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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 242
Thread images: 151
File: 1454043600333.png (699 KB, 544x754) Image search: [Google]
699 KB, 544x754
i was about to say you can't be that old of a poster but holy shit 2014 was 2 years ago
ahahaha, fair enough, the other ones I cant post cus of sound anyway

Anytime, just ask bae~
File: King (9).png (28 KB, 131x145) Image search: [Google]
King (9).png
28 KB, 131x145
You can embrace it for me and tell me how it is.

Why would he deny himself of superior hair quality?
File: rainbows are cool.png (18 KB, 200x200) Image search: [Google]
rainbows are cool.png
18 KB, 200x200

this is totally incorrect.


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191 KB, 1146x1200
File: King (12).png (20 KB, 102x118) Image search: [Google]
King (12).png
20 KB, 102x118
You should do it and show him how it is done.
File: 1372261680046.png (835 KB, 1176x1000) Image search: [Google]
835 KB, 1176x1000
everything dom says in this thread is correct
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320 KB, 1000x861
but it's an awesome ass
File: deer.gif (2 MB, 240x214) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 240x214
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72 KB, 499x902
>>674322944 (checked)

the time flies
just like a slice of pizza being thrown through the air

g o o d
everything dom says is correct
don't lie to me
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487 KB, 721x688
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188 KB, 612x800
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744 KB, 668x748
when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
Is he that overposted?
I got them from a friend on discord
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305 KB, 638x825
File: 1454525891928.jpg (128 KB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
128 KB, 1280x960
i never lie
File: 1435527785942.jpg (406 KB, 700x1073) Image search: [Google]
406 KB, 700x1073
So what are you up to?

It is absolutely correct.


Grow it out, you won't regret it~
File: 763535.png (292 KB, 500x346) Image search: [Google]
292 KB, 500x346
Everything that encompasses dom is incorrect.
File: 1452131678734.jpg (129 KB, 1280x768) Image search: [Google]
129 KB, 1280x768
Yeah, I've taken it out 3 times so far. I love it. Cockpit is dialed in as is suspension. It is so faaaaast!
And good job on no soda! A little bit of a cheat wont really hurt. I can't blame you though, pizza is my cutting kryptonite too.l
gonna go get pizzahut in like 10 minutes, otherwise im at a loss of what to do for the rest of the night
got like 8 hours left before I am going to bed
File: 1457495381527.jpg (74 KB, 600x513) Image search: [Google]
74 KB, 600x513
that's amore

and it's pretty gross how envious i can sometimes feel about his butt.

it looks better the way it is.
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427 KB, 705x1000
File: 1450492313526.gif (306 KB, 567x900) Image search: [Google]
306 KB, 567x900
Does anyone have any good .gifs? Preferably bulky.
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54 KB, 117x328
File: ice cream.png (115 KB, 697x905) Image search: [Google]
ice cream.png
115 KB, 697x905


i've already done it and shown him, but it is a chore to grow out and maintain hair and i do not begrudge him for not doing so.
File: bd1413537c594bed3d5115acfcbdda16.jpg (986 KB, 1158x1106) Image search: [Google]
986 KB, 1158x1106
apparently he does not exercise either
he just has amazing genes
life is cruel, no?
File: 1432899259058.gif (396 KB, 500x609) Image search: [Google]
396 KB, 500x609
this is a good gif
File: 1450235680286.gif (401 KB, 540x360) Image search: [Google]
401 KB, 540x360
File: 1453758181968.gif (542 KB, 500x280) Image search: [Google]
542 KB, 500x280
here's a gif

but look! we are sharing so many words and absolutely no swords and you still have an enormous erection
File: tumblr_mdphntCfMd1r63mfxo1_500.gif (796 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
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460 KB, 1200x900
Play with your butt.

That's like seven in the morning...

We'll never know if you don't try~

File: 7yRFZPt.gif (639 KB, 540x357) Image search: [Google]
639 KB, 540x357
Absolutely not. The worst that happens is shedding and dealing with a clogged drain.
File: 1457763092402.jpg (137 KB, 800x755) Image search: [Google]
137 KB, 800x755
Nice! Glad the bike is working out and you're enjoying it. Hope your ride tomorrow is awesome!

