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YLYL thread cuz just read an anon quoting this on a different

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 313
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YLYL thread cuz just read an anon quoting this on a different thread

>Socialism worked in Germany, right?
Socialism worked in China, right?
Socialism worked in Cuba, right?

Socialism works, right?

Socialism had failed time and time again. Bernie sanders is a democratic socialist.. Try to spot the noun and the adjective there.

Trump is going to secure our country when he is elected. These Mexicans crossing our border and the influx of middle eastern immigrants come here because it is better than their homelands. Why is the US better than their homelands, you ask?

Because at least half, if not most, of the unemployed aren't productive simply because they are lazy. Many of those living in poverty are poor simply due to not making things better for themselves. Immigrants take jobs, and welfare recipients complain that they can't find jobs while they spend their federal handouts on booze, pot, and whatever the fuck else they want.

Bernie wants to help these people by giving them taxpayers' hard earned money, while trump wants to force them into productivity. If they don't want to be productive when there are more jobs and opportunities, then they will suffer.

I'm a severe tbi survivor and have osteoarthritis from a c2 fracture, but I still worked manual labor until I enrolled in college. If I can do it, Tyrone in projects housing can.

I sort of agree with this
That was actually me. You're a fucking idiot.
B-but Trump is a democrat.
You think trump wants to pay for lazy welfare fucks?
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are you retarded?
Nah nigga. He's a Donald Trump.
Shut up op. You faggot
If you are happy with what you have, that is exactly how you do not get more of it.

Fuck Bernie, and fuck his handouts.
Donald Trump is closer to independent than any other candidate (that matters) around right now and it pisses both sides off.
No. I was saying he literally copied my post from another thread. OP a fucking idiot.
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>I am not for sale that scares the shit out of Washington.

Yup we're cutting the puppets from their strings and going straight for one of the puppet masters.
>puppet masters
Dumbass confrimed
No u ;^)
Lel have you even looked at anything he's said pre 2014 you ignorant dumbass? He literally said he might run for president and tell all the idiots what they want to hear to get votes. Do some fucking research moron
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This is your daily reminder that Bernie Sanders' critics rely almost exclusively on misrepresenting what he means when he says "socialism".
Source for what he "literally" said.
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donald trump is a fag holy shit
Donald J. Trump is demonstrobly the worst candidate...

That's why I'm voting for him.

Watch what happens when someone completely unqualified takes the presidency.
>Spoiler alert
Nothing will change.
Herbert is a puzzy
This is your daily reminder that Donald Trump critics rely almost exclusively on misrepresenting what he means when he says anything.

Oh wait that's the media in general you fucking retard.
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> tbi survivor and have osteoarthritis
Just wait until you're drafted for further duty in
the MIddle East. Trump will be using you to fight more oil wars, so good fucking luck,
mate.With college, at least you'll be an officer.

When you look back in regret about how even more fucked over America will become,
remember: you voted for him.

A little helping hand to your fellow man might not look so hysterically evil then. Especially when it's you that'll need the hand up, rugged

You're probably right about one thing, though. America doesn't have the guts, spine, mind or
heart to care enough to attempt anything remotely Socialist. They're content with the
capitalist throat-cutting.
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'Democratic Socialism' is subsidized by the US Military you retard.
>no citations.
yeah right.
>'Democratic Socialism' is subsidized by the US Military you retard.

What are you talking about?
What do you mean?

TRUMP 2016
this is your daily reminder that bernie sanders got fucking rekt yesterday and no amount of delusion on your part will save his campaign. we do not fucking want free shit. we want conditions improved to the point of being able to earn it on our own. fuck. your. handouts.
I love how nothing you say can be backed up with evidence but you so fervently believe in what you say.
The great depression yielded two polar opposites. progressives like FDR, and strongmen like Hitler. What Clinton did letting the banks walk all over America and essentially causing the recession resulted in the same opposite reaction to a similar problem. A progressive leftist, Bernie, a psychopath, Trump, and then the moderate insiders that want to keep the status quo, hillary, trump lite, kasich.

Our countries going to go to shit if trump's elected
ITT people who know nothing about communism, socialism, liberalism and serious stuff

Sages goes in all fields, just post nude girls and dead dogs, don't play smart asses guys it's ridiculous
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And yet it is the democrats who keep pushing to reinstate the draft. Interesting, eh?
true. CIA runs the country
This is the issue with labeling and categorizing everything. We put things in boxes which misrepresent them.

