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Ask a suicidally depressed psychologist anything. Inb4 kill

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 155
Thread images: 9
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fry [19947].jpg
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Ask a suicidally depressed psychologist anything.

Inb4 kill yourself
Inb4 just eat better and exercise
Inb4 doctors and medicine are bad

If you read this far, you lost the game.
first haha
kill yourself
you're really bad at drawing
Second haha
just eat better and exercise
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lets go brah.jpg
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this fucking guy
At least its original

Unlike this

Or these
doctors and medicine are bad
doctor and medecine are bad
third haha
Can you write me a script for xannies
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ITT: Newfags

Tits or gtfo.
What stops you from killing yourself?
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tits or gtfo
also I have depression. Lexapro and booze works for me.

enjoy dancing pikachu depress b/ro
agreed. you'd never get into art school, you should probably kill yourself
fourth haha
Im a psychologist not a psychiatrist.


You are an idiot! Never mix psych meds with alcohol you dolt!
Why do you make the same thread every day? Is there nobody else to give you attention?
Cringing hard
If nothing stops you, then why are you still alive?
fifth haha
doctors and medicine are bad OP
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i have a different opinion.jpg
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or you could kill the jews
What's the fucking difference
>You are an idiot! Never mix psych meds with alcohol you dolt!
says the person dumb enough to get a psych degree and not a doctorate.
I don'tdo it forme, silly.

Because nothing starts me either
>ITT: niggers getting b8d by copy pasta
There. Fixed it for you.
Im working towards my cs masters at themoment.

5 years and residency
You should just eat better and exercise
i d i o t
Psychologists have doctorates, though.
sixth haha
delet this
Are you aware of the irony?
Also are you gunna post tits?
Not very ironic. I chose psych courses because Iwas depressed.
But. . .you're suicidal, which means you want to die? How does that not "start" you? c_c
Oh makes sense. How'd that work out for you? Not great I'm guessing.
Have you burned out all your happy feels with drugs, sex or just being a candy ass who thought life was a game for most of your life?
Are you an actual mental health practitioner or are you doing psych research?
Welcome to mental medicine! Suicidaloesnt necessarily correspond to someone on a ledge.

It worked very well. I intuitively know how to deal with suicidal, depressed, bipolar, and schizoaffective individuals.

Just didn'thelp me is all. Helped everyone I workwith.


I am not a doctor, if that is what you are asking.
>I am not a doctor, if that is what you are asking.
I wasn't asking that.
Some states will let you practice as a mental health practitioner with less than a doctorate. If you aren't doing psych research why don't you identify yourself as a graduate computer science student?
I think all states allow psychologists to aid those in need of mental health. They just cant prescribe medication.

If anything, the most appropriate title for me is "senior developer".

Ok. Well fuck your profession for turning all this psych research into consumer mind control.

No wonder people are miserable.
What'd you want out of this thread exactly OP? Just bored or something? Draw more pics
My profession is programmer. I think you'll find we control your mind far better than any drug.

To help others.
So are you currently employed in psychology?
>"senior developer"
In what? CS or psych research?
You gunna draw more pics?
Both, actually.

Suicidally depressed psychologist are just the same other psychologist, they get paid just hearing and listening to what the persons problem and writing it down on a piece of paper. So you suck OP and all other psych. (Trust me that's what psychs are for)
>Both, actually.
Do you develop software for psych research?
You.... don't know what psychologists actually do, huh?

I develop software for finacial institutions which uses a lot of psychodynamics, ai, and human models.
Damn I was hoping for more pics.
In fact, I do. They only act when it is above the "threshold" of human psych.
You just proved you dont.
Never mind, nobody can't win args online anyway.
>I develop software for finacial institutions which uses a lot of psychodynamics, ai, and human models.
Nice combo. I'd still call you a cs student with training in psychology over someone who suggests that they are a mental health professional. Have fun making lots of money with that combo though.
What do you think psychologists do exactly? Sounds like you're talking about a psychiatrist
Only fags think that the things posted here are fact anyways.
Im literally a psychologist. I cantell you, on my experience, thatis not what any psychologist I know does. Its certainly not what we are taught.

Im a non profit; Iuse it all to help others thrive.

>Im a non profit; Iuse it all to help others thrive.
freaking amazing resume booster to have while you're still in school though.
I was thinking of studying psychology along with sociology what do you think?
Sound like a good idea or have any suggestions on what I should study when I do get to college (eventually)?
does brainwashing work?

Go into computer science.

Already got my job. No resume or degree needed.
Suit yourself, I am not here to make friends anyways. I don't care if you believe, you're just a random person on a random day on a /b/ thread .
Not op but what do you want to do eventually? If you have the ability, you should consider pairing psych with a STEM focus/major.
>Already got my job. No resume or degree needed.
What do you plan on doing the the future? Staying with your non-profit?
fuck you your brainwashed! Thats why you are depressed because you are living out thoughts that arent your own. Kill yourself!
I already did. Read juuust above you

I don'tbelieve it I live it.