And yeah, a bit of pizza won't kill me. I figure the soda was far worse. I had no idea how much sugar was in stuff!!! It's insane.
File: fightan.gif (738 KB, 320x180) Image search: [Google]
738 KB, 320x180
i have submitted a gif


you are an angry small child


and it gets in your face and is all scratchy and the wind becomes an enemy
You gfurs pick the weirdest things to start a thread with. You're less arrogant than the sfurs though. Too bad I'm not gay.
File: 83457235233526.png (447 KB, 927x1200) Image search: [Google]
447 KB, 927x1200
I donut know where to go with this.
File: 1450572856389.gif (2 MB, 750x658) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 750x658
I like guns
File: tumblr_msxn6fVLNz1rkeknyo1_500.gif (983 KB, 500x213) Image search: [Google]
983 KB, 500x213
Naw, you're gay
File: jjY81.webm (1 MB, 524x760) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 524x760
Here is a webm
I dont know what of though
probably asses

Yeah I sleep through the morning.

I do not want to play with my butt though
I already fapped
File: do not be angry.png (446 KB, 398x516) Image search: [Google]
do not be angry.png
446 KB, 398x516
have you ever considered flipping his from to be a smile in your caps

well obviously, there's no muscle mass at all, it's literally all skin and fat.
it's gross in that degree but the sheer mass is kinda like

i know, i had to make the decision to shave it.
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4 MB, 700x500
File: 1457803832905.png (772 KB, 1280x1255) Image search: [Google]
772 KB, 1280x1255
yo mine was actually a butt
don't pls me.
File: get dunked on.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
get dunked on.gif
2 MB, 500x281
get out
File: 572353.jpg (453 KB, 780x1110) Image search: [Google]
453 KB, 780x1110
Pony tail
File: collar.webm (3 MB, 512x288) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 512x288
this is a webm rather than a gif but it's still pretty good
It really is. Keep up the good work and keep riding! I'm sure tomorrow is gonna be a great ride. Any saddle time is good saddle time.
File: BWQRb.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x281
guns are nice
File: 1435514108261.png (567 KB, 672x1200) Image search: [Google]
567 KB, 672x1200
That's not to say my erection wouldn't be bigger if swords were involved.

Do I get pictures or not?

How lazy.

Playing with your butt is completely different from fapping.

Give hairy butt pictures.
I like pussy. I don't mind some penis, but I certainly like pussy.
File: 200_s.gif (53 KB, 469x200) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 469x200
Thats true, luckily I have decent butt genes aswell
you will just need to work harder~
File: 1451209981651.png (263 KB, 252x662) Image search: [Google]
263 KB, 252x662
it's an okay idea but i like genuine smiles

You probably don't have to do that often because oso is an adorable little saint
File: 1457499471149.jpg (169 KB, 1280x1215) Image search: [Google]
169 KB, 1280x1215
Thanks! I will. I owe you a beer dude, if you're ever in Colorado it's my treat!
File: 1455091646133.webm (990 KB, 720x480) Image search: [Google]
990 KB, 720x480
i have submitted a webm


you also like DICK


the pony tail cannot encompass all, only most


or slightly smaller...
File: download.jpg (9 KB, 259x194) Image search: [Google]
9 KB, 259x194
See, you're a little gay. It's okay to be a little gay.
>dat gif
I came

fucking weirdo
there is nothing wrong with that.
I consider it an empathy thing.
>"He has a penis, I have a penis. He looks like he feels good, I can pretend to feel good in the same way."

