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Does /b/ actually like this guy? Like, I dont even fucking know

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Does /b/ actually like this guy?

Like, I dont even fucking know anymore.
Uncuckable, unstumpable.
If you disagree with anything he says you're a cuck
>implying anyone actually hates him
that's a no
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He's my bitch. My little bitch...
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OP, you have to understand... most people are actually retarded. Trump even stated, he could do whatever he wanted and say whatever he wanted, and people would still support him. I doubt most of the supporters even know why they're supporting him.

The man is a pathological liar who has failed literally every single business venture he has ever tried to create or go in on by himself. He has had massive bailouts because of who his father was and the family name.

I honestly thought it was a meme or running gag up until not long ago that he was trying to become President. Now, the scary reality is that it's not only true, but this idiot could actually win. I mean actually think about a Trump presidency.

This guy has no fucking clue how to run anything on his own and all of his own ideas tank so horribly that he has to use the family name to bail himself out.

TLDR - People are dipshits
Trump must win
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kneel before the god emperor trump
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Trump Tribute.jpg
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No, trump doesn't exist .
The "trump" see is really a pupet operated by Jim Henson.
Most people on 4chan know this and are in on the joke, there is now actual man named trump running for office, look at you choices when you go to vote, he is not on any ballot.
It's all an internet hoax.
>inb4 people calling me a liar
>inb4 way to ruin it you cancerous newfag
I am based Trump. Here are some Brazzers


Thank me later losers
Who is /b/ voting for? Better not be Criminal Clinton...
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You can't stump Dongald
can confirm, at least one account works
Are those just brazzers or do they have other sites on em?
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>Does /b/ actually like this guy?
fuck no. He's a narcissistic douche-bag who has a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. If his daddy wasn't rich he'd be managing a Golden Coral steakhouse today.
the one i checked was only brazzers.. not sure about the others.
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one was banned other worked
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Damn. Want an Erito pass
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Why is the fact an ancestor of Trump changed his name in 1604 such a forced meme amongst redditfags?
>muh small loan of 1mil
you realize trump made literaly thousands of times more money than his father right? And that becoming a billionaire from just a million dollars is like making a thousand dollars from one dollar? 2/10
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Obligatory "dont do two party system" post

And besides, trump was cucked before he got into politics.
Trump's a fucking idiot
>Trump doesn't matter
>The problem is that millions of Americans have opinions that differ from mine!
>Golden Corral
Whatever you're smoking is some good shit pal
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yeah some success's_protection_mostly_did_the_trick
>ban a religion
>database for his enemies
>torture and more, disregard constitution or separation of powers
>lies with impunity

Trump is running on the Hitler platform. I'm getting at least 40 keks watching us Americans go crazy and fucking elect this asshole.
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self made man BAHAHAHA
lol that pic is fake
typical uneducated bernie voter
>Like, I dont even fucking know anymore.

back to redit or tumblr junior
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