No you are confused. I am a non profit; my work is not.
>No you are confused. I am a non profit; my work is not.
this: >>674597385
was meat for this: >>674597125
your brainwashed
what meds are you currently on (if any) and what have you tried?
my brainwashed what?
Psychology is just applied biology.
>to help others
That's your job, not your pass time.
biology is just applied gayology
Mathematics is just applied Apophenia.
Hell, we're going back to sociology. wth.
mathematics is just fake letters called numbers
It's an endless loop.
Your all fucking brainwashed except me.
>my name is forest gump, people call me forest gump.
>Your all fucking brainwashed except me.
You're all fucking schizophrenic, except me.
Can i see your tits?

Do you think all people can recover from depression?

Would you ever recommend suicide if your job didn't forbid saying it?
hey op, thanks for being a good sport. You were actually kinda cool today. Next time draw more things to make the thread better.
Every one known to man for treating .depression Name one, I've had ot.

Im on an maoi patch now.

No my job is to program
hi OP is there a way to DM? I have genuine questions
I have no plans, dreams or ambitions so I have no idea. What is STEM?
All can. My job doesn't forbid it. Still no

I don't like to draw.

personal message somewhere?
direct message
would you fuck a patient of he had like a 10 inch dick
Science medicine technology and engineering

Sure. What so you prefer?
No. Im 100 pounds. I prefer smaller.
dont do it. shitstorm incoming
Science technology engineering and math. Basically good $$ if you need to fall back on anything. Plus I can see how HR in those fields would flock to people with
people skills
Science technology in engineering of medicine.
Have you tried dexedrine/other stimulants?
but you would fuck a patient?
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Show us your degree Dr.Irony
do you faggots not know how to use google? Medicine would fall under science.
well science is a dick if he lets medicine fall.
Talk about treatment resistant.
Have you tried psychedelics? I've heard good things about micro-dosing.
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What is your opinion of Common Core standards in Education?
This. Am I correct in believing psychologists can't do much, if anything for patients with depression outside of trying to change negative thought patterns and teaching coping skills?
she ever posted tits?
and science falls under language arts
Sounds Like it could be be good, would studying psychology and sociology work well with this STEM?
you smartass bastard.
never claimed being female

Suicidally depressed psychologist

>being this edgy.
Depends on the college and its requirements. You could have something going for you if the majors overlap well enough (see if the school offers a BS in psychology). Honestly, most psych/soc. degrees probably overlap pretty heavily anyway that you could get away with doing something a bit harder (at least a minor).
the rule states when an anon comes in claiming hes female to seek attention he must earn it by posting tits.
pic clearly shows female
Well that over shirt or whatever looks pretty girlie and it looks like you have tits
so youve never fucked a patient?
yeah im not op im just saying she never claimed to be female. tits or gtfo is wheb an anon comes in seeking attention by posting she is female
Seventh haha
and being a faggot falls under your english degree.
1. Stop thinking about bad shit, dumbfuck. Like /b/.
2. Take Wellbutrin.
3. Find a support group. Somewhere else.
fuck off newfag
newfag detected
The reason why this thread still exists.
What is a BS?
you cunt
I haven't lost in years
fuck you

drink ant poison
Bachelor of science
or bullshit. your pick
Bachelor of Science degree, better known as a BullShit degree.
While OP never made any direct claims of their gender. Posting a picture of herself that reveals enough information for us to presume she is female, is essentially the same thing as the picture in itself is needless.
so new i can smell the factory
unless you're a commie-fag (read: non-american) then your degree will probably be different.
Psy D or PhD?
did she ever say that was a pic of her tho ive seen that pic b4
Why are you so boring? Tell us about your craziest patients.
ur so new they havent even made a factory for your prototype looking neckbeard ass.
see: >>674595020
>I am not a doctor, if that is what you are asking.
Tell us some of your patients most fucked up stories.
What's wrong with a BS?
Does having a BS make you a commie?
Get rid of that sweater. That even depresses me. Shitcan the gray/brown/white dungeon colors, and get some color around you..
>at least it's original
Enough proof for you?
No. The bs that other countries label their BS is bs.
If you couldn't tell, OP hasn't answered any genuine questions referring to her actual work as a psychologist.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
She can't talk about patients because confidentiality. Besides, you're probably one of them.
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Pick one
So she's not anonymous???
Ooh, that makes sense
Wrong. You can talk about them you can't name them or relate the information to any specific person. My psychiatrist tells me about his other patients all the time.
cus that other patient is secretly u
It's one of your other personalities I'm sure.
OP are you still here? Talk about something. Can you go into specifics about your job or what it is that you do?
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Thread images: 9

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