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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 266
Thread images: 49
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The locals cast out the child for witchcraft, she's a Danish charity worker that helps, I'd also fuck her.
Or from the pessimists point of view "if someone else out there has it worse than me then this world REALLY is a fucked up place."
Typical fucking nigger. He has enough money for a can of soda but not clothes or food? I'll bet he traded all his food stamps to buy an iPhone.
are you actually retarded
The fact of the matter is niggers treat niggers worse than anyone else. That land would probably be thriving but alpha nigger steals all the aid money/ work/education and there that stupid white bitch goes and helps a fucking retarded buthurt useless race. I feel absolutely nothing for that little niglet. As soon as it dies theres one less criminal on this earth. Their life is rough because thats what they know. And its racist of you to think otherwise
That child is clearly a witch
Of course edgy white racist will say this poor child deserves it. I hope that blonde girl at least gave these poor black people some milk to. Perhaps even her ass to some of the men with sexual emergencies.
>nigger get huge ass continent
>don't want to improve just nigg around
>no food shiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
I think that's beer. Classic nigger
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Despite the overwhelming optimism given by our fellow mankind participating in this thread I think we all should take at least a moment to recognize what Op is attempting to do for us and that is to encourage us to feel better about it our lives and not to be purely degenerates on the internet or am I the only one who sees that

Isn't it racist and infantilizing to show whites obviously taking care of blacks like this? Where are the strong African influences helping their own community?
Ur right OP. I need to pull my pathetic ass together
I am miserable in the desert. I rarely eat or drink water. I have AIDS. I need to have children, who will also have AIDS.

What is the logic in perpetuating this with charity? Use the remainder of charity funds to mix a sterilizing agent with the food and water to end the insanity and wastefulness of propping up such a shit existence.
The aid worker would do more good if she shot and killed everyone in that village, because when she leaves they will continue to abuse, neglect, rape and kill their own.

If you want to make real change, be in a place where you can make change. A tree hugging hippie camping in a tree is not going to stop loggers from cutting down every other fucking tree in the forest. But the SVP of Sales at FUCK TREES inc, can say hey it would be more cost effective if we harvest sustainably and build our own tree farms.

If this bitch wants action, buy a FUCK ton of cheap land, and get involved with local government.

Fuck off.
Its Part of God beautiful plan
It's called putting things into perspective. That argument is literally the most stupid reddit-esque thing I've seen.
holy shit i fucking agree
> explain

The picture shows an entitled child using his water slave. Just snarky social commentary.
atleast the kid doesnt have to worry about the extinction of his race and culture within this current century because of muslims and other breeds of nigger
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>africans are dumb
like can't figure out that you can dig wells near where da ebil white man puts in a watertable metered pump they need to pay to use you'll hit the very same damn water table.
>really dumb
like can't make a sand water filter or boil water dumb
>believe in darkie ooga booga religions
>one of these beliefs is that the little nigga there is a witch
>refuse to feed it
>won't kill it cuz bad joojoo
>just watch the kid eat dirt and trash to survive with their vacant nigger cow eyes
>white woman shows up
>bored of handing english bibles to savages who can't read and keep eating them/using them as kindling
>sees starvin marvin eating dirt
>gives it some water and a granola bar
>woman pats herself on the back and leaves
>starvin marvin gets eaten by stray dogs the next day
Right, I double that you've made a difference for anyone ever.
You probably don't even like yourself.

What's tough about going to the jungle and feeding the animals?
>implying because others have it worse it means my life isn't rough
>implying I am able to help someone
>implying I am reveiving help from anyone

If you're not gonna evolve out of the cancer/tumblr phase then you might as well stop coming here.

Because someone somewhere has it worse than you, you aren't allowed to be sad/angry about your problems.

