cringe thread, last one got 404'd.
people like this exist.
Autism now in XL
You Christians are foolish for continuing to believe in government lies.
>AKA God
Got some chest paddles for this thread
Before someone says there's nothing wrong, this guy should be wearing some nice dress pants as well and not fucking skinny jeans.
He is my hero
>i can be your angle
gimme that Euler formula
you'd have to be half retarded to think that "violence" wasn't shopped to "nonviolence"
>How to get hit by a rocket
I vote bernie because he'll give me free shit.
New one from thread earlier today.
please post the highlights of his facebook, and his sisters instagram, they are amazing
cool sis come her let me beat the shit out of your stupid ugly face
Oooof Jesus Christ
This is what he looks like now
we're doomed
Is that Arin? Like from game grumps and shit.
can we gas them?
Yeah, he released a load of cringey pics of him in the past, taking the piss out of himself and laughing with everyone on twitter how cringey he used to be,
probs the coolest thing he's done in a long time
you have that right. nothing can stop it either
Sometimes when I feel like I'm inadequate or weird, this video reminds me that all humans are fucking garbage
No way in hell this can be real
I refuse to believe it, I literally can't suspend my disbelief as much as I want to believe this is real
what's wrong with this
only thing i see wrong with this is the end, you dont just announce that your going to date her, but praising her is perfectly fine
thx anon super sloothed that shit for us
shit nevermind, just realized it said "talking" and not "dating"
no way that scene is taking place in america.
maybe SOUTH america, but definitely not the US of A.
This is so fucking embarrassing if youre that girl. Just trying to be nice to the weird kid when suddenly he announces to the world that youre best buds and potentially future mates lmfao
He was like that the whole thread, kept messaging and trying to call her. I've never been uncomfortable being in a thread until today.
Where is that woman really from? She has a Chilean patch (What a shame), but she is not Chilean, that's not the uniform of any kind of police here. Weird, I'm guessing Panama
Any other pics from the thread?
what kind of fucking demon is she
it hurts to live
Im from br
Either a thirsty troll, or terrible parenting.
cringy bitch is going to have a welfare baby
If this is fucking real
Nah, I was lucky to get that one because he started deleting. Pretty sure it was screen capped or archived by somebody.
There was a lot of "What should I send next?"
>nothing! you've already fucked it all up
sends "are you there?"
>you've got to be fucking kidding me
>1 + 1 = 69 get it ??
This was painful to read
Kek, she got rekt, anyway to justify the Chilean patch on her right sleeve? That really called my attention
Damn. Sounds crazy. Any thread that would make a regular uncomfortable...
>mfw i was that kid in the third grade
duuuuude wat?
Oh fuck
This cant be real
also shes well in her 20s. loo at this cringy post
my boy raindrop was the actual homie. graduated with this kid.
Are those lyrics?
autism on display. can you imagine being that girl? she's just trying to be nice probably and now she's got a creepy dude with no social awareness broadcasting his romantic intentions to the world.
>it's all suicide to me
and here you are. on /b/. glad to see you grew out of that phase :^)
u wana fite?
square up nigga
indeed, it feels like such an imporovement
Yeeesh... and I thought I had a clingy gf
her 'art'
toe the line nigga my dad owns xbox B)
u wot m8
>the real cringe is conservatives that lampoon Sanders as if that's what he's really saying
ok kiddo
Only real reasoning I can think of would be if he had to keep silent.
christ, that is smothering
>I still wish someone cared that much about me though
Weren't juggalos like the bronies of the 90s?
i think the funniest part about this is how many reee's will take place because of this.
you do faggot
Am i the only one who see's Conan O'brien? better keep this kid away from irish mongoloids
>tongue tornado
my fucking sides
Jesus stop hating on her because you got cucked and shes taking a nigger dick and waiting for his son while youre friendzoned
I'm afraid to look it up, but seeing this made me wonder if there's veggie tales erotic fan fiction on deviant art... I'll report back
leave lord choche alone you faggot, gonna call uncle emilio up your ass.
Was deleted
>she only has 1 left wing cause she is a liberal
fuck that caught me offguard
wrong thread yo. this is funny as fuck
I like the eyes and mouths. Has potential.
What was it?
Hail Choche, king of the world
Anything worth reporting anon?
Im not sure, but maybe is the country she born. Now im curious
I think those are cool.
I must know
They're even worse and they're still around.
Some weird fucking teenage convention where these kids just start randomly grinding on each other. I've seen it in cringe threads before
I dont believe you
holy fuck my sides
well I fucking died at this, but other than that just searching "veggie tales" on deviant art is full of a wonderfully diverse array of cringe.
