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Waifu claiming thread. Version 3.15 The rules are very simple:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread. Version 3.15

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Syndra claimed.
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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air piano.gif
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yuuko youre pretty fast
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Atago 001.jpg
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Not first
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Gonna go move those logs now, be back in a little bit.
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Akira claimed. brb testing stuff in fullscreen
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Tatsumaki (320).jpg
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Line up
Crash the sound
You lose your hand
To understand
The accident is red
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Noire - 4.jpg
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Noire Claimed.
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>Best idol claimed
Either way, no harm done though

Fran claimed
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image (32).jpg
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Did sihro play on lolilover ?
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Shiki claimed
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cya best!
cya too, Akira
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Atago 149.jpg
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He used to, but his normie friends didn't want to play with someone called "LoliLover"
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download (1).jpg
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Rek'sai claimed
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She'll never know how I feel about her, will she?
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Tenryuu claimed

>I'll post 2 screenshots if interested
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Obligatory claim.
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Black Heart - 5.jpg
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Man, this channel has some really great music, plus i love classical style music mixed to electronic:
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Why have so many monster waifus been claimed lately? Not that I'm complaining, good to see them get some love
Hello hand anon!
Great, what mods do you have?
You have the rare opportunity to be able to talk to your waifu.

yes plz.
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Shiro claimed. It really is going fast today.

Hey Stocking! How's best goth doing today?

Fast... second thread?
Damn, how early did you start today?

Hey there! Doing pretty good today, relaxing before the awful week to come.
How are you?

Moin, moin, Tenryuu!
Alles bestens heute. AfD sogar noch oberhalb der erwarteten Prozent!

Fucking normies, am I right?
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Don't lose hope, Teto-anon.
>Trump will make anime real
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>Best goth waifu claimed
>Except Ruri

Good to hear you're okay!
>I know the feel, I like to think that the flavour creates variety
>it doesn't
I'm alright thanks. Having a much better day than yesterday!
>did you manage to get sleep
I did but not much. Luckily I left fairly early so I could enjoy my Sunday

I get that!
I like most anime openings to be fair. Big fan of jap music.


Not as qt as you hand-kun <3

I'm not doing much. Browsing this thread and listening to music.
A little bored tbf
>twisted lewd mind
That's me heh
Also it depends what you're eating!

Alright then!
Good to hear your hand is okay, now you can make lewd territory with redheadqt
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Rek'sai's not a monster. Rek'sai is a beautiful lady.
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I'm doing very well thank you, a little bored today!
>best goth
Awh, you qt
How are you?
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images (3).jpg
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Rek'sai is my queen
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Atago 103.jpg
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Disdain for normies
GG Skyrim
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Here is her full picture. A delectable creature, no? I want to learn everything about her! But she hopped off and disappeared, ignoring my shouts. I hope that I didn't scare her by mentioning the Reich.

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Ho good all is as it should be. Internet claimed
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LOOT says 165 in general and 159 currently running.

Expect a lot lof oversaturated lightning and lens flares.

Na dann. In meinem Landkreis bin ich mir nicht ganz so sicher, aber dort hatte die NSDAP ja auch als erstes die totale Mehrheit.

Skyrim is still my favourite game.

Ok, here goes the first one to show how my game looks in general...
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Cutest claimed.

Sorry for not posting alot. Doing work around my house. I am reading everything though
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Tatsumaki (332).jpg
238 KB, 850x1375

Depends on your perceptive of 'good'.
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Hey Fran-kun, still reading?

>hand blush

So many colors, oh my Christ.
Well if she's a frog she might be a bit afraid of your french heritage teto.

