idk what is.
Red Dead Redemption
No man gameplay was good but the story ruined the whole thing for me
this x1000

this x800
>writer too lazy to develop in game lore
>just agrees with fans

thats terrible writing.

theres a difference between a universe with interpretative lore and universe with no explicit lore.

I enjoyed dark souls but the lore is ganky fanon with little to no consistency
but jak 3 is the best doe :'(
Someone has never played re1 or ds obviously
I've still got my old ps2 and a shit ton of games
So I know a thing or two bout ps2
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The fuck m8
If you can't react roll or block you have literally zero reflexes.
Also Dark Souls 2 fixed the movement problem, but it wasn't nearly as bad as you make it sound, totally possible to deal with it if you have at least a little bit of skill in the game.
So making hidden lore putting so much into the environment is lazy? Sorry you have to play games that have everything handed to you. Go back to playing call of duty faggot
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>being a pretentious, le hardcore gamer unironically
thats different then but even though it was predictable like that damos shit i still enjoyed it all the same
>Writters too lazy to develop in game lore.
>Thousands of lines of dialog and text and in map elements to guide the player to a plausible interpretation while still giving him the freedom to understand the story as he sees fit.
You're either fucking mad or you read the Lore in reddit.
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Guess your right but we can both agree 1and2 are good
Go drown in a temple of water please
Majoras mask was cash
>plays video games
>unironically likes them
Fucking normie.
>hidden lore

no there is no problem with that, but when the writers wont confirm anything on their own but just agree with the most popular fanon its BS.

if DS confirmed its shit in books, or built upon what fans came up with I wouldnt have a problem with it at all.
You have not looked into any of the lore what so ever then.
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I've never played any game other than Super Mario Bros.

>disdain for plebs
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Progress Quest.
i still got a fat and a slim ps2 with a butthole load of games 2
fuck yea dey be
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Shin Megami Tensei series.
Vegas was alright, but the rest were utter shit. It nothing to do with being "hardcore" you can just sort of tell with the originals that the people who created it actually cared and wanted to make something great, Bethesda just wants to get neckbeards and 12 year olds to fork over cash. It's incredibly evident that Bethesda doesn't care about consistency, and is shamelessly violating the corpse of franchise they shot with a silver bullet. It didn't even do anything to them, they just shot it, and laughed, like edgy teenagers. Why are they so edgy?
So sad
Thank fuck. After Fable 3 and Fable Journey, I think both the Fable series and Lion head should just stop. And I adored Fable 1 and 2.
I wanted them to redeme themselves damn it
Casuals can't handle Total War
Chrono Trigger

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>Fallout 3 has no ending
>Ending is DLC
>millions of people pay jews for game ending that should have been there

>Fallout 4 comes out
> the most shit, shamelessly, dumbed down RPG ever just to make wider audience to increase sales
> takes most of the reading out of the game

When will the corporate jewry end?
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Haven't those been considered shit since Empire?
Me too. I dunno why they thought The Journey would be a great Fable game. Strip away the art and it would just feel like a boring rail shooter. And fuuuuuuuuck the Kinect.
Call of Duty. Duh
kinda, but I have high expectations with Warhammer
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So Fallout 4 is to Fallout NV what Skyrim was to Morrowind?
Was thinking about getting it since I love the Fallout series but if that's the case...
I have legitimately contemplated bombing Bethesda's headquarters. I just can't handle it anymore
Greatest comeback ever
Check'd and yes it is retarded the main quest tree is a line with three forced endings.
Which one do you love? Please tell me not three.
Fucking figures. The game industry is fucked right now.
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Every other game ive ever played. You are a retard for liking this game, and fuck you for living.
Nice dubs

Seriously though, I've played every FO and 4 was not even a fallout game...
Love 1, 2 and NV. Loved the locations in 3 and Point Lookout was fucking rad but the story was stupid and, even worse, boring.
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get thread confirmed
Literally my favorite game of all time. Not a lot if people seem to see why. Glad you do OP
Dat fucking square! Too bad it would fall if attacked on all four sides or the edges. Also Sociii Hastati as your service!
Itll be years before you can face me
Every Fable game that came out was way to glitch to enjoy. Lion Head deserves to go out of business seeing as how they cant create a game that is not fuckin broke.
>broken, glitchy games

Otherwise known as any modern game when it is released :/
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More like Shogun 2 (being the peak). Empire was fucking garbage - Napoleon was... redeemable.
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Pretty much every other game ever made. Bad Rats for example.
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free redpill below

