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Waifu claiming thread. Claim your waifu and discuss. Obligatory

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Claim your waifu and discuss.

Obligatory claim.
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Mugi claimed.
Ruby claimed

W.. We can share like how me and Ruby do right?

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claimed niggers
Miho claimed
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Obligatory claim.

>hand blush
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sena claimed
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A little uncalled for
(Just going to cry my eyes out...)
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Atago 001.jpg
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Welcome back!
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Don't cry Fran-kun...
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Atago 055.jpg
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Ruby a cute
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Ruby can chew cookies? I thought they instantly disappeared.

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Cry some more, fran-kunt.
I want a cookie.
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I've been waiting for ever to use that picture. I'm actually glad I could.
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me too
Pervert Waifu calmed
Any body else rewatching Code Quail for the umpteenth time?
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Good use.
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So is Atago

She shallows if shes really hungry, but she can chew too

Here's a cookie for both of you!
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I don't know her name. Are you same poster from a while back?
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Clem Clem!
Probably. Snyways, her name is Lobco
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maybe I should take a nap instead of lurking on /b/
Damn, Code fowl aged like milk.
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Damn, this is a 10/10 cookie!
Yeah, Fran's body is weird, she was actually able to not only survive being cut straight down the middle, but even had her separate halves function independently with some spare parts till she found a way to put herself back together
Yeah, got to get all that energy somehow
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Fuck my internet, couldn't even get the thread to load until now.

I don't think you understand how this works.
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Well, it's nice to see you again. I wasn't a very talkative anon back then (still not) so I doubt that you and I ever interacted. You wouldn't remember me anyways, I'm sure

All of the others are still around, if you remember any of them. They join/host threads everyday. They're asleep right now, though.
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They're good right?


I.. I don't want to fight! We can sort this out peacefully right?
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Tomokos a ride or die bitch, everyone knows that.
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Definitely an interesting waifu, great claim man. Her manga must be insane.

Wish you would talk more.
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>I want to believe
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They're terrific!
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Yeah, some pretty weird stuff happens, I would recommend it for anyone who likes dark humor

This actually makes some sense in context, trust me
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Yeah, if you don't try and take my(slightly homo) waifu from now on.
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I want to pet it. Also checked.
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I clearly haven't spoken enough if anyone wants me around more.
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Atago 205.jpg
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>in the process of adding to my new laptops Atago folder
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Gotta love dark humor.

Clearly, of course we want you around here. Why wouldn't we?
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>implying I'm going to give up that easily
a chick that needy for attention. the first guy to show her attention would have her wrapped around his finger. she would do anything he tells her, thus she becomes a ride or die bitch.
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I enjoy reading your posts fam.
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Claiming from a city that is not my own.
Hooray snowboarding.
I've been where you seem to be, and trust me on this, you are worth our time. I'm sure you are a great guy and fun to be around.
Yeah, though not everyone gets it, like food and vaccines
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Heyo Bun Bun, hope you've been enjoying snowboarding. Up to anything right now?

Some people are just a bit more uptight than others, it's just one of those things. Not really much you can do about it.
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Bookworm Christmas cake is mine!
Don't worry bro I love code duck.
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At this point I'd just rather keep my hopes down.

Hi rabbitposter.
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Ok seriously my internet is really pissing me off.

Can't imagine its easy, on one website alone there's over 4,500 Atago images, can't imagine how many are on pixiv or other scattered sites where they might not be posted anywhere else, gotta get a 1 terabyte external harddrive like me to save all your stuff on, I've also got a 16GB back up flash drive in case everything else fails.
Not even your trips will make me falter, the battle is on.
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Well I'm kinda tired so im gonna sleep. Night guys I'll talk to you tomorrow if I don't have as much homework
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It's okay Ruri, we'll keep you company until Tomoko pops up.
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Hey, long time no see
The only problem is people confuse dark humor with shock value gags, and those just don't cut it

Anyway, night guys! Love ya! Here is a little lewd as a present
Enjoy your white power..Powder

Surely there are other ways to fill the void
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Shitty. Can u tether with your phone?
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Good night my pretties
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Goodnight, sleep warm and well, friend.

Yeah, really easy for newcomers to mistake one for the other.

