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How does it feel knowing you'll never have an attractive

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Thread replies: 245
Thread images: 51
How does it feel knowing you'll never have an attractive significant other?

Dubs gets moar
Trips gets nudes
Quad get sex tape

I don't really wanna post shit of her, but I wanted to flame you guys because you're all lonely bastards. I pity you. So I do this for you, if you have what it takes to roll.
I think it hurts more knowing I'll never have a significant other PERIOD. The fact that I'm doomed to a long term life of loneliness and inadequacy because of all the ways this world personally fucked me in the ass. I just wish I had someone to wake up next to who I didn't have to pay off or have them leave when they determined I was boring...
Life goes on man. I'll find someone someday.

But if you think pic related is hot you need to do some revaluation
> How does it feel knowing you'll never have an attractive significant other?
> posts girl with 5/10 face

She's not the most beautiful thing around. But she's certainly not unattractive. But of course that's all up to opinion.
How does it feel you think that Ellen looking bitch is attractive.
My gf is was fucking hotter than that bull dyke.
is the implication supposed to be that that thing is attractive?

>Dubs gets moar
>Trips gets nudes
>Quad get sex tape
no thanks!
What is a dub? Bump? Trip?
kek im on a break

>fuck family events
>fuck holidays
>fuck buyin shit for other people
>fuck sharing
>fuck dates
>fuck not feelin free
>fuck women
>im outta shots
>live a little
>cuz niggas
>die alot


Relax Anon, this isn't a pissing contest. I'm happy you have or had an attractive SO. It's hard to tell what tense you were using with those butchered words you may call a sentence. I don't brag she's the most attractive, because she isn't.
But she's mine.
And that's what's important.
youre right, but id still fuck her
also i dont know what makes you think youre hot shit. unless she takes all your demands does everything you say knows how to cook can carry on a decent conversation and can suck dick like theres no tommorow then theres nothing special here.
that being said post that shit
You have oly this one!
Drop all or GTFO!
hit it and quit it kind of girl. mine's hotter

rollin anyway
>How does it feel knowing you'll never have an attractive significant other?

You obviously think differently then what you said.
Your girl is 6-7.
She's frumpy and probably has a box that smells like cat farts.
It's ok. I get it.
This is the first nonfat chick you've bedded.

Nigga do you see the timestamp on that first pic?

Course I got more since then
If we get not dubs trips or quads can we get let's cud she's pretty fucking disgusting is that's your ideal significant other I bet she has a great personality because what people lack in looks they tend to make up in personality. She's the type of girl when your friend (assuming you have any) asks "is she cute?" you reply "shes smart."
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shes OK so im rolling
You have some pretty low standards if you consider her "hot" 4/10
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there is nothing
no nudes
no sex tape
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damn it
> but she's mine
> chick is Fucking ugly
i have nothing else to do but to roll. so im fucking rolling. life is just one roll after another. so guess what?! roll
I only need roll once.
She was close to being hot but fucked up the eye distance slider

Better luck next life :v
I don't want to be involved

But roellings
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what trips?
not these ones
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She's disgusting
Can't stump the Trump.
>top kek
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what a ridiculously generic tattoo, might as well be barbwire or some chinese
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Eyes too close...

Would not hump the trump
fucking check em
>How does it feel knowing you'll never have an attractive significant other?

Better than having had one that has been taken away from you in an accident.
hot damn
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checked deliver now before i get more bored
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there's your dubs faggot
Roll for the troll
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You guys are quite bad at this
What does her poop smell like?
Yo that bitch ugly
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That cliche feather turning into tiny birds tattoo.
Real cool
good. more without a straight on view of her face
Rolling rolling rolling
Roll, Roll, Roll Your Boat
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Fine I'll do it.
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Troll,Troll,Troll your Boat
sick dubs brah