That's basically it.
I feel like your comment is more "reddit-esque" as you call it.
Lol you're pathetic
actually problems depend on the life of who is having them, a richfag will find it subhuman to not have a butler, while normies are just find with that. and once you have a big catastrophy occur to you (like losing your legs) even though you are sad, it's scientifically proven that your emotional reactions will sooner or later regulate to your levels of "normalness" you had before that accident. just like how if you win lottery you will just be happy for so long
Stop being an angsty teenager
first contact with the dark ayys
>implying i'm lucky enough to be handfed by tattoed concubines
I guess it could be more rough, I could be giving shit to dark imps far from home.
With that logic, you should never be happy about anything because someone else is better off than you.
>trips checked
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This is your reminder that for literally thousands of years that families did not have children they couldnt support or they died. Simple. Romans adopted anal sex as a birth control method for this very reason. The simple fact is that while this woman may feel good for taking care of that little dindonuffin, his parents should be ashamed for not having the forethought before bringing the nigglet into the world.
>>but, but, muh dick
In the real world there are consequences nigger.
Back to tumblr and reddit you faggot

No fuck off. No the anon you are replying to, but that kids the product of shitty government and an over bearing western civilisation. I have fuck all to do with that, it's not my fault. Like fuck am I going to contribute and make shit worse. Or feel bad.
>dat little toe
0/10 would not accept water from
God black kids are ugly af. What I don't get is black people are human beings, the far and away most intelligent creatures on Earth. They have had thousands and thousands of years to get their shit together. Are they all literally retarded?
I know, I could be stuck i nAfrica with shit tattoos.
but you're wrong.
Die in a car fire you Reddit filth
Even if I doN#t get any money next week I'll survive without food. Only 1 week to go and I have unlimited computer+internet.
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>posts this on /b/

>expects non-retarded answers.
>ignoring how hard it is to live in African regions
Just because they're humans doesn't mean they're smart. You had to be taught most things you know.
Way to stay on point.
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>sexual emergencies

Ok, I kek'd
Cry harder on tumblr you fat cunt
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The fuck white people guy is from my country.

"I wore it to provoke discussion about the racial inequality"

>Because someone somewhere has it worse than you, you should take stock and be joyful about what good things in life you have.

Fixed, you edgy faggot. I bet you're a militant atheist too.
what makes you think he was expecting non-retarded answers? are you actually fucking retarded?
>"You said something I don't agree with so you're an angsty teenager"
>go back to "le reddit".

>why havnt we glasses that shithole continent yet
She thinks her life is rough because she is feeding the starving in a place that is hundreds of miles from the closest tattoo parlor.
Got any Noods of the bitch?
yeah suck my dick bitch
I'm all out of internet on my phone
don't tell me who has a hard life motherfucker
fucking 50 kb/sec

yeah, i'm lucky i don't have to feed a nigglet.
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hey we live in a 3rd world war torn famine filled shit hole.
Should we maybe have some kids?
Just be grateful. That's all.
rolllin quints
thanks for the pic OP. It shows how the same self absorbed tatted up skank would walk around with a selfish self righteous attitude.

Yeah ok gaudy ink bitch, everyone needs to care about what you care about.
gtfo .
>starvin marvin gets eaten by stray dogs the next day

Kek! for real?
hahaha yup

never understood this about 3rd world countries
That's not what it is portraying you faggot
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What exactly constitutes a sexual emergency. Also that sounds like a fantastic captcha
my life is rough.
I'm out of Bailys
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I have fraternal twin boys boys that are about the same age as this poor child, so this picture always kills me.
That's called jealousy and it's real
There was a story about a mudslime rapefugee who had raped a 10 year old boy and claimed it was a "sexual emergency".
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that's why they deserve to be erradicated
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Fixed some more.
that niggers a witch
They only know one spell. "White space".

Why do you think they're so black, where do you think they put their power?
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he will be president one day. Being a president is rough
having ten children in a poverty stricken country with no way to support them, that's today's reminder

niggers, like other animals, live in hostile environments. it's like saying people can't have shitty lives because they don't get eaten alive in the wild. it's just a null argument and absolutely pointless
butthurt ponyboi right here
I think it's funny that nigs like this are too stupid to grow crops and breed livestock like the white man did. Natural selection at work
awe bru
Fucking hell man

Also, check 'em
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>>674573458 I agree with op... however ONLY if that is targeted towards black people, and not white people. Blacks bitch, and moan about how bad they got it in the states... Look at the descendants of slaves vs so called free africans.
Funny how everyone ignored this
tumblrinas would be triggered by the r-word
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True, but my comprehension and reasoning skills are amazing compared to all other animals. Yet of all the species in Africa, black people seem to be doing worse than most. You have to learn to teach. How they didn't learn basic things for so long is amazing.
10 should do, right?

