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6 MORE DAYS until Bernie wins another delegate heavy rust belt

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 69
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6 MORE DAYS until Bernie wins another delegate heavy rust belt state! C'mon fellow buckeyes, show your support!
Ohio is a fucking shithole.
So what? Hard to find a state that isn't a shithole in one way or another in this country
>muh country is shit
Reddit pls go and leave us alone with our traps and get threads
doubt it. they eat up "moderates" like Kasich and Clinton.
Hurr durr I'd rather minority style democracy like Zimbabwe. It's working really well there!
That's what they said about Michigan
They'll only vote for Kasich because he's the governer but I still bet he'll lose to Trump and it's winner take all for the republicans. Ohioans aren't buying the bullshit that Ohio is so much better since Kasich got in and Strickland left
Pls go
For sure a clinton win.
No. The whole fucking state is fucking shit. I've visited and unfortunately lived there for a short time. There is no other state that is much a complete and total pile of shit as is Ohio.
Sucks that kasich seems like a solid dude and wont get the nomination
Some of his policy decision are questionable but i like that he is willing to cross party lines to get shit done
yep, they did say that. michigan was an outlier though. 538 is pretty spot on with predictions.
he's sort of solid. he's more conservative than he lets on, but Ohio is very purple, so he has to compromise

that's the important part. he's willing to compromise. he's not a hardcore ideologue. i'm mildly impressed he wasn't primaried by someone more right wing for daring to compromise or work with the opposition.
Ohions are dumb enough to believe there are just 48 states PIC RELATED. Nuff said
I mean i dont trust the whole bunch of em. They cant keep half of those promises. But again he does seem like a good choice.
Wut pic
>pic related
Yeah i really like the fact that he is willing to work with people. You get cruz in office and he will hold his breath until he gets his way.
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How like is that the polls are intentionally off instead that they simply made a mistake with Michigan?
OP's pic
Bernie and his loyal bernoutd are all morons.
he is a life long failure who never worked.
I csnt wait to laugh at all the idiots i know that say he is so great when he isnt the nominee
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There were several businessmen who became president of the United States. Name the last one who wasn't rated one of the worst presidents ever.

Here's the problem with polling, it relies on landlines and door-to-door


Only old people really have them anymore, or even pick up the phone. Cell-phones aren't a good way to poll, because they don't always accurately show where a person lives, and people tend not to pick up if they don't recognize the number.


Pollsters aren't invited in like they used to be decades ago. Most of the time now, you're told to fuck off for bothering people. So the data you get from this is shit as well.
He's a US Senator and was a Rep before that. That's beyond topping out for most people. I'm curious as to what you consider "failure". I'm guessing it means "doesn't agree with me"
Really? You're going to shit on OPs pic because the stars line up like they do on the pre 1959 flag? Hey they must think there's only 32 states because pic. Oh I get it, they're not counting the South
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Fuck you Columbus is fantastic. The rest is a shit hole.
Ah reddit
>implying im voting for trump because im not voting for bernie
And they poll likely Dem voters. Ohio is a semi-closed primary state. You get the ballot of whatever party you ask for the ballot of at the primary. How many dems 4 years ago requested a Republican ballot in the primary because Obama was incumbent and they wanted to choose the person he had the best chance of winning against?
Ah, the truth in a picture
Dude it is the reddit tactic.
Ah semi dank memes
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This isn't your hug box, faggot.
And shilling without getting paid is retarded
I was only asking a question. It shows how irrelevant past jobs have on effectiveness of a president. So now who's the one implying things?
Poster is dumb enough to relate pic and not post pic
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You're on a fucking political thread and shilling without getting paid isn't shilling.
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>there's no jobs in our state lets go completely off the fucking deep end and vote communism
Some people actually care what happens to this country
Oh so trump should do fine, gotcha
I'm only talking about polls in general. No idea how Ohio specifically runs things, or Michigan.

Polls are increasingly bad sources. Partly because of the data collection being outdated

Other polls just ask intentionally rigged questions to get the results they want.

My advice for this election cycle to is take polls and political predictions with a massive grain of salt. A bunch of big name pundits have been flat out fucking wrong over and over

>Rick Perry
>Scott Walker

people couldn't wait to crawl up either of their asses, and yet they were some of the first to drop

>Donald Trump

basically every prediction about him has been wrong. so hilariously, buttfuckingly wrong. he was supposed to be gone months ago, yet here we are.


initially the presumptive nominee because he's a bush. where is he now? who cares

Crowned the nominee, but is now having to fight off an increasingly popular challenger

Dismissed out of hand because "socialist". Still going pretty strong
Most people making predictions are really just advancing their perceived ideal situation.
Yes, please vote Trump. Bernie polls better against him than anyone else
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>There's no jobs, let's go completely off the deep end and vote for a child who didn't prepare for his presentation.
Bernie is a commie. I'm voting for him on Tuesday simply because I abhor Hillary. Despite being a commie, I agree that Wall Street needs separated from the state and I agree with a lot of his voting record. He is also not crazy anti 2nd amendment to a degree. Will vote Gary Johnson in the general or possibly Trump.

Nothing is free by the way.
Whatever man, same ol same ol. Nothing changes and you are just caught up in the thrill of tribalism and politics. Hunter s thompson writes about iy in a few of his books. I used to be the same, it is better than sex at times, but ultimately pointless
>Bernie is a commie

Not sure you know what that word means. it's fine to not support the man as a candidate, but maybe work on understanding what words mean first.
>Hunter S. Thompson
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>doesnt realize hunter s Thompson wrote more than fear and loathing
Reading this is like listening to the bimbos in one of his pageants try to answer an intelligent question
Found the Michigan fanboy
Your state is the shittiest of them all
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we could do that for cheaper just by making him read the fucking wikipedia articles.
Hey man
Don't stop believin
Hold on to that feelin
I actually read a few of his books, but looking to him for informed opinions is retarded.
Shut up faggot. Bernie has no chance
Maybe so. And eventually I'll just give up and go to Australia or Canada or something. But if you don't at least try to make a difference, you've got no room to complain

it's still socialism and socialism is still shit.
see >>673099273
>Most people making predictions are really just advancing their perceived ideal situation.

bernie will get raped, as usual.
trips don't lie
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>no chance
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please. expound more upon this.
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waste of fucking trips. kill yourself.
The only socialist things in those images are the last two. The word didn't even exist for the others and are not intrinsically linked to socialism.
>implying thompson didnt have extensive knowledge about the campaigning process
>implying just because counter culture people like him his points are invalid
Ahh i remember my first election cycle
Or you know, worry about elections that matter, like congress or local elections
>redditor thinks hes an authority on gets
kill yourself my man
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"we have roads and public schools and social security american is already socialist"
>water systems
also garbage and rates went up because morons just heard the word "free" and were so excited for it.
Thats way too rational and way too much work for most of these retards.
They'll vote for burnie, snd then cry when shit is going downhill wondering why its so bad.

