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Does /b/ have the source for this?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Does /b/ have the source for this?
panela detected
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Facebook groups will never be chans faggots
i have the blowjob pictures for this set, but i think i would get banned if i posted them
post em pussy
what was the video about again?
i remember the girl i don't know why
bump for interest
You can post it in incognito
The video is about some random dude cuming on the girl's mouth with her boyfriend on her side
There's no video. Only two ss. No video. Ther was. But it was, not is.
post a link
Bait pls, there is no video, only pics
i only have ss on phone
I believe on the video man it must exist
is it like a sneak attack or is the bf a cuck?

Wtf? These hoes ain't loyal
Poor little kid on the bg
There must be more
There is only one way to find out, this video is like a ancient relic
Listen. Video was on xvideos. Now it's not. Why? Issue.
It was, not is.
It must exist somewhere 1 time on the internet forever on the internet
this is 3gp era, young one
Oh my F*** God my balls! They got all blue, for the love of God! Post it already!

>OP will surely deliver now
Shut the fuck up pussy. Don't be silly.
Yeah, it is. But not everyone can reach it. Only people who really want. Do you want it? It was and it is.
Bump for peer pressure contribution.
we know you have the webm you creepy fuck post it
You're being a little cock tease right now, what are you a biological woman?!( no traps you don't count )
Those kids make my childhood look like shit
send me the 3gp by mail :)
don't forget to add the story in green text next to it
come on, post it. i got shit reason to live, give me something.
i feel you
if im not mistaken this shit's been unsaucable for years, and only those two pictures have ever surfaced. face it anons, there is no source
Potential child pornography thread reported.

As a proud member of Anonymous working with other members in Anonymous with #OPInnocence #OPPedoHunt I report all threads that depict / and or otherwise sexualize children or show questionable content.

These threads and its content can be but are are not limited to 'Too Young For Those Tits (TYFTT), Too Young For That Ass (TYFTA), Pre-Teen & Teen (JB), Young Girls, Cute Little Girls, Young Candid, and this also includes such threads 'Bad Parenting, Creep shot, You Love You Loose, Guess Her Age, Nudism' as these can often be places where such violations are performed with pictures of underage girls and boys being posted.

We must also mention that threads/images that sexualize underage girls that are drawn, sketched, animated or crafted, (Known as Lolicon) are just as bad as the real thing and is also in violation of rules of not just 4chan but the Adam Walsh Act and the laws of the United States Of America (18+ Required Law) and Human Rights Act.

We in Legion thank the Janitors & Moderators of 4chan who listen to our reports and work with us along with the interception and help from the FBI, LEA, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), New York Police Department, Google & Microsoft in working together to help stop child exploitation and abuse.

Remember, we must protect the children as they are our future - the future of Legion!
Never stop fighting the vile scum of this Earth such as pedophiles and child molestors!
Maybe i do. Maybe i don't. But you got it too. You just don't know how to find it. It's right there somewhere everywhere.
Try write it again. Try read it again. Then try talk to me if you still think you can.
No story, no green text. It's a movie / clip. Why should i write it down?
Try find some fun in your life.
True. Also false. There was and there is. Once it is it can't go away.
Just shut up and stop copy & paste.
we must not give up in these tragic, troubled times. we shall unite and find the source to this glorious vid. Together, as social low-lifes we will succeed!!
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happened on a university campus faggot
no shit, back in the day, a kiss on the cheek was already a breakthrough, hell you couldn't take a part a male and a female counting all the layers of clothing... now days a faking string is counted as clothing

I mean where is our youth going, holding hands in public was nearly a marriage proposal, now they gang wank in public over a random chick...

born in the wrong century
why are they dressed like middle school faggots then
>Try find some fun in your life.
goddamn that made me think. fuck.
because 18-21 year olds are fucking morons nowaday.... did you really have to ask?
Rape!!! Disgusting
you're probably arguing with a 18-21 yr old, do you?
That's good. Everything start from thinking. Choose what you want to get from your life. Decide how to get it step by step. Do first step. Start runing. Get to the point. You're on top.
>everything start from thinking
Trips don't lie.. That is rape
Anonymous is a joke by now, what are you doing, stealing Trumps signs of the road?

