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Draw thread >American Dream edition

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 102
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Draw thread
>American Dream edition
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Not gonna lie, that looks pretty cool.
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More of this please.
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>>>672841281 (You)
>Speaking of gay, draw two gay mice having sex.

I...Is this?
I mean... They have the same sexuality... Is that was gay means? I mean... The homosexual kind of gay....
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Good morning, thread.
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He looks like a main character that I would love to watch transition from a helpless wimp with a tragic back story to a brave hero with a slightly less tragic backstory
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You're a good boy. You're a very good boy. I hope you enjoy feeling all of that cum leaking out of your insides, mind swirling with so much happiness.
>Good morning DP
the only way to start the day
On a scale of one to ten how thirsty are you?
File: sergal.png (687 KB, 2000x2000) Image search: [Google]
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Hi thread, finally finished lining this fuggn doggo

Smut anon this is not ok
anon r u ok
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make him gay and lowkey tortured by it and that's basically what i'm going for
It's his own fault for being such dick-needing cum vampire.
If you're taking requests:

Draw an antelope head butting a jeep through a tree.

With you in it.
Requesting kissy lips.
He should be able to just be gay and be like a power bottom that uses attractiveness as a way to benefit himself, like stage play actors.
I'd definitely watch/read the shit out that, m8
Why you have to give me feels just as I'm going to bed OP? Why?
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Non lewd requests?

I need some warmups.
I didn't draw it, but it's great, isn't it?
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Oh you. I love it!

Also. Taking more goofy /r/s.
Perform a slam dunk
An uppity looking businesswoman having to use a stanky roadside outhouse.
A baseball player striking out.
Do your own version of gay male mouse romancing other gay male mouse?
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>dick-needing cum vampire.
I would suck all the blood n cum
show me your stand
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on it
sounds dynamic.
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>sounds dynamic.
That's what i was going for.
>then who was post?
You probably want to feel so much thick cum oozing down your throat that you're getting bloated, you super horny mega-faggot, and you'd be utterly dominated.
such speed
Drop your drink.
I'd like for him to come out at some point, but at the start he's emotionally tender and too scared to
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Momma sergal wants him to stop being a dirty little wuff.
I'm guessing the love interest is going to be an older man, like a father-figure type character; or a childhood friend around the same age?
Alright, but before not too long he should start fucking people with strength and confidence because God knows that actually does make you more determined (really).
He can't help it. Wolfie just needs to satisfy all of the throbbing hard erections that he can get his paws on.
Make him a strong conservative straight white male instead who supports fascist ideals, and at the moment he's supposed to come out about being gay, he just shouts "JETFEUL CANT MELT STEEL BEAMS!"
North or south?
Uh, north?
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I know. im picking up what your putting down.
eh. ill just make it a cute thing then.
But they rented the building..
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I'd rather draw another young boy, but why not both?

Trying to decide if his junk got messed up in whatever took his leg or if that would be overkill on top of his mental shit. That would make it take longer to get to the fuk, but that means when he finally does let someone in, it would be super passionate and more than just fuk

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Muh dik

Smut too strong
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>what you said is drawn
Whoah. I am really out of inspiration.
wut u watn
Thanks, trinket
You da real mvp
File: Benis.png (160 KB, 2000x1604) Image search: [Google]
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>so much cum oozing down Fishboner's throat
>the thick warmth pleasing his wanting insides
>drop after drop of semen
File: HappyFur.png (170 KB, 581x600) Image search: [Google]
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Hey faggots, taking requests.
Bunny sitting on face pls
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hooman kissy face
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Hey, thanks for doing this one. What's your artist name?
bunny wearing bunny panties
Draw her having a cup of tea! In a restautant.
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Requesting her being romanced and/or dicked by a human guy.
I like it. Thanks Trink.
/r/ you do none of that gay shit and post some fuckin ill shit, bitch
I know this is suppose to be like "dark-feels art" but that actually happens a lot in the show its just never portrayed in such an extreme way because Bob doesn't want to worry his family about his money problems.
Requesting 2 girls trying to fit huge double ended dildo. Can be either vaginal anal or deepthroat cooperation. Would love to see 2 of these characters in it:
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Fuck what do i do with this boner, i need to find fish

File: Bunny.png (91 KB, 720x600) Image search: [Google]
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Is there even one person that would not have sex with a rabbit if they could?
fuck off taith
That rabbit looks like shit
If you ever wanted to elaborate on this as an actual idea I'd switch prosetics to one side. Right arm, left leg just screams FMA. Right arm, right leg screams tragic accident.
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oh ye, i got around to making that tumblr, (suchdeviant)

is that good enough for artist name? or do i need like... a nick? :p

do i get one automatically if i post here enough? I wanna try that.. :o)
I want shota materials of him now.
I actually like NoNick as a name.

