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Feminist hate thread anyone

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 151
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Feminist hate thread anyone
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Nothing to contribute with but have a bump.
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The face of the trex at the end made me more sad than any feels thread in the last 5 years
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Dafuq and dafuq2
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I got more
I love seeing this shit because it's not true
Theres no way this isnt a troll
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Alright, how does this in any way link to what I said? You can look it up if you want but you don't get alimony for common law marriages.

As crazy as radfems are this image just isn't true and is hilarious propaganda.
It was more just to show that its not the crazyest thing to come out of there mouth/keyboard and i'm not from Canada so i don't know of thats shit real or not
common laws do exist, not sure about canadas definition of what stands though. Many states in the US have these dumb rules.
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I am from Canada and I know it's bullshit. Even in Ontario where you possibly can get alimony you have to prove that you gave up significant earning potential to be with someone. Just living with someone does not entitle you to half their income.
This chick is not only a feminist but a self absorbed "body positive" type. Not to mention cringy as fuck.
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thanks for the info now I know
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Holy kek
np bro
see false rape accusation are bad.
but rape is also. if this helps woman to seek for help because they see the accusations are takin seriously its a good thing.
many woman suffer also wrong accusations
please tell me this shit isn't real. No fucking way. I refuse to believe that shit is real.
lol that had to be a /b/ro it's a shame /b/ doesn't do shit like this more often like we used to.
this is bait. Clearly those are UK feminists because they are using English, aka England's native language. Nice try fucboi
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Im just gonna leave this here...
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Wot?? new ghostbusters going to be all women?
Well I feel both informed and depressed. This is sick.
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>being this out of the loop.
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Bite me.
>letting women in the military
>this is supposed to be a good thing
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>pay women to be housewives
>they all leave the workplace
>marriage rates rise
>breeding increases
>workplace productivity skyrockets because of all male environment
Why is this bad again?
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another one
because you shouldn't be payed to do nothing
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and another one
Well it's better than having them in the workplace. A step in the right direction
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Who the fuck is going to pay them moron? If you're talking about something like the welfare system, why would women in corporate positions leave their job for $200 a week?
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Because women aren't happy in the workplace you fucknut. If they get a free house and some welfare they'll take it. You ever met a single women who was sweet and happy while working 9-5 5 days a week? They hate it.
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>45 mins with no likes or replies
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Actually yes, I have. Again, who is going to pay for this?
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The taxpayer. It's literally no different to the traditional housewife where the man would pay for all her shit anyway.
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Right, but I don't want to get married so why should I pay for another faggots wife to sit on her ass and watch day time soaps all day
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fatphobic. no im not far phobic im fattist. i hate fat people. i want to make them work put till those chubby chubbers puke their guts out.
This was for you >>673066279
technically that's true - you could use your foot to hold her head down and slam her ugly butt with your dick.
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so you wanna be alone all you're life and not have any children?
What is the fucking point of living then?
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I still don't get what the whole man spreading "problem" is. When chicks put there bags in the seat next to them, and there's no other seats available, just kindly ask them to move it....... Why the fuck would you start a movement or a hashtag over it?
That's not at all what I said.
I fucking hate niggers but I do feel for this guy.
Hope he's doing well now.
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You know you can be happy without risking getting a wife and a kid only for her to fuck the dindu next door while your out at work and then proceed to either accuse you of abuse and rape or divorce your stupid ass and take everything you have you stupid faggot
If you meant that you do not want an official marriage whilst still having a committed relationship and having children then you're post was retarded.
Nice trips,
I doubt it anon , I want to say yeah he's alright , but considering all the bullshit that goes on.... There isn't much hope for it
Did you even see
I wanna rape this bitch hnggg
If you have kids, then taking care of them has great value. If you don't, then she had better damn well be doing something else when all her work is done to contribute, a self-employed hobby business for example.
You believe too many memes. Women could always cry rape and have a man hanged.
Just pick the right woman and you'll be fine.
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That's fucking painful to read.
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> Just pick the right woman and you'll be fine