Call it gay if you feel like it though.
Thanks but I quit drinking 94 days ago. I'll have a soda for you and you have a beer for me, ok?
File: 1442964041712.jpg (323 KB, 521x816) Image search: [Google]
323 KB, 521x816
I want to watch this movie

it looks really cute
File: 1440338029102.webm (3 MB, 640x430) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x430
this is a webm
File: 1458009384033.png (156 KB, 606x772) Image search: [Google]
156 KB, 606x772
Fucking hell Lugers are beautiful.
File: runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun.png (173 KB, 261x344) Image search: [Google]
173 KB, 261x344

no sir, no need to tamper with diamonds.

nah, i actually need more pics of oso not smiling
Holy shit I fucking hate linked lists.
File: 1457798810826.png (453 KB, 534x690) Image search: [Google]
453 KB, 534x690
Hah, I never started drinking beer. I'll share a soda with you!
File: cat plays iphone game.webm (1 MB, 368x656) Image search: [Google]
cat plays iphone game.webm
1 MB, 368x656
this is a webm too
If you can't masturbate to the cycling mechanism on a luger you are not american.
File: 1451608116935.png (262 KB, 384x334) Image search: [Google]
262 KB, 384x334
Just do what I do and cap LITERALLY EVERYTHING
thank you, I agree.
what a wonderful webm

they are easy, anon

stop trying to do the pointer manipulation in your head and draw a diagram
File: 1434924665650.jpg (82 KB, 624x800) Image search: [Google]
82 KB, 624x800
We need some swords in here to find out.

But butt...
It's a date.
File: 7346247643245.jpg (65 KB, 1280x905) Image search: [Google]
65 KB, 1280x905
Well, I could add you on steam.

Well dont grow your hair out then.
Great. It'd be nice not to get a fucking crash this time.
File: VqQqkxm.gif (3 MB, 320x180) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 320x180
I have beer and BBQ pizza laden with smoked chipotle tabasco
my last final was today
life is good
File: 1449087324759.png (322 KB, 398x456) Image search: [Google]
322 KB, 398x456
I can only hope to one day be as happy as he is in that moment

the luger is a german gun


really good gif


it is, it's also sad though
File: WHYY.png (253 KB, 332x322) Image search: [Google]
253 KB, 332x322
You madman!

no butts!
File: 1457325510344.jpg (163 KB, 950x1280) Image search: [Google]
163 KB, 950x1280
Woo! We'll go on a bike ride too, haha.
File: ccsY10F.jpg (68 KB, 743x504) Image search: [Google]
68 KB, 743x504
That's why I can't wait to move to Indiana to roommate with my friend. His dad's got a shit ton of guns and I can't wait to go shooting.

don't we already all have swords


i intend to cut it soon
File: 1438636066402.png (170 KB, 192x510) Image search: [Google]
170 KB, 192x510
Go big or go home
My folder has to be better than vagus's
File: 1439522949.tanks_vincenzomoretti.jpg (167 KB, 1098x1280) Image search: [Google]
167 KB, 1098x1280
I will not be cutting mine.
post your sizes, lets see the comparisons
File: 1434911117227.png (720 KB, 767x1100) Image search: [Google]
720 KB, 767x1100
Alright, I'm Hamadele.

Yes butts. A whole thread's worth of butts!

We need more swords.
File: tumblr_o253of9OCF1v05eaao2_1280.png (472 KB, 570x540) Image search: [Google]
472 KB, 570x540
well considering i already went ahead and got his folder for you to add onto yours I'd certainly hope so.
File: Aegis Snatch.webm (3 MB, 1536x864) Image search: [Google]
Aegis Snatch.webm
3 MB, 1536x864
File: 1434286485784.png (948 KB, 778x1100) Image search: [Google]
948 KB, 778x1100
So pretty.

Makes me want to go clay shooting as well.

Do you have long hair?
Sounds like a plan. Hopefully I'll have a road bike by the next time I roll through colorado, or you'll have a MTB
and always remember a pointer is just an integer

just gotta get up and dance

that is fine

I like sad movies too

good, it is your mane, your tail, the culmination of your being


gay dude~


it's mostly happy, but it's like unnecessarily bittersweet
File: iHDlMdE.jpg (254 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
254 KB, 1600x1200
a ww1 and ww2 german gun.
Man, I got char arrays in there too. Poor decision, but I gotta finish it. Drawing it right now
File: 1423792807699.jpg (224 KB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
224 KB, 1280x960
american version of image
File: 1441549438271.png (566 KB, 464x816) Image search: [Google]
566 KB, 464x816
Oh I'm not using it
You didn't have to get that dood

