How do I become more slav, /b/ ?
Also slavthread.
get an adidas track suit
learn a slavic language
Eat more borscht and buckwheat
I mostly wear tracksuits already, though I should probably get an exclusively Adidas collection.
I'm slowly getting into Ukrainian, but it's not easy with that messed up alphabet.
I can already fold varenicky like a pro, but I certainly need to eat more of those.
Have shitty taste all around and listen to oriental polka crap or something.
Drink -- and then sell your children into slavery to some German or Swede.
get some wall rugs
Drive a wolkswagen
get some chest rugs
get some qt rugs
get some tank rugs
just generally more rugs really
Do I also need ground rugs ?
So... Slavs like rugs?
I think you're confusing slavs with sandniggers.
no, that guy is just autistic
So you can't confuse slavic rugs with regular sandnigger carpets ?
drive to russia an visit someone and you will see rugs on the walls
>only russians are slavs
this in most slavic countries no rugs are anywhere except floor. I dont understand where are those rug pictures from but hey Slovakia is far enough I guess
Bosnia, slovenia, slovenia2? Even more unimportant countries? WHAT ABOUT THEM?
>ground rugs
you mean a carpet right?
My grandmother lived in russia and she had a rug on her wall
Should I drink vodka every day? Beer is just a refreshing drink like water right?
Learn how to remove Kebab properly
At first, try tea
What's slovenia2? You could add slovak, czech, macedonians, bulgarians as well...
vodka means water in russian
you know all of them were Part of the CCCR
just don't try the homebrew ore you will be blind
Lets say you have an important business meeting at 9 and want to do like the slavs. At what time do you show up ?
it is not. Water is voda and vodka is not even a diminutive of that.
Either USSR or СССР (Said like SSSR but the same thing as USSR in Русская)
You dont show up
right the C is an S in the cyrilic alphabeth
Na kurac vas nabijem sve...
sorry for ruining your world but the truth is these rugs and slav track suit are only in russia, Polfag here and the first time i saw them were 4chan
nejaky slovak? hmm...
you are wrong, because these rugs are also popular in belarus and ukraina
slovaks are not slav you hungarian-poland crossbreed
thread needs more squatting
r8 my gang
Beat the head Slav in a squatting contest.
turn up on time but skulk around the front of the building sipping a can of beer. Then go home and an hero
Russians do. Owning a carpet was kinda a prestige status (about a century ago) but if it was on floor it'd get dirty and stuff so Russians started to put persian carpets on their walls and found out it's a good heat insulation too.
this is the greatest picture ever.
na vrh brda vrba mrda
Take a pic of them paul
I like these a lot
>Wears a lot of leather
No more wall carpets
fuck you dumbass
no bulgaria ?!?
Bosnia is half muslim shit fuck off Isis fag
mee too so i opend a new folder for rugs
too many gypsies to be a slav country
why can't they just stand?
samfag here forgett the screencap
I am pretty sure Bosniakn are only muslim slavs
yep...the bosniak nations is like the croatians and serbians who accepted islam and betrayed their own cultures....many of them still have croatian and serbian last names
>banana folder
you monster
Be drunk all the time and fight people for no reason
yust a few rare ones for the lulz
What country are you from? Are you actually a slav or do you have some sort of obsession with them like a weeb does with nips?
Correct my friend
If it wasn't for the retarded ottomans we wouldn't have this problem.
Jebiga brate
kokoti vyjebani
Serbia stronk
Yes. Traitor slavs as they are most commonly referred to.
are we talking about same Poland here? cause i see shitloads of tracksuits around. there's also a reason we call them "dresy", ffs.
Even the president is doing it.
Get punched in the head enough times to make your IQ drop below 90. Lose at least one front tooth. Wear sandals. Attack women, children, and pets for no reason. Constantly boast about your superiority. Do everything that niggers do, but be white.
You are talking about absynth
this is now a Givi praise thread!
homebrew wodka makes you blind too, when you don't doing it right
We got a butthurt sandnigger here
my slav squad in breach & clear
kek damn what country are you from?
germanfag detected
Is there a Trancksuit Mod for this?
Eat sunflower seeds and purchase a khrushchyovka apartment.
Southern-European slav here, AMA.
much better
Polfag here
Rugs on walls were popular in Poland in 80-90's.
And squating just feels good
what is the greatest Yugoslavian state
Drink more milk. makes ur bone strong.