China, Russia, and Cuba were communist and authoritarian. Their economies failed because they were communist and they were socially corrupt and unprosperous because of authoritarianism.

This is unrelated to the socialist proposals of Sanders. He does not want to create gulags or force the working class toward grain and steel production. He wants to distribute wealth slightly differently and give everyone more opportunities by taking advantage of the taxpayer system to support education. This is a socialist idea, but a good one, and America has already been socialist in this way for a long time. If we elected Bernie, we would not follow the path of China, Russia, or Cuba, but continue down the path of capitalism with socialist leanings that we've been on since FDR.

Please, someone debate me on this and tell me how I'm wrong.

I do not think that Bernie is a perfect candidate by any stretch of the imagination, by the way. However, Trump and Hillary are a clown and a shill, respectively.
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>progressive leftist

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The commie lite countries don't have to pay for military security - they let the US do that. Then they complain we're not as enlightened. Fucking ingrates.
I can't even be drafted. The majority of the right side of my skull is dead. No vascularity whatsoever.

All I need to know.
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Yeah the guy that posted this was retarded.

If securing the boarders is your #1 issue, you are missing quite a bit of education and/or reasoning ability.
im coked out as shit fuck off. bernies the far left person
I love how you haven't heard a word Drumpf's said...? How's he gonna back up his fightin'
words against ISIS, Iran, etc? The girl guides? Get ready to strap on a rifle, soldier, for
another ten years. Great economic stimulus plan, btw, has worked for decades...
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ITT: Blue collar working class conservatives who think they are middle class confuse socialism with communism and fascism. Blames the failure of their under-educated lives on those "dang libruls" who are inexplicably more affluent than they are.

If you're blue collar then it's your own fault you weren't interested in getting higher education to get a high skilled professional job and climb into middle class.

BTW, actual socialist countries are in Scandinavia (and Germany), which constantly top every quality of life and standard of living metric there is.
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Trump is an assclown. I hope he wins. King dumdum of the merritards. That's what you get for investing so much into education you tards, now you are a third world country mostly occupied by white trailer trash voting for a racist bigot idiot with absolutely no experience in politics. Idiocracy here we come.

>Not understanding "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact." and just believing memes.

Even though I was a berniefag, niggers need to stop relying on memes and "I saw John Oliver say it so it must be troo!". You need to realize this type of "tactic" is the very reason Trump is so fucking popular.
Chickenshit excuse. What do you want? Sympathy? Ha! Time to muster for your
country, faggot. FALL IN!
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Anyone know who Chelsea's biological father?

Pro-tip: it ain't Bill.
>true. CIA runs the country

Welp. I've read the most retarded thing yet in this thread...

NOONE runs the country, man.

MONEY runs the country. And I'm not talking about money spent on campaigns or graft or bribes or money spent on lobbyists or anything like that.

Money influences people's minds.

When people have enough money to buy the things they want or at least have enough money to live a decent life without worrying about money, everyone's moods perk up.

The opinion about government is better (way less polarizing), people feel in control, and just plain happier.

Money is everything.
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>BTW, actual socialist countries are in Scandinavia (and Germany), which constantly top every quality of life and standard of living metric there is.

Been there.
Not MY idea of "Quality of life".
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I can clearly see it's not Bill.
> Bernie wants to help these people by giving them taxpayers' hard earned money

And this bullshit again. Bernie don't want to take anything from taxpayers, he want to make government pay for everyone with money they made from all the opression. Do you love government so much? I think thouse bureaucrats must pay the people not other way round
Good fucking point.
Twisting words to make your argument seem legit does not make it true.
>The commie lite countries don't have to pay for military security - they let the US do that.

What countries are you talking about?
So you are saying these countries have more room in their budget to be democratic socialist because they don't spend as much money as they should on their own military?
Kek. You must have no friends and a lot of insecurities. Good night.
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Germany and Scandinavia? Oh you mean Eurabia. Yeah go fuck yourself .
TRUMP 2016
Your right. The barbed wire is used to keep them in the third world factories, domestic
prisons (2,000,000 Americans incarcerated). They can't escape it because the walls are too
high. Especially the undemocratic economic walls imposed by aggressive capitalism made
in America.
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>BTW, actual socialist countries are in Scandinavia (and Germany), which constantly top every quality of life and standard of living metric there is.

