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What's /b/ chew? >pic related

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What's /b/ chew?

>pic related
Nice quads man
Cope southern blend master race
cope never really gave me the rush grizzly did.
Do quads kill a nasty habit?
Only chewed when I was a hand/herdsman on a dairy farm many years ago. Levi Garret was what I used. Couldn't smoke in/around the barn.
Just finally got that Cope Mint tonight. On my birthday no less. It's pretty good. Reminds me of Skoal Mint Extra
Isn't that new? Got a marine friend who freaked out with excitement about it recently.
Fucking chebo faggots, with your loud ass squatted trucks.
OP here, I drive an 06 mustang and despise fucktrucks
Same, just started
Well I mean I think Copenhagen came out with it a year ago but as far as I know it's only ever been in northern states. And I'm Texas. They finally came out and said it'd be everywhere March 2016 and today is the first day I saw it anywhere around here lol
I was a straightedge kid, and dip is the first thing thing I ever did out of my comfort zone and the first rush made me sick lol.
Indiana here, I do believe it just got here lol.
Nothing, since it costs nearly $30 per tin in Canada.
When I visit the States though, Grizzly Straight is my go-to.
Man a coworker of mine who is straight edge as fuck just tried dip for literally 3 minutes and he puked for an hour and didn't show up to work the next day. Albeit he'd never had nicotine in his 25 years.
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Yeah I chuked for a while too. xD
I didn't avoid work or anything though, mine wasn't that bad.
first time I had a cigarette I hit it like a joint and coughed my fucking guts out. It was 7th grade. new school, attempt at fitting in, went better than expected actually
Grizzly straight because I can't get any of that sweet cope.
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Nice quads
I have a question for the chewers. I am also a nicotine fan, but I smoke (more recently, vape) and I have tried chewing a dozen or so times in my life and every single time I did, I got a vicious case of hiccups. What the fuck causes that?
I've always been told that it had something to do with the minute amount of spit that you swallow. upsets your stomach or some shit like that.
Happens to all chewers. I have it happen plenty. I like to think it's the irregular swallowing of saliva.
Probably not used to it. I did too, and it eventually just stops if you're consistent enough
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thanks mah nigga
I like wide cut too. Just hate the shit stuck in my teeth. The gf doesn't like it either
Huge fan of Cope WIntergreen, but Mint was just released so I'm dick riding that shit for awhile.
You people are gross. Stay away from me with your filthy breath and unsightly mouth cancer.
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Just got a roll today too
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what im usin right now while I get hammered
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That real shit man!
Tits or gtfo
Anyone try redman? Thoughts?
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Used to have to chew that on the boat when I was in the Navy, always out of the normal shit! It's actually pretty damn good though
>Tits or gtfo

I aint a woman fag, but if you want tits, ill deliver.
do any women dip where you guys live? It's kinda considered taboo where I'm from so I'm curious.
tits with timestamp

Seconded. Almost like a weird american spirits of the dip world
Op here,
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Enjoy your mouth cancer.

Cant dip while I drink, makes me sick. Also, tits or gtfo faggot
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There's a reason they call it the snuff company. Enjoy losing your faces.
What the fuck is this product anyway?
Okay what the fuck, OP here.

I'm enlisted in the Army, I leave for basic in June. Why the fuck does every millitaryfag that dips use redman?
Is it a cliche or something
Tobacco in a bag people are leaving under their lips all day.
No not really. It's not necessarily "taboo" per say, but it's just something women don't do.
100% of people who don't dip die
The "flavor" lasted forever man. One pinch of that would last an hour if you wanted. The golden blend is the best, closest description would be a strong raisin-like taste. Really damn good
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>100% of people who don't get AIDS die
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Here fags. no paper for timestamp
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It's cheap
what a bunch of fucking losers
The only people still left in this thread are the people who just don't give a fuck about getting cancer and dying.
hey how ya doin
opposite here, cope wintergreen wrecks my shit
>that camo design on blanket
26 in 100,000 people get cancer from dip
13 out of the 100,000 die

Same as driving a car, cuck
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Those stats are false. Did you happen to get them from someone who sells it? Yeah thought so.
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