Enjoy your alimony and child support faggot
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"women are equal to men"
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feminism was invented by jews to distract entitled white people away from them.
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Kinda agree with you but kinda don't yeah anon there may be a bit paranoid but even I see it as a game of mine sweeper you never want to play
>just pick the right woman and you will be fine
How? Crazy comes in all forms , what seems normal can turn around on you one day. Oh well makes the game more interesting I guess, It's time to play Prison or Pussy, Can you get the latter without receiving the former ?
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if anything is EASIER to be a woman. Get a twitch account and a low v-neck and you are making money for just being alive.
I'm all for equality, but I don't see why femenists have to do all this bullshit, when for the most part women and men are equal
>Operation Harpoon
>because they're fucking whales
Women are made to be moulded. He strong and assertive, be the one in charge and things should be ok
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>Pick the right woman
>right woman
Note to self: never take relationship advice from /b/
Still a game of mine sweeper
How do we stop our sons and daughters from being brainwashed by this marxism?
this threas is for hating femenist.
doesnt include all women
>you're post
Really? And if you think the only reason to live is to raise a family your world view is painfully myopic
People need to use google and shit, feminism is a good thing.

Radical feminism is bad and shit, like anything else radical.

Normal feminism is good and is for gender equality, making sure that both sexes have equal rights. Actual feminism isn't all about women and is pretty much the same as egalitarianism.

The retarded tumblr "feminists" aren't feminists.They're just manbashers and bitches looking for a system to blame their faults on. Don't lump them all in the same group.
If you see them talking like on of them just take them out in to the forrest and put some lead in their head. It is the most humain thing too do
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Nu-male detected
I'm not nearly cynical enough to believe that all marriages will fail, but I'm getting there
To be fair she has curves in all places the right and the wrong.
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we could troll them in a new way start a fake campaign or something . Seeing as how they get mad no matter what action we take when it comes to sex calling rape if we do and if we don't and all of the fat shaming bull shit . The Gay Crusade . Convince the tumblr-ites we are going to play for the opposite team because of the feminazi scare tactics. It's difficult to type out an idea fully for me or if I even have a good basis for an idea but I'd like to hear any thoughts and things we can do to fuck with them
Well, of course the fat dietician chooses candy!
>making sure that both sexes have equal rights
Please elaborate on what rights men have that women don't.

I am genuinely curious.
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>actual russian feminists
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Yes goyim, don't breed more whites. Let the all the brown people have 12 kids and overrun your homeland.
This HAS to be fake. There's no way this can be the actual views of a person.
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Let women rape you
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It must be hard typing with walrus-fins
bless russia. they do the same in germany too

> using tits to get noticed bitching about men staring at their tits.
And what is your worldview because it won't last more than 2 generations before everyone is extinct and life itself no longer means anything because there are no intelligent people to assign meaning to it.
The point of life is to create more life, and leave your children a better world than your parents left you.
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>men and women are equal
No, see: all of human history
>feminist has their own logic used against them.jpg
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what the shit
this can't be real
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>You commit rape by refusing to be raped
No way these people are humans.
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Oh god.jpg
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I'm not someone who invests time into studying things like that so I wouldn't know.
The mindset behind feminism isn't just about giving rights to the sex that doesn't, it's also about making sure that the sexes keep the rights that are currently equal.
It's really easy tho. Lots of double entendres in their logic
I'll be fucking dead you asswipe, why the fuck do I care if there are no longer meaning-assigners around to perpetuate their self-righteousness on the world?

The entire species could end tomorrow if I died today and not matter to me in the least.
I've encountered feminists before. They always use rape in their argument. All I say back to them is "Honey, no one wants to rape an ugly bitch like you" and they go AWOL. Fucking hilarious.
Your reading comprehension is horrendous. Did I say that having a family wasn't a reason for living? Slow your road, re-read my post and admit you are wrong.
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You didn't even quote my post, you just pulled words out of your ass because you have grade 2 reading comprehension.Nowhere did I say men and women are equal.
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look it up
it really is
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Ok. Enjoy your depression, cowardice and lack of belonging
And what was the point of your post? You're just telling me my world view is wrong whilst providing no alternative.
>ITT: things that didn't happen
i drive daily rail, i self get often called bad because i remove the bags of other people and put them to the ground to sit down, sometimes i just sit on some bags when i feel the spirit to see the dumb hatefull faces
Equal rights means you consider them equal and therefore deserving of equal rights. Are you a fucking retard?
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Look it
A lot happend (haven't checked everything but this is not facebook and you get called out for bullshiting)
why does it have to be real
When the fuck did /b/ turn into /r9k/?
because of this
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this post always reminds of christians
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actually it's more like:

