New loli thred
Guys please, help me, I forgot the name of the most common websites where you can find loli.
I need loli pleease heelp!
alright at first I thought you guys were fucking perverts but I have to admit some of this shit is fucking sexy. see you all in hell I guess
>Implying hell exists
>Implying there's an afterlife at all
>Implying life isn't meaningless and everyone on earth shouldn't kill themselves right now
Dump Hayashibara Hikari? Okay.
Welcome to 4chan. You're here forever.
itt: "pretend" pedophiles.
Hey, if you're gonna start, you better commit.
It's Hayashibara Hikari.
Forgot my pic.
/r/ing your lewdest loli
Might I request some hebe pee animooters?
Fucking saved.
More of this art style pls
>inb4 spoonfeeding
learn to image search faggot
click arrow
click image search
click iqdb
click on gelbooru
click on red tag as that is the artist
Please don't.
get the fuck out of here, pedo
should i keep going
Yes please
continue anon.
you got me
: |
then ill say continue cause it looks like im the only one here
Fuck it.
Shitpost away.
Be a parasite.
Thread's dead anyway. I'm out.
Are we not finishing that red riding hood comic?
nuh prease, have a bump
hope not
>not even the correct post numbers
>3 links instead of 2
>the samefag already posted proof
Where's that comic?
if i'm a loli who likes lolis am I still fucked up?
no one can save you from faggority
Nice shop bro but the real samefag is here >>673951131
prove ur a loli
If I sexually identify as a loli, is it still pedophillia?
Just let go
But can you help me embrace it?
yes. I am a father that is also a lolicon, how about me? there's hope?
What happened to the FUCKING comic
I'ce got it from here
feminists btfo
Winner of the 2016 caption competition
Black Bullet
>thinks I'm that stupid
What's the matter anon? Too real for you?
yes. learn too appreciate the harmless kind of loli. sexy in appearance but innocent from the perspective of the loli.
Uncensored Lolicon Dump #3:
Uncensored Lolicon Dump #4:
Uncensored Lolicon Dump #5:
Uncensored Lolicon Dump #6:
Not him, but the artist is kogakunama.
>in my loli breads
>not liking cuckshit
Do you have bad taste or something?
please excuse yourself, there are other places for your kind
I for one don't mind the ropes. I little bondage is ok IMO. The needles are going too far though.
Ty for finishing the comic ;3
How do these get so weird so fast?
This thread is shit now :(
Gentlemen, post more manga.
ur shit
What is cuck again? NTR? I get confused on terminology
someone who gets off on ntr essentially
Where the fuck is SPIDERMAN!!!!!
yes. its the same indeed.
But it has a different denomitation in wapanese if you are not the one getting cuck but the one cucking someone else waifu/husbando
It's coming
Embarrassed loli >anything else.
Short for cuckold.
But a lot of the newfags on here don't know that.
oh shit nigger wat r u doin
i have to say i find this a tad distasteful
I like to treat my lolis in a mean way. I am bad?
You asked right
This is normie tier shit. step up newfag
>cute dead
>posts a grill
you had one job
i would never presume to
I'll try better
>cartoon naked children is bad because it depicts fictional accounts of something illegal
>here, have some dead naked women who were abused horribly during the ends of their life
Anyone else see the irony?
That's no loli fyi
why tho? I am not mean, I just like to play hard. But I reward love every now and then
no but i see your autism.
Tell us a good way to make them stop them clever shit?
I like my lolies with a little of spiciness
Yes, absolutely. But the anti-loli brigade are mostly retarded.
/b/ is full is hipocritefags, pedofags,furfags and newfags
You only belong to one of the mentioned before.
you can't with completely freedom of speech model.
Sorry dude, I'm just a little autist
little girls need cuddles, teddies, and bed time stories, not molestation or abuse
And I love it
we reach the im limit, so sad
Not talking about abuse at all anon, I said I like to play mean, not abusive. There will be always a secret word , even tho I think It will never be necessity for its use.
I know no more dead girls smh
You know what is even more hypocrite? putting draws of children suddenly is CP, but posting real pics of death people isnt murder at all.
This is how fags mods are.
Bunch of hypocrite bitches
What are you even talking about?
Lolicon is allowed on /b/.
be nice to little girls
I know, it's sad
I have a folder full of that (450 pics)
Just curious, do you find them sexually attractive?
No judgement here btw.
nice dubs, but see thru my point of view. If you post a pic of a little girl, full clothed, suddenly you get banned for CP. Bc its against the USA law right?