I'm American and squat like that all the time. Had no idea until this thread right here that it was something Slavs do. Weird.
Squatting isn't comfortable at all
Probably Holland
I've got no idea
Whe you get used to it it's great but after 30 minutes ore so your legs get numb
maybe you have some slav in you american komrade
Drink Raika, hate niggers learn the fucking language. Also party lots haha pozdrav friend.
squatting makes your calf muscles stronger
>implying they drink milk
>implying they drink anything other than beer and vodka
I see they are in the bathroom!
hahahahahahaha good shit
you forgott Tea
Why do slavs drink alcohol so much
because they're alpha as fuck
I'm from Bulgaria and we have 4 rules here
>go to gym only for upper body training
>be fat enough for a chub'n'tuck
>laws are optional
>bmw or Mercedes
Damn, this so hilarious read this tread when you are slav
BMW Whe you are Russian
You are lucky today
Are you drunk now?
Im high right now because im in US
Dirty Slav Serbian peasents. in my old motherland we used to call them gastarbajter. Cheap peasants. Most villages in Yugoslavia (they are all the same garbage so I will refer to them as Yugoslavia) have no propers toilets or running hot water.
No, because i was born in Russia
>Slav derives from the Latin word for slave
>Slavs were untermensch
It's obvious that they are useless
Do you drink alot in slav land?
Convert to russian orthodox faggots
or Catholicism masterrace
I drank it instead water, but i think you knew
>tfw protestant slav
feels good
>salty szwab detected
Actually it means "the celebrated ones".
anything but orthodox is heresy
>catholic slav master race
Drank what instead of water? Vodka?
it was a joke you mongoloid
thank me later
>russian standard
Of course, all slavs doing that
When we dont drink vodka, we drink beer and when we dont drink beer we drink malt.
Im drinking malt right now.
actually it's an designation for ethics from Easteurope, Middeleurope and southeurope
Are they always drunk?
Poland reporting in
Im preaty drunk now
We have immunity for alcohol
you forget that russian stadart is for export and in russia you have to pay horrible prices to buy this
I heard Russians are crazy
Swede here and what kind of slaves andhow much?
You swedes need to remove kebab, then we talk.
Germanfag here, I never had any offers for any children, because i would clearly rember a drunk easteeuropean guy with a trancksuit
You can buy air ticket and try the Russian atmosphere, but if you aren't chotki or rovniy pasan then you will be fucked up
In swedish slav mean slave, who knew?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Even if you pasan you will be fucked up.
zgłaszam się
Swedish in our language means faggot, who knew?
You have not changed over the years I see.
This song needs to bump 24/7
also you need to listen to Rodoljub Roki Vulovic , Lepi Mica , Miro Semberas etc.
But if you are rovniy then you will not
You need to understand this pic first
all protestant slavs deserve sybir
same goes for jahovas witnesses n atheists
praise papa franciszek or die kurwo
Winged hussars are a symbol of the bygone epoch when your country was glorious. It is now forever lost, part of a time that won't ever come back.
You know, I guess that's still better than nothing
fuck off Sarah. i think
Yeah just think about it when you are american, you would never had a culture
That music sucks
Cant wait to see Vladimir Putin again. Europe will be saved from kebab like 500 years ago.
What does this mean?
Fuck slavs!
you suck you fucking ustasha
ima ovdje i jugoslavena ili sam si bezveze obrijala kolena?
Prokleti zahodnjak idi pušit kurac.
Stay drunk and mad slav
Why is Slovenia a separate country from Croatia?
You are Rovniy if you wearing adidas track suit
Chotki same thing but only difference that you saying blad and syka through every 5 words
Dečko upa govorit kao za računalom ako pride na cesto sam ena pičkica.
It isn't
U wot m8
Different culture.
Croatia was independent way before Slovenia too. But we mostly hate eachother these days. Some croats are brate tho.
Your mother get fucked by horse you cyka
ti si mi pičkica.
Are you kidding me?
Slovenia is more of an Austrian county while Croatia is mostly influenced by Germany, Italia and in some easter parts even Turkey (OE).
That's like mixing up Alaska with Russia.
Slav detected
Don't fuck with anybody here, just start drinking
I thought it used to be part of Croatia before Yugoslavia but that's why I asked. Thanks.
We have "Janko in Metka" they have "Ivica i Marica". Nuff said
Why do so many slavs wear adidas track suits? Can any slav answer this for me. Its a typical stereotype.