No clue about Africa, but in india its how they make money. Each person makes a tad more than they need, and the rest goes to the family. More people = more money. It's really fucked up.
This child has a third of his weight in additional water supplies and a quarter of his weight in food all at the ready. What's there to complain about. I don't have that in arms reach right now.
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Sub saharan Africa is actually quite fertile. When whites controlled South Africa and Rhodesia they had some of the most fertile farms in the world and were major export economies for produce. Agriculture was literally the largest industry in africa in the 70's-90's, then the ZANU terrorists took over, founded zimbabwe, stole all the farms/killed all the white devil farmers, then within a few agricultural cycles utterly ruined the soil quality and caused mass famine.

niggers gonna nig
It's MORE humane to allow such starving children in impoverished nations to die.

The reason they starve is more people live there than the land sustains.

By feeding the starving child you allow it to grow up, and breed.

When it grows up, and breeds then 1 starving child becomes 10 in the next generation.
This picture made me feel really sad... I usually don't care about niggers... Pregnancy hormones are making me weak...
The mother will now abandon her offspring because an outsider touched it
Boil water twice, it is clean.
Use dirty water to feed plants that aren't even being grown, you have food.
Get big rock, get little rock, pound grain such as corn or just fucking grass even, make shitty bread.

But wait, can't do that apparently, don't even know why it isn't even attempted.
Dumb white people logic
Nigger detected
Your like a stepping razor man, watch those sides everyone. The edge is is dangerous.

the land of africa would nourish more than the populationof africans.

the problems are:
one third of produced food gets bad bc no equipment
farmers get more money for crops that are not edible bc western society buys them
the farmers have no money and one little miss harvest destroys them forever.

stop buying african crops
give microcredits
train farmers
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if that nigger makes it to puberty then he can get all the pussy he wants no problem, just ask and fuck.

the white boy has to prove he is worthy of pussy and so he slaves to get the required material wealth/status to MAYBE get laid.

white boys have to work for it, black boys don't.

that is why the west is wealthy and africa is poor.
nice bait, ill bite

if you are white and poor you dont get to fuck?
then why do the poor people make more babies in america?

you got rejected by your highschool crush and now you are looking for an excuse for being fat and gay arent you?
>starvin marvin
Are you a haggard old bitch? Do you have to hang around niggers? No, so you're lift isn't that rough.

whites are NOT reproducing at even a replacement rate never mind a growth rate in America.

It is the latinos and blacks that are reproducing NOT whites.
feeding nigglets is a relly tough job. i cant stand this smelly things.
there are more poor people in america than there are poor black people.
poor people make more babies.
there are more white babies in murica.

chill the fuck out and stop being so hatefull for once

Literal retard/Nigger (same thing) detected

I get more pussy than you, have a bigger dick, and am smarter than you. Must suck to be part of a race so effeminate and weak you were enslaved by every other race that you came into contact with.

>whites are NOT reproducing at even a replacement rate never mind a growth rate in America.

>It is the latinos and blacks that are reproducing NOT whites.

this is statistical fact.

YOU tell me why this is happening?
It's a nigger womb turd. Who cares?

