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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 239
Thread images: 151
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Clean slate.
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Nobody is ever going to go to your trash threads. Fuck off.
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I wanna be inside a shark grills belly

a giantess shark grills belly
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Let's keep it like that.
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Things are too established here. Plus those boards are slower, which mean less interesting conversations by default. A good portion of the time it is the interaction that the regulars come back for, not just image content.
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Uh oh... Here comes a flock of WAH WAHS
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That was weird, my mouse stopped working
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Hey Dohn my catalog if fucked right now is /h/fur up?
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yo how's life?
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not right now
Why can't you faggots stay in /trash/.....
Hirohito made a board just for you faggots. I'm just waiting for him to finally ban these topics.
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I'm going to make a drink.
How ya' doin'?
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No, my mouse is wired.

But it was like it had run out of batteries. Unplugging it and plugging it back in seemed to work.

I could write you an essay on that, but in a word, poorly.

How are you?
What kind?
Thanks for update.
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aww :( care to paraphrase your non existent essay?
I'm well.

Rum and coke.
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Not really but thank you. It's not appropriate for here.

glad you're doing alright. Anything cool going on or just chilling?
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Reporting in
So, how ya' doin'? Life's been good for me, just need a cup of Joe to Walsh down these donuts I just had.
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rum and coke is good
I'm drinking some mead myself

basically just chilling. tomorrow at my school is ski day so I don't have any homework to do, so that's nice
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Yeah, that's what I thought
Sounds good!
np fellow anon
If one does appear I won't be able to lurk anymore than I am here. But I do try to alwats keep an I if s/ (and now h/ too it would seem) is open, will mark the very second I do see it.

May go for a libation right now myself
Howdy. How're you, whoever you are? Too lazy to get NS for my phone
How's everyone's autism going? Taking your medication?
***always keep an eye (my god what stupid fucking typo)
my bad, distacted
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Nice dude.

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, what is ski day? Is it like skip day but everyone goes skiing instead?
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six here
A literal libation? I hope not.

Just 8bit.
Fuck you guys, I'm clever.
Cool I'm stuck in shitty phone wifi hell waiting room...and well what better time for porn than in an ER right? ER stands for erection room right?
You guys get off to animated animals having sex? What's your mental diagnosis?
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It's pretty good. expensive though

Haha. well, because my school is in a ski town, each year the whole school goes skiing. There are two mountains within walking distance. All the students show up for breakfast, and then hit the slopes.
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Hey M8.
I see you finished the husky, it looks good.
Like I've said before, if you ever wanna talk about anything at all, just email me. You guys get me through some rough times so it's only fair I try and do the same
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Thanks bud.
Nah, the non-sacrificial kind
Ok, good! Enjoy your drink.
Autism, schizophrenia. I'm a sex offender, like everyone else in this thread. Since I can't rape little boys, I touch myself to furry pics. I also live with my mom and am a virgin besides fucking children.
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Aww yeah, thanks man. The eyes took me wayyyyy to long, but I finally got it to a state that I'm pleased with. Glad you like it.

I just bought some colorless blenders for colored pencils, per your request, I'm gonna start drawin with em.
No problem. You guys are my family and I hate to see family suffer
How about drawing a red roan mare some time?
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buttsex please <3
Likewise man
Just focus on getting better yourself.
Since I have autism and like fuckingg little boys i just feel at home here.
My name is cool cat, and I love ALLLLL KIDS! What about you cool people do you love kids? I LOVE TO BOOGIE WOOGIE!
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you got it
whenever I find time
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Fucking chintzy ass internet. No one is here and it still manages to shit out

Dude that's fucking awesome.

Where I grew up we had a similar thing called the ski bus where kids would bring all their gear to school and then they would get on a charter bus and drive to the Pass and go skiing. Always on a Thursday night.

I wonder if they still do that

I saw that character was up for sale a few days ago, and I had to wonder why because she's adorable
Is everyone on this thread gay?
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I am, believe me. I'm going crazy not being able to work. I may not like my job but sitting around not being able to work is literally torture. I just want this to be over with so I can move on with life
paint thinner/mineral spirits make a very good colored pencil blender. put a drop on a smudge stick, makes it look like watercolor.
use sandpaper to clean the smudgestick between colors
When I say that everyone in this thread is a sex offender, it's not a joke. We can't connect with reality.
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yo yo yo, wassup fags?
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Topaz? Really? Huh. Well I hear Lipton is a huge asshole anyway.