I want to see Doritos and snoop dog too.
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I would send some hope your way, bend the fates a little, I have some to spare. But I'm sure that you will see her again eventually.
Miho claimed

How everyone doing today?
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Cthulhu claims your world again
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Probably just 1 guy
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Enjoying the sunday, vidya, animu, a goob book,... Lots of fun
Next week, if you don't feel at 100% or you want to complain about normies or your work, you can just tell us and get shit off your chest, we are here to help, aren't we?
>I hope that I didn't scare her
I'm fairly certain you didn't. Sometimes anons don't come around for a few days and then bam, they're back.
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Is there anything more alluring than a woman who can build her own body?
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Don't worry about it qt

If you're lucky you may get Stocking lewds
>Only in private
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Tatsumaki (354).jpg
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>Snoop Dogg spelled with one g
He's the motherfucking D-O-Double G.
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Very true!
What are some of the bigger ones? What funny reskins?
Just finished the book. I'm about to download the nest toy Kindle though
Life is pain.
Hello Miho hope you are doing well.

My apologies mr.lion
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Not all heroes wear capes

Mine wears pigtails
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Claiming just for safety
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Mizuki claimed
looks neato
heya Yuuko, how are you?
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A better looking woman who can build her own body?
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>Life is pain.

I missed my car payments.
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Thanks man. I haven't heard back from Redhead yet. Wondering how she's doing.

More lens flares than a JJ Abrams movie

Hey Miho. It's been good so far. You?
What is this from ?
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Noire Gif - 2.gif
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>That's me heh
I didn't say that it's a bad thing =.0
>it depends what you're eating
Well, eating sweets like you do doesn't take that much time u.u
I just had some regular dinner: Cheese & bread, salad and some leftovers of last weekend cake.

Pretty fine thanks!
Not going out that much these days because the only friend that lives near me found a gf, he isn't very good with Firends/gf timings =.0
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Shiki 1090.jpg
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Some pixiv artist
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i'm back but now i'm running out of akira art. not much of it.
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All is in order as it should be
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Hello there. I'm good what are you up to?

>mfw my house has been in pre-forclosure for years.
That sucks they're gunna fine you up the ass aren't they?
You're gunna end up looking like hand-kun post chair disaster.
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Everything and nothing
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Oh, hey Akira
Been playing Shizune route lately, nice to see some Katawa Girls who are not Main Chars...
I find it strange that no one ever has claimed Misha...
(not yet done with shizune, so no spoilers please)
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2 MB, 1936x2592
Doing alright, thanks for asking, Miho. Hope you're doing well.

>hand consumed in red color

Nice, hope you enjoy the rest of it. The stuff I'm reading has to catch up with itself in terms of the manga.

Can never be to sure.

>battered and bruised ass raped hand
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>actually really love this pic

Spark a conversation man.
She's probably alright though.

>didn't say that's a bad thing
It can be in the wrong situation
>eating sweets like you do
Good point, I'm actually eating cheesecake right now. So delicious!
Your dinner doesn't sound too bad though, I only had a sandwich and assorted snacks.

Don't be shy qt
Bet you know how to work your hands around a woman tbf
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Finally watching Season 2 of RWBY
about damn time I'm watching it again
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Pigtails are an instant win
Gimme a sec, I might be able to provide some material
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... I will not cheat. For now.

I doubt it. I don't have any sort of french heritage. But...

Oh, well.
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Neptune claimed, how is everyone doing?
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Watching SoaD sets from like 1998 holy shit Daron was fucked up back then.
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It is, thanks
Yeah, it is

Anyway, going to take my dig out on a walk, peace out!
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Who's your favorite character?
>i'm trying to start a war

>Carries victimized hand into ambulance
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I'm only going to be a week late. So it wont be to bad. This is the first one i have missed in 5 years.

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Skytim 66.jpg
3 MB, 1920x1080
You know that you want those mudcrabs here...

And the bigger ones are...difficult, but mostly Realistic Lightning Overhaul, The Sounds of Skyrim, RaceMenu, Halo's mods, and too many armour, weapon and animation mods....but not i'm not that interested in downloading a quest mod now like Faalskar, Wyrmstooth and similar.
>And don't forget Immersive First Person so you can see your tiddies when you look down.

I still have more.
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Tatsumaki (363).jpg
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Order's not necessarily the best state one can achieve.
Isn't teto french?