Daif scum
you know the phrase "too smart for the room"?
This...well put anon

Because whites max leveled and completed the game.
This. Africa is a shit hole, and has been since recorded history. They can't get their shit together. He is wrong about sustainability though, there is plenty for them. They're just too fucking dumb to utilize it.
>your life isnt bad because someone elses is worse
remember that when you get sodomized by canadians
Link to vid?
You dunce.
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Haha nigger lover
I went to that link and all i get is comments and a single pic. it doesnt seem to have a link in the comments even, just people referencing the video.
The fuck is that thing? ET phone home! Call wikus, this thing needs to get back to district 9.
Also did a reverse image search in hopes of someone linking to it, but its all just twitter garbage.
Ill take 42 of those shirts please
Ive been to Africa and learned a lot about it.
>Most fertile land in the world is in central and southern Africa
>dimonds, gold and oil are all over Africa
>The EU and China own all of the farms. They ship all of the food to EU and China. What little food that remains in country/Africa costs 4-5 times what it should.
>When there is farm land being used by and for locals, warlords steal all the food to gice to their "Soldiers."
>in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), the crops of farmers are stolen so often that most now just grow tobacco.
>African governments are extremely corrupt and will outright steal money from citizens on a whim
>Rowandan Refugees are seen as "criminal scum" but are tolorated because "if they go home they die."
>The EU intentionally keeps corrupt African governments in power for the farming racket.
>Africans are good people. African leaders are shit. Most problems are directly caused by EU leadership
>white sjw chick goes to africa
>resorts in 4* hotel
>leaves the hotel for once to find a starving lil niglet to take selfies and pics with
>posts them on all social media to impress her sjw friends
>"d'aww ur such a good person for a white girl"
>comes back home
>get's a tattoo made with the name of that lil niglet
>her friends ask about the meaning of it and she tells them her heartwarming story of how she saved lil niglet
>meanwhile the lil niglet get's eaten by vultures
Where's the broom?
she must have done something really soul wrenching to seek retribution by placing herself in that environment.
I read that, he got so horny in a locker room that he couldn't control himself
Why are there so many starving Ethiopians when there are so many starving Ethiopians they could eat? If I were a starving Ethiopian I'd rename the place Easter Island.
holy shit are you?
If the locals showed even 1% of the empathy of Western people, they wouldn't be in this shit.

A friend of the family is a black as the night African. One of the few decent people there. That nigger would have been dead three times over, if he didn't know the right people. One time he was in the fucking hospital, and the doctors and nurses were content to let him die until he called someone who has some influence there.

You can see it in that picture. Two people talking past as if nothing's happening. How often have they walked past before and after said picture? Would that happen in the West? Fuck no. At worst the Bystander Effect is still measured in minutes or hours. Not fucking days, weeks, years.

And the tragedy is: The more we help, the more there will be to suffer when room and resources in the world inevitably run out.

So yeah, is my life as tough as that of the average African? No. But to suggest I and mine have no control over that is ridiculous. If I functioned as the average African, I'd be a rapist and murderer right now. Either that, or dead. That's the way of the crab basket.
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idk dude, he probly stole it, you can never tell with these fucking apes
dumb ass detected
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What do they serve at Ethiopian restaurants? Dirt? Bags of UN famine relief food?
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You do realise because there is no welfare or social security net in these countries, that having children is a means of ensuring care at an old age.
The big mistake the Europeans made was letting the Africans live. Had they committed genocide like they did in North America, the surplus of ragheads and nignogs wouldn't be destroying European culture right now.
Top kek
And you do realise that's exactly what keeps them all poor and unemployed in the first place, right?

Places like zimbobwei used to be the bread basket of Africa growing weat

Blacks took over and chased off or killed the white farm owners who knew what they were doing and killed the black formen who knew how to modern farm and gave the land that was supposed to go to poor single family farmers to friends of the government and military
>AIDs Zombies
>having dozens of starving children
>who also have AIDs
>ensuring care at old age
>old age

that only works in an agrarian society that produces enough resources for an extended family. Also a society where 3 out of 4 people aren't AIDs carriers with the 4th already dead from sickle cell anemia.

Many of the governments drill wells the village can use for free, because it is free and they dont care they keep breaking the pumps

ware they charge the village 1 chicken a month they don't break he pumps
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fixed it 3

But I still don't think she's a witch.
Probably because of some deformity or something
No, you are right, i am currently not feeding underfed children, life is good.
it's an expedient way to let an orphan die without feeling bad m8. mother probably died in childbirth or in strange circumstances so the kid is obviously a witch.

>i am currently not supporting over breeding, life is good.