OP is fag
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another. we got dubs twice
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three times. so two more OP
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make with the pics shitlord
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i'm runnin out of non-nude sexypics
better go back to master-------------chan, besides the pedos, some good shit happening on there
so use nudes ones as replacement
kek next one
also two more sir
got your own dubs. that counts as trips
not hot and horriblely done cliche tattoo
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Prostitutes exist, but never mind that. Check 'em faggot.
>Eyes too close together
>Shitty piercings
>God awful tattoo
Yeah, it hurts reeeeeeeeal bad
Trips? Trips.
post em
Good enough. Roll.
trips delivered right to your doorstep lool
NEXT (2)
aight faggot post thenm
She looks like a pig
Even if dubs dont post, will need to buy more eyebleech
>How does it feel knowing you'll never have an attractive significant other?
if that's her, you tell me.
She's decent.
rolling in the deep
NEXT (3)
come on op show us more
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where the pics at
NEXT (4)
Okay (3)
post her pussy pic too :)
sup dybber.
Rollin 'em dice
NEXT (4)
She looks like a man faggot, at least my woman looks like a woman. Oh and tell your sister to call me back already
shes fucking awful m8
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NEXT (5)
NEXT (5+1-1)
my significant other is the most attractive man i've ever been with in so many ways, so fuck you.
no one cares literal faggot
that fucking tattoo.
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Sorry bros, she's home. I'll monitor for trips or quad, but i'm done responding to dubs cuz there's too much.
are you sad because you are lonely fgt?
ive seen this pic a thousand times, but those tits seem to never get old
post tape faggot
how the hell does that make me a faggot you fucking cunt?
not till I see quads, faggot
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Bitch has cheated on me after few months of relationship. Guess it's time for payback. I am here by today releasing all her videos( bitch loved getting in the ass) She is also legal I promise. Will be removed in 5 mintues. /b/ OP is not a fag <3 15
going for them quads
fuck off
Maybe trips
Everyone's a faggot on 4chan.
Re rawling
Re re rawlingg

God damn newfaggot is angry
I think OP is confused, there are pretty/handsome Anons on here, I've seen them and I would argue I too am one of them based on my romantic history. Sometimes being normal is boring and a surprising number of successful and attractive people come here because it's edgy. I know I do
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Time to deliver faggot
roll again
It's about time you checked these repeating digits
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>my significant other is the most attractive man
> most attractive man
that's a tranny
Check these
I'm going to need a check on these digits ASAP
If dubs OP doesn't suck cock by the truckload
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so you are a faggot if you are with a man??
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Mate, she is nothing to be proud of. Please don't post any more photos of her, I just ate.
roll, roll, roll your boad
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Her name is Javiela. She cheated on me for a few months before I figured it all out. It hurts like a bitch and it's my time for payback. I am here by today releasing all her videos( bitch loved getting in the ass , jesus that pussy) She is also legal I promise. Will be removed in 5 mintues. /b/ OP is not a fag <3 22
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Get the fuck out of here with your useless shit. There is no porn. Only spam.
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Come on OP, look at this roll. I'm obviously a God
your gf is ugly. if this is dubs, trips or quads, stop posting and get a prettier girlfriend
these threads make me feel so good about myself :^)
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post feet
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Painting Results.jpg
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What was that about not having an attractive significant other?
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Chek em
dude why is she so many colors? you may wanna get that checked out
3 max
FFS, he got double fucking dubs. Show some god damned feet, you faggot.
what? did she accidentally trip and fall on some dudes dick?
trips!!!! check em
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TRIPS !!!!!
Boss Roll
Rawl my balls
OP is always a faggot and that's how you know it's a virus link
Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it
Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick Suck a Dick
/thread. Op is gone
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Your gf is fucking ugly. She better do anal or you're wasting your time dude.

That thing you posted is neither hot nor classy. I'll keep my woman, you can poop scoop
Even if this wasnt fake... why would you remove it in 5 minutes?
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Is it weird that my grill is 5'2' and Im like 6'1"
qweds are delivered
>still having a lip piercing
>still having a feather tattoo
>still dressing like some sort of hippie
Either your weird Keebler elf gf is still in highschool or she never graduated. That's some bottom of the barrel grill right there.
Nah I'm 6'5 and I haven't dated a girl over 5'4. Probs 12 or so girls. I have a thing for short girls

>less curves than a fucking wooden plank

you sure that's a bitch? cause that's a little boy's body.
How do you say that and then post this fucking troll. Serioulsy, i would not bang, but we all know 95% of 4chan has no standards.
Opened in Virtual machine, confirmed BS, but i'm sure everyone already knew that.
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Why, purchase one off the internets
Hey OP. If I guess her name right can /b/ get more nudes?
Reading comprehension wasn't your stong suit, was it?
She asian, of course not. Plus short girls love tall guys. It's a pretty normal thing unless your girl looks super young, then you get some weird looks
@OP still trips!
Op shut the fuck up
My grill is like 4'3'' & I'm 5'5''
Man im fucking weird, Im not turned on by naked women or men nor pussy, boobs and dicks also have very little effect on their on, its all about context for me, or if I hear the woman in porn making very soft moans then I get horny, any clue whats wrong with me ?
Your vagina is broken
You sir just need a nice pair of headphones.
I believe your sexuality is defined as "audiophile"
Im a guy nigga
I know
The fuck are you saying
Haha holy shit I know these people. But I want more nudes especially from the back.
Thread replies: 245
Thread images: 51

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