Alaska was Part of Russia, back when Catharina the Great ruled Russia
Tracksuits are comfortable.
Also women here dont go for nice dressed up men but who can drink and fight the most.
Tracksuit is the best option.
many parts wer, but Slovenia is now using it's EU influence to get parts of the Croatian teritory. Monte Negro got one Croatian city I think, so of course the Austrian cocksuckers hat to jup on the bandwagon.
So that's why they are ahting eachother. Pretty simple.
Why do slavs look extreme
>inb4 they are extreme
Yeah that makes sense, I'd be pissed off too.
So Slavs really do fight a lot? That's not a false stereotype?
Soviet Union superhero? Yes.
It started to become a trend just a cupple of years ago.
I think it's because capitalism struck and people can now buy all the shit that westerners can buy. We have all the stores now and those things are cheap.
Also, girls asses look amazing in them. (I'm from Croatia tho)
so you get why I used this example
That is our land you dirty Hrvat. Now that you lost it you go crying to daddy Amerika. Which island did you give them this time?
Trst je naš!
We will take it back too.
Live in a Western country, drink all the alcohol humanly possible and complain about how your western country is too boring/expensive and how your home country/country of your parents is much better, when really you know that you could never live there because theres no work and you realise that the only reason why people drink/go out all the time in your Slavic country is because they have no jobs.
>girls asses look amazing in them
>drink all the alcohol humanly possible
I read "Croatia Blocking Serbia's EU Accession Negotiations" in some news today. At least don't be hypocrite if you're going to be an asshole.
This is true
If you go to a festival or a gathering or something and you look at someone the wrong way he will come and fight you.
Some slavs are pussies tho, when you beat them they tell you they will bring their whole family to fight next time.
700 years of this and you understand why we hate and fight eachother all the time.
Oh stop embarrassing yourself, you know we are all in the same shit and no big country is ever going to listen to us, not even in war times, remember the UN?
We didn't give them anything, yet.
But we ''gave'' all out oil to Hungary. And people considered us to be the most resonable country in Yuga, fucking kek.
Go take it, like I care. I'm going to Germany soon with all the sandniggers.
kill an austrian duke
I see 2 srps, here is the hammer?
Why so tense?
What? What kind of news are you reading westerner cuck?
Us blocking Serbians? The more yugoslavs get in the EU the better because of trade, you moron.
I might as well be an asshole to a retard.
In other news: Putin to putt all the gays in camps and Poland is getting occupied again. We don't have proff, we're just reporting.
Im slav and I admit I wear adidas tracksuits, I drink alot at get togethers oh Ive also fought with my father twice !
Alpha detected
In Soviet Union carpets were really exclusive and only rich people could buy them to show others how rich they are.
anyone got the slav "this party sucks" pic? that shit is gold
Is it not true?
coastal croatia
You know I would like to see us getting along. I dont like to always fight with Hrvats. But something always needs to happen. Good work in stopping kebab together brate. Yugo road is safe again.
Dont give them Hvar please, I have spent many childhoods there.
šuti galebe
There is always that guy there looking for trouble and if 2 guys start it out the whole village joins in.
A force like that cannot be stopped with words.
there are so many inefficiencies in that photo, all that unnecessary weight and drag
Yes we fight, so what? At least we still have balls and testosterone, who else got that in Europe or the western world? And we all love eachother, like brothers, politics devides us but culture and tradition is always going to bring us together.
Liberal leftists are figthing for Croatian to take in mor immigrants, so I'm not sure about the kebab.
Oh no way, Hvar is a cash mashine.
it's become so common to see this, it's like clouds to me.
That's right i fight once with a russian guy, after some beating we drank some beer and wodka and were like the best buddys
remove kebab or remove yoursefl
Leftists doing that to you too?
Here leftists want to suck all the immigrant dick they can but we strongly protest against it as much as we can.
We also brought traktors and drive them around Ljubljana haha.
You know I love you brate but these politicians want us to hate eachother. If Tito was still alive Yugo would be strong again.
A bit off topic, but how can it be that slavic women are generally gorgeous, yet slavic men look like ass?
Slobodna Država Rijeka
Because men work hard and women are there to look good for us and give us motivation to work harder and fight more.
neskoro ale predsa
Oh yes, we must build camps for them and treat them well, but those smart african fuckers don't even want to stay in Croatia, like they know that we don't have jobs or welfhare ( we do, but only for gypsys or the almost homeless poor).