But they sure as hell wont vote for senators and reps. Half of them dont even know who either of them are for their state
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>american is already socialist
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Bernie is a socialist cunt. Fuck this thread.
>Talking about Thompson
>Not a college freshman
Pick one
Yep. Silly kids caught up in a popularity contest
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>public schools, shitty
>public water system, shitty use of natural resources, look at california
>public roads, shitty, look at all the traffic jams
>public health care, look how well it went in scandinavia (spoiler: it's shitty)

So, almost everything government touches will turn to shit, cost more than a private solution and possibly lead to reckless use of natural resources.
i bet you'll really bitch when universal basic income comes around
Its alright kid. Youll figure it out someday
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a negative income tax would be a great alternative to the current welfare system and is praised by many libertarians.
I'm not from reddit, see?
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This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy.

I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility.

After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national weather service of the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US department of agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the FDA.

At the appropriate time as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory, I get into my national highway traffic safety administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the environmental protection agency, using legal tender issued by the Fed. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US postal service and drop the kids off at the public school.

Then, after spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the department of labor and the occupational safety and health administration, I drive back to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and the fire marshall's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police.

I then log onto the internet which was developed by the defense advanced research projects administration and post on /b/ about how SOCIALISM is BAD because the government can't do anything right.
>using key words your mod boss gave you
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Nice bait faggot.
about time we caught up to canada's forward thinking policies
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Bernie Sanders is to mouth breathing neckbeards and tumblr femicunts what Ron Paul was to anarchistic /b/tards.
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Rated by whom? People that weren't alive then? You are O.K. with the validity of these people?
Fuck yeah go hard fam! Bernie all the way!
The current Liberal government is worse than any previous Liberal government. Offering universal basic income promotes laziness and hinders those who are working hard.
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Most of the shit you listed is bad or not socialistic.
Nice try fag.
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soon those hard workers won't have jobs left to go to. Radical change is necessary
I don't know about Canada's situation but any system guaranteeing income must account for incentive to keep working and must have all other welfare programs abolished. I doubt either of these happened.

This philosophy that my earnings and success are not my own and should be shared with other assholes bothers me. Pay for your own college, cunts.
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>replying to copypasta
>I don't agree with your political opinions
>must be a shill
are you actually fucking retarded?
>implying this whole thread isnt a shill thread
Come on man, reddit is out in full force spamming boards with pro bernie messages
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>people living in ohio's big cities saying its shit
No shit retard, go to any big city and you will have niggers everywhere making it shit

The one time I welcome Spider-Man
guaranteed income does not eliminate poverty.
not all of ohio is shit. Just the majority, especially a few cities
The Bern:
either feel it, or be consumed by it.
>I don't know how to reply
Back to lereddit you go
And how do you know that?

inb4 muh armchair economics
Seriously. I have lived in both cities, and I can tell you that Cleveland >>> Columbus. What a white-bread shithole that town is.

And by the way, I can't wait to see the Hilldoggie get her ass kicked in OH next week.
so because the word for something didn't exist...the object or concept itself didn't exist? existence is limited to our descriptive abilities?
Too bad I'm not from reddit faggot.
Just a pissed off dude because fucking pussy michigans saying ohio is shit
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They're not wrong.
I have to agree. Cleveland is super shitty with 95% of its suburbs. Columbus is bad but not as bad.
how do you figure guaranteed income would eliminate poverty? if you have a negative income tax which guarantees $17k would those people be in poverty?

perfect solution fallacy

>it doesn't work perfectly so therefore its terrible

that's your reasoning, and its shit reasoning. lets apply it to other things, and see if it works

>seatbelts don't prevent all traffic deaths
>seatbelts should be abolished

>this medicine treats some people with a disease, but not all of them
>get rid of the medicine
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Keep donating your life savings libtards, kek


first of all, the image acts as if people have been denouncing these so called great things by screaming "socialist" which isn't true. secondly, those concepts are located within other economic and political beliefs as well. the free market is not capable of handling everything, the most obvious being defense, and as such it is recognized that the government should control that. the only people who would disagree with this are anarchists.
Bernie didn't have a real job until he came into politics when he was in his 40s. So life long politician who was a massive burnout and piece of trash for a significant part of his life for president?? I think not.
If you can't find a job in Ohio you're either disabled, illiterate, lazy, or you have delusions of grandeur and think you're "too good for this job"
Donald Drumpf didn't have a real job until his daddy hired him.
He had a variety of jobs after graduating. Research.
I just got my check for last week.

275.19 taken out for withholding, social security and medicare

Burn boy wants to raise taxes.

No fucking way in hell im voting for him.
>perfect solution fallacy
yea, no.

the US postal service is bad, and for a long time the government had a monopoly on mail even though the private market could do it better. see brennan vs US postal service 1978. the FDA is bad and blocks certain life saving drugs from being allowed within the US despite being approved in countries such as Canada and the UK. As for your example of seatbelts, it is also ridiculous that seatbelts and air bags are required.
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>I didn't read Bernie's tax plan
You don't earn enough for it to matter, retard.
back to tumblr you go
>voting a legislative candidate into an executive position

Go fuck yourselves commies
I'm voting for whichever Republican gets the nomination because both of the candidates on the democratic side are morons. Granted they all are but the Republican candidates aren't as bad to me.
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bernie didn't release his tax plan for those other than the rich, and you're naive to think that taxes for the middle class wouldn't also rise if all of his proposals were passed (which they wouldn't be). of course, bernie is also naive to think that the rich would pay his taxes, and clearly doesn't know what the laffer curve is.
That's a good one. Too bad Ronnie Reagan isn't around anymore to hear it
Tell me more about how my taxes wont be raised.

