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Thread replies: 131
Thread images: 67
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Show me.
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2016-03-19 13.45.38.png
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On my phone
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mfww you are a syrian refugee
mfw me to
Go the fuck back to Syria, no one 'reeeeally' wants you

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Fucking faggot
spotted the muslim
so wrong
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Top fucking kek
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You're an idiot if you don't know that greenland is a part of your country
mfw this took place 20 meter from my place

>this anon has been to Hungary
>I like this anon
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rate me /b/
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damn son.png
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Damn niggas, you are welcome in my counrty.
>never going to visit Finland or Iceland
>homeland Norge

Multicultural liberal judeo-christian faggot detected
Well, technically, it's as much part of Denmark as Puerto Rico is part of the US or Canada is part of England.
wtf is this
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My plans/status so far. I'm still young and I hope to be able to travel a lot in my life
1. Voting FRP
2. 100 ayen
3 don't like shit countries

Typical american worthless shit
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Buena wn.
Put Queerbec on suicide watch
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rule brit 2.png
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nigga you're retarded
>hates argentina
Prob because of the football players
de lever under vores regering og militær (sirius patrol) og de modtar penge fra os
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opinion world.png
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where go thing.png
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I don't speak arabic
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Not planning to go anywhere with high Islamic population.
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>Not planning to go anywhere with high Islamic population.
>been to germany, england, france, turkey, italy
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its danish you fgt i was talking to a contryman

muuuh fat murican ass so dumb everyone out side muh 52 shit states is a raghead
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Gonna visit Russia again this August
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Points for Quebec hate

Vermonter here
Where does one go to do this map?
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This is an insanely detailed map... many many questions, why kill Florida but no California ?

Why like and love certain parts of France?

What did india do to you?

What's the massive difference between Norwegians and Swedish?

why no homeland?
ANd Why do you like bavaria?
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every red part can burn in nuclear fire
great then stay there and take youre dirty gypsy scum famliy with you so they dont steal more shit from rich europe
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I'm not a worldly person
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>why no homeland?
if you look closely, you will see i have selected three places in croatia as my homeland.
>What's the massive difference between Norwegians and Swedish?
mostly political. the swedish are extremely leftist, and their population is self destructive. norway is on it's way there but have much more resistance.
>What did india do to you?
i'm mostly just disgusted by how most indians live as far as hygiene is concerned. and i absolutely hate the philosophy behind Hinduism (I.E. the caste system). over 60% of indians shit in the streets.
>Why like and love certain parts of France?
i love the french in general. especially the origins of french culture, the ideas of freedom and liberty as well as nationalism (in a patriotic sense, not in a supremacist sense) are all things very dear to me, and i associate all of them with France. however france is on the decline, culturally. is plagued by crime and poverty, and those areas of france i do not love as much. the extreme parts such as paris or Marseilles are the worst.
>why kill Florida but no California ?
not killing either. since i don't know a lot about the US i tried to use whatever feelings i had there just to give it some kind of opinion. Florida i dislike because of the Humidity, the "state of retired old and boring people" stereotype, and the crime associated with Miami.
California i actually really like as far as the climate,Accents, friendly people, and association to innovation, liberty and Arnold.
but there is no escaping the fact they are very liberal, very prone to crime (especially the LA area) and have been stereotyped as a bit on the slow side.
>Why do you like bavaria?
Bavaria has always had a connection with my homeland. they haven't abused us like Austria, and yet they are close enough to not be too far away. they have a strong feeling about themselves, and often think of themselves as bavarians, not germans. In general i like their culture a lot more than that of the north.
>Never gonna visit Slovakia
>Not labeling Indochina - 'Murrican geography
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That should be everything.
Rate mine.
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never say never, I´d go most places given they are politically stable at that time and the chances of me getting kidnapped or bombed by some sort of loons goes against zero.

Won´t go back to the US because it´s too fucked up politically and religiously. Also don´t need all those gun nuts and their political views. Would end up in constant arguments. Also since I lived in the Scotland, I do absolutely dispise the American accent. It just sounds so fucking stupid, I can´t take them serious any more.

Also wouldn´t go to Hungary. They´re turning into a right fucking nazi regieme. Fuck off.

Don´t know if I´d go to Africa/most Asian places, mainly because I´m a bit picky when it comes down to sanitariness.

Think I´d dig to see South America somehow.

Oh and, nope nope nope to Australia. Don´t want to be killed by spiders or snakes or sharks or whatever crawls and creeps around down under.
>never say never
Fucking JB faggot KYS
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>tfw not well travelled
lel you want to visit Japan.
Weeb detected
>separating quebec from canada
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I want to visit the whole planet tho
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No massive plans yet.
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>havent even left ones own country once
Kill yourself
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A spanishfag here
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I want to go everywhere except where you are likely to get killed/kidnapped being caucasian
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Finland doesnt have high muslim population
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oh look, it´s trying to communicate, but it seems to have difficulties building full sentences.
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Why that divison of Spain?
Why that lack of English ?
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I have never seen such an autistic thing in my life
You need to die ASAP mate
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Fuck niggers.
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Are you talking about the fact that Portugal and Spain are two different countries?

>Americunts and geography
Fuck you nigger
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>Fuck niggers
>Lived in france
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alhamdulillah! I love european girls!
and the US
why not visit the niggers of canada?
For about a month in each.
Jesus, my thread is still going on?
Don't all of you faggots have better things to do with your life?
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feels :(
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For your interest
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>tfw 2 meters tall, blonde, blue eyed übermensch.

Don't be jealous manlet, I bet some jewish slut will think your shit coloured eyes are pretty.
So you were on holiday there?

"Living" in a country for a month doesn't really count faggot.
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>thinking your cuntry is in the top of the world
who said the earth spins puright
He looks Mexican
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Very Mexican
>mfw 420 blaze it
no face
>mfw trips
bro. how do you get trips, teach me
checked m8
why are nova scotia and new brunswick lumped in with quebec?
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Thread images: 67

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