>reminder your life isn't rough

Fuck people. Just because some one else is having a bad time doesn't make any one else's struggles any less Stressful on that person.
Thanks to remind me that I don't have to feed niggers.
I'm feeling much better.
Why waste food . Let the little nignog die

actually, it is. i have a serious organ disease. ive had gangrene. tons of surgery. i live in constant pain. no relief. i was abused by my family. i have no friends and i live in the middle of no where. i gotta walk in the cold to get food.
Please don't feed the niggers.
As soon as any black makes any kind of money, they buy spinning rims and gold teef. Or they buy tons of cars for their studio audience.
Why the fuck do people think this is unethical? It's unethical allowing shit to continue like this. But no, people and their frightened little moralities.
Same woman pictured here. Black power you cracker mother fuckers!
Then kill yourself. You have obvoiusly failed at life. Just sayin

no doubt you can sway our low IQ cracker sisters, you're welcome to them.

enjoy your poverty.
Her life is pretty rough her wrist must hurt pouring that water
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I'd take that little nigger home and keep him as a pet.
Well damn... if she didint get aids from feeding a nigger witch she got aids from well.... fucking a nigger. My dick is gonna be soft for a couple of hours boys,
why not a labourer?
I'd just walk around my neighborhood on a leash and take him to McDonalds parking lot and let people feed him french fries.
Because it's not our place to decide for others whether death is preferable to suffering.
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Niggers being niggers. As usual.
better than a seagull I guess. He won't shit on your Mercedes :)
That's not being a pessimist. That's being an egotistical emo fag.
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100+ hours in ms paint
Africa is a dump and people won't stop fucking, they did it to themselves
He is yeoman don't talk to slaveless yeoman
>nigs in background
>no compassion with kid or human life whatsoever
>retard white shit in in foreground
>has compassion for weak life form

if you are to weak to survive nature did good with removing you from the gene pool. this white bitch is too retarded to understand.

Calm down there edgemaster, you're mom's here to pick you up in the minivan
AIDs is already doing the genocide for us. In the meantime we can sit back and watch from our virus controlled countries.
Animals use tools to make their life easier, other societies were able to achieve more in harsher climates. Your point is invalid, stop defending africa, cleanse the land and use it to feed the people that fucking matter. Nb4 Hur dur its Africa hard to grow shit.
don't worry, he has male privilege and thin privilege so he'll be OK.
Theres no way a population that large can sustain itself in Africa without fleeting resources or mass genocides.
it has nothing to do with edges, it is what i observed. we as whites give too much about human life. we have too much compassion for people.
>Nb4 Hur dur its Africa hard to grow shit.
lol africa has some of the most fertile soil on the face of the earth. its not my fault this niggers keep living in fucking waste lands trying to pretend they are fucking mad max.
we need to just go over there and kill all those poor ''starving'' bitchs
A garbage culture on the most resource rich continent on the planet. That's it.
They will be at the gates of Europe.(they are)
Yes indeed. My life is nowhere near as hard as hers. No niggers ever shake me down for free water. Fuck, we should start a charity to get her more water.
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Nigger culture.webm
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Niggers rather dance then do anything productive
no, i agree.
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Africans hard at work.webm
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And when they do attempt to be productive they suck at it.
She gives him digestive biscuits not to get fat
no wonder niggers copulate like rabbits. they teach their 5yo kids how to fuck.
wheres the full docu
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No OP is trying to encourage race mixing OP is a jew.

Dont breed with these subhumans , your children will be lesser lifeforms with a lack of empathy and intellectual capacity.
Accept for the part where whites are not allowed to own land in that country.
what is this from brah
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Knowing that our entire linage history and culture will be lost is indeed a heavier burden then one single individual dying of because it was not fit enough for survival.
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Some indeed are retarded at birth yet they are still healthy niggers.
they never had to adapt to any other biotope then the lush jungle and savannah .
They never needed stronger mental traits.
Who needs empathy to help another member with essential skills to survive,
You dont need help or skills when fruit just grows everywhere.
Ever notice how blacks leave people behind and just bail when stuff gets hard.
They are fast runners 10% less bone density saves about 1 kg of weight.
This saves allot of energy and increases acceleration for running away. It also explains the use up move on mentality of blacks today.
You cant even crop fuck off, nigger this kid must die out okay , its parrents are so dumb they think the kid is a witch.
White man has to much empathy , turn all cuck , feed these niggers, then invited them to your countrys and homes , then they fuck all your women and breed you out of existence.