Tell a German that and they will laugh at you.
Germany doesn't have a minimum wage and some Germans joke that their economy is propped up by unpaid internships.
Eurotrash that has no idea how our country actually is but joins the "murica" trend to fit in.
Forget what he would fuck up himself, if he is the republican candidate, the rift between the morons that want to vote for him and educated legit conservatives will ruin the senate and house. Even if he somehow won, he would get nothing done because the house and senate would be too concerned about giving people who sexually identify as toasters free money for being different to accomplish anything. If Hillary wins, then this country will regress to Nigeria levels of poverty.
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TRUMP 2016.
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this is pretty fucking great hahaha
holy fucking shit this is what bernie supporters are actually like

>american whites are dumb

yeah and if you vet all the non whites out of IQ statistics in america you wind up with american whites being on par with japan. The only reason our education system "fails" is because we're trying to teach brown animals to think like humans.
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>Especially the undemocratic economic walls imposed by aggressive capitalism made
>in America.
Nice meme, totes makes your party look legitimate.
Hey, when you're overseas, at least a Mexican or Muslim won't be able to steal your job.
You're voting for him, you deserve everything you get.

Yer welcome.
He wants SOCIAL PROGRAMS not full blown socialism. The same democratic social programs that work all over the world.

Trump wants to turn the US into the Chinese models where workers all get paid peanuts.
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>Do some fucking research
Implying the idiots who support trump are capable of research.

I don't like his persona, or his policies, but I respect his ability to play the game.
Nice meme, totes makes your party look legitimate.
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nazis weren't socialist, they were facsist you fag
What the fuck are you even talking about...?
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If trumps elected
>Trump fighting to LOWER the minimum wage to help businesses
>We are all poor niggers now
To the tune of 16 trillion?? No. If he wanted to adjust the budget by a few hundred billion, I could see this. But 16 trill, even over 10 years, is just taking shit from tax payers. Not to mention his plan has proposed tax hikes for all but the poorest tax brackets.
That the best you can do? Sheeeeit, I almost feel sorry for you. Okay, I'll stop shit-stomping
the cripple. Fucking conservative fags think they can dish it out, but whine like pussies
when they can't take it.
The fact that Bernie's not going to win hasn't stopped people from lying about his platform.
>we do not fucking want free shit
Next you're going to say that you didn't go to public school, right? You're parents surely paid tuition at a private school because they aren't freeloaders, and I'm sure that nobody in your family uses medicare.
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if trump is elected the golden buttplug comes out
trippy shit man
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Now that Hillary has succeeded in stealing the nomination....
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If you did research, you would realize that socialism is unsustainable, and it will fail. It just takes time. It discourages people from working.
The min wage should be abolished. If you can't work hard enough/be educated enough to get a real job, then you don't deserve to have a job, period.
Raising the minimum wage completely eliminates competition and actually eliminates jobs and destroys small businesses.
No minimum wage = more competition, and more reasons to work harder to actually make some fucking money.
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OP thinks that people usually just run around bribing the president yet no one ever hears about it on the news because the government is a scam and everything is a lie. OP thinks that just because people donate to campaigns then the prezzy if elected just runs around and starts writing 400 page bills just to benefit his benefactors well guess what op your just delusional paranoid rambling fuck face that seems to prove that freedom of speech should not be guaranteed in the country. Rest well knowing that god made you less intelligent than everyone else that you generally come into contact with on a daily basis you useless inbred fuck
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We dont want free shit. We want social programs that benefit people besides just the niggers such as affordable education.
The demogogs are as bad as repussys. Fuck, how do youeven tell them apart?
Has anyone ever really been as far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>The same democratic social programs that work all over the world.
you saw Greece, right?
I don't want to give the money I EARN to someone who didn't. IDK why Eurocucks get off on that.

socialism is actually designed explicitly to weaken and collapse the host nation, just like cultural marxism as a stepping stone toward communism. lenin himself admitted such.
The problem with lowering minimum wage is the impact it has on the poor, the poor that can't get better jobs for various reasons.

They work for jobs that pay them the lowest they can get away with, and a lowered minimum wage would cause homelessness for a lot of poor people trying to get back on their feet, they'd probably end up getting government assistance which would hurt the middle class again (nullifying the help they'd get from lower minimum wages) unless that was also cut. In which case crime and homelessness would take it's place hurting the middle class.