Tell me more about how the small business i work for wont be slammed with EVEN MORE taxes because they "make too much money and it isnt fair"

Tell me more about how the 2k in taxes ive already had taken out this year is better spent if its not in my pocket
literally the worst forced meme ever conceived and propagated by tumblr and reddit.
anyone who votes for bernie is a fucking communist. End of thread.
Yea I'm sure he did.
Marx right hand man?
Freeloading piece of shit?
Help others cheat the system?
The only good thing he has done is help with civil rights that is it.
You are retarded and shouldn't be allowed to vote.
When you're 12 and you don't understand anything about taxes, you say stupid shit like this.
Bernie's tax plan is indeed an increase in income taxes, employer taxes, and corporate taxes. If you had an IQ over 88, you'd know that this all gets passed down to the middle and upper classes.
I know you want free shit but sorry, fuck that.
TRUMP 2016
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"Ase-uh beez-a boatin' fuh
Hillburee Rodman Clibuhmuhtun!"

The truth about healthcare costs and government subsidies is that the insurance companies don't want the cost of healthcare to go down. It's created a massive money bubble that they can use to generate more wealth for the executives through investments.

Any of the ACA's failures can be squarely blamed on the corrupting influence of monied interests in Congress. Specifically, that includes both opposition to the single payer option, which would help to slow the growth of healthcare costs, and the enforced requirement that people purchase health insurance, which just gives them a larger (legally mandated) revenue stream.

The price of healthcare and the size of the associated government subsidies was a disaster long before the ACA was being fought over.

tl;dr healthcare is way more fucking complicated than the damn dirty liberals wanting free gubmint stuff
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The Laffer Curve is lulzy, that's why it wasn't mentioned when I was in business school.

In 2012, economists surveyed by the University of Chicago rejected the viewpoint that the Laffer Curve's postulation of increased tax revenue through a rate cut applies to federal US income taxes of the time in the medium term. When asked whether a “cut in federal income tax rates in the US right now would raise taxable income enough so that the annual total tax revenue would be higher within five years than without the tax cut,” none of the economists surveyed agreed and 71% disagreed.[9]
>2k in taxes
Tell me more about how you don't use public roads, the fire department, the police department, the military, public schools, etc.
Yes because trickle down economics works
Fuck closing tax loopholes, let's make them BIGGER!
DRUMPF who had an effective tax rate of 0% FOR PREZ!
Will be there to vote. Fuck republicans.
I can tell you one thing, watching the #DemDebate right now, Bernie's hands are WAY BIGGER than Trump's
That's great, but means absolutely nothing. You could find 100 economists who agree with it and 100 who disagree. It is funny though, as people complain about tax loopholes yet don't understand this concept. Why do companies pay next to no taxes? Tax loopholes and tax shelters. Why do they do this? Because the tax rates are too high and it becomes profitable to do so. If tax rates are low, it is no longer profitable to utilize tax loopholes and tax shelters.
Tell me more about how more money out of my pocket every week to pay for every moron to have free lernin' is a good thing for me
>Fuck closing tax loopholes
Then you have retards like this who use terms like trickle down economics and think that simplified tax reform is possible.
t. jamal jackson
The University of Chicago found that 71% of economists disagreed with Laffer's postulation and 29% had no opinion on it. Also, revenues fell when Reagan cut taxes and when George W. Bush cut taxes.
YEAH! Let's abolish public schools!
Tell me more about how not having the most educated workforce on the planet is good for the economy.
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Im talking about college you ninny

Implying everyone will go
implying it wont get bogged down
implying everyone will be taking useful classes
implying the tax hike could even support the system

Fuck youx i earn my money.
wanna go to college? Pay for that shit on your own.
there is a difference between learning how to read, write, and do basic arithmetic, and subsidizing urban studies and gender studies degrees
>I earn my money
Talking your mom into giving you NEETbux doesn't count.
No but working more than 40 hours a week in two different jobs does butthurt boy
Sanders has this. He offers things that no other politician has ever wanted, things that most people want.
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Apples and oranges comparison, false equivalency.
The problem with socialism is that it's great until you run out of other people's money.
When you little bitches actually start making money and you realize that there is an entire swath of the US populace leeching off your hard earned money, the thought of a socialist or even a liberal as prez is horrifying.
Illinois is great, Chicago is half shithole,half paradise though
513 reporting in go Hillary
>two different jobs
DOTA and SecondLife don't constitute jobs.
nigger detected
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I agree, the 1% are fucking leeches.

>being this cucked by the economic elites
>who cares if I have a dick in my ass, as long as everyone gets assraped, fuck the people
How is it apples and oranges?
>berniecuck calling others cucks
Finland and the US couldn't be more different culturally, geographically, or racially.
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What does that have to do with economics, ass burger?
How much money do you think Barry makes you massive fucking retards??
My god. Being this stupid.
Uh, everything?
So someone isn't a decent person because they don't want to give their hard earned possessions away? Fucking lazy freeloaders in this world, man.
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Less than Orange Faggot.
>hard earned
Yeah, I'm not buying that "He worked hard enough to earn a few billion dollars this year" bullshit.
>living in Ohio
>not voting for Kasich

at school yesterday I saw a piece of paper advertising a Donald Trump group.
except it's at gunpoint and "more than i could ever use or want" is arbitrary.
people who don't vote for Bernie don't care about america
And if I disagree with BernTards, I love Hitler.
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Overdramatize much?
So publicly funded health care and post secondary education only works in countries with more homogenous populations who can handle cold weather and enjoy sauna?
"I don't have it or have the drive or knowledge to have it, so it's not fair that someone else does." Goddamn self entitled people these days. You don't deserve free shit or special treatment just because you exist.
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>implying you don't love Hitler.
I have no idea what either of those are so just keep b8ing till you hit one i know.
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I hope your owners pay you fairly for doing such a good job shilling for them.
Well if all of these other countries are so different and that makes their forms of government inapplicable to America, why does America want to impose their form of government on the rest of the world?
Yes. Socialism is basically shared poverty. Easier to swallow when you're all family.
He never worked a day in his life or had the drive to do anything yet the billions just randomly appeared in his bank account one day. You are fucking retarded
>I like Fox News talking points.
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You're talking about drumpf, right?
>Implying democracy isn't the best form of government.
Go to bed kids. School starts early.
"How dare this person have the slightest bit of thinking that i'm not a special flower that deserves everything for free! He must be a corporate shill!" I work hard for my shit, I worked and own my shit, and I'm damn proud of it. You keep waiting with your hand out, see how far it gets you. If you have kids, I'm sorry you're teaching them to not put in the effort to survive, and instead wait for someone else to take care of them.
Facts, data, and logic don't work on conservative minded people. All they understand is emotion and blind faith, put on a captivating show and they'll believe anything. Try to prove them wrong with emotionless information that may be true and they will take personal offense because their brains cannot handle it.
>America is a democracy
Citation needed.

