General Programming Thread
I don't understand what is wrong with my code. Anyone able to shed some light?
>pic related
>It's python
shameless self bump
General Mills Thread
General Discontent Thread
The problem is that you're using Python
General MacArthur Thread
Also that you're not using an IDE
General Misuse Thread
print(add(n1, n2))
you forgot a parenthesis
Looks like this to me
General Disaster Thread
You're trying to run numbers before you've even ran main. Also make the variables floating points.
General Knowledge Thread
This, but he is also trying to run add before main which is like asking for the answer before there is even a question
Also this is python so you don't need parentheses around simple logic tests in your if statements
+ is in your "not in array" l.7
missing parenthesis on l.14
This is how you should correctly orientate your code famo, ive had to do that assignment at uni before, don't worry you'll get there.
Use C or anything other than a scripting language.
Are you retarded? He asked for help on his code not a suggestion on another language to learn. C is the most overused language and in the least demand in the workplace.
No but clearly he's retarded for forgetting a parenthesis.
C builds character. It breaks you down so you can build yourself back up again.
The only IDE you should need is a shell.
Vim 4 lyfe!
>C builds character.
No going out and getting fucked up builds character.
wait , why are you spending time on this, weren't le indians supposed to take these jobs and make average pay $26000/year???
Faggot. Sometimes you actually need an IDE.
Oh, and C isn't the programming equivalent of getting fucked up? I mean, besides mindfuck.
Thats fine in Python, Definitions can happen where-ever so long as your white-space is correct............. I think.... Its been a while
Use an IDE. It's the missing closing ). If you had Line numbers on, it would be obvious.
well its python, so its automatically shit
It's still good practice
Your first mistake was relying on functions to run your program. It's much better to use a for loop, as it helps avoid recursion and stack overflow errors.
>C is the most overused language
>Least in demand in the work place
Pick one dumbass.
C is always going to be in demand by the way.
>relying on functions
>has 2 functions
>use a for loop
I'm quitting programming
Yeah, what? Why the hell would he use a for loop? The program doesn't loop.
You can't run the main like that you need to use:
if __name__ == "__main__":
to run it
Oh my god you dense fucker. C is the least in demand because it is the most over used & the market is saturated.
Yet VB .net is the best language out there and it pays less..
See? OP needs to learn ruby. Fuck python.
Ah my bad.
Yeah but in the event you want to make the program do multiple calculations you probably should use a for loop instead of a main function. Unless you wanna go to superior C++.
I don't think this is really supposed to be a practical application, more like babby's first program. otherwise, you would just want to apply PEMDAS recursively, to make something practical.
OP might not have even been introduced to looping yet.
You're an idiot.
Less popular languages == more job security and more money.
You know why? You dumbass liberal cuck?
Basic economics.
Supply and demand. You have a plethora of people flocking to LE EBIN POPULAR MEME LANGUAGES XD so if there's more people offering a service, the price of it goes down and the person is less valuable.
There's less peopel in the lower bracket languages so they're more valuable and sought after and companies want to keep them.
These jobs are hard to find but they are easy as fuck to keep, because it's mostly maintaining a decade old database written in an old ass language that is too big to port to a newer and quicker one.
Also, you shouldn't learn a language just because it's more popular. That's reddit tier logic. Learn it to add more tools to your toolbox and increase your knowledge on programming and to learn programming paradigms, you fucking mindless dense oop faggot.
Go learn Haskell to learn functional programming, and pick up a book on Reversing to learn some low level concepts. After that you'll be 10x more knowledgable than your average r/programming fag or /g/ fool.
who the fuck made this chart, its terrible
i was literally showing the kid that C is a saturated market. That was some mega cringe reply. "Go pickup a book on some low level concepts", god i bet you were a right laugh at uni.
I didn't go to uni, and I'm working in a 70k job after going to a small computer class to get an entry level job.
Are you upset you inferior comp sci manlet?
I bet you don't even know how your code works.
> op = input(...)
> op = faggot
ethical hacking masters @ cov uni in the uk mate
confirmed, doesnt understand definitions vs execution
are you still working on shit? I'm bored as fuck.
What? No it's not. You almost always define helper functions above main functions. In fact in other languages you have to define them first, otherwise your code won't know what the hell the function is by the time you call it.
Yes you can, and no you don't.
I don't understand who could say this.
I only use VB .net. Every other language has stupid curly braces and shit and it's hard to understand. I literally don't understand why everything isn't done in VB .net
but...python doesn't use curly braces...
Yes but it uses colons instead of logical words like VB .net uses. VB .net is the best language out there. It's basically a fact at this point
...but...python uses logical words, too
...I can't tell if you're actually getting baited.
but python has baiting too
VB .net is way more intuitive. Even C# has to copy it but with braces and shit kek
second last line you have a colon ( : ) instead of a semi-colon ( ; )
you don't python much do you
python is intuitive too