Well we're rooting for you too.
Well evaluate yourself. You're a useless loser who can't work, but yet has time to post in a furry thread.
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The dude's on mandatory sick leave. Fuck off.
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I was thinking about getting chemical thinners, but then I'd have to pick up some brushes, or buy new tortillon/paper stumps.
Who knows, maybe I'll get some anyway and go buy some brushes. I'm thinking about buying a graphitint set and trying that as well.
Speak for your self, mick fagger. I'm pure. Don't tell me how to live my life.
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Yeah, I think so. Or was it Tizzy? Doesn't matter.

I haven't heard that, but I won't pretend to be surprised. Anyone with a little fame let it go to their head. Spill the beans yo.
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That's pretty sick! How long were the drives?
They almost canceled it. We had problems with attendance last year.
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no buttsex? :c
He's posting on a furry thread on /b/! He wouldn't get hired even if he wasn't!
I don't know the story. Something about impersonating someone's ex for years. Which is creepy enough without the details.
Thanks bud

Got nothing better to do while doing surgery prep
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I said "sick leave". As in from his job. How dense are you?
Sneaky dickgirl is loved
You're a sex offender who's attracted to little hairless boys, just admit it. The fur is a compensating technique. How's your virginity treating you?
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Tell me something... When you hear the words good art, do you immediately think basketball size tits? Jesus.
He's a useless faggot that's draining from the economy! How dense are YOU?
If it's purely pornographic I don't see why not.
Anything else, no.

Go back to losing your chess game.
Tell me something.. What do you think about the Motor Law? Approve or disapprove?
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admittedly that is a huge problem with fur art
h/fur thread if anyone is interested
Did somebody say chess? hmu with game, fam
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Are you employed?

Somehow this guy has the time and effort to put into drawing fucking naked animals, but not finding a job.
I've been working for the company for over 2 years. I've been off for almost a month, yet haven't applied for employment insurance because I can afford to live off my savings instead of getting money that I've paid into yet won't take
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From the high school it was about a 40 minute drive, assuming the roads were clear. I know more than once the buses got snowed in at the pass so parents had to come and pick people up.

I suppose that by the time you were 16 and had your license you would just drive there since everyone drove a truck or somesort of 4x4

Problems with attendance? Shit I know a ton of people who would have been down for ski day.

Yeah that's pretty fucking weird.

But I guess people are willing to look past that if he's internet famous

That's not really my thing. I like my character because she has appropriately sized breasts for her body type
Well, thank you for at least acknowledging it. I don't pretend to be an expert, as I am not, but it all just seems wrong, and some deny any problem.
Like I said here: >>673132628 >>673132763
I can only lurk a little just like here, no/very littlle image dumps or contributions from me today.
Dude, what?

It's a recent development and I think he's covering the evidence. But just look at his journals, guy looks like a tool. Says his parents bought him a house too so...
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So are sharks.
Sign me the fuck up.
This thread is getting messier by the minute.
2 year, wow. Welcome to real life, loser. Enjoy draining your company for doing nothing. Show them your drawings of naked animals and see how they feel.
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>It's a recent development and I think he's covering the evidence
Oh this is gonna get good

I don't think I've read any of his journals before (except the one where he was selling that character) but I know I can trust your word.

>Says his parents bought him a house
Yeah he's a fucking tool.
moot's Law: A troll will always slip up given enough time.
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That's not bad. Getting snowed in must suck though. What a headache.

The problem we have is that kids would rather just go skiing and not have to check in with the school first. And some people just don't even go.

flat chested furs are a rarity
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I'd love to see you explain to your employers and family why your trying to stir up a shit storm in a fur thread
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Honestly, flat and near flat chested is what I look for. I just think the art tends to look better.
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I like that

It should be a thing

Yeah, it was never too bad. I know in high school guys would pool money and get a room at the motel up there.