There's nothing that can be done about the minimum wage problem without companies currently hiring with it to accept the short term losses for a better long term America. Corporate America is just to greedy and short-sighted to do that.
>Socialism worked in Germany, right?
It did.
your an idiot none of the candidates are full blown socialists you face for fucking
its hilarious you faggots think public school is remotely comparable to what bernie is proposing. and no, nobody in my family uses medicare.
he doesnt stand a chance anyway, so i dont give a fuck. please do not vote for hillary in the general election.
Greece failed due to the world economy failing, which was mostly due to the US completely fucking it up.

and we want to take away the social programs for niggers so that everyone will be equal, checkmate nerd.
How does it feel to not be able to own a gun just because old men feel threatened by it?
>The min wage should be abolished. If you can't work hard enough/be educated enough to get a real job, then you don't deserve to have a job, period.
Then who works those jobs? Who pays for the homeless? Who pays for the increase in jail populations and crime rates? Either way, you're paying into them - they might as well be actually working than robbing stores.
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Yea the us destroyed Greece that makes sense your clearly a trump supporter
Are you ignorant or completely fucking retarded. The world economy collapsing was only the tipping point of an already largely incompetent and failing nation. Greece fucked itself and continued to fuck itself. It still hasn't unfucked itself because the people in charge haven o idea how to run a successful economy.
What am I supposed to work for? Breaking my back in shitty conditions in a factory with no safety
regulations for $4.50 and hour and then have my boss cruise home in his Lexus? Fuck that,
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Anonymous: Socialism in a nutshell
The fuck are you talking about shit for brains?
>Implying I don't own a gun.
Guess what guys OP says no more taxes, OP says we don't need roads or schools and if we do some random person is just going to be teaching for free right OP you got politics all figured out
>the poor that can't get better jobs for various reasons.

Yes. Because they are super lazy.
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Who's your daddy?

More importantly, why is the US media so reluctant to even ask the questions?
No, Greece failed because their social programs were ridiculous. National retirement age with full pension was fucking 45? Also letting people take 18 weeks of vacation per year? Those lazy fucks just can't get off their ass. That is why it failed.
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Because socialism works, right?
Wrong. every finacial construct except capitalism has failed time and time again. there is no "misinterpretation" when it comes to socialism, it's simply shit.
if mcdicks only paid $1/hr, nobody would fucking work there, and theyd be forced to raise their wages until people were willing to. a federal minimum makes people complacent with that minimum in spite of the fact that it isnt enough. we all know $7/hr doesnt support you, but instead of seeking out greater than $7/hr in any capacity (be it hunting for a better job or simply boycotting that one), people are whining to the government to make that wage illegal. fuck that.
Teenager detected
I'm not a Trump supporter. Seriously, you know how these things work, right? The world economy failing played
a major part in the collapse of Greece. Read a fucking book. Big banks completely fucked the world economy by trying to fuck everyone else over.
And guess what? They got bailed out. So it will happen again. And again. Because money controls the world. Not government. Not fucking democracy.
Not the United States. M-O-N-E-Y.
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I really hope trump gets elected. Wanna see usa go to shit so bad
Tuition free public schools are exactly what he's proposing. That's part of it, anyway.
Someone was saying that the US destroyed Greece economy.. and the only possible person that could think that to be true is a trump supporter.
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True, Trump scares politicians because by not being a corrupt sack of shit he might just reveal how politicians were corrupt before him, and thus forbid this legal form of corruption called lobbyism. That would indeed be a new era for American politics, probably a much better one in terms of efficiency and in people's trust in institutions.
>has no rebuttal
Better call it bait
samefagging this hard
you mean the world?
What an ignorant fucking opinion
In a capitalist society, the poor are poor simply because they refuse to make a situation better for themselves. (there are very few exceptions).
A poor person has every opportunity that a wealthy person does.
Not to mention the fact that if the minimum wage was INCREASED, the people who actually would be working at McDonald's would be fired and replaced by people who lost their real jobs and are more qualified to be fucking fry cooks than high school dropouts.
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You sound all worked up, buddy, and you aren't even getting paid ;) Hahaha sucker!
if you want better money, change your major from fucking arts and literature to electrical engineering you dumb faggot
Not all of them.

The felons who are trying to fix their life are restricted to minimum wage jobs due to background checks that are totally irrelevant to 90% of the jobs they could be working in.

The disabled.

The youth who have no working experience but come from poor families that can't / won't support them.

The decrepit who are forced to work because of their ungrateful descendants.

The list goes on.

