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Let the refugees in, they said.

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Thread replies: 165
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Let the refugees in, they said.
Yup. And they aren't going to stop
they're belgian nationals though
Except that's wrong you retard.
prove it
I think he was thinking of the perpetrators in Paris
where are they from then?
>Belgian nationals

So Belgian in name only. As if you didn't know that, you weasel cunt.
are you saying you have to be able to trace you family back 5 generations and own a chocolate shop to be truly belgian?
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I'm waiting for the day when we can start killing these motherfuckers, enough is enough. There will be war.
there is already a war, mr bean
You're a shitty troll. Crawl back to your basement.
That or a brewery.
>implying there would be no terrorists if refugees stayed in turkey or something
not a troll you fucking autist its a factitious question
>implying terrorists come from turkey
it was a jews controlling the US, controlling the muslims.
>implying I implied that
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Fucking liberals. Off yourselves already because you're part of the whole issue!
>implying asylum seekers are a novelty

Don't even know who to target with my accusations of implications.
Dunno but they're islamic terrorists
>implying you didnt imply that
You guys know the refugees run from ISIS don't you?
They have this shit everyday in Syria
I really think that other nations should just look the other way and not help the migrants.
it might be an ethnic cleansing hellhole for a couple of years but atleast it wont set back the whole world.
retarded piece of shit
no one has proved me wrong yet. usual retoric of

>hurr durr fukin librals so dum
what i said was
>dont invade iraq
>dont bomb libya
>dont bomb syria
>dont arm jihadis
all much bigger causes than refugees
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You wouldn't say that if you were a sandnigger. You racist imperialist!

They weren't refugees.

They were Belgian and French naitonals, same as the Paris attack.

But, hey... why let a cool story get in the way of the facts.
not being a muslim suicide bomber would be a start.
>implying all refugees are terrorists
>implying this isnt the same people they are running from
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>stoopid fukin librals ur so dum get cuked trum trump usa
where the fuck do you get your news from? as far as I know nothing is confirmed for this yet.
But it is inside their nature. We are not used to this. For the explosions are like rain.
does anyone have that map where public only cares of terror when its in certain regions of the world?
Jesus christ LEAVE
You're too stupid to live.
Clickity clack goes a basement lizards keyboard.
great argument.
kek not even close
look we had a civil war where im from and i prayed to god that the revolution stopped, and i realized that only 1 side can win from such conflict.
This is pretty much the same, the casualties must be high so that people can progress further
I am not and I thank god (not that fake muh-ham-med) for it everyday. I know he made me how I was because he loves me. You on the other hand, are living as a sand nigger because god is punishing you for your sins.
This, it's the map with Trump name on it
They run from ISIS to bring the same ruin to us?
No thank you, get the fuck out.
wow now mudslims are getting our trips, get rid of this fucking sandnigger. PLS TRUMP
Islam is a religion of peace.
Ok, are they going to let us crash in thier country ??yknow, build a few mosques, send a few scuicide bombers to thier sporting events ect
How am I a sandnigger, I'm saying they need to LEAVE
Lots of gods these days. The gods of revolution and the ones of sodomy. And both are doing pretty well thanks to retarded idiots all around..
Only way I can see your knowing this is if you were in on the planning, since the suicide bombers were blown to smithereens, and nobody's claimed responsibility.
>religion of peace

It gets funnier after every attack
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If a cat is given a tag that says dog. Does that make that cat a dog? According to you it does.
Also, you seem to be part of the problem. You are scum, I despise you.
Never seen one of them, but I'll pass on your message if I do.

Ok buddy.
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Stronk inability to understand what he read.
if the evil presence wins in that country then it means that place needs to be dealt with, and im sure some other countries will take that job.
and with no UN bitching for humanitarian bs maybe some ww2 russian death squard would clean it good
Good one
cats and dogs are different. humans are humans you fat retard.
Fucking help them over there then and don't let them bring this shit over here for fucks sake.
Mudslime detected.
I hate you Muslims

oh look the liberal cuck magically knows it wasnt his loved refugees.
now he can go on sucking muslim cock in peace
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Ok. If a crow is given a tag that says eagle. Does that make that crow an eagle?
>since the suicide bombers were blown to smithereens

The nationality of the Paris bombers was known, despite blowing themselves to pieces.

Try again Sherlock.
You're so pathetic libcuck
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Shut up you stupid analogy making Muslim.

You're disgusting, you look disgusting sand nigger, and your religion is disgusting. You're subhuman.
crows and eagles are different. humans are humans.
and it's gone
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You have a short memory.