Oh well maybe they'll be kind this time.
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I've been trying, but she hasn't been on this whole weekend. Hopefully it's nothing and it's just bad internet or something. It's kinda worrying but I know I'll see her in person tomorrow. Thanks for looking out.

>Watching RWBY
Nice! Volume 2 wasn't bad. Once you get to Volume 3, you'll be in for a wild ride. Don't forget to watch the little shorts about Remnant and its backstory!

Doing good, thanks for asking. Yourself?
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Did I give you this link before?
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Geez, been so long... for now it's Black since she's rather chill...
I barely remember the story from season 1.... something like getting together as a team
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2 MB, 1936x2592
>More lens flares than a JJ Abrams movie
>slowly looks down from the crippling truth

>terminal hand lupus (blush)
Probably, who knows.

Enjoy walking your dog, stay safe, Fran-kun.

>The hell are we supposed to do with the rest of it (human)
>Cut it off, we don't have time for this!

I see you're doing well and your waifu is as adorable as ever, glad to hear it, bud.
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Atago 134.jpg
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>And don't forget Immersive First Person so you can see your tiddies when you look down
You were thinking about me when you said that, weren't you?
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i like a lot of the non-main characters, but maybe its because of the really talented writers that do the pseudo routes. other notable characters imo are Miki, Suzu, Rika. Even some original characters are written well, like Kagami's route written by forgetmenot. pic related.
i've checked out the shimmie before but i have a bad habit of not saving pictures from it.
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Doing just fine, thanks for asking.
I got hand-kun's approval for maka albarn.
Now I need one for marie rose.

Can you give the thumbs up to a picture pf maroe rose, please hand-kun?
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CC pizza ears.jpg
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Mad props to the Fran, but the rest of y'all are mad not to have the ultimate waifu
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I'm sure she's just busy or she's unable to get to the internet!
After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Use the distance to your advantage heh

Hey the Nep Nep!
How are you doing today?

I'd assume you know you slayer
Syndra is 3d tho
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Yes but I like it that way. All the wires in the right place
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2 MB, 1200x1694
As far as nationality goes, Japanese. Favorite country is Norway, though.
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>Marie Rose gets thumbs up
>I don't
To be fair she is adorable, she deserves it.
>didn't claim maka albarn
>caims to have beat waifu
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Noire Cosplay - 2.jpg
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>It can be in the wrong situation
I don't think I want to know what do you mean by that.
Yeah, I've been attending culinary school synce 5 years, this is the last one, studying alimentation brought me to take care much more on what i eat u.u

Hey there Neptune.
Everything is going fine so far, you?
Planeptune is doing fine?
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Tenryuu chibi 15.jpg
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Maybe...too bad that my char is a flat-chester. Only the chest plate of her armor make her look like she has some tiddies....
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I hope they will be nice about it.

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Will do! Can you brainstorm me about season 1 story? Since right now I'm totally lost and don't want to rewatch everything
Sounds nice, maybe I should read one of those original characters once in a while
I am doing fine, I did fall asleep in Lastation though.

I am doing fine, thanks for asking Noire and about Planeptune, I left things to Histoire and Nepgear so I am unsure.
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Shiki 0523.jpg
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>not having a Tenryuu mod
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"Quickly we must find a donor!"
>nurse wheels in black man
"Get out!"

No wrong answers.

Huh good to know. Wonder who i'm thinking of.

If not you'll just have to go down to their office and so then just how fucking compassionate you can be.
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Oh, you thought... well this is awkward, I was actually just asking if you knew how Ruri was doing... sorry...

Disdain and lactose intolerance!

Ach, das wird bestimmt auch super. Wann ist es denn soweit?

I was thinking about how I could turn this into a pun using "break a leg", but then I felt bad. Thanks for the offer!