You can't group all poor people as lazy. There are some that are, but there are some hardworking poor people that can't get ahead in life because they're stuck working paycheck to paycheck. Can't afford school, stuck working a dead-end job where their employers never hand out legitimate raises.
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You forgot to mention Canada....oh wait thats one of the succesful socialist countries so I guess that doesnt make it on your "failed socialist state list". I would take the time to list similar states to the U.S. which have failed utterly and horribly over the years but that would mean that I'm taking this argument even semi-seriously
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good try
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Nope. Just usa.
The problem with the "not for sale" thing is that it's nice in theory, but when's the last time a wealthy guy said, "Eh. I guess I have enough now."
The minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage though. It is a price floor, which keeps the market from reaching an equilibrium point where companies would abuse their workers, and that unemployment would drop to a point where labor wars would occur.
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I would vote for Hitler.

Just sayin'.
I remember reading that in the Detroit press. The headline read "Big banks try to fuck over all, all in shambles." Would you mind citing your sources on that one. How the fuck does a world economy fail I'll give you a hint on that it cannot.

that legit?
curious, what is your job?
nah I've been to the usa, lots of fat people, lots of stupid people, lots of homeless people, pretty much like I've imagined.

no trump voters are white trailer trash and really really dumb. there are also lots of white smart people, but they don't vote trump.
>Teenager detected
Sucker detected. Now go get your fuckin' shine box.
hahaha, are you serious? okie doke.
>implying america controlling 60% of the worlds oil wont make it the most economically viable country in existence

look at this socialist faggot hahaha holy shit you literally can't make this up
In an IDEAL capitalism this would happen. But not in America. There's too much government interference in the form of criminal records and greedy corporations that simply refuse to give legitimate raises no matter how hard you work. How can you afford college on minimum wage? America says it's a capitalist society but has government regulations up the ass. You can't even work over 8 hours without going into OT and employers don't like giving out OT. In your point, a poor person would just have to bust their asses off - but they can't hear. Because of stupid shit like OT laws.
>the usa
There are over 50 states you fucking retard. All of them different. To say that you know all of the USA is so fucking retarded that I have to assume you took the special needs classes.
By chance, have you heard of Google you goddamn retarded motherfucker?
all of europe sucks because I said so
The world shares your oppinion
I'd rejoin to fight in this campaign.
whats that dude behind trump
finally! I've been baited too!

Pays his interns at all, unlike literally all other candidates!

Well, actually no that's not entirely true, I'm college educated, tested with an IQ of 138, and I'm voting for Trump because I am unabashedly populist and nationalist in my leanings because the statistics and science back up the simple fact that diversity makes people miserable.
The world doesn't matter. Europe doesn't matter. Only three countries matter and they are China, Russia and the USA.
Nah, I've already got too much money invested in oil, tobacco and firearms. Making a
killing on the market.

Back to you're slide rule and migraines, Grimey.
You can work over 8 hours without overtime.
How ca you afford college on minimum wage? You do what my Dad did, and what I am doing, Co-op. School for a semester, work full time for a semester. I get paid MORE than minimum wage at AT&T, I will graduate in 5 years total, with no student debt.
Like I said, all a poor person needs to do is try, and use their resources.
>racist bigot

prove it
>inb4 "john oliver drumf lmao"
invest in marijuana!
Same here
read the title
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Guns, lots of guns. Kill off anyone with a social worker or a psych degree. Then socialism is dead.
How is Trump a racist? what has he said that is racist?
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Canada has a tiny population and is per-capita wealthy because of abundant natural resources and US industry along the southern border. They also get the benefit of not having to pay for their own fucking defense.

America's hat.
Your right again you got me. the economy failed and is gone. no more economies
Dumbest post on a thread full of dumb posts.
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Give me that sauce you fucking asshole.
>tested with an IQ of 138, educated
>I'm voting for Trump

next president is going to reverse all "progress" made on that front, get ready for it
didn't say it failed, said it was failing

I choose both, because the other options are a criminally insane woman and a man who can't do math.
I can't fucking wait

I'm hoping something like a volksgrenadier battalion is made for all of us fucked up vets who got out but want to go back under new leadership.

I would take joy in eradicating Muslim scum out of europe.
Maybe it's a state thing. But in my state, anything over 8 hours is mandatory overtime. No ifs ands or buts.

How can you pay for a semester in college unless you're living somewhere rent-free when you're working? That minimum wage is barely paying for your rent, food, utilities and insurance. Not to mention if you have any other bills like car payments.