Go crush some banks, erase all bank loans, lunch some drone attack vs animal butchers and stop being such a huge faggot

>Implying its worth living knowing that "this" children are our future
You can kek. But does kek can you?
>lunching drone attacks
>tastes fucking amazing
Post it! Prove that this site isnt dead!
That boy is qt. Did he get rape too?
Rape!! Yummy
I fape to kek it makes my life harder.
You fucking beta cuck sheep... So what if children have a future. We all are committed to die anyways.

You fail to see your hypocrisy for you are dehumanizing humanity and only acting as a mere puppet for media and marketing outlets.

>Tfw people have made the act of sexual pleasure something to be ashamed of

>Tfw people are indirectly making life worse for everyone by trying to enforce these fabricated constructs
I vape to Kek

LOL. STFU fat fuck. 95% of real Anonymous hackers are pedophiles.
show /b/ some respect
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looks like she's enjoying
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They do, I make them ma self

>pic related

I did write Anonymous wrong on the cake, bad english, Sorry por favor.
Prove cum guzzler

>Did you do an anonymous survey?
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THIS is a spam post.
The rules are very clear on what should be done with these kind opf posts.
Help clean up /b/ and maybe make it even a shadow of what it used to be by doing your duty anons.
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Will someone post the vid so I can fap pls?

I will award you 2 internets in return
this is the gayest thing i've read on all my years on /b/
No one know shit, there are some rumors. I've been to other places looking for info and nothing has come up. This is now the HOLY GRAIL.. These are the rumors I've heard:
1 ) A couple was confronted by a group of skateboarders and threatened that boyfriend would be badly hurt if the girl did not blow them (she appears to be smiling in this, but facial expressions of those involved in the second pic seems awkward and makes this scenario a possibility)

2) Her name is possibly Melissa Chambers (nothing comes up)

3) This happened in Florida ( nothing comes up)

4) There was social media drama about it and everyone involved got into trouble, there's an article about it (nothing comes up)

5) There was a parentless video of this that was deleted (no evidence most likely bullshit)

The truth is out there.
I don't have the original image but he's actually holding a bottle not his dick.
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I remember the thread, there was a video, but I didn't save it, watched only about 5 seconds from it.
>The truth is out there.
deep shit, anon
then why in the second picture he is holding her tits?
jeesus christ moar!!
search: "pthc" on mless, see second video under videos (uploaded february 10 2012)

thank me later
kek probably
sauce on this?
good way to find summer
Who the fuck is she?
Dafuq.... why is this a banned word?
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WTF! looked it up and it stands for "Pree-Teen Hard core"

Pretty fucked up man

Learn to google images bruh
That worked thanks anon
oh. I probably should have mentioned don't do that.
Pthc -> pre-teen hard core
You dun goofed mate
please sauce, vid, please
here it is anon
i just got baited
i knew 100% what this was going to be and i still followed the link

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i kame
Get rekt me.
me too
video requested, only a screenshot
/b/ aint what it used to be.
they look like their 12
You spell like you're 12.
everyone involved was exactly 18 years old, i can assure you
They're* Murcan detected.
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You stupid faggot. Don't do what some cuck on 4chan tells you to do.

You stupid fucking idiot.

In b4 you get v&
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then post the fucking vid
nah xvideos does the same thing if you look up lolita, it just logs your ip and doesnt do anything
That's bullshit though, Lolita is also a really hot fashion trend in Japan. What I'd just wanted cute Japanese girls dressed like frilly goth aristocrats?
Summer already?

Come on /b/

I fell for this, not by you but by an archived thread about looking for the video.
Her name is Darin Cadence Aucoin
so i cant spell, but they still look like they're 12...... what does one have to do with other?
What happens if you search it?
Dude it's /B/ quit being such a newfaggot lmao XD I've been here since last summer (meaning I'm not a newfaggot anymore!) So I think I know what I am talking about!

like on google? idk, probably nothing.
if you reverse google image search these photos it's literally archived 4chan threads dating back to 2014 asking for a "third photo" or "video".

face it, it's just these two photos, it's impossible to tell how old they are but are most certainly underage, and there is nothing else to it.

Weakest bait possible
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