Natural selection at work pussy its Friday wtf are you even doing inside
you can obviously see the strain in her wrist, this can lead to chronic pain.

Look at how she has to squat seat, all that stress is going to go to her back.

it is also obvious that she can't really afford decent footwear, I can almost feel the thread rubbing between her toes.

You have convinced me op, I thought I had it bad but now I see that my suffering is nothing in front of this picture
Black people have a higher bone density... just keep making up facts and try to seem smarter
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Nigger you cant even get it right
>niggers have a lower bone density
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Man, women get away with everything. I got kicked out of the zoo when I fed the chimps
Well, let's see...

I drive a BMW
I've never owned a truck
I don't own a confederate flag
I don't drink
I don't use tobacco products or any other drugs
I don't own any firearms besides my trusty VP-9
Oakleys are for fags
And I've never even seen anyone in KKK robes irl

And I make 70k/yr with a 2-year degree

Oh, and I'm voting for Trump. Stay mad homes.
Relativity. How rough your life is depends on how much you desire to achieve.
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>daily reminder that your life doesnt actually matter and in 150 years nobody will remember you
So you haven't even an excuse to be retarded.
More of the fact that some one else's struggles don't undermine or get rid of mine.

Don't be so sure.

People love sticking their head up other people's asses.

I dream of having absolute privacy.
wew lad the world blew up and now we are here stories?
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Don't forget where you are faggot. Just the fact you get on this site proves that you are just as pitiful as the rest of us. African or not your an outcast that'll die unhappy.

150 years from now we will all be sandapes scraping by living like animals if this multicultural shit doesnt gets turned around.
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The funny thing is if you saw someone wearing that shirt and you responded with "Fuck niggers"

They'd get all fucking riled up and probably try to fight you.

>Nigger logic
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Yeah, keep telling yourself that
I couldn't imagine trying to get a job other than feeding niggers if I was covered in all those trashy tattoos
She's been out there doing this for three years - chances of her being raped and murdered before she's been there five years? Probably 50/50
How did u manage a 70k job with a 2 year degree?
I make 85k/year with only a GED
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Male prostitution in rich suburbia.

In other words.

He sucks rich dudes dicks for 100's.
Even the niggers let those pieces of shit die.
she took milennia of great genes and then flushed them down the toilet.
I like your facts, but the Trevi fountain was not built much later than 70 AD.
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>>sees starvin marvin eating dirt
You're kind of a bastard for saying that
Romans never 'adopted' anal sex. Lay off the gay propaganda.
They are sub humanoids with a small intellectual capacity.
They evolved in a plentiful and rich biotope so it was not a problem to be waist full or to destroy things.
In competition with other animals and the inability to craft tools to overcome the balance, they developed to be loud and aggressive to scare of or kill other animals that potentially are a threat or a resource (so the ones that where less aggressive where less successful).
All other races have Neanderthal dna in them.
hominids that lived in a harsh climate for 100 000 to 250 000 years ago.
cooperation teamwork saving and managing resources where key to survival.
Empathy came in to play as well as if one member of the group was weak or injured it was beneficial to help him or her.
This member might have had a skill that would pay off in the long term.
Also taking care of your children and teaching them is more important in a harsh climate. Making sure they don't freeze to death ore starve in the pre teen years becomes more important as well.
Africans had to deal with a high death rate from wildlife.
There was enough easy food and living to keep up a high rate of birth.
Because of this there was no genetic selection for cooperation ,teamwork abilities, intellect , empathy, efficiency conservancy or the ability to convey information from one person to another , simply because nature never required it.
Yes, I am. Is it hurting anybody saying this very true thing? Millions of niggers in Africa and they still can' t feed their own niglets.
You could be in Ethiopia feeding kids that were born specifically to die, so that the US wouldn't stop giving them free aid.

Seriously. What a waste.
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