Any "poor" person can make it if they can live at their parents house while working their way up. The problem is most poor people don't have that luxury.
hope not, my family is pretty prominent in the marijuana industry in oregon
Bam, fucking nail hit straight on the head.
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Nothing of course. It's the go-to label for the left.
By that standard every economy that is not rising is failing
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Trups plans will ruin the economic structure of this country, but you're smart I'm sure you already knew that.
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You might be able to learn stuff easy. But that doesnt make you smart. Not being able to think for yourself makes you stupid on another level.
>chooses shit job
>chooses shitty toyota
>chose shitty degree

eat shit

describe how Trump's economic plan would ruin the country in your own words, please use citation to prove your arguements.
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Sperm shark comp should watch
if next president is republican, they will be raided. like actual swat-teams-on-all-their-property fucking raided. if next president is demoshit, they will be taxed out the fucking bajeezus until its no longer worth being in that business at all.
I love this false sense of superiority that people like OP have.

I live off of welfare and foodstamps, and I'm completely able-bodied. In good shape, even. I'm just not a fucking tool, so I'll let you work for me, OP, kinda like your buddy Trumpy-wumpy wants you to work and make him some money.

I appreciate the crab legs, soda, and iphone, fuckboy.

Also, I am white.
I too get all my political information from image macros.
Greek economy to US economy are not good comparisons. Greece has a small manufacturing base, some banking, shipping, and tourism. It would be better to compare Greece within the EU with Alabama or Mississippi within the US.
Haha, bitch, now I want Trump to win just to see your staggering ass at your brothers flag
draped coffin when he comes back from
_________ fill in the blank middle east shithole oil derrick he died 'defending' aka
Spoken by a tard. Without europe there would still be indians hunting n shit
I work in Management Information Systems. ALL colleges have Co-op programs.
I get paid $8.25, work about 60 hours a week, I rent a room in a Georgia Tech Frat house.
It is EASILY doable, so anyone who says you can't is full of shit.
I can assure you that as soon as he is president the value of American stocks will drop for a period of time simply because of the large amounts of foreign investors that think he is an idiot
by what standard? the world economy literally crashing into the ground? the worst recession since the 1930's? are you retarded?
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Oh you know he can't, he's just spouting the rhetoric he's heard from is biased news sites.
whats wrong with him why he grey
So is your living expenses subsidized? What's the difference between this and welfare besides a false sense of superiority because of the word for it?
I never said Europe never mattered, only that it doesn't matter now.
Do you know what is the difference between socialism and communism right?

Not much socialism in China

How is rejecting the media narrative in favor of doing independent research on a candidate I've chosen and decided to vote for because of his policies not thinking for myself? If anything your blind devotion to your hatred of him without actually having a reason other than the brash claims of sexism and racism that the media hurls around simply because he wants to remove illegal immigrants from the country (neither are a race by the way) and temporarily block muslim immigration pending an investigation into how to prevent ISIS attacks on US soil. It almost seems like you aren't thinking at all, just reacting emotionally to events instead of taking all factors into consideration and making an informed, rational decision.
but wah wah i dont want to work 60 hours bernie has to give me free shit so i have more time to sit on my ass wah
Steak and lobster for me, sunshine. Doritos and dew fer you. Now get t'werk, twink! Your boss needs his pole shined.
Nice meme, totes makes your party look legitimate.

Oh I know he can't, I'm publically shaming him for it because it gives me a half chub to fuck with the incompetent reactionary left.
By the amerifat definition west and then restored Germany was socialist, and it has worked spectacularly well.
You mean died honorably protecting and progressing American interests further establishing America as number one. eat shit you Muslim piece of shit sympathizing scum bag.
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because the war photographer didn't have any color film at his hanging
You are lucky to get those kind of hours. All minimum wage jobs in my area only employ people up to 39 hours a week, just under full time so they don't have to pay benefits.
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You people want more affordable college and medical care? How about investing a few bucks into increasing supply instead of regulating the shit out of everything? Textbooks are a complete scam and should cost next to nothing. Relax regulations and let RN nurses set up shop at the strip mall where they can handle 80% of peoples problems, etc.

Minimum wage would not be such a problem if we did not have millions of illegals depressing wages.