I feel like if they're giving you the day, you should at least be courteous enough to do the check in. Don't ruin a good thing for other people
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I honestly like it more, but I don't actively search it out.
I love it when a flat chested girl/fur is show offy of it and when a busty girl is modest about it.
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Oh my bass, LDZed's in the place
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Sounds like something I use to do when i ski raced. Except we almost always traveled as a team, not that I had anything against that.

Right? That's what happens when you go to school with a bunch of pretentious, rich faggots
I try to, but there isn't much, hence my not contributing.
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Ugh. I'm going to need about 3 more of these.
We are a family of bullies and successful people. You're a misfit fuckup who is addicted to animated furry humanoids who is useless. Guess what camp 99% of the population everyone would want to be in.
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I guess so.

Maybe next year it'll be canceled so people will figure out what a privilege they lost

Have one for me
4 then.
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Sweet baby tap dancing Jesus christ its late right now
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Don't leave us.
>Yadda yadda yadda everything posted here is fiction
Keep lying to yourself kid, but lying on the Internet is like winning the special Olympics. Even if you win, your still a retard
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Not yet. At 11:00 probably
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yeah. we'll see.

yeah it kinda is. I'm gonna go play some vidya, see yah all later
They should rope all of you up and put a bullet in every one of y'all's head. You're a drain on the economy.
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So the last president of the "World anti-doping agency's" name is Dick Pound

Yes, Dick Pound

See you dude
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I'm fairly certain that furry art is a calculable amount of Russia's GDP
I win in everything. Every interaction you experience should be a contest. You took the low road your entire life, and look where it's gotten you.
Honk if you're yiffy!
Useless things for useless people.
Might just commission something of my sona for my fellow furfags

Don't pick on Russia
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yeah, what
This one's really nice.
Russia is 3rd world as it gets.
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You're very far behind.
Россия очень хорошая страна
Damn straight I'm behind....fuck
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I think you should be asking yourself why you don't do that on a regular basis
But it's the biggest, and the women have hot accents, and Kalashnikovs, and Xcom.
such a sad panda the h/fur thread died
Because I'm a newfag who needs to find good artist for my taste, again fuck
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follow people on FA, wait for journal and then throw money at them
I've never found an artist I like, always too lazy, too ridiculous on anatomy, too bland, etc. I'm in doubt a good artist even exists.
We're ditching the Coke.
This tbh fam. Actually though, was it deleted? Why?
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Right to rum?

Sure you're okay man?
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>I'm in doubt an artist I like even exists
Adjusted for accuracy. Must suck to have no taste.
We'll see.
Yeah, it got deleted. My guess is because I was literally the only person posting pictures.
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If you're sure. If you need me, you can always call. I'll leave my phone on tonight
Sry man :(
Like I said, I will be bound to be afk for the most part, was away when it slid off.

Maybe it was only OP posting so it started to fall
Look harder.
On phone. Got rid of h/ folder, sorry about that.
Would post but all my shit is posted legit every thread so it's jsut the same stuff over and over. Why I no longer post from ym folder in S/fur/ After like....6 months finally posted all 7k pics.
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Nah, nothing on you. Tonight just isn't very active I guess.
I have more taste than you do, I don't accept shit people shove down my throat
I look very hard, just have very particular tastes and need really high quality stuff, it does not exist though.
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Think I'm gonna hit the rack. I'm starting to feel drowsy and need to escape for a little bit.

Seriously I'll have my phone on, so if you need something or just want to vent, I'll be available
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Thanks. Have a good night.
Is there anything obsessive-compulsive about washing my hands 30+ times a day and almost every time after I touch something unfamiliar?
Haven't looked hard enough
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I figured as much. It's alright though, don't have any of the other OCD things, so it's all good.
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Excuses, excuses. Enjoy nothing, I guess.
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I'm too particular for my own good, really, wish I could be normal.
Night man!
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Don't worry. There's to much of this stuff for you to dislike ALL of it. You'll find something.
Just be careful. The compulsions can change.
Too lazy to clean an abnormal amount, so there's that
Thread replies: 239
Thread images: 151

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