I got one here that says it's a plutocracy:
>I don't watch Fox News.
It's called common fucking sense
I agree, shilling is hard work. You have to swallow a bunch of bullshit and then regurgitate it on demand.
I know you just finished your 11th grade civics class, congratulations on learning a new word and using Wikipedia to prove me wrong.
Fucking child.
Do you realize that the majority of those 65 billionaires worked their asses of their whole lives in order to attain the wealth and power?
>It's common sense
Yeah, I'm going to need more than anecdotal evidence.
we are a free country and you can leave to more liberal country where you can steal even more. you wont be missed.
Typical. "Shit, he's making sense, better call names and fall back to classic insults that don't apply but sound good to my narcissistic mind."
>I didn't read the study.
I know that because it takes more than two minutes.

Also, nice ad hominem.
No, I was just using "he" in the same way you did.
if it's not hard to earn why don't you earn it
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Top tier shilling. many shekels for you.
does the government ask or force you?
The sarcasm flew right over your head, anon.
And so is insurance. You'd just rather the system like where you can have the retard that has no insurance can wreck into you, mess up your life and doesn't have to pay a dime for it.

We already have lots of social programs that give us lots of good things we could never pay for on our own. Unfortunately there are still a lot of things that people need that aren't getting paid for like cancer treatment. Look up how much neupogen costs per injection and realize that people need these twice a week. I guess survival of the fittest is better, hey? Don't want that shared poverty. We're too diverse to swallow something like that. All great until it happens to you
My daddy didn't leave me $200 million dollars and I didn't win the stock market lottery.
GTFO with this shit, Reddit.

Bernie will have to win every remaining state, by an average of 11%.

He's done. You're done. Seriously, get out of here with your socialist bullshit.
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most people don't even know what the american dream is.
Still trying? If only you worked as hard at getting money and furthering your life than waiting for government handouts.
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>voting for an sjw cuckold
there's a reason why so many people on /b/ like sanders, because they're redditors.

this is also why /b/ is the worst board on 4chan
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>taxes are theft at gunpoint
lolbertarianism at it's finest
>all rich people inherited their wealth
man, where did it come from originally then? nice try evading the question
does the government ask you for money or force you?
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You can always take your faggot ass back to /pol/
Transparent use of said taxes is fine. The reason people have a problem with them is because they're using them for not what they claim to be, or are taking more than necessary.
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or you can go back to tumblr/reddit where you belong
thanks for the irrelevant image
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Or you could go back to sucking orange spray tanned cock in your hug box.
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or you can go back to your own down syndrome hugbox instead of spreading your cancer here.
But it would eliminate excuses

is this sarcastic? because it's actually closer to the truth than the SJW / feminist / BLM make up problems that don't exist and complain about white men being awesome anytime white men come out on top anywhere agenda
It's gonna be a hard 8 years for you.
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This is not your safe space. /b/ is no one's safe space. Keep crying, faggot.
i recruited 5 volunteer shifts for hillary tonight

what did you fucking berniefags do to help your candidate win?