The Paris attack was blamed on refugees by the idiots on /pol/. It turns out none of them were refugees, they were all French and Belgian nationals.
Thread full of fucking retarded apologists. We will meet at the dawn of the revolution.
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Ok. If a negro is given a tag that says white. Does that make that Negro a white?

yeah french nationals mohammed and alis

ask these people where they from. they wont say france. having a piece of paper from a certain country doesnt magically change your fucking genes you fucking assnugget
I don't see white and black. Just humans getting along with one another.
I don't give a flying fuck what any of their passports say.

If you hate europeans so much, you can fucking get out and/or die. I'll build you a raft so you can go drown somewhere in the atlantic.

These fuckers are NOT getting my land. It's time to re-open the camps.

They weren't refugees no matter how much you try and bullshit.
You are an Idiot. If these people are given nationalities, that doesn't change their orgin.
Are you really this stupid or just trolling?
You are so fucking dumb, the danger isn't the real refugees, it's the people and things that are able to be brought into the country when border security is compromised. Atleast one of the paris attackers used a fake syrian passport and posed as a refugee to enter the country undetected.
but you do see that they are different?

The attackers had all been born in Europe. Their "origin" was Europe.

go to 9gag you faggot
> Atleast one of the paris attackers used a fake syrian passport and posed as a refugee

He was using a fake passport. He wasn't a refugee.
There is your problem.
When these muslims come to our countries, get nationalities and blow up stuff. It's not magically us that are bombing ourselves.
yes i get the point your trying to make
Strangly enough they were arabic.

Not gaulish... or any other type of white person. In fact, other than a few teenage retards on isis cameras I'm yet to see any white people involved with all this...

What's up with that? I'm starting to think that these "terrorists" have something to do with brown skin, brown eyes, and a predisposition for praying in one direction...

Also they are the result of recent immagration from the middle east.

But yez you are right, they are usuall technically not refugees.
i understand that and i was intentionally playing dumb to rile a few people up.

im just saying that regardless of there religeon (obviously muslim) they then to be nationals and not refugeess.
and im not saying bringing in more will solve it, it will make it worse.
no. They found their syrian passes in france. Just. No
Watch how there aren't going to be a single refugee among the terrorists. Refugees are doing it to become a financial immigrants, that's why they are trying to reach the good parts of EU and hoping to not get cough in eastern EU countries (because those are shit).
You're European if your parents and grandparents were of European descent.
I think the problem with these images is that they aren't really honest. Sure, everything in this image is right and you're rightful to say that people who commit attacks in the name of Allah still are muslims.

However, this also means that people like Anders Breivik and KKK members are true christians. The bible also has a few phrases we aren't very fond of.

And by that means I'd like to say fuck religion as a whole and just live in peace. Stop fucking bombing innocent people if you don't agree with their views
Yes. That is exactly what I said. That is the point. Reread my comment. The danger is not actual refugees and needy people obviously, it's the bad people that pose as them in order to cross borders and smuggle weapons. I know you're just trolling but this bait is so tasty I couldn't resist.
Please reread if you are serious though.
>Also they are the result of recent immagration from the middle east.

Er... they had all been born in Europe.

>But yez you are right, they are usuall technically not refugees.

I'm glad you accept I'm right and the notion refugees are the problem is total bullshit.
>hey found their syrian passes in france.

The attackers were French and Belgian nationals.
I agree Osama Bean Laden
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This guy gets it. Have a cookie good sire.
Holy shit you're stupid. I hope for your own sake that you're just trying to troll.
Would you still feel this way if someone you lived lay blown to peices on the cold concrete floor of a Belgium airport?

Or are you just trying to troll 4chan racists?
its seriously actual fact that at least one of the guys involved in the paris attacks came from syria and got his passport stamped in greece. Nigga do you even news?
Pick one
Check the BBC you dumb fucks, ISIS claimed responsibility
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>are they going to let us crash in thier country
with no survivors
>Would you still feel this way if someone you lived lay blown to peices on the cold concrete floor of a Belgium airport?

Do you know what an "appeal to emotion fallacy" is?

(the clue is in the question, btw)
Hitler would be spinning on his grave if he saw what happened to germany and if the day that germany finally gets its due he might even come back to life.

youre fubar. your brain went full shlomo
You're both both a couple of lying imps

You're talking shit.

Two of the attackers had dual nationality (Belgian and Morrocan).

The Syrian passport was fake.
There are terrorist among them and we do not need neither, terrorist nor wellfare seekers.
Giving help to them in their own countries is the way to go and stopping the fucking Yanks bombing all these fucking countries.
If anyone sees this please head to the UZ Brussel Hospital to donate blood, my brothers need it.