> be me, Malala Yosoffofofof
> get shot several times
> nearly die
> get taken to english hospital and be repaired by modern medicine
> be used as publicity by england "england is nice, look we fixed poor dead sand girl"
> be used as publicity for anything
> be used
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>8/10 would cri agen
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why sjws are wrong.png
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Here is the complete one for you to save.
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>tis clearly a .png
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>claims we don't have equal rights
>asks for you to elaborate
>"hurhurhur, I'm no expert so I wouldn't know!"
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>Equal rights means you consider them equal and therefore deserving of equal rights
Read what you're fucking writing dude.
Are you saying that the amount of rights you have should be determined by your physical capability? Or that they should be based on past human achievement that has literally nothing to do with you? Nigga I understand if english isn't your first language but you're throwing the word "equal" around with zero fucking context. On what basis are men and women not equal?
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Piggly Wiggly personified.
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>say nazis killed a lot of jews
>someone asks for the name of a family of jews nazis killed as proof of that
>say i dont know because i never got into the specifics
>therefore the holocaust never happened

18+ board kiddo, get through high school first.
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that's my fetish.jpg
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>is feminist
>says you have to accept peoples genders
>gets told this
>man told to fuck himself
Makes me want to kill myself
Get that logical shit out of here
Intelligence, physical prowess, discipline, emotional maturity, discipline, ingenuity, morals
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pic related
>top fucking kek
because she sat down on the toilet in the cinema, duhhh
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Holy fuck you're a retard. That comparison made literally no sense
Do you really want to pressure Western feminists into buying guns?
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And discipline
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Beyond the obvious
>[citation needed]
the way human rights work is not based on merit. Humans should have human rights regardless of your thinking that one of the sexes is inferior.
I've known many men and seen many more without any of those traits and they have all the same rights that everyone else does, as they should.
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>i dont understand
>ill just call him a retard and post epic memes
>that means i win
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>I didn't rape you but I didn't not rape you either
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Just looks like a fat girl accepting that she's fat and dressing accordingly.
Exactly what I thought hey bf looked like, some desperate faggot just trying to get pussy.
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>gouge your eyes out
>"you go girl!"
Kill yourself
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>I'm not fat phobic I'm fattist
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The fuck is that!?
That could be said about any of the other fat women posted on here or any of the fat hate threads. You're clearly not getting the point or reading the hashtags.
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Is this a dinosaur thread? Well it is now.
this and the other pic of that thing wearing a corset looks like cambridge, england. makes sense, children of rich wealthy mummies and daddies who have no clue.
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Dude, she claims to be beyond beauty, she calls herself a model, she thinks she's in the "club" business from what I can tell. She posts the unhealthy ass food she eats and hashtags shit like "bodypositive"
Just a fat girl acting accordingly huh.
Might as well be because they're brains are that small
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That's not fisheye, at all.

I think she confuses disbelief face like "what the fuck is that" with attraction
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Just a daily friendly reminder no ones born gay, youre mentally handicapped and getting removed from the gene pool
Bro tier. He did the right thing.
That's pretty cool of the guy.
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I wanna kill somebody-even myself, after this. What about fat bitches? Shouldnt subways have a fuckin volume limit? Oh no because thats fat shaming
Clearly not shooped
Just because you may be fulfilled by having children, does not mean I, or many others, will.