I want to dance with Tarantino
File: 1457784279707.jpg (156 KB, 932x1280) Image search: [Google]
156 KB, 932x1280
That'll be really cool!
Nibi's hair is very long
File: 1435098468832.png (105 KB, 500x625) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 500x625
That's my name.
I will see when I watch it

I suppose now that I am saying this I should look for a download

now I fear I've confused you

we all do demos

there's nothing american about being a nazi

Lemonfuqs G. Dude


i think it is freely available from tpb
brb im gonna sik /pol/ on u
here's more luger porn
File: 1455339181463.png (392 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
392 KB, 800x800
post dick sizes my niggas
File: 1452198881486.png (732 KB, 634x774) Image search: [Google]
732 KB, 634x774
are you being cheeky
stop being cheeky

why? what if he had caps you didn't have?
That's okay, I can't get more than I am now.

Maybe engineering just isn't for me.
File: 1434674780317.png (441 KB, 1615x1000) Image search: [Google]
441 KB, 1615x1000
That's Mr. Gay Dude to you.
File: 1433036136357.png (242 KB, 958x859) Image search: [Google]
242 KB, 958x859

Im glad you understand.
File: 1453037773319.png (264 KB, 368x394) Image search: [Google]
264 KB, 368x394
i have 2200 fry caps and I don't even feel done with that, you have no idea how thorough i am

i am sorry Sir Gay Dude Esq. i will not mistake again
I think so. I don't get to travel too often, but I do like Colorado a lot.
File: 1457509456908.jpg (193 KB, 1078x1280) Image search: [Google]
193 KB, 1078x1280
How's everyone doing tonight?
like, you, eisen, and wallace all use this guy and it makes it really confusing

what is the main thing they are from even? is there an animated series worth watching or is it just all comic stuff
File: 1438239105283.png (2 MB, 1110x1553) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1110x1553
I will open a tab for it eventually

no, that was sincere

just walk through what you're doing one line of code at a time and make sure your code is doing what you think it does

you'll never get anywhere in programming if you try to do several things in each step
File: 1435381175573.jpg (207 KB, 920x920) Image search: [Google]
207 KB, 920x920
That's more like it.
Well good, and you?
File: 1454645283255.jpg (380 KB, 917x1236) Image search: [Google]
380 KB, 917x1236
tired, and frustrated. Applied at 6 different jobs this month and no reply's yet :(
File: 1437352889777.png (1 MB, 898x854) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 898x854
Well you goofed
I'm trying man, I'm trying.
File: workout.png (696 KB, 707x678) Image search: [Google]
696 KB, 707x678
i'm doing a bad job with oso, i have more fanart pics than caps.

They're different guys, they're just identical sextuplets. main difference are the expressions and colors. and it's just a comic series.
seriously tho watch this
File: 1443837881173.png (223 KB, 294x446) Image search: [Google]
223 KB, 294x446
Oso has so many cappable poses, you're not working hard enough
File: 1457886481318.jpg (238 KB, 1225x1300) Image search: [Google]
238 KB, 1225x1300
I wanna see! I bet he's cute.

Aww, I'd pet your hair and scratch your cute head~

I love this state, so beautiful. I think I'd only give it up if I could work remotely and live on a boat.

But yeah, come on out! Hang out, smoke weed, ride bikes :P

Can't complain. Just climbing into bed! Yourself?
just sitting here watching twitch streams
File: 4.gif (632 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
632 KB, 800x600
that's even more confusing, identical sextuplets is something i thought i'd only hear in hell
This shit is cool as fuck
File: 1443480780750.png (254 KB, 426x615) Image search: [Google]
254 KB, 426x615
also make sure your algorithm is correct

which methods are you trying to implement

touches your tail


that's a gaping anus


will do
This is an actual cap from the anime.
So anyone who hasn't watched the show or doesn't know anything about it would be hopelessly lost
Dang man. That's rough. Keep at it though, you'll land something.
I feel the same way about SoCal. If it wasn't so goddamned expensive... If I head out that way I'll let you know if I see you on here
Mostly adding.
Im not cute

be more specific
File: 1457800375099.png (325 KB, 550x1280) Image search: [Google]
325 KB, 550x1280
Nice! What of?