Although you could straight-up refer to what you draw and use something like RabbitDicker or BunnyFucker. Hah.
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Really been meaning to do some, this good for now?
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I just called myself SH/SHI .
I am still open for any names who people want to give me.
And I really like that character, original and goofy. Not too detailed
I think Erik meant to make people laugh with it, actually.
The guy who requested it asked for "a man who lost it all", and when asked " in what way" the guy responded with something akin to "like a guy who's lost his restaurant and his wife left him and took the kids with her" etc.

>at least, I think it's funny
You look like a shit rabbit.
almost done.
Nope. We need to see his dick and balls. Totally.

Ideally like we should be seeing some older guy kissing him while jerking him off so much that he blows a load all over his own belly. But that's more of like the gold standard. You know?
Ironically pick a douche-bag name like Chad or Brad.
I'm definitely calling you Wabbit if nothing else sticks
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Here is a sergal I drew earlier this day, again. As practice on sergals.
I actually go with the name "Flufferder" everywhere else.
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i guess nonick it is :D... i'll try respond to it!

judy a best :3, but... alas! I cannot take the credit... no wait... i can? I made judy! :DDD, and also nick. have a nick

or maybe wabbit, i'll try both :D
Screw it, I love Wabbit. Please draw a bunny getting ear petted by some human.
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Taking requests on paper, if any lying around.
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This is horrible
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Could you draw a circus elephant?
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this is taking longer then expected...
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Oh lovely! Nonick (or nick.) Is actually is cool to me.
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Progress. I don't really feel like putting a head in because i really don't know how to draw a head at that angle.
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This is all being saved btw, nais!
Thanks satan
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hmm, also, think i gotta make a script that auto uploads to tumblr, cuz then i don't have to effort. also don't have to think about nuthin! ppl can just go there and see it all!

*rub rub*
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>heavy breathing due of the emotions it got by the idea that it achieved this
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The faces, ermarged.
pat the bunny

pet the bunny
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B-But... I ment it in a good way... Eh... I like the faces.
Let's vote!

Which name:
1. NoNick
2. Wabbit
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its hard to tell sometimes...
>puts the gun away
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Hmmm, maybe
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Still taking too long on the hummens.
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Hey, I am sorry. I wasn't quite clear either. By the way, I really enjoy seeing your stuff around in these threads.
430 blaze it noscope.
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Thank you
oh no
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daw stop. anywho. imma go start my day,
>literally on a weeb image board.
Eey, goodluck.
/b/ is the dick rate and gore board not weeb board ya dingus
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Random = weeb trash

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>yeah, whatever.
working on it now.
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Fuck i'm hitting an artist's wall.
I'll be taking a break for a bit.
post dick?
>Origins of 4chan
>what is it
Walk for me baby! Lets lose our minds and go fucking crazy woah-ho!
Random means random you kikes.
Anything flies in this board
>except mlp trash
moot isn't even here anymore
>an artist's wall
Explain. What are you trying to draw?
Now we have supleme nip leader
drawfags: top 3 bottom 3

>Made by a teenager who was too much of a weeb for Something Awful
>First boards made were about anime, hentai, and random shit (including but not limited to anime and hentai)
>Being surprised when anime shit still happens here

Shit taste
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How are all of ya' fags doing?~
Nope. Peep is literally best. Prove me wrong.
shitty. all these furries are here
Peep is a shit
If Peep is so great then why isn't she here?
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Jam rubs.png
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Fucking poses

Good, all these furries are here
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done with this.
Great proof

