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>be me >just turned 18 >want to be a cut femboy and

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>be me
>just turned 18
>want to be a cut femboy and find a sugar daddy
>don't want parents to be disappointed
What do
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An hero. Right now. Because you are too late
I have the exact same problem OP
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I entered puberty when I was 15
I look like my sister
Am i really too late
disown parents for being morons
You can't /thread yourself
should have started earlier, but be a successful business femboy, make money, if you're somewhat rich parents will be less disappoint.

"Well, he became bitches, AND got money..." Fuck it as long as the kid pays for our retirement"
Hey. I know it's out of thread but can you show us some pics of you ?
How early should I have started
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unfortunately this is too late to happen to you. so no clue op.
Camera is shit
Currently high and lazy
18 is okay, but you gotta go FULL ham on being a girl, horomones, right diet etc.. no half assing if you want to be passable.
But Should have started crossdressing at 14 and working your diet/exercise to be a femboy prob around 15

do you even know how to use makeup?
tits or gtfo
you wanna be a girl you PLAY BY THE RULES
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like this gurl, looks like he started early af
Damn cute af. Sauce ?
I'm an artist and looking like a girl is not the problem
I hit puberty really late
The problem is being rejected by family,friends and society
>don't want parents to be disappointed
and that's how you die having done nothing that mattered to you.
from my experience you can't disapoing parents and be a femboy

unless you get your own home and don't let them find out
you can't NOT disapoint parents and be a femboy
I got no sauce, was saved from tumblr
move out, only whey to live in peace from family if they're not down for it. And society is moving SLOWLY to that point so you know, be brave eh
So how late will be too late for me
I'm gonna move out soon
And I was thinking of just taking medication and dressing normally outside

>especially if you have divorced parents and someday your mom decides to try tinder out
too l8 then for sure, near the end of puberty, you gotta hit those hormones, at least in secret for now

This sounds like something that happened to you
yeah seriously what happened gurl
long story short: she didn't throw me out of house because I'm a good for nothing
she still wants to make a big fire with my lingerie

Ava Keading
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would suck off
I don't want to be a trap
I want to be a feminine boy
Do I have to take hormones
If so what sort of medication should I take
You start off by drinking as much cum from strangers as possible
it's hard to tell without actual data or pics
I have a little more dignity then that
For now I just drink my own cum
if you want to be a feminine boy then no need for horomones, just dress, act and walk like woman

Take a class on the voice, posture etc. Keep a feminine figure with the right diet and exercise. Practice everyday and you're golden.

Take Hormones if you want the benefit of not shaving your face and wider hips. Idk what meds talk to a doctor
>I have a little more dignity then that
you STILL have more dignity than that
this, trying to help out but we don't even know if you have the genetics to be a cute girly man
I don't want to put up picks of my face
let us see your face, OP
>parents not disappointed
>but 19, puberty over
>minor health issues that make me have to fast for 2 days if I want to have sex
>bf left
>life is shit
you are golden, my friend
by the way, what diet?
should he go for soy milk?
Afraid to show my face
yeah soy milk sure
but just, clean oil free food man. Vegetables fruit, much less meat, avoid soda etc... Just eat to be thin, with clean skin

I've heard testosterone suppressant prescribed from your family doctor can help too. It doesn't give you boobs or anything just puts a HARD limit on manly traits
send it to me in private
lel here's mine, you're not important enough for people to track down or anything.
Is it possible to get testosterone suppressers without a proscription
>clean oil free
shitty diner at campus has no idea what that means
soy milk, a whole grain bread sandwich with turkey breast, mayo and some white cheese and an apple as desert would be a fine meal?
I'll post my lolita shot from a convention if you show face
If you have the money, then sure.
Everyone has his price.
not unless you hit up the ever so super safe black market
My friends go on this site
Don't want them finding out
Your parents are probably already disappointed.
Kill yourself faget
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fapping to this right know
MOAR - where?
just post and be done with it
you'll have to reveal it to someone someday
hnng, fuck
i want to be his daddy
don't do it, it's worth nothing. I can help you without you showing your face
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If you find a daddy that lets you live with him you can just lie to your parents. A good daddy will even lie for you when they come to visit and pretend to be your straight room mate.
WTF same fucking room as mine same fucking setup same pc case same map right above monitor same table even
So like, can I collect you all or something? I wouldn't mind a femboy relationship in my life.
So basically I should move out
Start taking medication
Start working out and go on a diet
But pretend that everything is normal to family and friends
Go on
I got some bad news for you anon...
Please explain
He wants a femboy harem.
ayy bby, u wan som fuk