Luger's are so sexy. Love them.

>I feel the same way about SoCal. If it wasn't so goddamned expensive... If I head out that way I'll let you know if I see you on here
I don't blame you. SoCal is such a cool place! But oof pricey. Yeah if you're ever out here, lemme know!
File: 1457554635763.jpg (132 KB, 1280x859) Image search: [Google]
132 KB, 1280x859
Rip Orca :P
File: 1455380975532.png (477 KB, 854x1200) Image search: [Google]
477 KB, 854x1200
>Im not cute
Not your call to make sweetheart.
Checking out that new culling game, looks tempting to get
File: 1434923032335.png (191 KB, 748x829) Image search: [Google]
191 KB, 748x829
It's a well-used anus.
File: dun.png (479 KB, 489x585) Image search: [Google]
479 KB, 489x585
i need motivation and mroe time
Will do. Gotta jet for now.

Later guys
File: 294.png (45 KB, 384x345) Image search: [Google]
45 KB, 384x345
Jesus christ that thing still exists? And it's been expanded I see
File: 1458003431843.jpg (165 KB, 912x1280) Image search: [Google]
165 KB, 912x1280
>that new culling game
Haven't heard anything about it! What is it?

Later dude!

it's a GREAT tail


your labia is very smooth and polished and quite soft


i would label it as destroyed
Basically I got two functions, one for adding the first element, and another one for whatever comes next. The latter shits the bed.
File: 1457467568.falvie_waruism.png (585 KB, 620x877) Image search: [Google]
585 KB, 620x877
dom's alright but katia sucks
cya man
File: 1455336823331.jpg (332 KB, 920x1227) Image search: [Google]
332 KB, 920x1227
battle royale entirely, after a time the map closes and its a free-for-all. Hunger Games, but faster paced.
File: 1449115920941.png (437 KB, 644x444) Image search: [Google]
437 KB, 644x444
Your folder's fiiiiiiiiiiiine
My favorite is the one where he's sitting upside down against the wall
What a cutie
File: 1434754833876.jpg (223 KB, 624x999) Image search: [Google]
223 KB, 624x999
The anuses are a resilient people.

Hi Luc
N-not great enough...
File: 25876921_p0_master1200.jpg (75 KB, 350x350) Image search: [Google]
75 KB, 350x350
y-yours too

you mean inserting the elements into the list?
File: sup.png (314 KB, 482x571) Image search: [Google]
314 KB, 482x571
>>674327900 (checked)
i think this one is my favorite
File: 1457324800176.jpg (1 MB, 2000x1505) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2000x1505
Oh, interesting! I hadn't heard anything about it. Is it looking good?

kisses you regardless


it makes so much sense, the anus is in the shape of a penis and the vagina is in the shape of a fucking triangle thing


disagree, it is grand


i am rubbing your labia with my labia
Gay is bad.
File: 1457229569104.png (200 KB, 338x384) Image search: [Google]
200 KB, 338x384
That's a good one
I have a lot of favorites of your folder
File: 239.png (49 KB, 596x438) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 596x438
Katia > everyone else
File: 1456377516587.png (861 KB, 963x1000) Image search: [Google]
861 KB, 963x1000
a little clunky but pretty cool nonetheless, it seems fun and for 15 bucks its probably worth it
how arousing
Whats the favorite from your folder?
File: 1435367235663.gif (1 MB, 360x540) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 360x540
How are you tonight?

That explains why babies are triangle shaped.
Yeh, preferably at the end. I think I'll just wait until I'm not drunk anymore. Shame it's due friday.

Fuck me.
File: tumblr_nki19pqUzk1tydstao1_250.gif (927 KB, 194x240) Image search: [Google]
927 KB, 194x240
nah fam
File: 1455237490257.jpg (176 KB, 576x888) Image search: [Google]
176 KB, 576x888
Well then baby, I've been so bad, I need a spanking.