Is this shit really so complicated?
those things are actually harmless. google it.
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I'm not arguing just stating facts. His plan alone for deportation is nearly impossible if not than truly an expensive toll on the tax payers. Making every immigrant leave will cause ripple effects in the economy so suck a fuck and press your luck you stupid cuck.
He copied your post and put it in a Ylyl.
oh ok
no, they dont. you are too incompetent to find the ones that give more hours. i am sorry for your idiocy.
1. Choose a STEM major, or a pre-med course for under grad.
2. Co-op while undergrad, so as to pay for school with no student debt. Make good grades the semesters while you are in school
3. graduate in 5 years, go to grad school, repeat the Co-op cycle.
4. Use your college's resources to find an opening in your field.
5. actually do the steps yourself without a government helping you.

do all Europeans think like you? Make life better for yourself, or don't complain you lazy bastard.
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In California, it's 30 hours to be considered overtime. I get 29.5 hours a week.
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This :)
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Why so hostile?

You sound like an edgy teen who still lives with his parents.
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>Making every immigrant leave will cause ripple effects in the economy
correct. i will no longer have to fully support the lifestyle of meth-addicted spics who do nothing but sit home and pump out babies. quite an awesome ripple effect that will be.
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You got me completely backward. I'm not advocating for hand-outs, which you would get if you bothered to read up the reply chain.

I want the government to back the fuck off. Get rid of shit limiting people like mandatory OT laws, background checks on non-essential jobs, ridiculous corporate taxes, and all these other stupid regulations. If they did that, then they could abolish the minimum wage and make the working class fucking functional again.
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He doesn't wan't to stop immigration, he just want to have them come in legally. You act like it's not possible but it's well within the realm of possibility to tighten border security and still have enough immigrants coming in to stimulate the economy.
My living conditions are not subsidized. I have a job and live on my own for the Summer, and Spring sessions of school.
I live in a rented room.
I pay for my own shit.
There is no subsidization from anyone. Learn what a co op is.
Last year I lived in a rented house with 3 others.
Nice meme, totes makes your party look legitimate.

well no you're not stating facts are you, at least nothing you can provide proof for at all. Describe this ripple effect by the way, if the immigrants are gone it just means that the job market will be opened up more for employees rather than ran entirely by employers who have a source of cheap labor.

>inb4 americans won't work a job that immigrants do because I am personally too lazy to do them and believe the same of others.
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Godwins law in full effect
I don't work part time though, I work full time and not for minimum wage.
nice dubs, Zaid.
Nice meme, totes makes your party look legitimate.
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>on /b/
>wanting people to make a political party look legitimate
>on /b/
Yep, because the USA has been attacked so many times.
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Lmao sounds more like trailer trash than a beaner.
Well it sounds like where you live they have it down then.

At min. wage (10$ an hour) a 40-hour work week would net ~1250 for single 0. Rent with roommates would run 600-800 alone.
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This :)
Oh, and this.

I'm richer than you, got it from my dad when he died, so I don't have to work as hard as
you think you do.

Now, go defend my interests overseas like a good boy and Vote Trump!! :->
>trump wants to force them into productivity

No he doesn't. Stop being so fucking gullible.
> ITT Americans thinking they know what socialism is and mistakenly think nazism, fascism and stalinism/maoism/castroism etc. Are pure socialism.

Let the politically impairdness commence.
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Sorry, not really responding to you in particular, just the discussion in general.

Personally I think Trump is a rather ignorant (yet smart) tool - but he's got a kick ass attitude. Better than the other tools in the race (still like Kasich, but that ship has sailed).
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He is ignorant, but he hires people that know their shit. His policies are sound on his web site.
Nice source...oh wait
Well I only had a small loan of a million dollars and now I'm a poor fag like everyone else.

you are a dipshit, the source was literally in the image
Anybody who thinks this is a "capitalism" that Nazi Germany was socialism or that there has ever been a country in recent years that isn't some sort of combination of Socialism in terms of roads, schools, military, social security etc. and Capitalism in terms of a sort of free market, and on top of all that a ruling elite who really run things, either through force or democratic manipulation, is fooling themselves. We aren't voting for a socialist economy when we vote Sanders any more than we're voting for a capitalist one when we vote Trump. Trump wants taxes on imported goods, more military spending and other conservative 'socialist' things. Sanders wants taxes on wall street speculation, massive wealth accumulation and other progressive 'socialist' things.

We are only arguing degrees of Capitalism, about what we spend our socialist money on.
Don't associate her with that ball of ugly

Nice to hear some common sense.
haha totaly delusional or bait. The poor have literally no chance of becoming rich today. Maybe 50 years ago things were more level and opportunity fair. Those days are long gone.
Germany is one of the most porfitable business countries
China one of the most productive
Cuba still suffering from the embargo, which still has been lifted, but still communist, not socialist...