A woman who still has her body?
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>I don't think I want to know
Oh come now Noire. I can show you <3
>attending culinary school
No way! That sounds amazing, I'd love to see you cook! Always been interested in cooking.
>Captcha: food

Oh no.
At least you're doing alright
>Hi the Nep Nep
I meant there...
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Atago 032.jpg
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There are literally thousands of mods for that, and out of 20GBs worth of mods, you're telling me that's not one of them?
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Probably. I'm trying not to worry to much.
>Absence makes the heart grow fonder
I like that quote.

The first volume was basically everyone meeting each other and all the characters being introduced. Then the White Fang starts to fuck shit up a bit, and team RWBY pushes them back. It really just starts to develop the characters personalities
More on beat than maka :>
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Atago 031.jpg
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>lactose intolerance
I feel so bad for you
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>Best goth
Oh no yeah sure I get it.
Don't worry about it.
I'm sure he's fine.
>Sad Stocking

I'm a fan of the quote.
It's very reassuring
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I just noticed that I forgot to add a picture I am such an idiot.
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Tatsumaki (362).jpg
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Making things easy to use, without any leeway for risk to be involved, order is ultimately boring and unexciting.
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1 MB, 2592x1912
There you go.

>suggestive hands

If you want one, you can just ask. I don't mind.

Fucking adorable

>wheel in black man
*hand suddenly disappears from the table*
"It escaped out of the window!"

Perfect in my eyes, no worries.
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299 KB, 889x504
Ah yeah, I'm starting to remember a bit, got it. That should suffice.
Have a kiss (pic related)
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Skyrim 4.jpg
3 MB, 1920x1080
i can't find one...and if, then 99,9% look just out of place.

Nächtes Jahr im Mai der Landtag, und dann ist ja auch schon nächstes Jahr Bundestagswahl....

I prefer my flat-chested tomboys in this kind of games. Giant juggs are just impractical in combat...

And another screenshot...
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620 KB, 480x272
Nah I don't mind.
If you wanted to do it, you would. I'll leave the decisions to you!
>perfect in my eyes
Awh hand-kun! You're such a qt y'know that?
>pic related
Thanks hand-kun!
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Your looking only at the outer shell of it. Inside is were the fun is
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Whats this moonspeak?

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Noire - 1.jpg
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>Flat is justice
Remind that too =.0

I was expecting that =.=
You know you should help Histoire and your sister sometimes, and you know too that Histoire isn't very tolerant about your sleeping through work <.<

>I can show you
Mhm, I don't think that being lewd sometimes is a bad thing, soo...
>Pic Related
>Always been interested in cooking
It's always satisfying to eat what you cook :)
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>Giant juggs are just impractical in combat
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>Severed hand travels far and long
>Comes across spooky mansion in the woods
>Becomes part of the addams family

It's where you pretend to have emotions like the normalfags around you.
>very difficult
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2016-03-13 15.32.23.png
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>break a leg
Dont't worry, I think I even have a pic with a joke like that in my Emi folder, but I can't seem to find it, so have this instead.
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Kaos and order are 2 sides of the same coin
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>Words build bridges into unexplored regions
Another 10/10 saying

T-t-thank you.
>blushing Ruby
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1 MB, 500x483
Oh come on Noire, what will Histy do? Lecture me? She can't really do much other then that.
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Atago 156.jpg
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>Giant juggs are just impractical in combat
There are so many things I'd like to say but I won't
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1 MB, 2592x1936
Kek, just because you're asking me to do it doesn't mean I don't want to. Just hard for me to do things on my own, easier if someone just asks.
>give me a picture to do it with

>Awh hand-kun! You're such a qt y'know that?
Just calling it how I see it.

Don't mention it, friendo.


The perfect ending to a perilous journey. Thank god that hand can't talk or else I'd be in prison.
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ok ive stocked up on some more akira art. lets go.
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Distract the enemy, or inspire your comrades with them!
Also, my dog was a good girl, Fran is back
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Don't worry, I drink milk every day! Lactose intolerance is for them normies.

In all honesty, I prefer Stocking over Ruri. She has more of a personality and more reasonable motivation.