Nifty! I might have to give it a look.
fuck her already then!!!!!
File: 843534.jpg (83 KB, 571x800) Image search: [Google]
83 KB, 571x800
they're lying to annoy me but thank you anyway.
File: haw.gif (496 KB, 318x318) Image search: [Google]
496 KB, 318x318
not happening you dirty kraut. jk it's a cool gun.
tugs your tail
File: 311.png (113 KB, 353x613) Image search: [Google]
113 KB, 353x613
File: 1455890590126.png (500 KB, 536x620) Image search: [Google]
500 KB, 536x620
This is one of them
File: hjuygfd.gif (703 KB, 500x284) Image search: [Google]
703 KB, 500x284
File: 1457911045353.png (972 KB, 960x1200) Image search: [Google]
972 KB, 960x1200
That picture is factually incorrect.

And I'm off to bed. G'nite all y'all
File: tumblr_nt35ctFfjv1sa3mv4o5_1280.jpg (130 KB, 826x1280) Image search: [Google]
130 KB, 826x1280
TFW you cant find a gay friend :(
That is a nice quote
I like it
gives the butt a smack
File: ed56aacd990c420620594041bfb758a3.jpg (154 KB, 1023x1123) Image search: [Google]
154 KB, 1023x1123
consider utilizing a pointer that always points to the last element of the list, then

just remember to update it when you append something
File: 159.png (140 KB, 751x569) Image search: [Google]
140 KB, 751x569

It's 100% fact
I've tradmarked™ it, do not steal
File: 1377115282501.jpg (284 KB, 678x800) Image search: [Google]
284 KB, 678x800
You don't need a gay friend



i am also aroused, nice boobies too


i could never fucking tell honestly


ouch!!!!! i am crying now
That's essentially what the "next" I got does. But don't worry, I'll try it again tomorrow.
I may have saved that one already myself.
File: 1456374194531.jpg (115 KB, 1000x940) Image search: [Google]
115 KB, 1000x940
Why not, how else can i share my emotions with another male.
File: 7324623.jpg (2 MB, 2975x1808) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2975x1808
File: 1458042405312.png (467 KB, 386x758) Image search: [Google]
467 KB, 386x758
You saved it?
Do you just want the entire folder?
I am trademarking your trademark
File: let me take you for a joy ride.png (654 KB, 723x597) Image search: [Google]
let me take you for a joy ride.png
654 KB, 723x597
when it's completed of course
we can totally share folders
being sober will probably help though, yeah

thanks yours too

I am touching by boobs to your boobs
File: 8.png (66 KB, 579x412) Image search: [Google]
66 KB, 579x412
I'm copyrighting your trademarking of my trademarking
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48 KB, 500x500
I am quite okay with this
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285 KB, 571x800
I dunno, just make friends that care about you. I don't have any gay friends and I manage to talk about my emotions just fine with my straight male friends.
Most likely.
I concede, you can use your trademark unsued from now on
File: 7341862_p0.jpg (173 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
173 KB, 500x500

A bit tired though.

Need to list some stuff
Most likely.

Oh hey, some Sigmax, I like Sigmax, please post more Sigmax
yea but you cant experiment with straight friends
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115 KB, 800x800
>no hand holding
Is that a question in english?
slow this bird down
kats are gay
tugs harder
True. However, experimenting with your friends can go horribly wrong if you aren't careful
Sorry man i just save what i like i dont have any more of his



you're all stuffed up


im bleeding you're hurting me

Idk i just want someone to experiment with because im not sure what i like sexually
wh-what do you mean
Why you do this.
They are LARPing leave them alone

>I am touching by boobs


to fill you with love and joy
sure but it doesn't have to be a gay friend or even a friend
not sure you understand what LARP stands for
pulls until tail detaches, keeps it as souvenir.
lewd adult rated penis
Well im not gonna do anything with someone i dont know well, i can build a friendship based off of sexual encounters
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