What about actual socialist countries like Sweden. They're not 3rd world.
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good luck affording any lobster without a job you kike
you're too intelligent for /b/
sweden is QUICKLY turning into a 3rd world country unless they figure their sand nigger shit out

>every socialist country in europe is falling apart
This actor looks like the most Republican person I have ever seen.
What is his name. His role in Dexter was so perfect.
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Looks like JewTube already censored the video.
$10 minimum wage is more than you need.
You can rent plenty of places for less than $300 if you room with people.

minimum wage where I live is $7.25
You are the definition of a filthy parasite. I know you must be dead inside but fuck you anyway, scum.
A poor person can go to a public high school, make As, get a scholarship, get free student grants (Pell Grants) using the FAFSA along with merit scholarships for good grades. They can take a pre-med track in college. They can co-op grad school, and take a residency that pays $50k per year straight out of college while they work toward becoming a licensed physician, etc.
it is possible.
How are you going to tell me the cost of rent where I live? There's NOWHERE you can rent for 300$ here apart from friends and family.
This is why we need Glorious Emperor Trump, to eradicate shitstains like you.
Unless they're white. Scholarships are only for blacks and spics.
Rent rooms in College frat houses
Live in apartments without AC
Shop around. It is possible.

remember when america was like this? now the son is transitioning into a girl, the wife is fucking a nigger, the husband is a cuck faggot and the daughter whores for instagram likes
And suicides and school shootings behind every willow.
-Tim "Make America great again" Nut
Again telling me what rents are where I live. These rents are for places without AC, it's not even hot here.
I'm white and got a $92k merit scholarship. On top of a Pell Grant. It is possible.
I know, I was just being a bit of a racist cunt.

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I live in ATL right now. Shop around. If you look hard enough, you will find it.
Even if it is $600 per month, at $10 min wage it is possible.
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lol no
Nice meme, totes makes your party look legitimate.
I don't care where you live, these are the rents where I live. As I said before, 1250 net with 600-800 rent alone isn't fucking doable for saving up for college. You got 100 on food , 50 on utilities, auto insurance is another 100, car payments would eat up the rest.
'Murricans are stoopid

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On what basis do you, solely, earn anything? Unless you live in the woods and kill your dinner with your bare hands, it simply ain't true.
I fucking hate Trump.

Who the fuck is actually voting for him?

What the fuck?
Defence against what? Eskimos? Moose?
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People who vote for Trump are people who believe WWE is real
>>Because at least half, if not most, of the unemployed aren't productive simply because they are lazy. Many of those living in poverty are poor simply due to not making things better for themselves. Immigrants take jobs, and welfare recipients complain that they can't find jobs while they spend their federal handouts on booze, pot, and whatever the fuck else they want.

You're talking about Donald Trump's voting base while mocking Donald Trump's voting base.

White, uneducated welfare receiving rednecks who hate people with different skin colors than their own.

But you're a troll, so fuck it. Have fun with your shit post faggot.
Trumps business plans worked with trump steaks, right?
Trumps business plans worked with trump magazines, right?
Trumps business plans worked with trump airlines, right?
Immigrants have been shown to help the economy, the real people who take the job are the people in other countries when jobs are outsourced by business men. Those countries were communist authoritarian, he wants socialism such as Denmark and England. You criticize communist Germany, yet you support the guy who wants to builds walls separating us, basically turning us into east, You are supporting a man that either lies or doesn't know the simple difference between income and revenue.
same in michigan.
No it's not. It's 40 hours for non-exempt. You either have a city, county or corporate law / policy there.
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>trump steaks

Trump will shill for anyone who pays him the required amount of $3.50
he called practically a whole ethnicity rapists
That moment when it comes down to hillary and trump. I mean I know the presidential election is all a bunch of shit, but fuck. It's just a joke now.
Good business is where you find it.
name a race other than white that isn't filled with rapists.
>tfw the biggest serial rapists were all white
This post just gave me cancer.
Fuck kid, do some research before you go off talking about shit.
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Get a degree in something thatll make money....
Engineer, medicine, programming.
If you are going to be a lazy fuck or too stupid to get specialized then don't expect free handouts or a lavish life.
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Wut? Every venture must be profitable, is that your point? You seem to know little of business or capitalism...risk/reward eh? Trump has done well overall, yes?

Oh, Trumps wall is keep people from entering illegally. Berlin Wall was to imprison. That seems a remarkable difference.
no, the rarest and out of the ordinary ones were broadcasted.
Yeah, Ted Bundy was rare.
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