Thanks for the present, Fran-kun. Hope you sleep warm and well, sorry that Mortician Fran didn't come on while you were on, that sucks.
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C l a i m e d
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Hand nudge.
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I have no idea what that means, in any case my phone is the only place I don't have any Holstaur images.
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Its using your phone as a modem.

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Atago 223.jpg
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>boob cpr
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3 MB, 400x225

Thank you hand-kun, you're the best.

Where shall I find another normieslut with poor taste in waifus?
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Claiming as always cuz she my waifu

>even though I the probably only one who know who she is
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Damn, Miho. Waifu even has nice hands.

Nah, you are.
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Hi there, i'm just here to claim my waifu elizabeth. I loved the animation she was from lol. I think your waifu is a bit underaged though lets not be weird here.
>poor taste
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Atago 224.jpg
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Should I get my windows updates over with now or am I needed here? I have no Idea how long they'll take
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I like to do it during lectures
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I have returned once more. I took a shower :D
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If you want to sure, those are bitches to download. Had to wait like 20 minutes before getting on my computer this morning because of them.

Smart man.
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Atago 228.jpg
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"55 important updates are available"
wat do
Install GNU/Linux.
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Uh oh
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Taneshima Popura I choose you
Too late for Sylvie claim?
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Mami claimed
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Took me 5 mins for 17 today. But i have an SSD
Yeah my internet's only getting worse, I'm gonna go for the night. Goodnight everybody.

No idea how to do that.
Boob on boob cpr.
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Goodnight, Satan. Hope you sleep warm and well.
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Night satan.

Its fine i can just use mine as wifi
Goodnight devil cow i know you'll sleep warm tonight.
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Don't mention it, friendo.
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Goodnight cowposter.
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>hand bump
It's dead jim
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Yes i am bored.
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its nice here
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>sad hands

There's nothing to do, holy shit.

It's all warm and cozy.
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Atago 102.jpg
180 KB, 850x1202
Just downloaded steam and made an account
>inb4 the fuck is wrong with you why don't you already have one
Anyone here in the steam group? Hand-Kun?
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Indeed it is

I'm pretty bored as well
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I don't have a steam account.
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Im watching the drunken pedants and sitting in a teamspeak talking about it and im still bored.
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1 MB, 1936x2592

Steam Group:

My account:

Add me and I'll add you to the group.

Just get one, it's not that hard, friendo.
Make one.
here it comes boi
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Invite me please
Gaybe Jewell go home.
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Atago 004.jpg
3 MB, 2800x2800
"Malicious users often operate using dummy accounts that have not purchased any games, items, or wallet credit. In order to make it more difficult for these malicious users to spam, scam, and phish other users, we restrict access to certain community features until an account has spent at least $5.00 USD in Steam"
You've got to be kidding me
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1 MB, 1936x2592
I'm way to skinny to be that sphere of a human being.

There ya go.
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Can u link the steam profile page.

Thank you hand-kun
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Well that's annoying as all hell, sorry Atago. Can I have your steam account so I can add you anyways?
Oy Vey it's only 6 dollars goyim, 10 dollars isn't that much.
you're all a bunch of FREAKS!
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Atago 008.png
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You'd go crazy trying to trade, Atago.

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Lmao, Nice.
>Lmao, Nice.
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992 KB, 1936x2592

Thanks, Atago-kun.
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I have a steam but I'm hardly on anymore, so I'm not going to join tonight. I'll probably join eventually though!
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Hai Hai.png
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Sadako is mine.
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Alright, don't wanna force you to do anything. Take your time, friendo.
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Atago 178.jpg
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Could you inv me to group? Or is that limited to admin/moderator?
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Alright I think I'm going to go to bed for tonight. Bye friends!
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Nice, Lmao.
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You really like dem songs huh?
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Atago 117.jpg
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You look mad. Maybe you need some Pan-Paka-Paaaan! in your life
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robi claimed
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1 MB, 2292x1644
Alright, sleep warm and well.
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Atago 164.jpg
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Good night, Mugi
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my mizore yum
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I should go to sleep.
Good night everyone.
Thanks for the conversation.
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Goodnight Yuuko.
Sleep well.
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I cant stop playing this game.
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Goodnight, beautiful. Hope you sleep warm and well.