Long story short, I would not be opposed to meeting, and fucking, a femboy, as well as seeing what else could come about
nail onna head my african american compatriot
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i fucked a ladyboi for awhile.
she'd come over sometimes while her boyfriend was away after school.

once the door would close she'd almost instantly get naked. most times she'd put on her favorite song and start sucking. then she would cry. her tears and makeup would drip down her face onto my dick. its surprising how cold tears are. eventually i finally asked her what was wrong. in between licks she told me that her favorite song was also her bfs favorite song. so even though she loved hearing it and it totally got her pussy wet, it also made her think about the fact that she was cheating on her boyfriend. i dont think i ever came harder down somebodies throat then right after she told me that. she was beautiful. we dont hang out anymore. wanna get lunch?

this was the song:
Kill yourself, that will help =D
Where are you
And what age


One of these things is not like the other
Also pic related?
Dear fembois,

I just recently got divorced and want to start living life the way it was meant, by getting serviced by and taking care of a cute 18y/o boi.

Is this weird or will I eventually find someone to fulfill my dreams?
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>Past my shota age
>Will never meet a manly guy to teach me how to be a fuckboi
I'm not white so that might be a problem for you
Oh? Depends, I suppose. Being blunt, anything African has never been a turn on for me. Other than that...
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It has been a while since I played with myself and I thought I would have some fun tonight.
I'm going to fuck myself with a vibrator and imagine its a cute girlcock thrusting into me
I am a white chubby nerd guy and I would date a cute femboy

pic only related because I think its hot
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Don't take black market medication
Find a doctor that wont give you chemical castration
Go jogging
Eat less meats and shitty food in general
I don't know about the us but in here in Europe There's lots of estrogen in tap water
Talk to friends about it even if they will reject you, time to make new friends
Ultimately confront your parents about it, they gradually would have seen you've changed
Worst is that you just won't get money from them anymore, by the time you should make your own money now

Source: Femboy myself who came out to parents recently, I was surprised they took it so well. Almost like they knew for years while I didn't.
An hero - only valid option for you. And probably the rest of fags in this thread too. You're welcome
But genetically mixed
The moment I say Pakistani
Everyone goes away

Wow, people really did leave.

You should try posting pictures of yourself and slowly turn this into a porn thread.
then dont say it
post dick/ass instead
let's see some pics then you little brown slut
Im dying of laughter right now
Wow just wow
It's time to kill yourself.
Well this was fun
I'm gonna go now and get high as a kite
For this wondering
I'm not brown and Live in Ireland
Wen I had long hair people would constantly mistake me for a girl

I actually got excited for that guy who wanted to talk to me
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Do it in secret
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I second this.
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>brown femboi
Those two things are mutually exclusive. Pick one
Come live with my fiancé and I. She and I will make you a good little fuck toy.
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why does children of men need a box set? it's just one movie. what kind of shenanigans are going on here?
Double dildo edition
You mean "my fiancé and me". The grammatical option that sounds smarter isn't always right.
Still hasn't 404d
You clearly haven't seen the whole thread
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Op may find this interesting
It's funny this thread is full of wannabe femboi fucktoys and the guys who want to fuck them, yet here you are fagging up the entire thread with being a grammar nazi.
Already tried to hang myself
Somehow survived
Not doing that shit again
Anon.. Don't try to fool yourself.
What because op is paki?

Femfags/traps are either pretty or fuck ugly. There is no in between.

if you worry about what your parents think youll just end up being a 30 something crosdressing faggot looking back at a life of lost opportunities and suicidal amounts of regret

and this goes for pretty much any other version of 'what will my parents/neighbours/friends say/think/do...' just screw them

go for it anon, live life
don't we all
follow your dreams. become a sissy internet slut
Op here
I can easily look like a girl and unless I tell people my ethnicity they always think I'm American for some reason
But seeing as how people reacted in this thread
I don't think there is a point at trying
Fuck my dreams I guess
you havent even posted anything and youre giving up. just post
post photo of yourself so i can fap, and just tell your parents u wanna be like a girl, if they dont understand u explain, if they are against fuck tehm
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Just trying to help. But we all know it's inevitable
Fuck this shit
I'll probably kill myself
hopefully I don't fail this time
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Jesus anon give it a shot! i'm 20 and started at 19 if you start now you'll end up qt!
looks like a takase yuu doujin that I can't remember the name of

IIRC, it was translated, too.
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