Da könnte es schon zu spät sein...
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Tenryuu 134.jpg
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It's something different if you're dual-wielding your swords a sword or have a eqiupment on your back which has guns with a diameter up to 510mm...

Ofc i still prefer my Tenryuu tiddies tho.
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They will never understand us.

Who cares what happened to the rest of the body right?

Didn't know your dog was a homosexual
>looks at collar
Still waiting on the install to finish. It's almost done i think
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Moonspeek. Have not long time you dig
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Noire Gif - 3.gif
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Yeah, and that's when Histoire comes to me because you don't do your work, and asks me to teach you how to properly work.
And I'm doing that only for Histoire, I already know that I'm wasting time by trying to teach you that =.0
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And I'm back.
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That reminds me actually I just bought DOAX3 on play-asia.
Can't wait to see Marie Rose!

O-oh Noire.
>Blushing Stocking
>Allow me to return the favour
Cooking for yourself is always extremely satisfying!
Especially when other people enjoy it too!

I do like that one.
One of my most favourite quotes though:
>If her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock
So relatable...

Don't do it to this pic. Do whatever the next post is unless stated otherwise.
Thanks hand-kun! <3

Thank you Shiro. I forgive you!
>for now
File: Atago 107.jpg (204 KB, 850x1208) Image search: [Google]
Atago 107.jpg
204 KB, 850x1208
You're using the Super Yamato guns, aren't you? (20.1 In / 510mm)
Thought you said you were lactose intolerant, sorry
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>Distract the enemy
Where is the thrill or challenge in fighting Teenagers? Enduring the smell? That's the only thing I can think of.

>i still prefer my Tenryuu tiddies tho
Indeed. But you know the truth.
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SHE is quite/silent

but she know well what she does
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Tatsumaki (107).jpg
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Sorry, I'm in that mood again. Always so negative about everything. I should just stop.
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File: Farewell.gif (2 MB, 853x386) Image search: [Google]
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Probably just lived a boring life shitposting without a right hand and got a robo hand.

Welcome back, Cowgirl.

Welcome back, Fran. Glad you didn't get stabbed.

Roger roger.
Am I late
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Jinx claimed
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Wait you aren't going to tell Histy that I am in Lastation right?
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Atago 125.png
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Sounds good I'll be waiting
Try looking at the good side of things, or find a sense of humor or something
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Will it at least get a five finger discount the rest of its life?
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Nah, just a goddamn hippie

When she behaves, she has a bit of leash aggression, but I'm working on that. Strange because she is fine with other dogs when she is off leash

With how large those things are, it would distract just about anyone
Always good to remain unstabbed, thanks for your concern
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That's nice to hear Akira. With 10-20 pics in total normally is enough
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Best Armstrong claimed
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Unimaginable disappoitment.jpg
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>tfw you forgot your waifu's birthday
I don't want to live anymore....
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All is good kaos is the root of all order and infinite
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Welcome back cowgirl

Good thing my quote came from a great man; Mr. Hitler
>If her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock
Great words to live by.
>it was two days ago
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Shiki 0068.jpg
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You had one job, I remembered mine though it was very close to valentines
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Atago 004.jpg
3 MB, 2800x2800
>Launched: 11 March 1918
Shit, you're right
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>Last image get
My waifu doesn't even have an official birthday and I still remembered.
Thanks to you too.
Post was at 87% too.
-Holstaur image
Fitting pun and picture, I'll *hand* you that.
>kill me

Just glad you're all safe and sound.

Glad to see you again.

Don't mention it, friendo.

>mhw we my waifu/husbando and I share the same birthday

Good job, buddy.

>With how large those things are, it would distract just about anyone
A soldier? A warrior? That is an extremely dangerous wager.

>Try looking at the good side of things

Oh, fuck. I'm so sorry.

>You had one job
>teasing him
Most cruel. Indeed. One could say that he deserves it, though.
But if everything is chaotic, is that a form of order?
Truely a miracle
Yeah, after my run in with meth dealers, I'm still looking over my shoulder some

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