You have an addiction, Miho. And it's a pretty good one.
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Oh, fine. I can't sleep right now, anyways.
Why? I'm not needed nor do I have anything interesting or worth while to say or any decent music to share.

The threads are not as slow as they once were. Tats, Ruby-anon, Rose-anon, Ruri-anon, Stocking, Fran, Moomoo,Yuuko, Miho, Atago and You keep the threads bumped and all of them are adequate replacements for me in every regard.
There are no questions in the OP to answer. I'm not interested in having a casual chat with the other anons which is the lifeblood of these threads.

No reason for me to be here. Save for one.
>why do you still post though
It hurts to let go.
guten morgen
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2 MB, 1920x1080
But i already 100% the game
>nor do I have anything interesting or worth while to say
I don't really believe that, I enjoy talking to you about generally anything including your day, seems others do as well. Seem like a nice guy.

>adequate replacements for me in every regard.
You're all unique in your own right, I wouldn't have y'all replaced for anyone else. Always happy to see each of you alive and well. Same goes for you.

>I'm not interested in having a casual chat with the other anons which is the lifeblood of these threads.
That's fine, just make a question for people to answer if that's the case and discuss that. I mean, if you don't want to casually chat that's fine to, don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with.

>No reason for me to be here.
I don't mind having you around, you're a nice guy. Others would agree with me too if they weren't all passed out.

Yeah, if don't wanna talk casually I can understand that. Just enjoy talking to you whenever I get the chance is all.
Kek, you're dedicated as all hell. Love it.

As long as you're having fun, there's no problem from what I see.

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239 KB, 627x706
I kind of want to 100% ground zero but the controls are shit.
Ugh, shit controls can always ruin a good game. I feel you there.

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2 MB, 1440x1460
Claimed faggot
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Atago 213.jpg
181 KB, 850x1182
Boob bump
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yeah it really sucks
I wanna fuck the rabbit
Best kind of bump.

Hope you're at least having fun playing it.
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604 KB, 900x1719
Revy Claimed.....
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Atago 200.png
254 KB, 579x816
I'm gonna go to bed now, it's 1:00 where I am right now. Good night, everybody
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Goodnight, Atago. Hope you and your gals sleep warm and well.
yeah i am but i should go to bed.
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Yeah man, if that's what you wanna do than go for it. Hope you sleep warm and well.
should I make a new thread or is everyone going to sleep?
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54 KB, 591x575
Also, it's "fiance", not "waifu".
Another thing, are any of these girls above 18?
Most everyone has gone to sleep but you can if you want to.

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533 KB, 256x281
I hope the thread isn't too dead.

>It hurts to let go.
Then please, don't.
I can understand why coming to this cesspool would be a problem, I don't like it either, but these threads are like a Oasis.
I like everyone who comes around, and I try my best to make people feel welcomed, too.
>That's exactly what they do for me, at least.

>I've got a headache, I should go to sleep, too.

Goodnight, you two.
Night -Miho
Goodnight, Ruri. Sleep warm and well.

Makes me happy knowing that you feel welcomed here.

>Others would agree with me too if they weren't all passed out.
They don't even know which poster I am. I wouldn't put any stock in their certainty.

>I don't really believe that
But I do.

>You're all unique in your own right
So? They replace me because they add something to the thread. I have nothing to add anymore.

>just make a question for people to answer
I have no idea what I'd ask this crowd. It isn't often that I think of a question worth asking. Nobody is here to talk about waifuism, anyways. They're here to talk about each other.

This post is awful. Incomplete thought. But I'm very tired.

>As I won't have another chance:
I hope you sleep well, hand-kun!
They don't even know which poster I am. I wouldn't put any stock in their certainty.
Suppose you're right on that, it's pretty easy for me to tell but I suppose I shouldn't be speaking for everyone.

That's fine if you don't want to talk casually, hope you know though that we're always here if you want to talk about something. I personally don't think that anyone could replace you but I don't think I'm going to be able to convince you.

You should try going to sleep again if you're tired, need to get that proper rest man. If this is the last I read from you tonight than I hope you sleep warm and well, Mikan. And I genuinely mean that.

Thanks, Ruri. Same to you.
If you want to stay we're cool with that.
If you want to leave we respect that choice.
Some of us have left a long time ago.
Some have been here since day one.
And you?
>And you?
This post is fucking cool.
-other Anon
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