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I get pussy. I'm talking high quality puss. You better start

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I get pussy. I'm talking high quality puss. You better start lifting if you want to get on my level you virgins. I bet the only lifting you do is from your bag of doritos to your mouth. You're a fucking joke. Girls at guys like you. Me and my gym buddies call guys like you betas. You better worship me you smug little fatties. Fuck you and your miserable life, faggots.
Stale b8
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Go fuck urself faggot
You're like about 10yo, right? Mentally, I mean.
"Girls at guys like you" kek'd
Please bro teach me how to be so manly as you
at least we can speak english
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rate my gf.jpg
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than why not a pic with your pussy like me? nigga,i have a beer belly and fuck more than you,faggot,gym is for pussies,not for catching pussies
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>claims to get the high quality puss
>obviously not getting any right now
>rather spending time talking to wizards on /b/

sorry to break it to you, bro, but you are a closet homo
>gym buddies
Huh. It's 2016 you don't have to be in the closet any more.
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>girls at guys like me
Slav nigger please.
He's right about lifting tho
pick one, virgin
Slavs are worse than niggers. Hence Slav nigger.
1/10 copypasta m8
OP still feels empty inside.

So there's that.
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only trips.png
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You might GET pussy...
But I TAKE pussy.
lolol justin deroy such a douche
k,you'll still remain virgin
your a beta sorry to break it to you ,my fucking micro quadcopter has wider arms then you faggot
Not gonna lie, would probably suck you off bro. You're a good looking dude
>girls at guys like me
No they don't, because I speak English.

I hate to debate who gets more pussy on the internet, especially to bait threads, but here it goes....

I have what most women want. I have money, I own two businesses, I have ambition, intelligence, and I'm healthy and fit without being a meat head. I don't have a six-pack and I never will (one of the businesses is a brewery, so that's not really a possibility). But only a small percentage of women want that shit. Most would rather have someone that's a fucking adult, who spends their time bettering themselves and those around them by being productive and successful-- not wasting 3 hours a day defining muscles that are basically useless. That said, I have a rowing machine. I use it a few hours a week, which keeps me fit for any physical activities that I do (mostly kayaking, skiing, hiking/backpacking).

So keep posting your stale bait. You aren't shit.
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>even being this near to the machines

Well that motherfucker does more than lift though doesn't he? To look like that he keeps himself on a diet and routine so strict and spartan it's just not fucking worth it for looks. Also he's dehydrated.
manly = being independend and have a goal in life.
linfting so you look manly but are not = beta.
>i judge the quality of a person based on their sex life

Wowee. I'm done.
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Aren't we blessed that someone so successful has decided to venture into the shit crack of the internet that is this site, more specifically this board, and that said hero is in such a healthy and pure state of mind that he has chosen to spend his precious (and very limited judging by the number of activities he does and positions of responsibility he juggles) time enlightening us.

Literally no "bait" in that picture tho... Ohhh I see. Clever.
OP is absolutely right. I'm jacked as fuck and laugh at all you scrawny virgins who complain about being friendzoned. I have a half dozen girls lined up who I could fuck any night of the week. So enjoy fapping to your ponies and anime while I rack up the real puss.
Why are your pants so low? You need to pull them up? Do you not know how they work?
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anyone can be your size after 6 months in gym...
Not anywhere near as hot as OP/10

Bet OP slays way more poose than you.

You should basically give up and admit your just one of us faggots.

Then why haven't you taken the steps if it's so easy? Just admit your a weak-willed virgin who doesn't even have the discipline to better yourself.
Joke's on you, I don't even like doritos you cunt
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I can message this to any girl on tinder and roughly 1/6 of them are down to fuck that same night. I got countless more screenshots if you need any more proof. Stay mad you virgin.
There's no need to sculpt yourself into "cage-dancer on fire island" up there, but there's a lot to be said for just getting physically strong. I'm a fat bastard, but women don't really care too much so long because I'm also 6 7' and can pick up their chubby friend with one arm.
faggot who has never lifted dected
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yet here you are on /b
You are. Thanks for acknowledging my presence.

Everyone has down time. I'm in my mid 30s and I've been coming here for a long time. Success doesn't change that it's amusing.

How about overall quality of life? Even if you don't want to be /fit/ for girls, being fit has tons of extra benefits that fat people don't even think about.

> Not being winded after climbing up stairs
> Better sex stamina
> Higher self-confidence
> Longer lifespan
> Facial gains

The list goes on and on...

Weren't you listening? I do work out man. I can climb stairs just fine, I have more than enough stamina, my confidence is if anything too high...
>I'm talking high quality puss.
>Girls at guys like you.
>Me and my gym buddies
>You better worship me
Nice 5-pack, faggot.
judging by the height of your bed, you're a midget.

How's it feel knowing a 5'9" manlet gets more puss than you?
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