I don't need proof to call shit shit
Your God is dead.
Thanks very much, it looks great
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Shoot em up
Would you like to draw that? >>672846366
Be honest here, do you hate peep, or do you just hate this anon for having such a small worldview that they think peep is the best artist to ever grace these threads
>or do you just hate this anon for having such a small worldview that they think peep is the best artist to ever grace these threads
Can you draw a Tribal Warlord with a cracked blade? would like it set in a battle-like scenario.
>the counter attack
you're a cheeky cunt I tell ya hwat...
what the actual fuck dude

but still cool af
File: UndiesBunBun.png (173 KB, 400x986) Image search: [Google]
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This. Finished it somewhat.
I'll pass on that, as usual
requesting a gang of robots
big one tall one and a medium one
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Shotout to you and the other drawfags
>only post i have is repost
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Do you like my vagoo?
Is she in a fucking diaper?
I'll try my hand on it, no promising full scale battle because eeeeeh
i doesn't have to be an all out warzone, 1 on 1 combat is just fine.
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i love drawing
That is lovely. I am about to shower and then leave to musical academy (Practicing singing and dancing.) So I will probably be gone for a while.
I bet you act too, you dramaticalist.
Another details while I'm at it ?
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>bitches and whores
Hello eva
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Ya forgot one
i guess have the main person looming over his combatant, preparing to strike him down. maybe have is set in some sort of bone yard like in one of those "battle to the death" type scenarios.
I could add some more detail but i don't want to overload you too much.
who, goat mundy?
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Yo Turtle, you still do MLP porn or is it a thing in the past? I enjoyed how crazy raunchy situations you'd put those pastel horses in.
No, no, I mean, how the warlord should look like ? Any specific culture or ?
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What's the difference?
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i totally misinterpreted that

Holy shit that's old. No i don't do MLP shit anymore. I don't think i should either seeing how autistic those fuckers have gotten.

Still can't believe i drew that well 3 and 1/2 years ago.
I was thinking along the lines like aboriginal. having him in bone-clad armor, blue pants(i can't think of the type of tribal dress they use at the moment.)
gotta be safe next time.
This pleases the Chrishop
Did you ever see the post about the brony ruining an authentic WII rifle by pairings mlp stuff on it or the guy who boiled mlp toys in his own cum?
so, what it do, fud? how's life treating you?
Holy shit, no i have not lol.
Anon, don't do this to me.
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bronies are so 2013
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It is what it is. Taking the day off of work to handle some shit I needed to do last night but couldn't.
you get it done already or you just chilling a bit before?
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In the middle of some laundry at the moment. Then I gotta take care of some other stuff after that.
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what's great is that brony shit was entirely ironic at first
and it worked

undertale is just straight ............bad.
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I feel sick
Ruined by misspelling of "foreclosed".
jesus christ, how provocative.

>undertale is just straight ............bad.
u talkin shit bout undershit?
alrighty then, keep it cool.
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Just kill me now
Show feet
Holy fuck that sort of pisses me off
Holy shit i need to bleach my brain
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nah not really
after all that's just one of a few extreme cases

>that's nice
>first time i've heard thunder so closely
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Hope its okay

Open for more reqs
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I like it a lot. can i get your name?
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Just call me "eh"
Pretty impressive work.
I'd give you a request but I only want NSFW stuff because I'm a degenerate.
Eh, gotcha. Thank you so much eh. I absolutely love it.
From a degenerate to a degenerate, I like NSFW actually more than SFW.

Just no cancer like furries, tubas of any kind or spam requests because that get old fucking real quick
Not in mood for lewd? Or not feeling like drawing stuff with these four?
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>Just no cancer like furries, tubas of any kind or spam requests because that get old fucking real quick
I like this guy

Seriously, this is something I would have considered, but you have been spamming that for at least 4 months and it's on my black list pretty much forever
I am making single request to specific person, or like just one general request to anybody that feels like doing it.
So I would disagree on spamming part compared to other people.
File: Priscilla-2.jpg (3 MB, 4406x2465) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 4406x2465
In that case, how would you feel about drawing something with Priscilla?
Maybe a footjob or her presenting herself in some form?