It was fake but it was stamped in greece when he went through there.
>The fingerprints on the body, French and Greek officials say, matched those of the man who arrived in Leros on Oct. 3
It's something you trolls are trained to use. How's the pay?

Dude, the attackers were French and Belgian nationals. This is a simple fact. There were no refugees in the attack, Syrian, Iraqi, nor Mongolian (or whoever else you've chosen to hate this morning).
because refugees = terrorist

You're either american or australian

But what if it is a lack of that emotional connection that is preventing you from understanding or lauching an appropriate response?

I am simply trying to stir that in you.

This is the perfect situation. Do I feel bad for Syrian refugees? ,you bet.
Do I want Syrian refugees moving in next door? Fuck no.
Where this recent immagration flood goes, rape, violence, radicalism and an incompatible religion goes too.
the only two sane countries on earth in regards to refugees?
>But what if it is a lack of that emotional connection that is preventing you from understanding...

Your "reasoning" is upside down. Allowing your emotional response to dictate your action is retarded.

>Where this recent immagration flood goes, rape, violence, radicalism

Again, you're making an appeal to emotion. This is fallacious.
at least there is one person on 4chan who isn't an American-propagandist. WTF happened to this board
When these white people come to our countries, arm farmers and blow stuff up, it's not magically us that are bombing ourselves.
>Let the refugees in, they said.

Oh, come on. This is standard Jew behavior. False flag attack. Find the Jews in the picture.
Keep the Mongols out of this. kek

Even if born in those countries, muslim parents will still grow them as a muslim. Doesn't change a thing.
Every single muslim in europe, despite their nationality, should be deported or killed.
Only way we can have peace in Europe. They have declared war on us.

I'm from /sci/, we deal in hard facts over there.
the two countries with the most right-wing sensationalist media of any western country.
>Every single muslim in europe, despite their nationality, should be deported or killed.


Have you considered applying for the job of Trump's running mate?
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And yet we're still not allowed to criticize Islam.
>G-go work for Drumpf
>That'll show him :)
Fuck, I'm cringing.
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>people exist who are still this dumb
Sure you are. You're just not entitled to have everyone accept your critique as valid.
How Muslim apologists work: (just to show you their real face)

A Terrorist attack happens.

First: Blame US/UK foreign policy.

Second: Find a terrorist attack in which a Muslim was killed.

Third: Say that terrorism has no religion.

Fourth: Blame the Jews.

Fifth: Claim to be a victim of some sort and turn the whole conversation about Islamophobia.
Yes it is. If you're given weapons and you use them against yourselves. You are bombing yourselves you cunt. And on a sidenote, I do not approve with what Yanks do in the middle east. But dont fucking come to Europe killing innocent people over for what muricans do. Wrong target dipshit.

Also, what do you think of the fact that there has been 64 attacks towards white farmers and locals in south africa during this year? That's not wrong right? We're the opressors? How's it like being apologist cuck?
Wasted quads, people still won't believe you
Well your downright retarded, insecure and uneducated ramblings would make you a good candidate
>Fifth: Claim to be a victim of some sort and turn the whole conversation about Islamophobia.
It's nice to see you have at least some common ground then
The fuck!? What world are you living in? Were having this discussion literally a few hours after another terrorist attack has just occurred in Europe.

This attack has undoubtedly been conducted by radicalised Muslims attempting to subvert the western political process.

Also, undoubtedly these attacks were conducted or instigated by individuals whos family history has been primarily based in the middle east until recently.

Suck my giant anglo dick you social science major lib tard piece of shit.
Suck a dick tin foil hat fag.

This is truth

Nah we are just saying that just because a dog is born in a stable doesn't mean it's a horse mate. Just because a mudslime is born in Belgium doesn't mean he is belgian
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>However, this also means that people like Anders Breivik and KKK members are true christians. The bible also has a few phrases we aren't very fond of.

Yeah, it's called the Old Testament, and the various rules and edicts in their have no binding whatesoever on Christians (barring the 10 Commandments that Jesus made specific reference toward). This has been the standard theological position for basically all of Christianity for almost two thousand year.

A "true" follower of Jesus, who was more-or-less a docile hippy looks NOTHING like a "true" follower of Mohammed who was a violent, pedophile warlord who explicitly told people to annihilate and subjugate anyone who would not follow Islam.

Stop parroting memes by retarded fedoras who don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
OFC they want to let them in
The Union is dead and the migrant crisis is the only thing that could keep them relevant so the last thing they want to do is solve the problem

Why do you think the EU got so mad at memberstates closing borders as a result of democracy with the intention of self protection?