Furthermore, what is the point of living if all I am expected to do is pump out a unit once or twice in my life?
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Have a good laugh
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ok... so she did a porn?
Bullshit. This is compleat Bullshit.
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actually got me for a second because it's so believable
yea dont post your own god damm comments cause you think your clever.
well that's rude, has nothing to do with feminism and patriarchism and other bs. it's a pretty legit response to me
Oh, I see. It's probably referencing how dark chocolate isn't as bad for you as normal chocolate.

according to this guy >>673073555
they are just fat and dressing accordingly.
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Zozzled and keked holy shit

Errrrrrr fat bitches in oversized scooters blocking the way in the store and i have to backtrack down several lanes to get around them. I want to beat them with my cane it makes my legs hurt so much more
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Oh Man I wish these cucks would get a false rape allegation to be put into prison and butt raped by the guys there. Those fags may enjoy it but I want them to learn the fucking lesson of not sacrificing their manhood and soul for the sake of getting some rusty ass pussy.

Please Oh God, if you are out there, fix at least one fucking mess you incompetent boob!
I kek'd. Not sure what it has to do with my comment but I enjoyed that shit. That chick was fucking nutty as squirrel shit.
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what the fuck is she even fighting for? A succesfull rich woman, who became this way by playing the role of a character from a book written by a very succesfull and rich woman. better fight for feminism cus a men whistled at me, even though im super famous and people act weird around me all the fucking time.
she is asking for money again, this time 200.000
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Guy claimed the only way to be happy is to get married and have kids. He fails to realise women are whores and sluts like the girl who did porn whilst her bf was in serving
I am. I've never liked the hook-up culture, and I only truly start liking someone once I become friends with them. I found the love of my life, and after 2.5 years she said she doesn't feel the same way about me, and I'm still head over heels for her. Now she's already moved on to the next guy, and I don't want to move on. Sex without love is worthless to me, and I've learned the love never lasts, so I'm done with relationships. They cons heavily outweigh the pros.

I don't have a good outlook in general though, so that's probably influenced my thoughts on it. Life only had the meaning an individual gives it, and I've decided life has no meaning, but in too afraid to die, so I'll just drift along til my heart stops of its own accord.
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fucking bitch
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There is more to life than having children. We arent cave people
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>daily mail
Gotta love people who still don't know the difference between their, there, and they're so they use they're hoping they look smart.
>Small brains
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what is that thing?
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All of her comedy is based off being a slut and sleeping with a bunch of guys...
obviously, by incredible, she meant betting 10 reposts on tumblr
Are you that retarded? Someone has to pay the woman, so that'd be from your taxes, which means they'd go up.
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This is the only one I want read on NBC, quoted in movies and spread like AIDS through society in popular feminist shows.
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>thinks that the purpose of life is having a bland ass life with kids.
i live in tampa, my wife is a teacher for hillsborough county public schools, i have 2 kids in school. i've never heard of this.

hillsborough county school board is too busy going bankrupt because the bill and melinda gates foundation fucked them over really good. who honestly give a shit about a love note?

i guess it's real. it wasn't a long lasting story though... because no one around here gave a shit.
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I don't know about Canada but it's true in New Zealand. If you have been in a relationship with someone (includes same sex relationships) for 3 or more years, you are considered de-facto. You have the same legal rights as a married couple.
>be me, poe-faced femininst girlboy
>buy new corset
>fits perfectly
>pick up lunch on way to femboy circlejerk
>as a feminist, I eat too much
>no room for digestion
>mfw I'm touching cloth when the photographer finally shows up
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don't get me wrong here, but if people wanna be fat, so be it. why would you care?

i don't. just like i don't care if people uses or smokes or drinks, unless ofc they are hostile against me but so far no fattie has thrown me burgers
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dumb faggot
>I'm a feminist because my dad's a pussy
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did I tell you ur a dumb faggot?
>behind smoking
i don't see people going apeshit on smokers tho.
again what's the harm done to YOU?
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I can't read this stuff, it angers me so much.


I live and work in bongistan which means I fucking pay for this fat asses you dumb faggot
Did this become a ylyl thread without me knowing?
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read >>673079608

do you see anymosity of any kind toward smokers? damn smokers and their lung cancer, we pay with our taxes for their treatments! they are the biggest expense (according to the article this guy posted >>673079334 ) yet, again, nobody is upset at them. so don't come with this bullshit that it's because it's for tax money because that's hardly the reason here.
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you're all whale cum faggots
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