Jesus, I thought you didn't get any migrants trough, we got some busses. We don't get them for our kids or seniors but we get them for sadniggers, we so tolerant.
Sure we would, we could use a new carismatic leader.
I heard that in Russia there are 10 million more women than men.
That means to get a man you have to be very attractive or you will stay single for the rest of your life. I think that's why Russian women care so much about their appearance
Because most of our women don't need to or don't want to work. They have the freedom and privilege to stay at home, to love the house and the kids while the husband is out and works hard. Not office work, but real physical labour.
samo riječke pičke
...and the men look like that probably because of their unhealthy life styles (drinking, smoking, fighting ect). And they don't have to look attractive to get chicks. Russian women either want men with money or men who are strong and tough
We have too many immigrants already but they say were too poor too. But Austria doesnt let anyone in, just keeps giving us more stupid immigrants while they keep the educated ones.
Luckily we all keep a close eye on them so nothing bad has happened (yet).
They would rather give immigrants homes and leave our homeless under the bridge, we are close to snapping. Soon we will go into parliament and just throw all of them leftists out.
im laughing so hard im bulgarian but grew up in america & still follow these rules. its like i just subconsciously knew how to be bg
You're basically half a step away from being a fucking muslim
slav or slov is slavic for someone who can write and you german fags were obviously subhuman scum
What the fuck? Dump!
Why do we have to fight. We can Atleast agree we're better than niggers hajis and sand niggers
Why does everyone exclude Czechs from slavs? Do you even consider them slavs
Has your wife recently bought a horse?
You have to understand that a lot of germans live there. But its not about the country, its about the people that matters.
I really wish that Serbia and Croatia would fight along side and kill all those dirty muslim Slavs
true, I agree with that
that's only what a liberal leftist westerner would say.
We have capable women who work, the stupid, lazy or just unmotivated for work stay at home or do some easy jobs like working in a store or cleaning.
On the other hand, in the progressive, modern world all women have to work, even the ones who woul rather not. That's just awesome, because you got alot of workers who hate their jobs and lives but go to work anyway, you know, to spend a day on facebook or reddit.
Here a woman just has to work if she wants to or if the family is really poor and I think that's noble of her, but the children suffer under it.
What is the root of Croatia and Serbia's bad blood? Does it go all the way back to Austrian/Ottoman times or is there something more recent?
Maybe and maybe not. What's on the list is what matters. A lot of people here in CR are fucking retarded so yes, we are slavs.
more like the catholics and orthodox hatred, back in the pretty days when we were all pagans serbians and croatians liked each other
every war there was between serbians and croatians was more like churches driven behind some really good propaganda
I feel ashamed of it i downloaded it
for one specific Thread and i never deleted it
But what about the real Czech people?
I thought so, but here the media is only reporing on how mean you are for not letting more migrants in. They are basically portraying you as Donald Trump. I think that no country in Europe, not even the rich Švabs is having enought money for all of them in our countrys, and to think that there are more to come...
Yeah, you have to look out, there could lways be rapist under them.
Yeah right, here people are just sheep, no protest has ever chainged anything. I hope you have better luck with that.
Im from Slovenia, Croatias neighbour country.
Back when there was still a Yugoslavia, Serbians were very centralistic and feared us breaking apart. Slovenia was the first to break apart, but we were lucky and handled things as diplomatically as we could, so we only had a ten day war.
But fellow croats werent as lucky and they had to fight Serbia for many years to get independent. A lot of actual bloodshed happened.
yeah exactly, I consider myself a slav
this fkin thread just doesn't know what they're talking about
Look, here you see them, the average slav drunkards ..
not only that, ww2 croats killed lots of serbians too....the problem is that politicians don't want us to look in a brighter future as allies because they profit from the situation like it is now....terrible every ex yugoslavian country is just shit
They are slav brothers.
We just really hate Germans and Austrians and Turks and pretty much everyone else.
But slavs hate eachother like siblings hate eachother, deep down we have the same blood.
>accepted islam
they drink alcohol and like to shoplift
Serbs are fucking dicks, that's the problem.
They have this idea of Greater Serbia which is basically Serbia plus land that never belonged to them. A lot of that is Croatian land and they'd like to claim it as their own.