fuckall that's what.
Dude Im from Ohio, hes a piece of shit, I really dont know anyone who likes him
Taco nigger
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I voted for him in the FL primary. +1 Bernie.
Your math is a little off. 7.8% on average if the proportion was an exact correlation to delegates. Let's take Michigan for example. Hillary got 48.2% and Bernie got 49.8% but Hillary got 61 delegates and Bernie got 69. So 2% of the votes were for neither so we take that out of the calculation. So the percentages are now 49.2 and 50.8. Michigan has 130 delegates. 50.8% of 130 is 66 and 49.2% is 64. See the difference? Bernie doesn't have to win the rest by 11% on average, or not even 7.8%. The real figure is about half that and now that the South is about done, Bernie is sailing into favorable territory. Don't count him out just yet
Why isn't Bernie winning more than he is? It's like his fans decided to let someone else go out and vote for them instead of putting in the effort to do it themselves.. oh wait.
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Yeah, the nig states are done with. It gets harder for shillary from here.
Live in Toledo, van confirm
So much this.
Bernie supporters are pissing into the piss ocean, while Hillary is actually rallying voters.
> that is why he's losing
Communism. First man made satellite in space. First man in space. What a failure
That's actually a picture of the party that I'll throw when Bernie wins.
I'm from dyt and I hate bernie and trump equally. Tbh I think I hate Hillary least (wtf) still hate her tho. Probably won't vote unless I get the sticker so I can get free stuff.
ฏ๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎ํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํํỎ̷͖͈̞̩͎̻̫̫̜͉̠̫͕̭̭̫̫̹̗̹͈̼̠̖͍͚̥͈̮̼͕̠̤̯̻̥̬̗̼̳̤̳̬̪̹͚̞̼̠͕̼̠̦͚̫͔̯̹͉͉̘͎͕̼̣̝͙̱̟̹̩̟̳̦̭͉̮̖̭̣̣̞̙̗̜̺̭̻̥͚͙̝̦̲̱͉͖͉̰̦͎̫̣̼͎͍̠̮͓̹̹͉̤̰̗̙͕͇͔̱͕̭͈̳̗̭͔̘̖̺̮̜̠͖̘͓̳͕̟̠̱̫̤͓͔̘̰̲͙͍͇̙͎̣̼̗̖͙̯͉̠̟͈͍͕̪͓̝̩̦̖̹̼̠̘̮͚̟͉̺̜͍͓̯̳̱̻͕̣̳͉̻̭̭̱͍̪̩̭̺͕̺̼̥̪͖̦̟͎̻̰ ͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͬͤ ͤ Ỏ̷͖͈̞̩͎̻̫̫̜͉̠̫͕̭̭̫̫̹̗̹͈̼̠̖͍͚̥͈̮̼͕̠̤̯̻̥̬̗̼̳̤̳̬̪̹͚̞̼̠͕̼̠̦͚̫͔̯̹͉͉̘͎͕̼̣̝͙̱̟̹̩̟̳̦̭͉̮̖̭̣̣̞̙̗̜̺̭̻̥͚͙̝̦̲̱͉͖͉̰̦͎̫̣̼͎͍̠̮͓̹̹͉̤̰̗̙͕͇͔̱͕̭͈̳̗̭͔̘̖̺̮̜̠͖̘͓̳͕̟̠̱̫̤͓͔̘̰̲͙͍͇̙͎̣̼̗̖͙̯͉̠̟͈͍͕̪͓̝̩̦̖̹̼̠̘̮͚̟͉̺̜͍͓̯̳̱̻͕̣̳͉̻̭̭̱͍̪̩̭̺͕̺̼̥̪͖̦̟͎̻̰ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็
>I really dont know anyone who likes him
>I really dont know anyone
Forever alone
Mansfield here, it is and isn't. Anything that is north of Columbus is really shit, once you get north of Norwalk it just turn to pure poop
ͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͬͤ ͤͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͬͤ ͤͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͬͤ ͤͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͬͤ ͤͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͬͤ ͤͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͬͤ ͤͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͬͤ ͤͬͤ ͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͤͬͦͬͬͤͬͦͬͬͤ ͬͦͬͬͤͬ
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no its not. Cleveland, sure, Akron and canton, sure but everywhere else is alright. Especially northeast ohio out in the county. Nota negro in sight
̺̮͇̭̬̹̟̺͎̓̐͑ͧ̎͛̐̀ ̮̬̻̖̥͗̌ͬ̎̋ͮ̈́ͨ ̞̹̖̺̜̻ͯ̔͗̈́́̋̀͝ ̒̐̈́ͥͣ̈́͋̒͏̶̴͈̩͔͈̪̻̳͙̙ ̫̦͔̦ͮ̄͠͝ ̮̩̤̐̽͊̇̈́̀̀͜ ̖̪͇̹̘͈̉̊̄ͫͥ̀̚ ̵̯͐̕ ̵̸̳͚̞̗͇̻͖͖ͯ͐ͨ̈́ͫ̃ͤ̓͝ ͈̳̟̪̦ͩ͗̐̎́͡ ̴̖̤̀̋͡ ̙̜̤̤͉̤̌̈ͯͤͨ̀ͪ̐ ̧̹̺͎̳̜͚̻̺̺̋̒͘ ̦̟͕͍̝͚̩͓̉ͬ͒̆̋ͣͥ̅ ̴̭̬̭̖ͦ͋̔̒̎̀͞ ̴̩͖̙̹͚̜̯̗͋͂͛̈ͮ̈̏̈́̕͜ ̨͓̣̮̮̭̮̪͋̔ͣͭ ̛͙̝̮̞͕̘͉̾̆ͫͥ͑͠ ̶̬̓ͥ̌̑ͣ̄̈ͥ̆̀ ̡̳̺̖̥̩̐̃ͣ͑̄͜ ̤̤̥̠̖̩̺͖͛̌̏͗̅ͦ́̚̕͞ ̞̫́̒̏͢ ̛͈͔̖̺͍̈ͨ̑ͯ̈͆͢ ̴̧̜̘̽̍ͭ̋͊̿ ̲̺̣̻̠̼̻̫͒ ̨̪̬̩̥̹̪͋ͭ͠ ̢̢̭̬̞̾̿͊ͪ̂̆͆ͯ̉͟ ̦͕͍͕̄̅̎̊̚ ̴͔̣̰̜͇̒͊ͬ̓ ͆ͪͭͪ̌͐͏͉͉͙̰͟ ̵̭̭̝͊ͯͥͯͬ̀͌͟͝ ͖̙͍͉̾ͥ ̵̺̝̝͈̥͙̠̀͛̃ͤͥ̔̍ͯ̀ ̡̢̫̳̬̓͆͊ ̴̟̦̗̻̥̹̝͕̯̾̓͜ ̴̪̖̤̣̘͙̹͍͕̈̔͜ ̹̖̬̠ͬ ̣̻ͮ͋̈̔̒ͫ́ ͉͔̩̠̦̰͆̕ͅ ̢̗̺̯̓̽̈́̎̈́ͤͪ̀́̀ ̵͈̮̻̘̭̩̰̯ͤ͌̈͒̈́̽ ̹̼̭͙͎͎͓̫ͥ̑͑ͮͮ̒ͯ͢ ̢ͫ̓̽̿͏͇̪͇͚̟͚ ̑̃̇ͥ͟҉̮̱͓͎̠̻̖̞ ͚̖̫̹̥͔̫ͨ͌̂͊͑ͫ̍͒ͪ ̴̛̮͓̟͎̩͇͐̆ͅ ̫̟͓̲̅ͩ̌͂͛̉ ̙̫͕̗̯̗̭̖̼ͭͧ̇ͬ͌ͪ ̡͔̣͖͈͓̻̮̽̑ͨͮ̿ͩ̋͡ ̛̤͖̜̟̄͌ͅ ̸̊ͯ͗̂̅̎̌҉͖̺̕ ̦͈̫̫̩̳̠̰̃̃ͪ̐͝ ̡̮̤̣̖̥̼̑̕͟ ̷̢͉̦͎̮̩ͥ̄̇̔̀̈ͅ ̸̩ͭͩͧ̀̓̂ ̷̭̰̭̝ͥͦ͛̐̒̎̚ ̺̮͇̭̬̹̟̺͎̓̐͑ͧ̎͛̐̀ ̮̬̻̖̥͗̌ͬ̎̋ͮ̈́ͨ ̞̹̖̺̜̻ͯ̔͗̈́́̋̀͝ ̒̐̈́ͥͣ̈́͋̒͏̶̴͈̩͔͈̪̻̳͙̙ ̫̦͔̦ͮ̄͠͝ ̮̩̤̐̽͊̇̈́̀̀͜ ̖̪͇̹̘͈̉̊̄ͫͥ̀̚ ̵̯͐̕ ̵̸̳͚̞̗͇̻͖͖ͯ͐ͨ̈́ͫ̃ͤ̓͝ ͈̳̟̪̦ͩ͗̐̎́͡ ̴̖̤̀̋͡ ̙̜̤̤͉̤̌̈ͯͤͨ̀ͪ̐ ̧̹̺͎̳̜͚̻̺̺̋̒͘ ̦̟͕͍̝͚̩͓̉ͬ͒̆̋ͣͥ̅ ̴̭̬̭̖ͦ͋̔̒̎̀͞ ̴̩͖̙̹͚̜̯̗͋͂͛̈ͮ̈̏̈́̕͜ ̨͓̣̮̮̭̮̪͋̔ͣͭ ̛͙̝̮̞͕̘͉̾̆ͫͥ͑͠ ̶̬̓ͥ̌̑ͣ̄̈ͥ̆̀ ̡̳̺̖̥̩̐̃ͣ͑̄͜ ̤̤̥̠̖̩̺͖͛̌̏͗̅ͦ́̚̕͞
im sorry how many astronauts are from your state and how many from yours also invented flying aircrafts that work?
Just realized something.