He does look like he had soft lips.
I bet he's good at sucking dicks, too.
Nah, he´s just stupid
Ok I get this is fucking retarded. I do. But this kid is what...10? I was lucky enough when I was 10 to have no social media exist yet. Bc I was a fucking retard like every other 10 year old. And I wouldn't have the foresight not to display my thoughts everywhere and if I did, I'd be cringe as fuck too
These people need to be permanently exterminated from the Earth.
>dem teef
u havn a gigl m8?
That sick fuck posted cp
>not knowing who shoe0nhead is
It's hot how calm and confident she is about it
>would fuck
Juggalos are still around. And at least bronies know how to bathe.
That was actually a pretty good one. I never heard that joke before.
OP BTFO for not making good jokes.
Oh my god abomination
Damn Daniel, back at it again with that big dick
or this
Juggalos do drugs and get laid. Not to say they're great drugs and the girls aren't disgusting, but i think juggalos and Bronies aren't quite the same thing or even in the same ballpark. Bronies fuck stuffed animals, juggalos fuck fat bitches full of soda and nachos
Also one of the kids had like a sign around his head and someone was try to take a picture when one of the kids started grinding in front of him
Does she care about him, or his position as "my boyfriend"?
Shut the fuck up, Charles.
Fresh OC
we need a fucking character breakdown of this
This shit makes me squint
>Like stoned
>Had so much monster
That's not care friend. That is the ravings of a girl who has the mental capacity of a 10 year old protecting her favorite toy. And I'll bet an unlimited amount of money while he was gone she was stuffing her pussy like a drunk fat chick at house party for beta virgins on prom night
This kid can't be older than 10. Wut?
Holy shit
autism speaks
this is obviously fake
I need to get me some of that 70% for this thread
Shit, nigger, you really think I'm gonna read allllllllll that?
Isn't the thought alone just the worst
tbh that's actually an interesting idea, brony or not
Wow, that's great. Toppest of zozzle
Dude, the "Blue Steel™®©"
What the fuck is a stage 3 atheist?
This makes me feel sad
He meant stage 3 autist
dont hate
>good luck friends
I think everyone has had that cringe phase but holy fuck some people never grow out of it. Why?!
Tell that to his parents
I used to like three days grace
good, bitch got a 5head anyway
Not Charles, you stupid cuck
Alright let me rephrase it for you
>I am alone
It's okay, anon. I think all of us did.
give me his sauce
At least she was straight up. 'lil nigga needed to hear it
Charles, NO!! Charles, you got in my head!!!!
The Autistic Eight ft. Lemmy the Cow Cuck
basically all of reddit. and people say 4chan is the toilet of the internet
What was one of your guys cringiest moments?
I used to pretend I knew Japanese and talk to myself like I was in an anime and talk to invisible characters. I was a fucking weeb guys.
...just because you don't like someone doesn't mean everything they say is cringey. Yeah she looks fuckin dumb as fuck but being excited about a first ultrasound is pretty normal, bro
I will beat your ass with CHARLES!
>give me his sauce
top zoz
Burn victim or albino negroid?
This is pretty much every woman where I live. Shit sucks.
The reason i fear bearing children.
Shoulda checked yourself
His face just looks like a sad panda
just noticed the chameleon guy is making out with the fucking pony cut out
So? You don't need to operate on the extremes where it's either ur alone or with some psycho who will kill u in ur sleep. You don't wanna be alone? Get out there and keep trying till u meet someone. It might take a month or a year or whatever. But if u get out there, stop giving a fuck what ppl think, face rejection and grow some nuts, ull land a girl very quickly
Holy fuck it isnt, who would like to hire unstable neckbear who identifies himself as a pony? I regret i used to be a brony 5 years ago but then, i was only 14 at the time, not 20-ish
I guess it's what bronys do, man.
Silly bitch! Your weapons cannot harm me! Don't you know who the fuck I am?
And the reason I hope I don't have any. Unless they're grown up by now so I could have some family.
>check yourself
Dubs are nothing, scrub.
>>673139116 If he was a angle he wouldn't be acute one.
anybody else notice the fucking bodyless pair of legs sitting at the piano?
This right here is best keggle
y u stop posting cringe
I want my male syrup on his double chin
Thats a hell of a good shop if it is.
why is everybody shaped weird?
She was born without an upper body, duh.