Then there's that whole thing they do with claiming others' achievements. Like, if there was a popular English poet and he spent a few months in Serbia during his youth they'll draw some crazy connection between him and Serbia and claim him as a Serb and add all of his achievements to Serbia's achievements. They're really weird.
Problem with Yugoslavia was that Serbs were trying to centralize it around Belgrade. Croatia and Slovenia had amazing industry but all the profits were being funneled into Belgrade.
Isn't it that the Czech have trouble with other Easteuropean countrys, specially russia from the so called ''good old soviet day'' and the Germans for WW2
you got it right mister, SLAVA RODU MY FELLOW SLAV BROTHER
Are we actually the most western slavs there are?
there is that funny idea of Great Croatia, Great Albania, Great Monternegro...pls every country has such fucking idiots who claim everything is theirs....don't be a dipshit
it all comes from radical ideas of a great serbia. For that to becoame reality you have to invade Croatia and B&H, and that would lead to a war.
Most of our diferences come from our cultures, the religion is different, the sides in WW2 were different and out whoe history is different.
Yugoslavia got things so wrong, Croats and Serbs mixed their language together and tryed to find roots of their culture.
But thats just politics, would people say. Serbs and Croats were always friends and relatives. Eveyone has a relative there or visits Zagreb or Sarajevo at least once in their life to party and eat bureks.
I only see bad blood in football maches.
We barely have any money to give our workers and now they expect us to help 3000 immigrants like we are rich or something.
We would let in more but the thing is that Austria keeps giving us their own immigrants so we cant handle more.
Right now Planica is still going on but next week we are back in protest action.
Our politicians, that faggot Miro Cerar is sucking Merkels dick like a vacuum.
There is no such thing as Greater Croatia. Croats live by "Tuđe nećemo, svoje nedamo" which literally means "we don't want others', we won't give up ours". It can be applied to anything, language, culture, land etc.
Not only Serbias Radical idiot don't forget NDH and Croatias nazi past
Allah!!!! Serbia is KOSOVO's. GO ALBANIA!!!!!!!
Croats just want their historic territory + all of
Serbs want the entire world
Idk what Albanians want
Montenegro just want to relax by the sea and gamble
>>674803046 you sure m8 ? kek
Do we consider Macedonians as slavs or are they a sub-slav group
oh look an offended fag who thinks that wars are only one sided
I dont know honestly, I dont hear a lot about your living standards from down here in Slovenia. But knowing us, as we like to suckle up on the west they just use us to get more money. So being more west might not be the best.
>fuck the police
God how I hate that woman. But don't worry, Germany will change within the next two years. Merkel's lost mostly any of her supporters, she's only backed by the media and the corruption is showing so much that even CDU/CSU sheep voters finally start to see it. She will go down and her ideas with her.
The difference is that Croatian nazis only care about shit within Croatia. They mostly want to drive jews, gypsies, serbs etc out of Croatia. They don't give a fuck about shit happening in Serbia.
Radical Serbs on the other hand want to stir shit up and invade Croatia, kill Croats etc.
As a dude who was actually born and lived many years in montenegro in the Boka Kotorska region,i tell you the croats hate our guts.they want to see the region fall under their country.
Generally serbia is butthurt over croatia just how croatia is butt hurt over our region down here,everyone is crying over their defeat and loss of region when it happened thats the truth. of course the orthodox/Catholic divide is also a major player but butthurt is number one.
Id say they are more greek than slav.
where did you get that pic? The ''I want croats to be nazis'' store?
Yeah we had some fashists, but then we became commies. Deal with it.
Croat pride bitches!!!
man, actually according to my ex-teacher we have pretty much the same life quality, you might even be a bit better yo. You know, the Alpes and shit
kek, this is writen in serbian, are you shiting me m8?
I heard about this too, her popularity died,
But we have to act sooner than 2 years.
Amen I was trying to say that accept it or not fellow Croatian brothers we are so fucking same I am not a communist or something but I would like to move past all that butthurt crap
Yea the new leaders would wear brown uniforms and the whole shit starts again and the people don't see it fucking idiots
nope, some Croats maybe hate your, or your friends guts but that only how you see it.
Croats don't give a fuck about Boka. They have plenty of coastline.
Most Slavs are a worthless mass of shit drained in vodka. That is why we germans tried to extinguish them. Hitler simply failed at this. We shouldn't have wasted all our ressources in killing the jews. The world would be a better place.