Capitalism is about competition. If there is no competition, there is stagnation.

There is no competition in the world against the US as a nation. So it is stagnating. It has no reason to improve, no reason to explore, no reason to travel to space and no reason to not keep doing the same thing while product quality (citizen benefit) degrades.

The quality of life of citizens in America will not improve until there is either a competing world power, or the American people get sick of it, seize power, and reinvest surplus in themselves.

This is the argument socialism needs to make.
im̸ ̷şo͠r͏ry҉ hǫw m̢any a҉s̵t̵r͞o̡na͠ut͏s̶ ̢are ̀f͢r͞om̵ yo͠ur̵ ̡s̡t͘a̸t̕e ͠a̵nd ͡how͟ ̵m̢a̧ny͏ ̀fr͢om yours ͜a͞l̛s̛o҉ i͝nv̷e̵nte͘d f̸lyi̢n̴g̷ ai͢rcraft̢s th̢a͝t w̛ǫrk?̧
J̡u҉st realizéd s̡omeţh҉i͏ng.

Cap̡i͠tali̸s͡m͞ ͢i҉s ҉ab͞o̸ut̨ ̧co̧mpetìt͏ion.̵ If́ ͢th͢ere ̕is ҉no ҉comp̀e͡ti̴ti͏on,͟ ̡t̨h͝er̶e͜ ̴i͡s̸ sta̕gna͜t́i̢o̧n.

͢The̵r̀e i͡s ̷n̨o ͝còm͜pe̸titio͟n i̛ņ the w̴òr̸l͢d̸ ͠a̷gąin̛st͘ ͏th̴e ͏US͜ ͘ás̶ ą ńáti͜on.̵ ͝S͠o ͞i͡t҉ is͟ st̢a͝gnat̸iņg. It̀ ̶ha̷s no̡ r͝e̢a͠s̵o͝n ͡t̛o im҉prov́e,̛ ǹo͢ rea͠sơn to͠ ͠ex̴p͏l҉o̷re,̵ ̴n̷o reas̶o͝n҉ ̛t̶o t̀ravel to̴ sp͏a̴c̀e an̸d̴ ͝no ̡r̛e̶as͡on͜ to҉ ͜n̶o͠t͡ ͢keep͝ do͢i̛ng t́he sam͏e̡ t͞h̀i̕ng ̀w͜hile ҉p̨rod͟uc̴t ̢q͘u͡a͟lity ̨(c͡itįzęn͡ b̵e̛n͏e͏fi̛t)̷ ͡d͝egrade̴s.͘
The͠ ̸q͠ual͞įt̸ỳ of ļi͏fe ͡of͜ c͘i̡tiz̴èǹs͞ ̴in ̕Ame͝r͠ic̶a ͜wil͝l no̡t͝ im̨p̴r͠o҉ve̵ ͘u͞n͏ţįl̕ there ̨is ͞ei͡t́h͢er a ͟còm̸p̵ęt̴i͘ng͏ wor͜l͘d͟ ҉po̷we͘r͠, or͠ the Amer͝ican peo͢p̨le ͟ge̕t̀ s͡ick̨ ̸of ̧i͘t̨,͏ ̧s̴ei̵z̛e ͜po̴wer̛,̢ ̛aǹd̀ r͞ei̷nvest s̕u̢r͢plu̡s ́in̕ ̴the͡m̢se͜lves͝.
Th̢is ̵is t̶h̶e ́a͢r̴gume̛n̡t͘ so̡cia̵l̶i͢sm̢ ne̵ed̸s͝ ҉t̀o̡ ̶ma͢ke̕.͝
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57 KB, 339x337
We get it, you just learned how to hive mind and copy ascii shit.
Ẁ̭ͧͪ͐ͭ̍͂͝e̢̲͐̔͊̈́͊͌̑ ̦̮̲̟̘̯̃g͇̳̠̬͎̀ͦ͜e͏̪t̩̺̙̝̊̋͟ ͙̟͖ī͎͖̺̉͗̓t̴̂̉̐́̚,̾ ̹͕͓̔̿ͪ͆͊ȳ̵́ͧô̝̦͈͍ͬͤ̀͋̚ͅu̱͇̯̗̱͛ͅ ̳̼͔̏̎ͫ̀j͇͖̻ͬͥͥ͊ͪͥ͡u̷̙̭̮͈̜ͅș̬͚̒̋̚ṯ̵ ̭̜̌̕l͉͎̫̗̺ͤ̅ͫͦͥ̇e̖̯̫͈a̞͉͗ͣ̿̓ͨr̛͉̞̙̙̐ͫͥ̾̐n̠̎ͫ̿͌è͈̘͓͕͉̿̾̈́̅ͯ͆d̴ ̺͖͚͇̗̂̀͂ͮ͝h͔̹̻̦̹̐ͥ̔̀̈́o̫͚̖̪͌ŵ̴̋ ͎ẗ̘̝̲́ͮͣó̠͒ͫͯ͊̓͢ ̗̼̪̻͙͙̓ͪͭ̿̽̈́ͭͅh̳ͥ̕i͖̥̖͜v̙͎̰̳̫͎̫e̺͙ͥ̅͌͆͑̎̚ ̶̬̌̅m̴̲̟̳͙̮̫͕̐̐͂ỉ̃ͦͬ̑͛n͕͔̭̠̞̱̑̀ͪͩd̶̹͇̝̭͖ ̡͔̤̩̤̰͉̎ͤ̎͑ͨͫͫa̪̖̹̗͍ͦn͚̤̪̤̜̳̜̐͝d̺̖̣͕̖̗͐̊ͮͩ̐ͪ̊ ̦͙̫̦̄̂̂̓c͈̦͍͙̫̆ͮ͛o̻̘͖̥͓͔̽̄ͩ̇ͬ͝ͅp̫̳̗̜̲̻ͣ͒y̅̅͋̋͟ ̣̥̖͔̙͉̹̂͋ͮ̐ͫ̄ͫ͞a̵̪̤̟̥̟͇ͪ̅̌̎̋͒s̿͐ͪͬ̈́c̨̣̿̈́͐̊̀͒i̤̪̱͐i̥͈̯͎̞͚̇̌́ͥͫ̀ ̺̫̜͎̯̬̾ͫͭ̉͂͝s͍̫ͭͮ̅ͫh͎̦̘͚̗̃̒ͣ̋ͪ̓̓i͍̼͓̟ͅͅt̼̙͒̆͒ͤ.̒̋̒ͦ͢
File: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (250 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
250 KB, 1000x1000
you must be new to elections.