I realize it's a tall order so feel free to tell me to fuck off.
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You know, I think he crated something more valuable. There are several of those rifles, but we now also have an object that embodies the nature of the brony movement that took place in the 21th century. In a hundred years this rifle might be more interesting as an historical artifact than before it was painted.
You're full of shit
It doesn't matter. I said you no 2 times already on this thread alone. It comes to a point where I litterally lose respect for anyone drawing that request now.
Ya, bb~
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>a children's show will be more remembered more than world war two
tbh he's probably full of flesh and bones
pop culture isn't a reason to defile a historical artifact though. it's like printing over a manuscript. something is gained, but something that may be more valuable is lost.
I'm serious, the war lasted for a few years, and the rifle used, among many other things, to witness about that, now it witnesses of another phenomenon that also lasted for a few years.

From a historical POV it's OC.
He's talking about that specific rifle, not the entire war you dope
Nope that's retarded
not really, as long as the original purpose of that manuscript is defined

like he was saying, there's dozens of those rifles still lying around somewhere
the fuck does tuba mean in this context
It will never be MORE remembered, there are many other things than that one rifle that will ensure this.

That is common sense. But from a historical perspective the rifle is now an evidence of how crazy people can be over something like a children's TV show.


No it's not, something unique was created from something plentiful and uniform, and I thing future generations will find the pop-culture of today interesting, just like we like to study the mindset of earlier societies.

wtf is wrong with you

The only way this rifle can earn back some of it's value is by shooting down the guy who did that with his extended family.
I guess so. I still hate to see something like that done to an object. it's like putting a dumb-looking spoiler and flames on a vintage car.
interesting concept. it would make more sense that way.
Yo mate, wazzup
What are you up for today?

Oh well, will keep enjoying your stuff from side then, still amazing how you delivered chris stuff in commission quality...
Painting stuff from kids cartoons onto guns is autistic
It's actually not comission quality, it's just a painted sketch but eh.
thanks for adding to his point
doubles of truth
my dick BURNS for JUSTICE
looking at your shitty drawings
dude, he left like a half-hour ago.
*bolter gun sounds*
sry i meant to type 'looking at your shitty drawings and reading all these trash replies'
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>mfw people actually defend horsefuckers
how did you miss out on like half your sentence you fuckin retard
dude, you don't know, mare pussy, best pussy
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bee yourself
I can't be JRHNBR
This is why we can't let faggots get married. These people will demand the right next.
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It's a little to late for that
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the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
just a little more and we'll hit bumplimit

shitpost harder, nobody draw a damn thing
"draw thread"
Quads of truth
No anon. Shorts.
Coloring it now...
Hopefully look better.
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don't mock me
Would someone draw me something with a owl? Get creative!
Favorite irrelevant drawfags?
>Nice trips
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fud, ace, maybe kat. hitori is ok i guess in terms of chill.
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pls no cyberbully or i'll kill myself irl

how do we judge who's irrelevant or nah
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>implying random people that draw for other random people hold any kind of relevance
do it
shadow cuz he's a faggot
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tell muh wife she looked fat in that dress
I mean relevancy in these threads
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my mind isn't in full swing as of yet.
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These threads don't have any relevance. It's a fake high school popularity contest.
but how can it be fake if our eyes aren't fake?
Awesome, thanks.
File: TA TA TA KAMURAaaaAA.png (638 KB, 728x675) Image search: [Google]
638 KB, 728x675
relevant since almost nobody here is over 18
You spelled foreclosed wrong.
Nah, that pic has a happy ending. An Anon on /k/ bought the kar98, cleaned off the paint and restored it.
>stating wild opinions
>"Nah, fact because I say so"

No one in these threads and the threads themselves aren't relevent.
i'm not over 18, you're not wrong. i am 18.
You really love looking stupid don't you
thay are relevant for my hard drive
Good I feel better knowing that
File: takaM UMUMURA.png (495 KB, 649x638) Image search: [Google]
takaM UMUMURA.png
495 KB, 649x638
i don't think you got what i was tryna say mang


>What are you up for today?
Probably gonna do some reading.

>cleaned off the paint and restored it.
>ruined a piece of 21th century pop-culture

WHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, I'M SO TRIGGERED!! Better buy it back and repaint it.
I'd do it
Not the artist.
But I'll be sure to let him know.
It'll still only be a copy of the original though.. It's lost for ever, Anon:'(
I can dream
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