But posting real photos of people getting murdered is not a reason to be banned, even tho, killing people is against USA law.
Fuck off with the dead girls their dead how is this attractive in any way shape or form
It makes my fill sick
I never masturbate with this kind of thing, I have another whit suicide girls
>Bc its against the USA law right?
No, it's damage control for 4chan. 4chan is fully responsible for shit that's posted on their website so they take proactive means in deleting that shit because in the past it's led to CP.
There are plenty of other places to socialize and share pictures of little girls even on the clearnet if you so desire so why don't you migrate there?
Also work on your writing comp because this post had little to do with the last post. Your last post >>673959529 is talking about "draws of children" and now this post >>673960300 is talking about irl children.
Oh, are you just against lolicon in a moral manner? Or you just like to troll? I'm just trying to get a sense of motive. Sorry if I'm prying too much, you can ask me questions too. We have 80 posts before autosage kicks in.
he just told you his motive dumbshit
Can you post the reason again, my brain is too small to comprehend the first time.
>No, it's damage control for 4chan. 4chan is fully responsible for shit that's posted on their website
You just said it. Pics of people get murdered is not real deal enough to make 4chan responsible for?
I am starting to think they ban CP to control the monopoly of it, same as drugs. but thats a tale for another day.
>I am starting to think they ban CP to control the monopoly of it, same as drugs. but thats a tale for another day.
You are literally retarded.
Pictures of dead people aren't illegal to own whereas CP is.
new thread pls
And what are these sites? My friend wants to know..
I'm against cp
But loli isn't cp
So no I'm not against loli, I'm just bored
You can't expect me to seriously answer that, now can you?
if you are here on /b/, you are not far away from retarded. You are stuck in here with us, not backwards
trying to revive lolidub /b/ros. new thread pls.
Oh I see. Hey there's a new loli thread if you want to continue >>673960384.
How retarded are you?
I'm judging you based on the merit of your posts, not where you come from / where you claim to be from.
do you people have to be niggers every single time come on.
I can start all over again :")
Thanks fam
you are no one to judge. Specially here.
stop being bitches and post some loli. i wont jugde then.
I'm judging you.
Just because someone /b/rowses or whatever says nothing about their intellect or knowledge.
but why do you explicitly target loli threads? if there is cp here we report it and mods delete it. it makes me sick as much as the normies.
there is so much of different cancerous threads. loli has been on 4chan since its inception. you might rethink your strategies of improving 4chan since you are not accomplishing anything.
yeah right
>denying social retardation on /b/
god you people are fucking fags.
more illya pls
>tfw people consider actual dead bodies to be less disturbing than cartoon drawings. wow.
Fuck my shit and cuck my dick fite me irl faggots
Fisting yourself does not count as ''knowing how to punch''
just a reminder
What are you even on about right now? Are we just fighting to get the last word because that makes us feel empowered?
I just want to save all the loli. you know, to my hard drive, our conversation keeps the thread alive a little longer, even tho cap has been achieved.
Oh dude, you should use a download manager plugin.
Like DownThemAll for firefox.
Been looking for this for ages. Thanks anon
Save all the images in a thread with a single click of the mouse.
I still think you're retarded as fuck though
>not enjoying ever loli pic at its full extent, and then store the best ones, and not repeated ones
>just storing pics
I dont feel like I am getting the maximum satisfaction with that plugin.
this went south fast....i'm out
You realize 4chan is like the worst way to find good content, right?
is not that bad, you can find good stuff and light content here.
Last time I was at sankaku, I saved 7gb of good content, but just in a couple of pics and gifs.
As someone who has collect hentai for the past 7 years 4chan is shit.
well it as shit as we make it
As someone that has collected hentai since I was 12 yo and now I am 25. I might say. I think its just a thing of what variable we consider more important.
I like quality and quantity.
What do you like nigger?
Most preferred variables goes like this
>artist deployment/art style
>size on mb (kb preferably, nice compressed)
>Message behind the illustration (you know, the kind of shit that makes you feel)
the list goes
>fetish (last one, I dont care the fetish as long as the pic is worth storing)
No, get fucked. Go die in a fire you don't know shit.
Wtf that shouldn't be on some pedo thread on /b/ that should be on a fucking holy chapel wall.
Preists like little boys not girls
wow the salt here rofl
I know man, there so much good art out there.
I havent realized this before, maybe they are just gay.
> Satan like to crossdress?
>I havent realized this before, maybe they are just gay.
Nah, just the easiest access. They live with the boys.
nigga I have been there before. I aint gay.
You've molested little boys and came to the conclusion that you aren't gay?