Memberstates who did this are better capable of helping migrants cause they arent Collected in bulk without a regard for origins then dumped as cattle in small Chambers where they are allowed to uphold the fucked up culture they were trying to get away from

Compared to countries adhering to EU policy these countries have it good, the EU knows this and rather then change their own policy they get buttmad at countries excelling in a crisis by specifically ignoring the EUs policy about it

Mean while EU which is knowingly keeping this crisis alive by for example not temporarily freezing schengen and urging countries to give away even more solidarity to the institute keeping the issue alive to stop the issue, not even bond villains lack this much subtility

With no refugees attention would shift back to EUs internal issues which are plenty, among that issue not having enough support from the entire European populatiom to even justify their existance as a selfproclaimed democratic institute

So yes, let the refugees in.
>This attack has undoubtedly been conducted by radicalised Muslims attempting to subvert the western political process.

Er... no. This is a statement that the people of Europe are not safe.

The terrorists want the governments of Europe to crack down HARD on freedoms enjoyed by Europeans, then they'll sit back and say "we told you your governments are evil".

You want to fall into their trap?
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Islamic scum, nothing say. Religion of peace they say.
When bringing up any notion of how letting in so many migrants from nations which don't share western values into europe might have been a bad idea, you're immediately shouted down as a racist islamophobe. That doesn't sound like being allowed to criticize something.
>muslim apologists

>First: Blame US/UK foreign policy

yep. if you've actually made it out of highschool you'd understand the basics of decision making and problem solving.

Because you obviously have no clue, let me explain.

First step is to identify the catalyst or cause of the problem.

To blame "muslims", or equally, 1.6 billion, or again, nearly a quarter of the entire world population for "terrorism" you have to either be totally retarded or an insecure xenophobe.

The cause of the problem, contrary to what Fox News will tell you buddy, is that the US profits from instability in the middle east.

Second stage of decision making in this example is difficult, because of western media preying on uneducated and easily influenced populations like yourself.
To be a part of belgian culture to the point where it is your own, yes. Longer if youre a muslim cause even 4th/5th generation muslims still keep their desert culture as the dominant one

Are you trolling, stupid or committing Taqiyya?
I'm not the same person. I'm just letting you know that you sound like a woman. I would annihilate you in a run for president. It would be like Ron Paul running against a Freshman at UCLA.
Mo' muslims mo' problems
That situation you just described is literally subversion of the western political process

Try reading comprehension.
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Gtfo muslime
yeah that's right you probably would because the voters in your country are the same xenophobic, racist, uneducated hillbillies that you are.

A crack down on civil liberties is not subversion of the Western political process. The "West" aren't going to suspend democracy, but they are going to curtail liberties.
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I can feel your little atheist hat from here.
Sure you are. If you hadn't been allowed to criticize, you would not have been able to say anything at all. You're just expecting everyone to agree with you.

I also question that you're immediately "shouted down as a racist islamophobe" every time, unless:
A) you're actually being a racist islamophobe.
B) it's an online debate and there are trolls on each side of the conversation

but it sounds more like you're jumping into a victim role yourself, "stop oppressing me". Check your tampon.
>Y-you're uneducated
>uses no capitalization and random punctuation
>flurry of buzzwords
Am I being ironically trolled right now, brah?
If I may, you do realize that the Islamic radicals would do the same, but worse correct? The end goal is to implement Sharia Law, which is about as oppressive a system as you can get.
>turn government into dictatorship
>government still calls itself democratically elected

>its ok guys its still a democracy, no subversion here
Annnnd I'm done.

With that statement you just showed how little you understand whats going on here.

Goodnight libtard. I would suggest googleing democracy, then cival liberty and then separation of church and state. At least read the wiki page.

Goodluck with the faggotry anon.
>doesn't know what the term "process" means...
I hope these apologist troll cucks are atleast getting paid for the shit they write.
If not, the amount of stupidity has gone to new heights.
Well, for someone of apparently such high stature, I do like how your excellent argumentative skills boiled down to assumptions of my character and ad hominem attacks. Get off your high horse, you're not the brilliant intellectual you seem to think you are.

I digress. I'm assuming you believe hate speech laws are justified, no? After all, why would you think Germany cracking down on online criticism of the refugee situation deemed to be "too radical" would be a good thing?

What about bills being debated in Canadian provinces, such as Bill 59 in Quebec, which would allow the state to "pursue websites that in its estimation describe and denounce Islamism"?

If you are so far diluted within the walls of your safe space that you see discussion about a religion, no matter how provocative, and the language used to describe it as a threat which needs to be cracked down on, it's you who needs to "Check your tampon".
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