Would you fuck Trump's daughter?
butta face
Who the fuck wouldn't
Yes, but only if rape.
im almost certain Trump has been hitting it since she was little.
I've had a boner for Ivanka for a looooong timeee
shes perfect
I don't know if it's worth it to put my dick somewhere Donald's has been.
It's a tough choice though.
Absolutely, and hell, I'd even vote for him if there was a trade of fucking her in exchange for the vote, despite me being opposed to just about everything Trump and the other Republicans stand for.
...but that'll never happen, so fuck my sexless life.
so if she was begging to have consensual sex with you you would say no? Why?
No, she'd fuck me
Absolutely, if she let me I would.
Shes very pretty and I would prefer her without make up, tbqh fam
Gorgeous w/out makeup/hair style
Because, her dad is a racist biggot and said all muslims and mexicans are rapists.
Faggot detected
but you would rape here? geez you must be mexican.
nice boobs and blowjob lips. rest not so much (there's something about her face that resembles her father)
fuck. yes.
I'd tag team her dad in too
Pretty sure Trump even fucked his own daughter
haha truth hurts
Didn't that bitch already get fucked and cummed inside?
Jesus Christy that is not a normal father-daughter pose
I'd fuck her myself, then bring in the vatos for a good old mexican gangbang.
>wall gets 10 feet taller
gotta pay your dad back for being able to have to never work a day in your life.
incest fag here. yeap. trust me on that one. you can tell he has.
Probably fingered her after that photo. His hands are in a weird place for a daughter and they are a bit too close lol.
It'd be glorious. Like fucking the God Emperor himself.
I'd fuck your mom faggot
When you're insanely rich, you can take photos like that.
and get away with incest
nah, take it from a fellow perv. there was something going on.
james t kirk had the first interracial kiss in television history.
good choice, dipshit
I think you mean how would we, faggot. Who wouldn't?
Yes, but only throat fucking, anal, light choking followed by a spinning piledriver. When the announcer yells KO! I gouge out Trump's eyes and shotgun spray shit into his eye sockets.
Any nudes? Or really good fakes of just her naked?
You dumb fuck. That's a pornstar
Don't be at the Trump tower in vegas in a few hours
oh dude, I'm not saying there wasn't, AT ALL.
I'm just saying, Trump can get away with taking rididculousl photos like that scott free.
I don't rule out, AT ALL, that Trump fucked her.
I think he probably did. And multiple times.
I fuck your slutty sister so ha
I'm positive she's been BLACKED by 3 while Trump watched. Anyone got a link
raghead / wetback detected
i'd stuff a ring on her before she spoke
Why the fuck would I not?
She's cute. But there's a tradeoff. I'd probably have to deal with her dickhead father.
Do people actually talk like this?
It's not racist if it's true
Of course. The Don and I can tag team.
Brown people do love a good raping. That's the only good quality they have, imo.
No, but I know he would.
Look at dem neck rolls. Can fit a whole lotta cock in them
Look at dem neck rolls
Can fit a whole lotta cock in them
You're asking b, lol.
no I'd turn her down and make her jealous
No, I wouldn't want Donald's sloppy seconds.
I would blow the biggest fucking load inside that billion dollar pussy.
>kidnap the slut
>make vid of raping her nonstop
>send to trump to blackmail
>force him to drop out of election
>wait till buying is finally over while have my fun with her
> send her back to her worthless father as a broken sex slave
She's a Jew, doesn't /b/ hate Jews?
I'm with this anon
fuck her nonstop all day and fill her to the brim.
Hell yeah
Is that a nipple I see?
This isn't /pol/.
I'd go in raw.
Carl the cuck? Is that you?
Let's be honest, if you say no then you are a faggot
Only on the agreement that she'd take a lie detector test that she would never have sex with her father. That way I would be safe I wouldn't catch any retarded STDs.
How can any conservative support Trump? lel
The question I really want to know the answer to is, if Trump is a Christian, why did he name his daughter a Jewish name?
Almost half of the people that will support a Democratic nomination.
ivana fuck
And risk getting infected with retardednessess? CLEALY NOT.
i would fuck anyone that Trump has fucked before
Poor bait nigger faggot
What the fuck did you just say about the president?
Is that image considered "kek" material?
>confirmed for beta-like mentality
>Voting for Trump is morally reprehensible
>To stop him I must kidnap his innocent daughter and rape her into a severely damaged state
>Would you fuck Trump's daughter?
Even Trump wants to fuck her. So, like most men who are into women, yeah, I would fuck her.
See, now you get it.
.... would I have to speak to Trump?
Why don't you go be edgy somewhere else faggot.
i don't want dangle drumpf's sloppy seconds
Don't really want his sloppy seconds
What about Tiffany Trump?
it's like her face is melting in place or something
make x-ray please
Only for a small loan of a million dollars