>Empire was Napoleon's beta
Even if I replay Fable every year Dwarf Fortress is a better game.
B&W 2
You know something they should have continued besides going all out on that hunk of shit you call a game
Havent touched this yet, any good?
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I would but after cashing out, and just how much its changed for the worse...
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*deep voice* "NO!"
Roblox top tier 10/10
mother fucker, Love the shit out of that game
It's a fucking masterpiece. Play Myst first, though. And keep a pen and notebook handy, you WILL need them.
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I liked dishonored a lot.
Same with Skyrim.
Also Oblivion.
Morrowind was okay.
Gta 4 and 5 got boring after you beat them.
As listed Dark Souls 1 - 3
Haven't played bloodborne, or demonsouls.
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I can name a bunch. Here's one for starters
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The most get thread I've seen in a while
Only one rule
Don't be a pussy
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i like dark souls so far but i cant seem to get knight solaire to go on that third date with me
And if you don't fap to the you testament, you're a fucking faggot.
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holy shit I got named 3 times on that
half life 3 confirmed

Nice, I got 466, and 633. Thanks Anon.
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How about Fuck you, op
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Here you go
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Deus vult
Greetings outlander
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>ctrl + f
>not found
Trips has spoken. Fuck you OP
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Nice trips, n'wah
Seriously /b/tards this is a get thread
best game ever
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Resident Evil
come on really, going to just throw out OoT? can we at least have fun here instead of, oh you enjoy that game well heres a fucking epic masterpiece that has stood the test of time and space itself.
Fuckin killjoy
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And some actually in thread, like Morrowind.
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just going to drop some oldfag off
Op was begging for it
>pro tip you can't
Bitch please
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Mount and blade: Warband
dark souls 1
Red orchestra
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Shower with your dad Simulator.
Changed my life.
fucking this a thousand times
Mein Negro
Kerbal Space Program.
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If anyone hasn't said it already

man overkill bud, you don't call upon the holy triforce to smite such a basic thing
Mega man Legends 2 is the best game ever made, anyone who says otherwise it's a kike.
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One of the single best moments in gaming history
>The elders scroll

>was a shitty 3 rehash

Is the end of that sentence
I didn't suggest it was a bad game. Fable is just better

look I love the souls series as much as the next guy, but some people are fucking gay for dark souls. Dark souls 2 was trash, it was a massive step down from the first one. Maps sucked, enemies sucker, boss fights were easy and repetitive. It was trash. Fable is a massively better game than DS2
e.t for the Atari
lazy fucking nigger
Dark souls
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Fuggin iced

The Star Wars Holiday Special Was The Best Video Game
>the worst one was alright

Gr8 b8 m8
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Age: 99
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>additional gameplay
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Hell yeah
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Save scumming works wonders pre 1.2 patch... I think it was 1.2 or something like that. After you hit 99, it is almost guaranteed after each turn the general will die, KEK.
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can we all remember how unfinished and buggy New Vegas was when it was released? i had so many games corrupted and lost I stopped playing it for years. The loading times were insane, I played in constant fear the game would freeze up or I wouldn't be able to go back through a door

Fuck Bethesda

Can't disagree with that!
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>Fuck Bethesda

This cannot be understated enough or ever!
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This pleases our Lord and savior
Dagoth Ur
>Consoles suck ass

You pretty much needed unofficial patches
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most problems extended to the PC version afaik
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New Vegas was funding for Skyrim. They didn't give a shit about it.
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>plays with a controller
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world of tanks because I love cocks in my mouth
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They had a trailer for that Fable Legends or whatever the fuck they were calling it. Did that get cancelled?
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i second this hands down

Siphon Filter, I forget which one exactly, but it's that series.
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Fable Legends is gone forever. The studio is in limbo.
Bro I gotta say 3 was my favorite. At the very LEAST it's better than the GTA thing they were trying to do in Jak 2.
That comeback yo
Pretentious shits/10
Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout.
>I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you.
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>thinking 3 is worst
You need some help
WarThunder has better tank battles than WoT. You should try it.
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last one, goodnight /b/ros.
>No goldeneye or Super Smash Bros.

No oldfags who played n64?
The first three ratchet and clanks
sly copper series
Me taking a shit
Chrono trigger
LoZ: link to the past
deus ex machina
Holy shit. I love Fable but that not even a challenge. The challenge would be to name ALL the games better than Fable. Of which there are many. It would also be a challenge to name all the games that are worse. Because again, There are many. Better game than Fable you say? Alright, I'll give you one. Deus Ex. Boom. You lose. Of course you don't really lose do you? Because you think that game is sweeter than your mom's tits so anyone who says differently is automatically wrong and nothing we say is going to convince you differently.
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Right hur
Cody is that you?
yah in high school, newfag
>>675563879 The best game since cory in the house
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Seriously? Nobody's gonna bring up this glorious gift from the heavens of a game?
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Thread replies: 297
Thread images: 111

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