Nice trips
better than 99% of the furry shit on deviant art.
what's the issue here?
dubs checked
Under rated post
>bronies know how to bathe
Oh boy are you going to be disappointed.
it wasn't.. furrys were alreadya things and juggalos didn't get steam at all in the 90s. I don't think that was even a word till closer to 2000
it's more cringy not to be excited about it
get out of the basement
>See the top half
>Don't cringe. My school years were before Naruto came out, so I can't really relate.
>Scroll down
>God fucking damnit
Trump supporters.
>jealous at people starting families
Bro, I'm cringing hard at you right now. for real. you keep ketting twisted at this sort of shit you're gonna have one hell of a lonely life.
why could u possibly exist...
Go drink bleach
>going to be disappointed
I can guarantee I'll NEVER find out.
this thread is cringier than any picture. grow up and go to bed.
really needed this to be true man
>states his IQ as if ayone gave a fuck
>discuss atheism and mlp, cause hey, why not
>wears fedora and glasses
>calls himself a redditor
>affirms that using drugs is worse than mlp
cocain is going to be legal before this guy sees a vagina man
if this was ylyl, i would have lost sooo hard
Legit had a guy run 11 min 2 miles in the army..he ran like this.....Guy ended up getting chaptered for Mental health reasons, but i never understood how he ran soo fast like that. Also he totally looked like a faggot while he ran
You go to bed
cant thread ur own post breh
..ok, you guys win. chloe is hot.
> chloe for queen
Like what? A trillion years ago?
Lamebook doesn't even look like that anymore.
i really want to see this become a thread. can someone start a "go to DA, search veggie tales, return and post" thread?
id fuck him
This saddens me because ik him
You can't make this shit up, jesus
>used macs since like purple iMac
>fuk u know woop woop
Kek to the nth degree
I can't tell if he's the kind of person who thinks anime is real on another dimension and he's this reality's incarnation of it, or if he's just ripping off an anime. Or maybe he's some entirely different type of weirdo.
I can't imagine the kind of people he's trying to be friends with haven't seen Yu Yu Hakusho.
>implying he isnt intentionally doing that
>implying he isnt in on the joke
you just dont understand humor faggit
Kill self
never change, /b/.
seems like a cool motherfucker to me...
Game Over.
>rubbering your clit
"Attention, your sides are now in orbit"
Protip:Hey autist newfags this stuff is fake.
Take another look, you can figure it out.
Not so Noble anymore.
Juggalos were a thing in the 90's. You'd know that if you weren't 14
her sign is pretty accurate
he might be serious . . .
These were in response to comment simply expressing that sometimes white people who get really excited about racial topics are accidentally racist and offensive.
This guy and a handful of fake glasses wearing chronically raped community college Pell grant gender study dropouts went on like a 30 post rant for about 6 hours without any response.
These were just a couple of highlights.
Ive seen this one a couple times now and the first thing that pops into my head is his keyboard is broke.
why don't you?
How does one get so ugly.... I mean shit. Its almost like its intentional.
barly and u missed the point. my gfs age has nothing to do with this. leave her out of it.
>10% Match
Those two aren't exclusive.
Never hit the translate tab in chrome before fagot?
Haha stop being such a hater you massive fucking faggot.
Maybe the keyboard broke?
Why you not post more cringe?
Behave, nice dubs you bastard
>I made a pedophilia joke
Good going m8
You mean mutually exclusive faggott?
awwwwww hell naw
Collin is my hero
Big dick #hardlife
damn i felt those edges through the screen
I dont know why but reeee is the most hilarious thing on this stupid site
that's fucking bignik
This had to be on purpose, not enough edge for a sonic.
underrated post
alpha as fuck
That keyboard had better be broken
lil fucker dont look half bad
4chan logic, you can hate women as long as it's not one woman. the issue with her is i hate children for one. fucking parasites. and i hate people on welfare, fucking nigger parasites.
Chile is disgusting
Also just noticed that.
>Specializes in reconnaissance
gets me every time
Y doe
Goddammit Arin
Is he kill?
First he had to get to lvl 23 then use a water stone.
That thread was also posted like 30 hours before. It was super bait.
all them dubs
all them trips
rustled me the most
I don't find this cringe if it's just a bunch of other furfags commenting on his shit
yeah you'd know norrmie
Is this a loss?
tfw i have a hot super clingy gf with daddy issues
I would hire this man, particularly in the technical field.
The irony it's in a handicap
Look a little closer buddy
You're welcome
Most people wouldn't even though he is qualified because looking at that shit for a second looks weird enough to throw it away without thinking.
thanks friend, as a juggalo its nice to know that some people recognise our cringiness as a different tier, i mean hey at least i get to fuck crazy sluts
>its a new meme
Please leave.
>taylor slow
How much have you spent on bandage gear?