first and foremost hillary won this over a year ago. if you dont understand it you better start educating yourself because you dont know shit.

also why is it that none of you faggots ever talk about the other elected officials that do much more harm than the POTUS will to you?

fuck you kids are stupid.
File: Bernie rally.jpg (181 KB, 680x881) Image search: [Google]
Bernie rally.jpg
181 KB, 680x881
This here is Trump territory you communist tranny cucks, fuck off to reddit
y̸o͞u mus͟t͘ ̡be̴ n̨ew̕ ̀to͠ ́el͢e҉ctio̢n̡s. ͜
̀f͢i̶r͞s̛t an̨d ́fore̸m̡ost h̀íl̴laŕy wo͜n th͞i͏s ov͠er ̧a̸ ͏y̷e̢ar͘ ͠ago. ̧if ̷y͏ơu d̵o͞n͡t͏ ͠u͞n͘der̸sta͜nd ̶i҉t͜ y͏o̴u bętt͝er̡ ̨st͠art ed͟ùcating ̷yo͝ursel̷f bec͢au͜s͘e you̶ dont̵ k͞no͠w ͜s̵hi̛t̵.
a͏ls̛o͢ ͏whý ͠is it̀ t̴h͟at̢ n̵on̶e͞ ̴of̸ yo̡u faggo͜t́s̵ ͜e҉ve͟r̶ ̵t́álķ abo͜u̕t ̷the ͟o͠t̷h҉er̛ elect̨e͜d ̶of͢f̀i͞ci͏als͡ ҉that ͡do̶ m̀uc҉h ̀m͡o͢r̡e͜ h͝a̢r̴ḿ th̸a͘n͏ ̶t̢h̛e ͡PO̶T͢U͢S̴ ̶w҉ill͝ ̨t̨o y̛o̸u͘? ̧
f̀ucķ ̧y̶o҉u ̷kid͏s͟ ͘are ̷st̛upid̨.͘
T̢his h҉e̕re͞ ̡i̧s ͝T̡r̛u̴m͡p te̕rr͘i̕t͝òr̴y͟ yo̶u ͜c͘ommu͏n͠i̕s̵t͠ t͞r͞a̶n̸n̡y̨ çuc̷ks̸,͠ f̸u҉ck o͝f̶f to re͝d̸d͘iţ
>I'd like to contribute a few signs to you because I have many
This is completely inaccurate as well, as it implies socialism is voluntary, that you can choose to contribute if you wish, but do not have to.

I doubt there will be any choice allowed in Bernie's socialism.
and by tumblr and reddit you mean jon oliver from his show? educate yourself before you shit talk faggot
>I'̶d͝ li͡ke t̴o ̸co̸nt͞r͢ibut͘e҉ ͟a ̸few̛ si͜gn̶s̀ to͠ ̧y̸ou be͏caus̷e͘ Í h̡ave͢ man͘y
͏Tḩi̴s ͘i͡s ͘c̸o͝mplet̡ely i͢n̡ac͡c͟u̷ra͡t̷e͠ a͡s ́ẃell,̢ ̸as it̡ ̀i͡mp̵l̕ie̡s s҉oci͢a͢lísm̸ i̶s vo͜lưǹta͟ŕy,͏ tha͝t ́you ̶c̸an c͘hoo͢s͡e t̷ò co͝n̶t͏r̸ibu̢te͟ if you ́wi̴sh,̷ ͟b́ut͜ do ̀no͘t ͠h͡a̷ve̶ ̷ţo͠.

I̕ dou̴b̴t thȩr̷e ͡wi̶ll͏ ҉b̛é any͢ ̀c͡h͠oic͞e ̡al͠l͟o҉w̷ed͝ ҉in͞ ҉B̨e͜r̀n҉ie'̴s s̕o͜c̛i͟ali͢s̢m.̧
a̢nd by͘ ̛tumb̨lr a҉n͞d͠ re҉dd̛i҉t́ you͟ ͘me̵an jon͠ ҉o̶liver ̷f̕r͠o̵m his sho͘w͡? ̶ed͘uc͢ąt͝e ͠ýo͘urs̷e̛lf͡ ͡befoŗe͠ ̕you̶ ͠s̡h̨įt̕ tal͜k͞ ͘f̧a̧g͝g̢òt
Not to mention, how many presidents
Ohio is the birthplace of many presidents
just none recently
N̨̋o̐͑t̀ͭ́͗̊ͥ ͊̋̑ť͆̌̆̀͗ǫ͛̅ͩ ̑mͭ͂͘ẻͭ̒ͤ̚̚n̸͒ͤ̃̿̎ͫ̀tͪ͐҉io̡ͥ̔̓͂̅͂̂nͩ̄͠,̧͌ ͛͑ͥ̌͐̏ͭȟ̶oͦ̇ͤw̍̒̉̉̋ ̂͋̚͜m̋̎ͦ̿a̓̚nͥ̈̊̌̑ͫy͆͒̓̈ͪ̃͜ ̈ͬ̉͗́ͯ͋pͮr͂ͤ͒̽̑ͦ̄eͦͧ̕sͭ̓i̊d̶̎͐e̓͊̑̽n̅͐̽t̋ͩ̊͐s̈̋͆ͤ̃͟
ͭ̿͆҉̸O҉hio is ͏t̨h͟e ̢bi̷rt͢hp̕l̨a͘ce̵ of͠ m͢an̶y͟ pr̴es͠id҉en̴ts
͡j͈̻̜͍u̜̭̖̥̘͔s̱̺͘ṭ̩̣̣ ̦͇n̼̱̯̭͢o҉̰͖̗̖̯̥n̸͖e̡̹ ͚͙͚ŕ̹͈͎͓e͚c̤̘̫̳͟e̯̹͇̬͈͘ṉ̮̗̟ͅt̜̫ļ̩̤̥̝̳ͅͅy̜̳͙͇̞͍
No, that's beyond ASCII. It's unicode
N̡̳͔ͥͤ͑̄̅̔ͯͅõ̙̥͍̟̫ͬ͗̿͊,̣͜ ̺̦̖̱̠̳ͬ̏t̘̞̯ͬ̎͐͜h̗̳̎ͪ̅̆ͮ̈͜a͈͕̺͇̦͎͑͡ͅt̖̮̥̤̹̄̋ͫͫͭ̎͐'̨̯̹̾̍s̗̺͖͢ ͖̭͉̈́̓̾ͪ̔b̠̲̉̽͐e̩̼͇͔̭͙̝ͥy̫̪̪̔ͫͦő̟̗͡n͗d̩̱̱͙̤̫̄̈̂ͅ ̪̰̞̣̜̬͓ͤ̅͒̂ͧ̆̚A̮͕̦̱̹̤̹̾̏̆́S͈̳̥̰̝̲͎ͪ͑͡C̶͍̻̰ͥͭͩ͐I̺Ḯ̢̥̽͌̋.̓̋̄̈́́ ͚̦͖̺̮͔̈́I͕̬ͬͅẗ̵̯̱͕͉̘͙̫́ͬ͋͋̑'͍̞̜̪̻̙ͣͧ̉͞s̊̓͂҉̘ ̑ͫ̃͠u͈̥͙͉͋͐̌ͫ͐̋n̨̻̱͙͇̠̟̻͌̿ͭ̎͗ͩͨĩ̸̼̖͙̜̜̱͓ͭc͕͔̗͈ͫo̮̣̮ͦ͠d̅̈͗̉ͭ̉ę̟̀̄
its not unicode either. there is an actual term for it. and there is many sites that help you do this
I love you.
No homo.
I҉̴̸ ҉̷̸ļ̸̶̛o҉̷̴v̶̀͡ę̸̧ ͜ý̧͟o͏̢̨͡u͜͞ ̶̕͢͡͞t̶̢ǫ͝o̸̶̶̡ ҉̸ąn̢̧͢͡ò̸͟n̷̶͝.̸̢̀̕͜
it͏s ̢͟n̡͢ot̛ ̵un̢͞͝ic̴̛o̵d̴e͘ ̶͢e̸i̢̨t͢h͟e̶͘r̛͘.͞ ̨t́͢h̡e̵͟͡r͢͝e̶͢ ̧i͢s ̕͢ą̵͞ņ̕͠ ̶͢a̕͘͞c͞t̛͘͝úa͡l҉͏̡ ̧te̵͘r̀͜m͟ ̵̀͟f͞o͜͠r̡ ͡it.̵͠ ̧a͢ņḑ͝͡ ̛t͏͞h́ȩ̕r̸̀e̡ ̡̕i͠͡s͘ ̨͞m͞a͡ǹ̸͟y̴͜ ͏̷͏s̴i҉t҉̢̡es ͏th̵̀a͞͏͏t̶̡ ̴̡h́el̴͘͝p̶̸̛ ̕͟͏y̕o͏҉͠u͏͢͢ ̴̴͞d͞ò̴ ̶̧t͠h̕͜i̸̡̕s̢̀
Lol. He already lost bro just give it up.
L̛ol҉.̸ ̧H̸e ҉a̕lŗe͢àd̶y͝ ̛l̸ǫs̶ţ ͝bro ̸jusţ ̢g̛iv͠e ͘it u̡p̵.͟
dubs and bernie dies tomorrow from a stroke
d̨ͧ̈́ͤͤ̾͆ͦͩ̂͘҉͉̱͓̼̰͕ụ͈̱̣̝̪̘̤̊̓̍ͩ̔̓̄̓̀b̵̫ͣ̂̑̉͢s̵̮̹̬̳͉͎̮̩̏ ̖͓̦̰̝̜̩͐ͦͨ͂̀ą̦͓̤̥̙͉̟ͥͨ̂ͦͣ̀ñ̵̨̢͕͈̥̲̼̣̱̓̓d̵̹̟̙̝̓̍̓ͭ̒̀͝ ͚̰ͭͤb͈͎ͧ̇̇̄͑ͧ͜e̛̫̅r͖̬̲̻̰ͤ͂̋ͬ̅̐̀̚n͍̝͉̘̄̔̚͠i̺̯ͭ͋̽̐e̥̙̣̝̪̲͎͙͗ͮ̅̀̃ ̳ͥͥ̐̊͛̏͛̕͘d̜͙̘̰͕̼̰̹ͨͬ̿͐͐̔̍̇͜͝ĩ͖̦͔̬̪̟͙͉͗ͪ͐̒̀e̢͆̋ͥ̈̄͏͓͉̻̝s̛͈̭̹̮͒͗͌́̎ͮ͛ ̰̝̋̐ͯͬ̐ͥͪ͠t̮̦̫͌̂̍͌̄̅͡ŏ͈̺͍ͪ͞͡m̴̯͇̝̩͚̎̊̏͡ŏ̷͕̺͕̺̟̤̠̙̒̓̔͡r̻̜͎͈͉͕͙̞ͮ̂ͤ̅̕r̰͙̖̹̬͐̍̃̑̌͂͢͜o̰͍̲̩͐̋̍̔̒͗̑̓̽́w̵̡̥̩̩̫̺̦̅̏ ̵̲̪͉̋̂ͮ̄͘f̛̝̿ͫ̃̆͂́r̷̲̫̣͔̤ͧ́o̸͎͚͚ͦ̈͆͊ͤͭ̄̚͜m̼͖̦̮̪ͪ̄ͧ͜͡͡ ̵̪̤ͦ̈́̀a̠̺͎ͣ̌̀̑̐ͧ͛̓ ̖̟̾̾ͫ̈ͦ͑̌ͣ͡s̷̱̫̯̰̼̬̘̖͋ͮ̉̒t̵̄ͮ̉҉͙͙͓ŕ̔ͨͬͩ͏̸̫̪̯͉̥͈͡o̧̤̥͌ͥk͔̪͉̖̳͒͆ͥ͌̏ͩ͆͌́͝ḛ̳̺̘̻͔̟ͪͣͭ̅̾
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